08-24-21 CCMHUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2021 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS (The City Council is provided background information fog° agenda iten2s in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda iten2s are based upon this information as well as: City policy and practices, inputfiron2 constituents, and other questions or information that has not yet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda iten2.) 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Gary Forcier called the meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, Pat May, Chad Czmowski and Dave Sebesta. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, Kent Exner, City Engineer and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, noted that one item needs to be added to the agenda as Item 14.5 to consider suspending the noise ordinance for an event being held on September 12, 2021. Motion by Czmowski, second by Sebesta, to approve the agenda with the additional item noted. Motion carried unanimously. 2. INVOCATION — A moment of silence was held. (The invocation is a voluntary expression of the private citizen, to andfor the City Council, and is not intended to affiliate the City Council with, or express the City Council's preferencefor, any religious/spiritual organization. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the Council or staff) 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY (a) Proclamation — "Welcoming Week" — September 10-19, 2021 Sandy Tracy, 829 Greensview Court NW, presented before the Council. Ms. Tracy spoke on behalf of `Belonging Begins With Us" and noted that more information will be published on various events. Ms. Tracy spoke about the kickoff event for Welcoming Week on September 12, 2021, that is being held at Masonic/West River Park. Ms. Tracy noted that a committee is meeting on a weekly basis to plan events to be held the week of September 10-19, 2021. Doug Hanneman also noted that there are 10 local organizations that are sponsoring this event. PUBLIC COMMENTS (This is an opportunity fog° members of the public to address the City Council. If the topic you would like to discuss is on the agenda, please ask the Mayor if he will be accepting public comments during the agenda item if not a public hearing. Ifyou have a question, concern or comment, please ask to be recognized by the mayor state your name and address for the record. Please keep comments under 5 minutes. Individuals wishing to speakfor more than five minutes should ask to be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, but please refrain fi on2 personal or derogatory attacks on individuals) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Regular Meeting of August 10, 2021 Motion by Christensen, second by May, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. CITY CO UNCIL MINUTES August 24, 2021 CONSENT AGENDA (The iten2s listedfor consideration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally iten2s are not discussed) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA I (a) Consideration for Approval of Change Order No. 1 — Wastewater Treatment Facility Headworks Improvements (Letting No. 3, Project No. 21-03) (b) Consideration for Approval of Crosspoint Church Block Party Event on August 29, 2021 (c) Consideration for Approval of Out -of -State Travel Request for Sgt. Eric Kilian to Attend the National Tactical Officers Association National Conference in Kansas City, Missouri from September 11 — 17, 2021 (d) Consideration for Approval of Client Lease Amendment for RD Machine (e) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 15346 — Resolution Withdrawing from Participation in the South Central Minnesota Regional Radio Board (f) Consideration for Approval of Board Appointments/Reappointments 1. Appointment of Jeri Jo Redman to Public Arts Commission to August 2024 2. Appointment of Kay Johnson to Public Arts Commission to August 2024 3. Reappointment of Renee Kotlarz to HRA Board to August 2026 (g) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Check Register A Item 7(e) was pulled for separate discussion Motion by Czmowski, second by Sebesta, to approve Consent Agenda I with the exception of the item noted. Motion carried unanimously. Council Member Christensen asked if a representative from Hutchinson would still be attending the regional radio advisory board. Chief Tom Gifferson noted that no representatives will attend the meetings any longer. Motion by Christensen, second by Sebesta, to approve Item 7(e). Motion carried unanimously 8. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA II (a) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Check Register B Motion by Czmowski, second by May, with Forcier abstaining, to approve Consent Agenda II. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. 9. CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF WATER & WASTEWATER SCADA SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS (LETTING NO. 6, PROJECT NO. 21-06) (a) Approve/Deny Resolution No. 15342 - Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans and Specifications 2 CITY CO UNCIL MINUTES August 24, 2021 (b) Approve/Deny Resolution No. 15343 - Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner explained the SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) systems improvement project which primarily consists of the removal of existing programmable logic controllers, operator interface terminals, radios and the supply and installation of new PLCs, OITs, radios, and other appurtenances to improve the functionality of the existing control panels within the water and wastewater treatment infrastructure. This also includes providing new SCADA servers/software and implementing operations monitoring redundancies. Project highlights include: replacing obsolete and unsupported controls equipment with industry standard equipment; modifying tower monitoring system by separating electronics from level monitoring sample lines and moving control panels above -grade; implementing tower level monitoring redundancies, with separate instrumentation and monitoring; modifying existing controls to provide additional monitoring and improve operational processes; implementing local operator terminals where they did not exist, providing system control redundancies; improving power backup and monitoring for sensitive electronics; and acquisition and implementation of a new SCADA software platform to improve operator interfaces and result in better technical support availability. The total estimated project cost is $1,995,000. Construction is scheduled for October 2021-April 2022 with final completion scheduled for May 27, 2022. Carol Johnson, 550 Lakewood Drive SW, presented before the Council. Ms. Johnson asked how this project effects the taxpayers and rate payers. Mr. Jaunich explained that there is no added debt for this project. The fund balance and money all ready collected from rate payers will pay for this project. Motion by Czmowski, second by Sebesta, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Christensen, second by Sebesta, to approve Resolution Nos. 15342 and 15343. Motion carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (The purpose of this portion of the agenda is to provide the Council with information necessary to craft wise policy. Includes items like monthly or annual reports and coniniunications f on2 other entities.) 10. REVIEW OF CITY OF HUTCHINSON AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT TRANSITION PLAN FOR ROADWAY CORRIDORS Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner explained that in order to bring infrastructure with City right-of-way into ADA compliance, the City developed an ADA Transition Plan detailing how the organization will ensure that all the facilities are accessible to all individuals. The City ADA Transition Plan seizes the opportunity to improve any ADA non -compliant infrastructure during street reconstruction projects such as annual road reconstruction projects. This plan covers infrastructure and services in City right-of-way and is not intended to address all ADA requirements such as employment or telecommunications. The City has identified specific locations as priority areas for planned accessibility improvement projects. These areas have been selected due to their proximity to specific land uses such as schools, government offices and medical facilities, as well as from the receipt of public comments. The plan will be before the Council in the future for formal approval via Resolution. 11. REVIEW OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY MPCS NPDES/STATE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT John Paulson, Environmental/Regulatory/Project Manager, presented before the Council. Mr. CITY CO UNCIL MINUTES August 24, 2021 Paulson explained that staff has been working with the MPCA on the development of an updated NPDES Sanitary Disposal System Permit. The existing permit expired over four years ago. Re - issuance of the permit was delayed due to the pending revision to the State Water Quality Standards for Class 3 & 4 Waters. Mr. Paulson provided an overview of the permit and the process. Mr. Paulson spoke of Class 3 & 4 water quality standards and phosphorus permit/limits. Mr. Paulson also noted that the MPCA posted for public notice comments on the draft permit. That comment period is open for 60 days and the City must consider and respond to comments received during the comment period of the draft permit. 12. PRESENTATION OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON 2020 YEAR END REPORT Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Jaunich explained that city staff has put together its first ever comprehensive annual city report for the year ending 2020. The intent of this report is to measure the City's "performance" on an annual basis. The report is a collection of department year end reports into one document. It is staff s goal to build upon this report in the years to come. The report will be put on the City's web site and posted on social media. UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 13. APPROVE/DENY RESOLUTION NO. 15345 — RESOLUTION ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT AND REASONS FOR APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A LIGHT - MANUFACTURING BUSINESS IN A C-3 ZONING DISTRICT LOCATED AT 125 MAIN STREET NORTH, MIDWEST INDUSTRIAL TOOL GRINDING, INC, APPLICANT, WITH SPLIT PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Dan Jochum, Planning Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Jochum noted that last month the Council approved an ordinance change to allow light industrial use in the C-3 zoning district with a conditional use permit. Since that time, MITGI has applied for a conditional use permit to relocate their business to the former Shopko site located in the downtown area. Mr. Jochum noted that there was one dissenting vote at the Planning Commission. Mr. Jochum noted that one of the several conditions is that no outdoor storage will be allowed. Eric Lipke, MITGI, presented before the Council. Mr. Lipke noted that he currently has 70 employees, however the proposed site would allow him to triple his employment. Mr. Jochum noted that parking is no issue even if MITGI's employment would triple in size. Council Member Christensen asked about the hours of operation. Mr. Lipke noted that MITGI has three different shifts amongst the current 70 employees. Motion by May, second by Christensen, to approve Resolution No. 15345. Motion carried unanimously. 14. APPROVE/DENY SETTING COUNCIL WORKSHOP FOR 4:30 P.M. ON SEPTEMBER 28, 2021 FOR ANNUAL UPDATE BY THE COALITION OF GREATER MINNESOTA CITIES 11 CITY CO UNCIL MINUTES August 24, 2021 Motion by Czmowski, second by May, to set Council workshop for September 28, 2021, at 4:30 p.m. for annual update by the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities. Motion carried unanimously. 14.5 APPROVE/DENY SUSPENDING THE NOISE ORDINANCE FOR THE WELCOMING WEEK EVENT ON SEPTEMBER 12, 2021, FROM NOON — 4:00 P.M. AT MASONIC/WEST RIVER PARK Motion by Christensen, second by Sebesta, to approve suspension of noise ordinance for Welcoming Week event on September 12, 2021, at Masonic/West River Park from 12:00 pm — 4:00 pm. Motion carried unanimously. GOVERNANCE (The purpose of this portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) 15. MINUTES/REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS (a) City of Hutchinson Financial Report and Investment Report for July 2021 (b) Public Arts Commission Minutes from July 8, 2021 (c) Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority Board Minutes from July 20, 2021 (d) Planning Commission Minutes from July 20, 2021 MISCELLANEOUS 16. STAFF UPDATES Tom Gifferson — Chief Gifferson noted that vandalism has been occurring in city parks, with the most damage being done at Rotary Park. It appears that the damage is being done by unsupervised juveniles and young adults. Matt Jaunich noted that security upgrades are being considered at some local parks. Chief Gifferson announced again that the police communication center (dispatch) will be disbanded on August 31, 2021. There is still 24/7 service and lobby hours open from 7:00 a.m. —11:00 p.m. Monday - Friday with a communication system set up for users that need law enforcement outside of these hours. Kent Exner — Mr. Exner provided project updates on the HAWK crossing system at Hwy 7/1\4ontana Street which is scheduled to go into service in the near future; pavement management program near Rec Center paving should begin tomorrow; Jefferson Street/V Avenue is ready to pave however there are some issues with the contractor — the deadline is September 10, 2021; issues with the sandbar east of the Hwy 15 bridge between the two riffles at the Crow River dam so that is going to be removed. Mr. Exner further noted that watering restrictions are still in effect, which means no watering from 9:00 a.m. — 6:00 p.m. Matt Jaunich — City offices closed September 6, 2021, Labor Day; budget workshop on September 14, 2021, at 4:00 p.m. on general fund budget and tax levy. 17. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE 18. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTE §13D.05, Subd. 3(c) TO DISCUSS THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS: The East Half of Lot 5, Block 9, SOUTH HALF OF HUTCHINSON, according to the recorded plat thereof. CITY CO UNCIL MINUTES August 24, 2021 Motion by Sebesta, second by Christensen, to convene into closed session at 6:50 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by May, second by Czmowski, to reconvene into open session at 7:04 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Christensen, second by Sebesta, to adjourn at 7:05 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Gary T. Forcier Mayor Matthew Jaunich City Administrator