08-23-2021 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes August 23, 2021 Present: Al Barkeim, Connie Dahl, Rhonda Schwarze, Julie Jensen, Dave Husfeldt, Jeannette Meyer City Staff: September Jacobsen, Jenni Behrendt, Lynn Neumann Absent: Kay Yoch, Mike Becker, John McRaith I. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Vice Chair Rhonda Schwarze. II. Secretary's Report: The minutes from last month's meeting were reviewed. One correction was made regarding the Chanhassen Tour. The actual date of the tour is October 13th. Al made a motion to approve the minutes with a second from Connie. The motion passed. III. Monthly Sales Review: September reported that card sales along with a scrubber totaled $31.40 for the last week of the month. All sales money are submitted to finance at the end of the month which includes all crafts, and card sales. IV. Old Business A. Senior Center Tours- Julie reported that the first trip post covid will be to Lake Minnetonka for a boat ride and includes a visit to some flower gardens in Orono. The weather is going to be a bit of concern as well as masks. Masks will be determined by what the venues policy are at the time. A trip to the State Fair is in the works for September 2nd. There are 29 currently registered. As of now it appears masks will be highly suggested for fair goers. Next up will be a visit to St. Paul to watch the Saints play on Wednesday, September 8th. This is Senior/Youth night for those over 65 or under 14. This tour is sold out with a waiting list. October 13th will be the rescheduled trip to the Chanhassen Dinner Theater to see their rendition of "The Music Man." Thirty four of the forty-five seats are sold. November 21 St will have a bus going to the U of M for an indoor Marching Band Concert. A December tour to Orchestra Hall is pending at this time. On January 20th a group will head to Cold Spring to visit their famous bakery and watch a Branson type show at the Event Center. February 14th will bring a trip to Bloomington for lunch and a performance of love songs at a local theater. B. Flag Pole- Donations are actively being pursued to cover the cost of a flagpole. To date a total of $280 has been collected. September has several letters of request mailed out at while Al Barkeim is personally visiting businesses for donations. Country Side Flagpoles was able to purchase the pole for the seniors prior to a huge rate increase as long as the center could make payment by the end of the year. This was a savings of more than $450. The pole will be installed by the end of September. Everyone on the board was asked to help with donation requests in order to fulfill the boards commitment for the pole. VI. Business A. Program Updates- September reported that the SAIL exercise program is back and currently averages 22 participants for each class. Kayaking on August 18th had 13 participants meet at Lake Manuella. Book Club A is doing well while Book Club B needs some new members. The movie for August was well attended. September reported not having the video store in town has made securing movies a bit more difficult. B. The upcoming Fundraising Book and Puzzle sale is scheduled for October 18, 19 and 20th. All funds raised from this fundraiser will go towards the flagpole. Donations of books and puzzles have been arriving at the center. Staff is looking for volunteers to help run the sale. We are requesting two volunteers for two-hour time blocks. So far, we have only a few slots filled. Rhonda Schwarze will be making a monetary request thru Thrivent for advertising purposes. C. Other Items- Lynn Neumann was present to answer any questions the board may have regarding a senior volunteer representing the Senior Center on the Park Board to help make senior voices heard. Anyone interested should contact September. VI. Adjournment: Al made a motion to adjourn at 10: 3 5 am with a second from Dave. The motion passed. The next scheduled meeting of the Senior Advisory Board will be Monday, September 27th at 10:00 a.m. September Jacobsen filling in for John McRaith, Secretary