PC Packet 06.16.20 AGENDA HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, June 16, 2020 5:30 p.m. Hutchinson City Center 1.CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3.CONSENT AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED May 19, 2020 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE PLAN FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO WEST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LOCATED AT 875 SCHOOL RD SW. B.CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY/FINAL PLAT, VACATION OF EASEMENTS AND SITE PLAN AT 327 AND 479 HWY 7 E. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN FOR 1105 BENJAMIN AVE SE. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A.UPCOMING MEETINGS 8. ADJOURNMENT MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday,May 19, 2020 5:30 p.m. 1.CALL TO ORDER 5:30P.M. The May 19, 2020Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Wick at 5:30 p.m.Members in bold were present Chairman Wick (present), Vice Chair Lofdahl (present), Commissioner Garberg (present), Commissioner Wirt (remote in), Commissioner Sebesta (remote in), Commissioner Hantge (present) and Commissioner Forcier (remote in). Also present were Dan Jochum (present), City Planner, Kent Exner, City Engineer, John Olson, City Public Works, John Paulson, City Environmental Specialist, Marc Sebora (present), City Attorney and Andrea Schwartz (present), City of Hutchinson Permit Technician (Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic, the meeting was held via Go-To Meeting for most of the Planning Commission Members) 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE(we will forgo the pledge of allegiance at this meeting due to the feedback from the remote/go-to meeting) 3. CONSENT AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED April 21, 2020. Motion by Commissioner Lofdahl. Second by Commissioner Garberg. Roll call vote: Commissioner Wick - approve Commissioner Lofdahl - approve Commissioner Hantge - approve Commissioner Wirt - approve Commissioner Garberg - approve Commissioner Forcier – approve Commissioner Sebesta - Motion to Approve – Motion to Reject 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. CONSIDERATION OF A LOT SPLIT LOCATED AT 1055 DALE ST SW. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission and gave a brief overview of the project. Mr. Jochum then covered the staff report. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission May 19, 2020 Page 2 Commissioner Lofdahl asked if the applicant would be able to repair the existing garage if needed before a primary structure was built. Dan Jochum replied that yes he can repair (roof, siding, windows, doors). No other permits. Commissioner Garberg Commissioner Wirt asked if there would be any issues if the property was sold before the utilities were installed. The answer is that no additional permits would be issued until utilities are installed (this would be no matter who the owner). Motion by Commissioner Hantge, second by Commissioner Wirt to close hearing at 5:39 p.m. Roll call vote: Commissioner Wick - approve Commissioner Lofdahl - approve Commissioner Hantge - abstain Commissioner Wirt - approve Commissioner Garberg - approve Commissioner Forcier – approve Commissioner Sebesta - Motion by Commissioner Lofdahl to approve with six recommended conditions. Second by Commissioner Garberg. Roll call vote: Commissioner Wick - approve Commissioner Lofdahl - approve Commissioner Hantge - abstain Commissioner Wirt - approve Commissioner Garberg - approve Commissioner Forcier – approve Commissioner Sebesta - Motion to Approve – Motion to Reject Motion approved. Items will be on CityCouncil consent agenda on 05/26/2020. Motion to close hearing – Motion to approve with staff recommendations – Motion to reject 5. NEW BUSINESS A. CONSIDERATION OF A MODIFICATION TO THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR DEVEOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 4 AND A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCEMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 4-21 AND THAT IT CONFORMS TO THE GENERAL PLANS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission May 19, 2020 Page 3 Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission and gave a brief overview of the project. Commissioner Lofdahl asked if the City of Hutchinson would be the developer on this project. The answer is no, there is a private developer. Commissioner Wick questioned the interest rate at 3%. He was ok to move forward on the issue. Just something he noticed. Motion by Commissioner Lofdahl to approve. Second by Commissioner Hantge Roll call vote: Commissioner Wick -approve Commissioner Lofdahl -approve Commissioner Hantge - approve Commissioner Wirt - approve Commissioner Garberg - approve Commissioner Forcier – approve Commissioner Sebesta - Motion approved. Items will be on City Council consent agenda on 05/26/2020. Motion to close hearing – Motion to approve with staff recommendations – Motion to reject B. CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN FOR 1285 HWY 7 W. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission and gave a brief overview of the project. There was note on the circulation for fire truck apparatus. Mike Hauan (Litchfield Building Center) – they do have a civil and structural engineer now on board to take care of some of the issues the City had. If any contaminated soil is found it will require remediation by the property owner/builder. Mike (LBC) also noted that soil borings will be taken. Motion by Commissioner Garberg to approve with six recommended conditions. Second by Commissioner Hantge. Roll call vote: Commissioner Wick - approve Commissioner Lofdahl - approve Commissioner Hantge - approve Commissioner Wirt - approve Commissioner Garberg - approve Commissioner Forcier – approve Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission May 19, 2020 Page 4 Commissioner Sebesta - Motion approved. Items will be on City Council consent agenda on 05/26/2020. Motion to close hearing –Motion to approve with staff recommendations–Motion to reject 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. NONE 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A. UPCOMING MEETINGS – We have 4(?) applications for the June meeting. B. Commissioner Garbergquestioned if the City can do anything about the Mall parking lot. This is a private property that is based out of NJ. Marshalls has stated that they would like major improvements on the parking lot before they will move in. 8. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Commissioner Hantgeto adjourn the meeting, second by Lofdahl. Roll call vote: Commissioner Wick -approve Commissioner Lofdahl -approve Commissioner Hantge - approve Commissioner Wirt - approve Commissioner Garberg - approve Commissioner Forcier – approve Commissioner Sebesta - Meeting was adjourned at 6:08 p.m. DIRECTORS REPORT –PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Dan Jochum, AICP and City of Hutchinson Planning Staff Date: June 19,2020 forJune 23, 2020, Planning Commission Meeting Application:CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR A SITE PLAN REVIEW AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN ADDITION TO WEST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LOCATED AT 875 SCHOOL RD SW HUTCHINSON. Applicant: Independent School District #423 – Daron VanderHeiden, Superintendent SITE PLAN REVIEW AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Brief Description The applicant has submitted applications for a site plan review and conditional use permitfor the addition to West Elementary School, 875 School Rd SW, Hutchinson. The conditional use permit is needed for a school in an R-2 zoning district. Site Plan Review and Conditional Use Permit West Elementary School – 875 School Rd SW., Hutchinson. Planning Commission – 6-16-20 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning:R-2 Medium Density Residential District Property Location: 875 School Road SW, Hutchinson. Lot Size: 13Acres Existing Land Use: Elementary School Adjacent Land Use: High school to North, school property to East, church to South, church and residential to West Adjacent Zoning: R-2 Medium Density Residential District. Comprehensive Plan: Public/Institutional Zoning History: Zoned R-2 since school was built Applicable Regulations: City Code of Ordinances Sections: 154.174, and 154.175 Transportation: Access is off School Road SW Physical Characteristics: Relatively flat, developed as a school campus. Analysis: See the following for analysis on the site plan review and Conditional Use Permit Site Plan: The City Council deems it is necessary and appropriate to require site plan approval of developments in certain zoning districts to preserve and promote attractive, well-planned, stable urban conditions. The following is an overview of site plan considerations. Building: The proposed total square footage of the addition is 67,000 square feet. The maximum building height allowed by ordinance is 35 feet. Please see attached building elevations Setbacks: All setbacks appear to be met. There is going to be a lot line shift of the east property line in the future, as it is encroaching into the Middle School Property. Staff does not have any issues with the lot line shift. Parking/Access/Circulation 316 parking spaces are shown on the site plan. 244 are for normal school day use and an additional 72 are for use with special events at the school.The zoning ordinance requires 4.5parking spaces per classroom. 244 parking spaces appear adequate to cover the parking needs for the school for school days. Schools have the greatest parking needs when there are special events or activities at the school on nights or weekends. The Site Plan Review and Conditional Use Permit West Elementary School – 875 School Rd SW., Hutchinson. Planning Commission – 6-16-20 Page 3 additional 72 spaces will help with this demand.It appears that parking has been maximized on the site in order to accommodate as much parking needs as possible. Staff believes parking will be adequate on site. There are currently three ingress/egress points to the site. The furthest entrance/exit to the south is the main drop off pick up site for the school and is the busiest. Additionally, there is two access points to the parking lot located directly west of the school. The school district is proposing adding another access point to the south of the most northerly access point. The school district is trying to separate traffic the best it can and thinks adding another ingress/egress point would be beneficial. That being said, City Staff does have concerns with adding another access point to an already busy street. Staff’s recommendation is to continue with three ingress/egress point to the site. City Staff can work with the school district/school district representatives to determine how to move forward with potentially three ingress/egress locations. Site circulation appears to be generally acceptable. Having buses dropping off on the east side should be very helpful. Landscaping and Lighting: Staff will be doing a complete landscape plan review at the time of building permit plan review. In reviewing previous projects completed by this developer it appears that, they are very aesthetically pleasing. Per the Zoning Ordinance, lighting installed must be indirect and shall not produce glare on adjacent properties or public right of ways. Stormwater Management/Erosion Control: City Staff has review the stormwater managementplan in detail. The City requires that a Stormwater Management Agreement be executed and recorded by the owner prior to commencing construction. This is required to be recorded for each parcel that a structural stormwater BMP is installed on. This would not apply to the Middle School regional pond area as it is managed by the City. Additionally, a city Excavation/Erosion Control Permit will be required in addition to a State NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit. Conditional Use Permit: The Conditional Use Permit (CUP) is required for a school in an R-2 District. Since the use is already a school staff does not anticipate any issues regarding the conditional use permit as long as the below standards are met. The following are standards for granting a conditional use permit: (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. Site Plan Review and Conditional Use Permit West Elementary School – 875 School Rd SW., Hutchinson. Planning Commission – 6-16-20 Page 4 Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the site plan review, conditional use permit and variance with the following findings and conditions: 1. The site plan is acceptable contingent on the conditional use permit being approved. 2. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. 3. City Staff recommends only three ingress/egress points be allowed onto School Road. 4. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the R-2 district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. 5. Any reconstruction of existing infrastructure within City of Hutchinson easement areas shall be the owner’s responsibility, including improvements and associated costs. This work shall meet all of the City’s engineering standards and be approved by the City. 6. There must be emergency service access around the building that meets the fire code. 7. Moving or relocating any utility services will be at the property owner’s expense. 8. The City of Hutchinson must approve a traffic control plan prior to any construction activity impacting School Road. 9. The City of Hutchinson must be notified 7 days prior to any roadway or utility work that is going to be done within the City right of way. All roadway work must be fully completed to City standards within 10 calendar days of the original disturbance. If the work isn’t fully completed within 10 calendar days, the City reserves the right to have the work completed and invoice/assess the property owner for all associated costs. 10. The City requires that a Stormwater Management Agreement be executed and recorded by the owner prior to commencing construction. This is required to be recorded for each parcel that a structural stormwater BMP is installed on. 11. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. Any expansion or intensification of a conditional use or change to another conditional use requires approval of a new conditional use permit. DIRECTORS REPORT –PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Dan Jochum, AICP and City of Hutchinson Planning Staff Date: June 12, 2020 for June 16, 2020, Planning Commission Meeting Application: CONSIDERATION OF SITE PLAN APPLICATION AND PRELIMNARY AND FINAL PLAT AT 327 AND 479 HWY 7 E HUTCHINSON Applicant: WUHF, LLC SITE PLAN REVIEW ANDPRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT Brief Description The applicant has submitted a site plan review application and preliminary and final plat for the redevelopment of the old HTI Chicken Coop property and the property to the west. The plat has three lots. The chicken coop building and the steel building to the north of it would remain as they are today. The steel building to the north has the potential for an addition to the west side. A new building is proposed to the west of the former chicken coop building. A private street is proposed to provide access to these lots. All of the utilities are proposed to be private as well. Site Plan Review and Plats HWY 7 E Planning Commission – 6-16-20 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: I-1 Light Industrial Property Location: 327 and 479 Hwy 7 E. Lot Sizes: Lot 1: 1.49 acres; Lot 2: 1.45 Acres; Lot 3: 2.07 acres Existing Land Use: Storage/warehouse buildings Adjacent Land Use: Industrial to North and West. Residential to South and East. Adjacent Zoning: R-2 Medium Density Residential to South and East. I-1 Light Industrial District to North and West. Comprehensive Plan: Mixed Use Zoning History: Property had been leased by HTI for many years. Most recently was used as HTI Fab Shop and for boat/RV storage. Applicable Regulations: City Code of Ordinances Sections 153.035 – 153.051 and 154.174 Transportation: The property is proposed to be accessed off the Highway 7 on the West side of the property. The access off the service road will be closed. Analysis: See the following for analysis on the site plan review and preliminary and final plats. Site Plan: The City Council deems it is necessary and appropriate to require site plan approval of developments in certain zoning districts to preserve and promote attractive, well-planned, stable urban conditions. The following is an overview of site plan considerations. Please note this is a redevelopment project and redevelopment projects are more challenging to accomplish due to many factors. Building: There are several buildings on the site. Several will be removed or demolished to complete this redevelopment project. Please see the removal plan for the buildings that are proposed to be removed. There are three other buildings that will be left in place 1) former chicken coop (HTI Fab Shop) 2) Large steel building to the North 3) Cold storage building on NE corner of property. Additionally, an addition may be added to the west side of the large steel building. A new building is proposed west of the former chicken coop. All of the existing buildings, as well as future buildings are proposed to be industrial buildings and will be made of steel and/or concrete. These types of buildings are allowed in the I-1 zoning district. Setbacks: All setbacks appear to be met. It should be noted that any new buildings constructed on this site will need to be at least 75 feet from a residential zoning boundary. Site Plan Review and Plats HWY 7 E Planning Commission – 6-16-20 Page 3 Access/Circulation/Parking Access to the site is proposed from Hwy 7 on the west side of the development. This will be a private street. The applicant has been working with MnDOT to obtain an access permit. MnDOT has reviewed preliminary plans and the developer will have to submit final plans to obtain an access permit. MnDOT would like to keep the width and radii small as possible. A drainage permit will also be required. Site circulation on the private street is less than ideal. Staff would like to see some of the turning radii adjusted to better accommodate truck movements on site. This should be completed prior to building permit submissions. Staff realizes this is a redevelopment project and it is difficult to make everything perfect, however some tweaks are needed to make traffic flow better. Private cross easements will be required to ensure traffic can flow between the various lots. Conceptual parking is shown on the site plan; however, we do not have a detailed description of what uses will be locating in each building. The parking indicated on the plan appears to be acceptable for general industrial development; however, when building permits are applied for staff will be reviewing parking to make sure there is enough. If there is not enough parking available on site for future, uses more will have to be added or the use will have to be modified to fit the available parking. Landscaping and Lighting Site landscaping and lighting will have to meet the minimum standards found in the zoning ordinance. There are already many trees on the east side of the development. More screening should be added to the south side of the development between the existing homes and the development. Per the Zoning Ordinance, lighting installed must be indirect and shall not produce glare on adjacent properties or public right of ways. Utilities None of the proposed utility installations would be City infrastructure. Everything will need to be private utilities because each lot does not front on a public street. There will be no need to dedicate drainage and utility easements to the City because all infrastructure will be private, however private easements for drainage and utility shall be established. Additionally, since the utility services are proposed to be shared, private cross easements for utilities shall be established. Staff would like to note that it does notappear there are any easements for the utilitiesgoing east to East Highland Park Drive and an easement will need to be established for the utilities that are in this area. The utilities going to East Highland Park Drive are considered a “service” and not a main and are the responsibility of the property owner. Stormwater Management/Erosion Control: City Staff has reviewthe stormwater management plan and has several comments. An underdrain shall be included in each dry pond in case native soils do not infiltrate as anticipated. The underdrains should be able to be closed to promote infiltration. If the infiltration rates are not achieved per the stormwater report then evaluation of the cause and mitigation methods will be required. The emergency overflow for the south dry pond appears to flow overland across the side yard of 485 Hwy 7 East. A minimum of 1’ of freeboard should be maintained above the 100-year event elevation to minimize frequency of overflow discharge across aforementioned parcel. A City Excavation/Erosion Control Permit will be required in addition to a State NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit. PLATS The plats as presented meet the minimum size requirements of the I-1 Zoning District for lot area. These plats are somewhat unique in that they have a private street for primary circulation throughout the development. Because of this, all of the lots do not front on a public street. This is not unique for developments with private streets. A similar development with internal private streets and utilities is the Century Court West project currently under construction in Site Plan Review and Plats HWY 7 E Planning Commission – 6-16-20 Page 4 Hutchinson. The only reasonable way to accommodate this project is to have the development served by a private street and utilities. Final Plat Review Criteria After the submittal of the final plat, the Planning Commission shall recommend approval or disapproval of the plat. Failure of the Planning Commission to act upon the final plat shall be deemed a recommendation of approval of the plat. If plat disapproval is recommended, the grounds for disapproval shall be stated in the records of the Planning Commission. A plat shall not be recommended for approval unless it: (a) Conforms to the preliminary plat; (b) Conforms to the design standards set forth in this chapter; (c) Conforms to the adopted Comprehensive Plan; and (d) Is in accordance with all requirements and laws of this state. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the site plan application and preliminary and final plats subject to the following conditions. 1. All streets and utilities within plat will be private. 2. Any new buildings must be setback at least 75 feet from residential zoning boundary. 3. MnDOT must issue an access and drainage permit for the project. 4. Any reconstruction of existing infrastructure within City of Hutchinson easement areas shall be the owner’s responsibility, including improvements and associated costs. This work shall meet all of the City’s engineering standards and be approved by the City. 5. Moving or relocating any utility services will be at the property owner’s expense. 6. There must be emergency service access around the buildings that meets fire code. 7. Turning radii within site must be adjusted to better accommodate truck traffic on the site. 8. Private cross easements for traffic on-site must be dedicated and recorded. 9. Parking requirements need to be met for all future uses on the site. 10. Private easements need to be dedicated and recorded for drainage and utilities. 11. Cross easements rights utilities need to be dedicated and recorded. 12. An easement needs to be established for the utility service going to East Highland Park Dr. 13. Underdrains need to be installed in ponds per City Staff comments. 14. The emergency overflow for the south dry pond appears to flow overland across the side yard of 485 Hwy 7 East. A minimum of 1’ of freeboard should be maintained above the 100 year event elevation to minimize frequency of overflow discharge across aforementioned parcel. 15. Developer is responsible for the cost of retiring all of the natural gas facilities that will need to be retired due to their development. 16. A City Excavation/Erosion Control Permit will be required in addition to a State NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit. 17. The City of Hutchinson must be notified 7 days prior to any roadway or utility work that is going to be done within the City right of way. All roadway work must be fully completed to City standards within 10 calendar days of the original disturbance. If the work is not fully completed within 10 calendar days, the City reserves the right to have the work completed and invoice/assess the property owner for all associated costs. 18. The final plat shall be recorded at the McLeod County Recorder’s Office within 270 days of approval. 19. Building permits will not be issued until the plat is recorded. I > > I> > > > > > > > > 60 > feet > > 26 > > R U 6 > B - > P > > 30 I I > > > >> G FILE NO. > WUHFL 154437 0 > > > 15 R P-BUR U > B - P 30 I scaleI > > > G > > > > R R UB- P U RU B-P> B RU B-P - R UBRU -PB- P P RU RUB-P B-P I C RU B- P RU B-P X > > R UB- P > REMOVAL PLAN > G 7 EAST BUSINESS PARK > > R I R > U U B > B-R - REMOVE CULVERT PU P B - P I > > R U B -> P > G INVESTIGATE SANITARY STUBREMOVE IF NECESSARY R U B - P R U B - P >> > > R R > GU RU > R B B U- -U BP PB - >> - P P I > O F OF P-BUR > FO FO> FO G FO R RU G > B O- G UP MINNESOTA F B - HUTCHINSON, P R G U > >> B > - O P F REMOVE LIGHT POLE G P-BUR R U UNDER B - P 42324 > > > O F R U B - RANDY B. JENNIGES, PELic. No. P > G CX >> T R XPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER O U F E B - P S SALVAGE ANDRELOCATE BUILDINGS. R> U W B - > P > E I MINNESOTA C G G X V X E > REMOVE CHAINLINK FENCE REMOVE OR FILL WELL R XX/XX/XX > C > X X R R U U BG -B> - P Date: P SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT CXR X G CU XX>> D B WOOD FENCE REMOVE & REPLACE CX X - WX P REMOVE CONCRETE APRON X REMOVE GAS SERVICE REMOVE BUILDING > REMOVE BUILDING DX WX > // // // > /G/ // // / / /G/ / / // // > G R R U U B B - - P > P www.sehinc.com PHONE: 320.229.4300P.O. BOX 1717ST. CLOUD, MN 56302-1717 1200 25TH AVENUE SOUTH > R U B REMOVE CATCHBASIN & STORM SEWER - > P > > > G R R U U B -B - P P > R U B - P / / D X / / W X // G > // // // G R R U U > B B - - P P REMOVE SHED P-BUR REMOVE SHEDS > REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER G REVISIONS REMOVE GAS SERVICE > REMOVE WOOD FENCE P-BURP-BUR REMOVE CONCRETE APRON > G P-BUR G PROTECT ALL POWER LINES > > G > ____ ____ DATE ____ BY CLEAR AND GRUB REMOVE GRAVELREMOVE CONCRETEREMOVE ASPHALT G ____ NO. KLF CMM CMM DESIGN TEAM G DRAWN BY:DESIGNER:CHECKED BY: X:\\UZ\\W\\WUHFL\\154437\\5-final-dsgn\\51-drawings\\10-Civil\\cad\\dwg\\sheet\\WUHFL 154437_RM.dwg 5/21/2020 9:54 AM Plot: cmaki 5/21/2020 8:30 AMSave: R U > B - P 60 feet 26 I I I 7 I >I > > >I > > I > 30 > > I> > > > > > > > > > > > > > FILE NO. R WUHFL 154437 U 0 > B - > P > > 15 I I > > > >> 30>> G scale > R > U > > B - R P U > B - P I I > > > G SITE PLAN > > > > RU B-7 EAST BUSINESS PARK P R UB -P> R UB -P RU B-RU PB-P P-BUR R RUB- UBP -P I C RU B- P R UB -P X > > RU B- P > > G GRAVEL PAD FOR OVERFLOWTRUCK PARKING > > R I R > U U B TYPE "S" SURMOUNTABLE> CURB AND GUTTER (TYP)R B- - PU P B - TIPOUT GUTTER P I > > R U B -> P > G R U B - P R U B - P MINNESOTA > > HUTCHINSON, R> R > GU U R > R B B U- U - BP PB - > - P P I > OF O RUF 9 PARKING SPACES B-P O> F FO> FO GFO R R U G > B UNDER O- G P U F B - 42324 VALLEY GUTTER P EXISTING LOADING DOCK R G > U > > B > - O P RANDY B. JENNIGES, PELic. No. F G P-BUR R U B T PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER - P E > TIPOUT TYPE "S" SURMOUNTABLE >> . S O CURB AND GUTTER F R W 10' (TYP)U B - E EXISTING BUILDING P I MINNESOTA EXISTING BUILDING 5' SIDEWALK > V G C X >> 18' (TYP) R E O 18' (TYP)U F BXX/XX/XX R - P R> U B - > P > C VALLEY GUTTER G Date: G X SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT POTENTIAL BUILDING ADDITION 100' X 25' > 5' SIDEWALK C >> 10' (TYP) X R R U U G B > -B - P P 8 PARKING SPACES 1 ADA SPACE1 ADA AISLE SPACE CXR > G CU X> D B CX - W P X > www.sehinc.com PHONE: 320.229.4300P.O. BOX 1717ST. CLOUD, MN 56302-1717 1200 25TH AVENUE SOUTH VALLEY GUTTER D WX > > G G 5' SIDEWALK 2 ADA SPACES > G R 100' X 80' R U U 14 PARKING SPACES B 2 ADA AISLE SPACES B - - P > P > 5' SIDEWALK PROPOSED BUILDING R 5 PARKING SPACES U B - > P > > 35' RADIUS > G R R U U B -B - P P > R U B - P PED RAMP D W X G > VALLEY GUTTER G R U > B - P P-BUR REVISIONS 35' RADIUS RELOCATED BUILDINGS TRUCK PARKING P-BUR > CURB AND GUTTER (TYP) TYPE "S" SURMOUNTABLE GRAVEL PAD FOR OVERFLOW G > FUTURE SIDEWALK P-BURP-BUR R U > BG - P G > ____ > ____ DATE G > ____ BY ____ NO. KLF CMM CMM G DESIGN TEAM DRAWN BY:DESIGNER:CHECKED BY: X:\\UZ\\W\\WUHFL\\154437\\5-final-dsgn\\51-drawings\\10-Civil\\cad\\dwg\\sheet\\WUHFL 154437_SL.dwg 5/21/2020 9:55 AM Plot: kfranklin 5/21/2020 8:31 AMSave: I > > I> > > > > > > > > 60 > feet > > 26 > > R U 8 > B - > P > > 30 I I > > > >> G FILE NO. > WUHFL 154437 0 > > > 15 R P-BUR U > B - P 30 I scaleI > > > G > > > > R R UB- P U RU B-P> B RU B-P - R UBRU -PB- P P RU RUB-P B-P I C RU B- P RU B-P X > > R UB- P > > G 7 EAST BUSINESS PARK OVERALL GRADING PLAN > > R I R > U U B > B-R - PU P B - P I > > R U B -> P > G R U B - P R U B - P > > > R R > GU RU > R B B U- -U BP PB - > - P P I > O F OF P-BUR > FO FO> FO G FO R RU G > B O- G UP MINNESOTA F B - HUTCHINSON, P R G U > >> B > - O P F G P-BUR R U UNDER B - P 42324 > > > O F R U B EXISTING FFE=1076.60 - RANDY B. JENNIGES, PELic. No. P EXISTING FFE=1077.50 > G CX >> T R PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER O U F E B - P S . R> U W B - > P > E I MINNESOTA C G G X V E > R XX/XX/XX > C > X R R U U BG -B> - P Date: P SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT CXR G CU X>> D B C X - W P X > D WX > > G G > G R R U U B B - - P > P www.sehinc.com PHONE: 320.229.4300P.O. BOX 1717ST. CLOUD, MN 56302-1717 1200 25TH AVENUE SOUTH > R PROPOSED FFE=1076.30 U B - > P > > > G R R U U B -B - P P > R U B - P D W X G > G R R U U > B B - - P P P-BUR > G REVISIONS > P-BURP-BUR > G P-BUR G > > G > ____ ____ DATE ____ BY G ____ NO. KLF CMM CMM DESIGN TEAM G QUANTITIES BETWEEN EXISTING AND PROPOSED SURFACES) (CUT: 3,800 CYTOTAL: 2,000 CY LONG COMMON EXCAVATION FILL: 1,800 CY DRAWN BY:DESIGNER:CHECKED BY: X:\\UZ\\W\\WUHFL\\154437\\5-final-dsgn\\51-drawings\\10-Civil\\cad\\dwg\\sheet\\WUHFL 154437_GP.dwg 5/21/2020 9:56 AM Plot: kfranklin 5/21/2020 8:46 AMSave: > 40 feet 26 R U 9 B > - P 20 I > FILE NO. WUHFL 154437 0 CRU XB-P R UB- P RU B-P > R UB -P 10 RU B- P R UB -P RU B-P 20 scale R UB- P R U B-P RU B-> P I C X > > I GRADING PLAN NORTH 7 EAST BUSINESS PARK %% R 41 U % B -> 2 9P 3.. 412 % .- - 8 1 - 0 . 1 - R U B - P R > %U R 6 B> - 7 U . P B 1 - - P % 1 4 . 2 - > > % % MINNESOTA 6 R 2 7 1 .U .HUTCHINSON, R 11 B - - - U P B - P > UNDER % 42324 2 1 . P-BUR > 1 - % RANDY B. JENNIGES, PELic. No. 2 6 . P-BUR2 - T PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER E S . W % 9 EXISTING FFE=1077.50 E 7 . I 1 - MINNESOTA % 8 3 . 2-V EXISTING FFE=1076.60 E R XX/XX/XX % 6 0 . 2 - Date: C SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT X % % 2 2 1 1 . . 1 1 - - % 9 2 . 1 - % PROPOSED FFE=1077.50 3 C 6 . X % 03.1 3- www.sehinc.com PHONE: 320.229.4300P.O. BOX 1717ST. CLOUD, MN 56302-1717 -1200 25TH AVENUE SOUTH CX C X CX % 6 5. 3 - % 0 % 0 .4 12 . - 1 - 1- %57. %00.2- % 7 1 . 3 - PROPOSED FFE=1076.30 % 4 7 . % 2 - 1 9 . 2 - % % 5 4 7 0 . . 2 3 - - REVISIONS % 9 0 . 3 - ____ ____ DATE ____ BY ____ NO. KLF CMM CMM SPOT ELEVATIONS INDICATE BACK OF CURB ELEVATIONS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. DESIGN TEAM NOTE: DRAWN BY:DESIGNER:CHECKED BY: X:\\UZ\\W\\WUHFL\\154437\\5-final-dsgn\\51-drawings\\10-Civil\\cad\\dwg\\sheet\\WUHFL 154437_GP.dwg 5/21/2020 9:56 AM Plot: kfranklin 5/21/2020 8:46 AMSave: > I 40 feet > 26 I> > 10 > P-BUR 20 G > > R UB- P > R UB- P RU B-P > R UB -P R UBFILE NO. -P I R U B-P WUHFL 154437 > > > 0RU B- P> R > U > R UB-> P B - P 10 > I 20 scaleG > > > R > U B R I- UP B - P > > > R U > B - P I % R 1 U BG ->> 2 P . > 2 - > R U B - P R RU U B - BI - P P GRADING PLAN SOUTH R 7 EAST BUSINESS PARK U > B > - % R RR UP UB >- B2> - P P U 6 R . B> - 1 U - P B - P > GG > % G 1 > 4 . > 2 R - > U > B - P I > OF O F > RP-BURRUB-POF OOP-BUR F FO> FO FO O F FO F U G > BG R - G % U RPG 2 R U 1B G U .B - - RP 1 B - P - U P B - PG > >> O F > > MINNESOTA > HUTCHINSON, % 9 3 . 2 - R > > U > O B > F - P R U B G R - U P B - UNDER P > G >> O42324 F - 2 . 1 > 3 % RANDY B. JENNIGES, PELic. No. > EXISTING FFE=1076.60 > O R F U T B PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER - P E R CX U > S B. R - U P G B - >> O W P F E I MINNESOTA V > E R XX/XX/XX C >> X % G 2 1 . G G 1 G > -G % 2 3 . R 4 - U Date: > B R - SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF >I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT R U P BU - B P- P > - 2 . 8 9 % >> C X G > D W X > R G > CX U CXB %Rwww.sehinc.com PHONE: 320.229.4300P.O. BOX 1717ST. CLOUD, MN 56302-1717 -1200 25TH AVENUE SOUTH 3 C XR U 8P > . 3 BU - - B P- P > DW X > DW X > G G G G %00.2- > > G > R U B R - R U P BU - B PROPOSED FFE=1076.30 P- P > > -> %04.7 G > > > R % U % 5 4B R 7- 0 . .R U P 2 3 - BU - - > B P- > > P G > REVISIONS D %53.1- W X R U B R - > R U P U B - B P- P G G DW X > G I > R R U P-BURU B B - - G P P > I ____ > ____ R DATE U B - G P ____ > P-BURBY P-BUR ____ NO. I > KLF CMM CMM G > SPOT ELEVATIONS INDICATE BACK OF CURB ELEVATIONS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. G DESIGN TEAM P-BUR P-BUR P-BUR I NOTE: > DRAWN BY:DESIGNER:CHECKED BY: X:\\UZ\\W\\WUHFL\\154437\\5-final-dsgn\\51-drawings\\10-Civil\\cad\\dwg\\sheet\\WUHFL 154437_GP.dwg 5/21/2020 9:57 AM Plot: kfranklin 5/21/2020 8:46 AMSave: 26 60 feet 11 30 FILE NO. WUHFL 154437 0 2.22 AC (0.43%) 15 EXISTING SHADED IMPERVIOUS SURFACES: 30 scale WUHF LLC EXISTING DRAINAGE MINNESOTA HUTCHINSON, OFFSITE FLOWS STORM SEWER EXISTING UNDER STORM SEWER INLET EXISTING 42324 ARE EXISTING SHADED AREAS SHOWNIMPERVIOUS SURFACES RANDY B. JENNIGES, PELic. No. T PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER STORM SEWER INLET EXISTING E . S W E I MINNESOTA V E XX/XX/XX R Date: SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT STORM SEWER INLET EXISTING www.sehinc.com PHONE: 320.229.43001200 25TH AVENUE SOUTHP.O. BOX 1717ST. CLOUD, MN 56302-1717 EXISTINGSTORM SEWER INLET REVISIONS ____ ____ DATE ____ BY ____ NO. KLF CMM CMM DESIGN TEAM DRAWN BY:DESIGNER:CHECKED BY: X:\\UZ\\W\\WUHFL\\154437\\5-final-dsgn\\51-drawings\\50-Hydro\\WUHFL Ex Drainage.dwg 5/21/2020 9:57 AM Plot: kfranklin 5/21/2020 8:58 AMSave: 26 60 feet 12 30 FILE NO. (56%) WUHFL 154437 0 15 SURFACES: 2.90 AC PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS 30 scale WUHF LLC PROPOSED DRAINAGE MINNESOTA HUTCHINSON, OFFSITE FLOWS EXISTINGSTORM SEWER UNDER STORM SEWER INLET EXISTING 42324 DRY BASIN NORTH DRY BASIN SOUTH RANDY B. JENNIGES, PELic. No. T PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER STORM SEWER INLET EXISTING E . S W E I MINNESOTA V E XX/XX/XX R Date: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF EXISTINGSTORM SEWER INLET www.sehinc.com PHONE: 320.229.43001200 25TH AVENUE SOUTHP.O. BOX 1717ST. CLOUD, MN 56302-1717 EXISTINGSTORM SEWER INLET REVISIONS WET SEDIMENT BASIN ____ ____ DATE ____ BY ____ NO. KLF CMM CMM DESIGN TEAM DRAWN BY:DESIGNER:CHECKED BY: X:\\UZ\\W\\WUHFL\\154437\\5-final-dsgn\\51-drawings\\50-Hydro\\WUHFL Prop Drainage.dwg 5/21/2020 10:22 AM Plot: kfranklin 5/21/2020 9:29 AMSave: 40 > feet 26 21 I > 20 FILE NO. R UB- P RU B-P WUHFL 154437 > RU B- P 0 RU B-P R UB -P R UB- P RU B- P R UB- RP UB- P 10 R UB -P RU B-P R R UB- P U R U B-P> B - P 20 scale I > R U B - P > R U B - P I R U B - > P TURNING MOVEMENTS HWY 7 EAST PROPERTIES R R U UB B- -P P R U B - R RR UP U B >- B -P P U R B > - U P B - P > G > > P-BUR ROP-BUR FO FO FO FO F U G > BG R - U RP GB U - R B P - U P B - MINNESOTA P HUTCHINSON, O F > R U O P-BUR B > F - P UNDER R U B42324 G R - U P B - P UR P-B O F RANDY B. JENNIGES, PELic. No. T PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER E O R S F . U B - P W R CX U E B R - I MINNESOTA U P B V - O P F E R XX/XX/XX C X C X Date: SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT R U B R - R U P BU - B P- P C X C X D www.sehinc.com PHONE: 320.229.4300P.O. BOX 1717ST. CLOUD, MN 56302-1717 1200 25TH AVENUE SOUTH W X CX R C X U CB X R - CX R U P BU - B P- P D WX D WX G G R U B R - R U P BU - B P- P R U B R - R U P BU - B P- P REVISIONS D W X R U B R - R U P BU - B - P P D WX 6.028.475.0 ::: R P-BUR U B - P-BURP 53.00 ____ 45.50 Lock to Lock TimeSteering AngleArticulating Angle ____ DATE 8.008.508.008.50 0.00feet:::: ____ 3.00 BY R U P-BUR ____ NO. B - P P-BUR 19.50 2011 AASHTO WB-67 SEMI TRUCK AND TRAILER 15.00 KLF NOTE: ALL TURNING MOVEMENTS ARE BASED OFF THE 4.00 CMM CMM WB-67 Tractor WidthTrailer WidthTractor TrackTrailer Track DESIGN TEAM P-BUR P-BUR P-BUR DRAWN BY:DESIGNER:CHECKED BY: X:\\UZ\\W\\WUHFL\\154437\\5-final-dsgn\\51-drawings\\10-Civil\\cad\\dwg\\sheet\\WUHFL 154437_TM.dwg 5/21/2020 10:08 AM Plot: cmaki 5/21/2020 8:43 AMSave: R U B R - U P G> B - > O P F 40 feet 26 > 22 C >> X 20 G G G > G R FILE NO. U > B R - >WUHFL 154437 R U P 0 BU - B - P P > 10 >> C X 20 scale G > D W X > CX R G > C X U CXB R - C X UR P > U B - B P- P > DW X > D WX > G G G G > >TURNING MOVEMENTS G > R HWY 7 EAST PROPERTIES U B R - R U P BU - B - P P > > > G > > > R U B R - R U P U B - > B P- > > P G MINNESOTA HUTCHINSON, > D W X R U B R - > R U P BU UNDER - B - P P 42324 G G DW X > G RANDY B. JENNIGES, PELic. No. T PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER E > R S U. B -R PU B W - G P-BURP E I MINNESOTA > V E R XX/XX/XX > R Date: U SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT B - G P > P-BUR P-BUR > > G R> U B R - R U P I BU - B - P P > > > G www.sehinc.com PHONE: 320.229.4300P.O. BOX 1717ST. CLOUD, MN 56302-1717 1200 25TH AVENUE SOUTH > > > R U I B R - R U P U B - > B P- > > P G > D I W X R U B R - > R U P BU - B P- P G G D WX > G I > R P-BURU B REVISIONS - G P-BURP > I > G P-BUR > P-BUR P-BUR 6.028.475.0 I ::: > G > G P-BUR____ 53.00 P-BUR P-BUR 45.50 I Lock to Lock TimeSteering AngleArticulating Angle ____ > DATE 40 feet 8.008.508.008.50 ____ 0.00 feet:::: BY 3.00 ____ > G NO. 20 19.50 2011 AASHTO WB-67 SEMI TRUCK AND TRAILER I 15.00 > KLF CMM CMM 0 NOTE: ALL TURNING MOVEMENTS ARE BASED OFF THE 4.00 WB-67 Tractor WidthTrailer WidthTractor TrackTrailer Track DESIGN TEAM 10 > G 20 scale DRAWN BY:DESIGNER:CHECKED BY: X:\\UZ\\W\\WUHFL\\154437\\5-final-dsgn\\51-drawings\\10-Civil\\cad\\dwg\\sheet\\WUHFL 154437_TM.dwg 5/21/2020 10:09 AM Plot: cmaki 5/21/2020 8:43 AMSave: I > > I> > > > > > > > > > 100 feet > > 26 > > R U > B 23 - > P > > 50 I I > > > >> G FILE NO. > WUHFL 154437 0 > > > 25 R P-BUR U > B - P 50 I scaleI > > > G > > > > R R UB- P U RU B-P> B RU B-P - R UBRU -PB- P P RU RUB-P B-P I C RU B- P RU B-P X > > R UB- P > > G HWY 7 EAST PROPERTIES > SIGNING AND STRIPING PLAN > R I R > U U B > B-R - PU P B - P I > > R U B -> P > G R U B - P R U B - P > > > R R > GU RU > R B B U- -U BP PB - > - P P I > O F OF P-BUR > FO FO> FO G FO R RU G > B O- G UP MINNESOTA F B - HUTCHINSON, P R G U > >> B > - O P F G P-BUR R U UNDER 10' B - P 42324 > > > R7-8 O F 12" X 18" 4" WHITE EPOXY PARKING STRIPING TOTAL: 72 LF R U 4" WHITE HANDICAP LOADINGZONE STRIPINGTOTAL: 118 LF B - RANDY B. JENNIGES, PELic. No. P > 18' G CX >> T R PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER WHITE EPOXY SYMBOL HANDICAP PARKING O U F E B - P S . R> 10' U W B - > P > E 10' I MINNESOTA C G TOTAL: 144 LF G X V 4" WHITE EPOXY E > PARKING STRIPING R XX/XX/XX > C > 18' X HIGHWAY 7 R7-8 TOTAL: 144 LF 4" WHITE HANDICAP LOADING18' ZONE STRIPINGTOTAL: 118 LF 12" X 18"R R 4" WHITE EPOXY U U BG -B> - PARKING STRIPING P Date: P SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT CXR G CU X>> D B C X - W P X > D WX 18' > > G R7-8 G 10' 12" X 18" > LOADING ZONE TOTAL: 144 LF G R R HANDICAP PARKING U U 4" WHITE EPOXY B B - - 4" WHITE HANDICAP WHITE EPOXY SYMBOL P > PARKING STRIPING P www.sehinc.com PHONE: 320.229.4300P.O. BOX 1717ST. CLOUD, MN 56302-1717 1200 25TH AVENUE SOUTH > R STRIPING TOTAL: 118 LF U B - > P > > TOTAL: 126 LF 18' 10' > 4" WHITE EPOXY G PARKING STRIPING HANDICAP PARKING R R U U WHITE EPOXY SYMBOL B -B - P P > R U B - P D W X G > TOTAL: 72 LF G 4" WHITE EPOXY PARKING STRIPING R R U U > B B - - P P R1-1 STOP BAR 36" X 36" P-BUR > 11.5 LF 24" WHITE G REVISIONS > P-BURP-BUR > G P-BUR G > > G > ____ ____ DATE ____ BY G ____ NO. KLF CMM CMM DESIGN TEAM G DRAWN BY:DESIGNER:CHECKED BY: X:\\UZ\\W\\WUHFL\\154437\\5-final-dsgn\\51-drawings\\10-Civil\\cad\\dwg\\sheet\\WUHFL 154437_SS.dwg 5/21/2020 10:09 AM Plot: kfranklin 5/21/2020 8:44 AMSave: STAFF REPORT – PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Dan Jochum, AICP Date: June 11, 2020, for June 16, 2020, Planning Commission Meeting Application:Site Plan for construction of Manufacturing Facility, 1105 Benjamin Ave. Hutchinson Applicant: Systems West SITE PLAN The applicantis proposing building a new steel building that will be used for manufacturing. The building is proposed to be approximately 35,000 square feet. Planning Commission – June 16, 2020 Site Plan Review 1105 Benjamin Ave. SE Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: I-1 (Light Industrial Park) Property Location: Energy Park North Second Addition Lot Size: 7.50 acres Existing Land Use: Vacant Adjacent Land Use: Light Industrial and Agricultural Adjacent Zoning: I-1 (Light Industrial Park) Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Industrial Zoning History: R-1 when annexed per City Ordinance. Rezoned to I-1 in 2010. Applicable Regulations: Section 154.174 Building: The proposed building would be a 35,000 square foot steel structure. The building will be a manufacturing facility. The building will also have a small office and a shipping and receiving area with a loading dock. The proposed design is typical of what is found in an industrial park and should be compatible with future uses. Access, Circulation and Parking: Access to the site will be off of Industrial Boulevard and Benjamin Avenue SE. Employee parking is located north of the Benjamin Avenue access point. There is proposed to be 43 parking spaces, which is 13 more than is required by code. The parking lot will be bituminous material. There is adequate access to the building from a fire protection standpoint. The Fire Apparatus Access Road and Turnaround do not appear to extend to within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of the building and provide a turnaround for dead ends longer than 150’ on the fire apparatus access road as required by the MN State Fire Code. There is a provision allowing this distance to be increased with the provision of an automatic fire sprinkler system, as is proposed, and approval of the fire code official. The designer will need to consult with Chief Schumann to determine an acceptable proposal. Setbacks: The proposed building setbacks and requirements for the I-1 (Light Industrial Park) district are identified below. The plans would meet the building setbacks as follows: Required Structure Setback Structure Setback Street Right of Way 30feet Meets or exceeds Interior Lot Line 20 feet Meets or exceeds Planning Commission – June 16, 2020 Site Plan Review 1105 Benjamin Ave. SE Page 3 Residential zoning 75feet n/a boundary Landscaping and Lighting: The landscaping plan will be reviewed with the building permit. Lighting will have to be down cast and not shine on adjacent properties. Stormwater Management/Erosion Control: The east entrance has a single catch basin that receives a significant amount of water via sheet flow and roof runoff. This can create a number of problems because of its proximity to the entrance. Winter runoff directed to a drive aisle at an entrance can cause icing issues. The grades adjacent to the catch basin may also allow water to bypass the structure during larger storms directly onto the City street. As I noted, there is going to be a lot of water running to that single point. The addition of curb and gutter would help to more effectively collect and convey storm water to a catch basin located in the gutter line on the edge of the entrance point. The addition of curb and gutter and a catch basin to the east of the building where the surface runoff is being directed would be beneficial to balancing the amount of water that will ultimately be routed to the pond to the north. This is in consideration of the future proposed pavement and building addition (dashed outline on page C3 of 6) that appears to route all future runoff to the north. The City requires that a Stormwater Management Agreement be executed and recorded by the owner prior to commencing construction. This is required to be recorded for each parcel that a structural stormwater BMP is installed on. A City Excavation/Erosion Control Permit will be required in addition to a State NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the site plan review with the following findings and conditions: 1. The proposed building and site improvements shallcomply with the standards of the I-1 district and the Zoning Ordinance. 2. A grading plan shall be revised to address the Staff comments related to sheet flow and roof runoff. 3. Applicant shall ensure fire apparatus and turnaround are acceptable to the Fire Chief. 4. Final landscape plans shall identify the size and species of the plantings and shall be approved by the City Arborist. 5. SAC and WAC fees will be calculated and due at the time of building permit. 6. Exterior doors should be labeled clearly with large letters or numbers for emergency purposes. 7. Approval of a SWMPP and erosion control permits are required prior to construction on site. 8. Applicable permits are required prior to any construction starting on the site. www.schultzengineeringdesign.com 4 HUTCHINSON, MN License No.: 43129Date: 05/11/2020 schultzeng@live.comSartell, MN 56377 Fx: (866) 633-1830Suite 230 3 Brian J. Schultz, PE Ph: (320) 339-066918 South Riverside Avenue 1 2  SITE DESIGN OF 1 NEW FACILITY SCHULTZ ENGINEERING DESCRIPTIONDATENO. Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed RITE WAY I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared20013 CS1 REVISIONS 1"=40' SCALE: PROJECT NUMBER: 160 80 40 0 SITE PLAN CIVIL SHEET INDEXCS1...........................................................................................................................................SITE PLANC1............................. .................................................................STANDARD NOTES & SPECIFICATIONSC2..................................................................................................... .......................STANDARD DETAILSC3..................................................................................................................................GRADING PLANC4.............. ......................................................................................................................SWPPP - NOTESC5.................................................................. ..........................................................SWPPP - PLAN VIEWC6.......................................................................................................................... ..............UTILITY PLAN 2. GRAVEL BASE COURSES SHALL BE ROLLED AND COMPACTED. TEST ROLLING OF THE GRAVEL BASE SHALL BE OBSERVED BY A SOILS ENGINEER TO VERIFYSTABILITY.3. ALL EXISTING BITUMINOUS OR CONCRETE EDGES, WHICH WILL ABUT NEW BITUMINOUS OR CONCRETE SURFACING SHALL BE SAWCUT TO OBTAIN AVERTICAL EDGE.4. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED AT ALL LOCATIONS WHERE NEW CONCRETE ABUTS EXISTING CONCRETE, AND AT ALL LOCATIONS WHERESEPARATE CONCRETE POURS ABUT EACH OTHER.5. CONCRETE PAVEMENT OR APRONS, WHICH ABUT DOORWAY OPENINGS SHALL BE TIED TO THE FLOOR SLAB WITH #4 BARS ALONG THE ENTIRE WIDTH (SHEET C1). TEST ROLLING OF THE SUBGRADE SHALL BE OBSERVED BY A QUALIFIED GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER OR TECHNICIAN. LOCATIONS EXHIBITINGEXCESSIVE RUTTING (PER MNDOT SPEC. 2111) SHALL BE REPAIRED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF AGGREGATE BASE.COMPACTION TESTING IN UTILITY TRENCHES SHALL BE PERFORMED BY AN INDEPENDENT TESTING FIRM.OF THE DOORWAY. SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C2.6. SEE SHEET C1 FOR SPECIFICATIONS REGARDING THE CONSTRUCTION OF PAVEMENTS, AND CURB AND GUTTER. 1. SUBGRADES SHALL BE SCARIFIED AND/OR COMPACTED AS NECESSARY TO ATTAIN THE REQUIRED COMPACTION DESCRIBED IN THE GENERAL NOTES SURFACING NOTES: STREET - 20-FT INTERIOR YARD - 10-FT STREET - 30-FTINTERIOR YARD - 20-FT SETBACKSTOTAL LOT AREA = 7.50 ACRES% IMPERVIOUS AREA = 25.6% SITE INFORMATION ZONING: I-1BUILDING:PARKING LOT/DRIVE:PARKING SPACESREQUIRED: 1 SPACE PER EMPLOYEE ON PRINCIPLE SHIFTNUMBER OF EMPLOYEES ON PRINCIPLE SHIFT = 3030 X 1 = 30 REQUIRED PARKING SPACESPROVIDED: 43 PARKING SPACESIMPERVIOUS AREAIMPERVIOUS AREA = 1.92 ACRES CONCRETE DRIVEWAYENTRANCE AS PER CITYREQUIREMENTS " ) R0 - '" O 0 I0 - R3' E0 : T3 R N: I ) (TR E KE R CT S ( A BK T C E A S B T E GS N IG N I D30'-0" " L D I L I 0 UU BB 1 T T F- F-' -0 3 02 2 3 " 0 - ' 5 1 : "R 0 - ' 5 1 : R (TYP) 24'-0"24'-0" 9'-0" " 30 1 (TYP) 20'-0" 1 - ' 8 4 1 BITUMINOUSPAVEMENT (TYP) BITUMINOUSPAVEMENT (TYP) 9'-0" (TYP)(TYP) 9'-0" 24'-0"ADA RAMPS24'-0" (TYP) 9'-0"SIDEWALK (TYP)9'-0" CONCRETE 9'-0" " 0 - ' GUTTER (TYP) 4B612 CURB & 4 : R ) 7 T 6 E (TYP)(TYP) 20'-0"20'-0" E R T 29'-7" S ( " 7K - ' 7 5 C 27'-0" A B T 5'-0" E S G 5'-0"N I D L I U GUTTER (TYP) 38'-0"B612 CURB & B T F - 0 3 138'-6" THICKENED EDGESIDEWALK (TYP) THICKENED EDGESIDEWALK (TYP) CONCRETEPATIO (TYP) AISLE "NO PARKING" SIGN (TYP) HANDICAP SIGNS W/ ACCESS " ) 2-FT CURB CUTW/ 1-FT TAPERSGUTTER ELEV= 1175.15 0 - R ' 0 RETAINING WALLLENGTH = 40 LFHEIGHT = 0 TO 4-FT " O3 CONCRETEPAVEMENT (TYP)RETAINING WALLLENGTH = 40 LFHEIGHT = 0 TO 4-FT I 0: - R'R 0 E 2 T : N R I ( " 0 30'-0" - K' 0" 20 C - :' AR0 3 B : T R E BITUMINOUSPAVEMENT (TYP) S G N I D L I U B T F - CONCRETE DRIVEWAY 0ENTRANCE AS PER CITYREQUIREMENTS STATUTE 169.346 ($200.00 FINE) AND MN MUTCDCONCRETEPATIO (TYP) 2PROVIDE HANDICAP SPACE SIGNAGE AS PER MNPROVIDE "NO PARKING" SIGNAGE AT THE HEAD OFHANDICAP ACCESS AISLES, NO MORE THAN 8-FTFROM THE HEAD OF THE AISLES 2. 1. HANDICAP SIGNAGE PROPOSEDBUILDINGFFE = 1176.00 38'-6" CONCRETEPAVEMENT (TYP) TO OVERHEAD DOORS SHALL BE TIED TOADJACENT FLOOR SLABS AS PER 10/C2 NOTE: CONCRETE PAVEMENT ADJACENT 138'-6" " 20-FT BUILDING SETBACK (INTERIOR)" 1 0 1- ' - ' 0 0 2 2 www.schultzengineeringdesign.com 4 HUTCHINSON, MN License No.: 43129Date: 05/11/2020 schultzeng@live.comSartell, MN 56377 Fx: (866) 633-1830Suite 230 3 Brian J. Schultz, PE Ph: (320) 339-066918 South Riverside Avenue 6 2  SITE DESIGN OF 1 NEW FACILITY SCHULTZ ENGINEERING DESCRIPTIONDATENO. Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed RITE WAY C3 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared20013 REVISIONS 1"=40' SCALE: PROJECT NUMBER: 160 80 40 0 GRADING PLAN SANITARY STRUCTURES. LOCATION AND SIZE OF EXISTING SANITARY, WATER, AND STORM SEWER STUBS, AND EXISTING GRADES SHALL ALSO BEVERIFIED.2. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION WAS PROVIDED BY SYSTEMS WEST, INC., LITCHFIELD, MN. (320) 693-8779. PUBLIC UTILITY INFORMATIONIS BASED ON AS-BUILT RECORD DRAWINGS PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON.3. BENCHMARK: CONTACT SYSTEMS WEST, INC.4. NOTIFY ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY IF ANY INCONSISTENCIES ARE DISCOVERED BETWEEN ACTUAL SITE CONDITIONS AND WHAT IS SHOWN ON THE5. IF REQUIRED BY THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY, THE OWNER OR CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A PLUMBING PERMIT6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER ONE CALL AT (800) 252-1166 FOR A UTILITY LOCATE PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION ANDVERIFY LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES BEFORE BEGINNING WORK.7. SEE SHEET C2 FOR STANDARD DETAILS.8. ALL LENGTHS OF STORM SEWER OR CULVERT PIPE SPECIFIED ON THIS PLAN INCLUDE THE LENGTHS OF ANY ASSOCIATED FLARED END SECTIONS.TOP-OF-BLOCK ELEVATION. 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS INCLUDING LOCATIONS, AND RIM AND INVERT ELEVATIONS, OF EXISTING DRAINAGE ANDPLANS, WHICH ARE SIGNIFICANT ENOUGH TO ALTER THE INTENT OF THE DRAWINGS.PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF ANY STORM SEWER UTILITIES. GRADING NOTES:9. TRASH GUARDS SHALL BE INSTALLED ON ALL STORM SEWER END SECTIONS.10. FINISHED ELEVATIONS OF LAWN/GREEN AREAS ADJACENT TO BUILDINGS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 6" BELOW FINISHED FLOOR ORCALCULATIONS COMPLETED BY THE CONTRACTORBACKGROUND, AND SHALL BE VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN THE FIELD. 11. CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM CALCULATIONS TO VERIFY EARTHWORK QUANTITIES. CONTRACTOR'S BID SHALL BE BASED ON EARTHWORK12. SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE FLOW LINE AND/OR FINISHED GRADES, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. TOP OF CURB ELEVATIONS ARE 6" ABOVE THEFLOW LINE SPOT ELEVATION SHOWN ON THE PLANS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.13. "EX-FL" DENOTES EXISTING GUTTER FLOWLINE SPOT ELEVATIONS.14. ALL PROPOSED ELEVATIONS ARE TOP OF PAVING OR GUTTER, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PROPOSED ELEVATIONS ARE INTENDED TO PROVIDEPOSITIVE DRAINAGE TOWARDS CATCH BASINS AND/OR OUTLETS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE THE REQUIREDELEVATIONS, WHICH WILL PROMOTE POSITIVE DRAINAGE THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT SITE.15. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTRACT WITH A LICENSED STRUCTURAL ENGINEER FOR DESIGN OF ANY RETAINING WALLS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN.16. LINEAR FOOTAGE AND HEIGHTS OF ANY RETAINING WALLS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE ESTIMATED, BASED ON THE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY CONNECT TO EXISTING 15" RCP STORM SEWER STUBINV = 1162.11(FIELD VERIFY) STMH1 (48" ID) RIM = 1167.70INV = 1162.11 CONSTRUCT BERMTO DIRECT RUNOFFTO CB2 (TYP) EX-FL EX-FL CONSTRUCT BERM TODIRECT RUNOFF TO24" END SECTION (TYP) 0 17 1 0 117 2 117 0 7 1 1 2 2 7 1 1 7 1 1 0 7 1 1 @ 2.42% 157 LF15" HDPE CB2 (48" ID) RIM = 1169.15INV = 1165.65 4 7 11 2 7 1 1 2 7 1 1 8" SCH 40 PVC@ 2.04% 157 LF 4 7 1 1 4 0 7 7 1 1 1 1 0 7 1 1 4 7 1 1 EX-FL RETAINING WALLLENGTH = 40 LFHEIGHT = 0 TO 4-FT CB1 (27" ID)RIM = 1171.85INV = 1168.85 RETAINING WALLLENGTH = 40 LFHEIGHT = 0 TO 4-FT 2-FT CURB CUTW/ 1-FT TAPERS GUTTER ELEV= 1175.15 6 7 1 1 8 6 1 1 4 7 1 1 EX-FL PROPOSEDBUILDINGFFE = 1176.00 8 24" FLARED END SECTIONINV = 1165.676 1 1 CONNECT TO EXISTING24" RCP STORM SEWER STUB INV = 1165.67(FIELD VERIFY) 6 6 1 1 11741174 1172 72 11174 1 www.schultzengineeringdesign.com 4 HUTCHINSON, MN License No.: 43129Date: 05/11/2020 schultzeng@live.comSartell, MN 56377 Fx: (866) 633-1830Suite 230 3 Brian J. Schultz, PE Ph: (320) 339-066918 South Riverside Avenue 6 2  SITE DESIGN OF 1 NEW FACILITY SCHULTZ ENGINEERING DESCRIPTIONDATENO. Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed RITE WAY C5 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared20013 REVISIONS 1"=40' SCALE: PROJECT NUMBER: NTS NTS 160 NTS 80 10'X10'2. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE WASH LIQUID FROM CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA AND DISPOSE OF PER MPCA REQUIREMENTS WHEN WASHOUT AREA BECOMES HALF FULL.3. CONTRACTOR SHALL SELECT THE MOST OPTIMAL LOCATION FOR THE CONCRETE WASHOUT 1. BOTTOM OF CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA SHALL BE NOTE: FILTER LOGSSHALL BE INSTALLEDPER MNDOT 2573.3J INTERTWINE OUTER MESHAROUND STAKES. 40 CONSIST OF TYPE WOOD FIBER NOTE: FILTER LOGS SHALLBIOROLL PER MNDOT 3897 0 SWPPP - PLAN VIEW SHEETING LINER START OF GRADING OPERATIONS.2. THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE GRADED SUCH THAT POSITIVE DRAINAGE DURING CONSTRUCTION IS PROVIDED.3. THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN SUCH A CONDITION SUCH THAT IT PREVENTS MUD TRACKING OFF SITE. ADDITIONAL ROCK OR REPLACEMENT OF THE ENTRANCE MAY BE REQUIRED PERIODICALLY IF MUD STARTS TO TRACK OFF SITE.4. THE ROCK ENTRANCE MAY BE REMOVED JUST PRIOR TO THE PLACEMENT OF AGGREGATE BASE.PLACED WITHINWASHOUT AREA 10 MIL PLASTIC 1. THE ROCK ENTRANCE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO THE 1' TO 3' 6" S E I R A V W E P O L O F L S " X 2" X 16" WOOD 6"12STAKES EVERY 12" O.C.TO SECURE FILTER LOG6" - 7" FILTER LOG FILTER LOG DITCH CHECK A CHECK SLOT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AT THE TOP4. BACKFILL TRENCH WITH SOIL AND COMPACT SLOPE AND STAPLE THE BLANKET IN AS IN THE TOP TRENCH. OF STEEP SLOPES (4:1 OR STEEPER) WHERE EROSION CONTROLBLANKET IS PLACED AS PER THE FOLLOWING:2. LAY BLANKET END INTO TRENCH3. STAPLE BLANKET IN BOTTOM OF TRENCH EVERY 1 FT5. IF SLOPE LENGTH (L) IS GREATER THAN 100 FT DIG A CHECK SLOT 1/3 FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET 1. DIG 6" X 6" TRENCH AROUND ENTIRE CONSTRUCT BERMWASHOUT AREA NOTES: OF THE STAKE POINTING UPSTREAM2) ENDS OF MULTIPLE LOGS SHALL BE OVERLAPPED A MINIMUM OF 6" WITH BOTH ENDS STAKED 3 2 NTS NTS AGGREGATE 6" CA-1 COARSE END SECTION SHALL BEWRAPPED TIGHTLY WITH SILTFENCE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC (MNDOT SPEC. 3886) STAPLE PLASTICSHEETING EVERY 5' (TYP) PIPE END SECTION 6" BUMP FORKEEPING RUNOFFON SITE TIRE COMPACTION ZONE MACHINE SLICE8" - 12" DEPTH 5' MINIMUM LENGTH STEEL T-POST6' MAXIMUM SPACINGPOST NIPPLES FACES AWAY FROMGEOTEXTILE FABRICGEOTEXTILE FABRIC3' WIDE INSTALL CATCHBASIN PROTECTION SLICED, NOT TURNED OVER.AFTER SILT FENCE INSTALLATION, COMPACT THE SOILOVER IT WITH A TRACTOR TIRE AT LEAST TWICE USE PROPER EQUIPMENT SUCH THAT THE SOIL ISIMMEDIATELY NEXT TO THE GEOTEXTILE BY DRIVING CONCRETE WASHOUT NOTE: PLACING FILTER FABRIC UNDER THE ROCK ENTRANCE MAYREDUCE THE AMOUNT OF MAINTENANCE IT WOULD REQUIRE. TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 1. 2. 5 4 THE DAIMETER 3 2 * GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHALL BEWRAPPED FROM THE BOTTOMOF THE PIPE TO OF THE PIPE CULVERT INLET PROTECTION 6 (50LB TENSILE) OF STEEL POST SILT FENCE (MACHINE SLICED) 3 PLASTIC ZIP TIES AT LEAST 1" APART LOCATED IN TOP 8" MATERIALS PER MNDOT 3886INSTALLATION PER MNDOT 2573.3C1 1 INSTALL CATCHBASIN PROTECTION PERIMETER SILTFENCE (TYP) PERIMETER SILTFENCE (TYP) PERIMETER SILTFENCE (TYP) CATEGORY 20EROSION CONTROLBLANKET (TYP) INSTALL CATCHBASIN PROTECTION 0 17 1 0 117 2 117 INSTALL CATCHBASIN PROTECTION 0 7 1 1 2 2 7 1 1 7 1 1 0 7 1 1 TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCE 4 7 11 FILTER LOG (TYP) 2 7 1 1 2 7 1 1 PERIMETER SILTFENCE (TYP) 4 INSTALL CATCHBASIN PROTECTION 7 1 1 4 0 7 7 1 1 1 1 0 7 1 1 4 7 1 1 6 7 1 1 8 INSTALL CATCHBASIN PROTECTION 6 1 1 4 7 1 1 FILTER LOG(TYP) CATEGORY 20EROSION CONTROLBLANKET (TYP) PERIMETER SILTFENCE (TYP) CATEGORY 20EROSION CONTROLBLANKET (TYP) TEMPORARY ROCKCONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PROPOSEDBUILDINGFFE = 1176.00 8 6 1 1 6 6 1 1 PERIMETER SILTFENCE (TYP) FILTER LOG (TYP) FILTER LOG (TYP) INSTALL CULVERTINLET PROTECTION 11741174 1172 72 11174 1 PERIMETER SILTFENCE (TYP) PERIMETER SILTFENCE (TYP) CATEGORY 20EROSION CONTROLBLANKET (TYP) CATEGORY 20EROSION CONTROLBLANKET (TYP) www.schultzengineeringdesign.com 4 HUTCHINSON, MN License No.: 43129Date: 05/11/2020 schultzeng@live.comSartell, MN 56377 Fx: (866) 633-1830Suite 230 3 Brian J. Schultz, PE Ph: (320) 339-066918 South Riverside Avenue 6 2  SITE DESIGN OF 1 NEW FACILITY SCHULTZ ENGINEERING DESCRIPTIONDATENO. Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed RITE WAY C6 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared20013 REVISIONS 1"=40' SCALE: PROJECT NUMBER: 160 80 40 0 UTILITY PLAN 7. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER, AND ORDERING ASSOCIATED MATERIALS, THE CONTRACTOR'S PLUMBING DESIGNER SHALL PROVIDE THEENGINEER WITH THE TOTAL DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS (DFUs) FOR THE INTERIOR PLUMBING TO VERIFY THE CORRECT SIZING AND SLOPE OF THE SANITARYSEWER SERVICE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A PLUMBING PERMIT FROM THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OFANY SANITARY SEWER OR WATER UTILITIES. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER OR WATER UTILITIES SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL AFTER THE PLUMBING 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION.PERMIT HAS BEEN OBTAINED, AND ANY AND ALL PERTINENT COMMENTS HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED ON THE PLAN AND IN THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. 4. INSTALL SANITARY SEWER SERVICE LINE CLEANOUTS AS REQUIRED BY THE MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE5. SEE SHEET C3 FOR STORM SEWER GRADING, AND SHEET C2 FOR MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS RELATING TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE UTILITIES. 2. IF CONFLICTS ARE DISCOVERED WHERE WATER MAIN CROSSES EXISTING SANITARY SEWER, SERVICE LINES, OR STORM SEWER, THE WATER MAIN SHALL BERAISED OR LOWERED APPROPRIATELY WHILE STILL MAINTAINING A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 8 FEET BELOW FINISHED GRADE.3. INSULATION SHALL BE PLACED AT ALL LOCATIONS WHERE STORM SEWER CROSSES SANITARY SEWER, WATER MAIN, OR ASSOCIATED SERVICES. INSULATIONSHALL CONSIST OF AN 8-FT X 8-FT SQUARE OF 3"-THICK RIGID INSULATION. INSULATION SHALL BE PLACED BETWEEN THE STORM SEWER AND PIPE CROSSING WITH THE EDGES OF THE INSULATION PARALLEL TO THE PIPING AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. UTILITY NOTES:1. WATER MAIN AND ANY WATER SERVICE LINES SHALL BE PLACED AT A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 8 FEET BELOW FINISHED GRADE. EXISTINGHYDRANT CONNECT TO EXISTING6" WATER STUB EXISTINGHYDRANT % 0 . 2 @ C C V V PP " 0 1 4 6 0 9 C "6" 116" GATE VALVE & BOX 6 TOP RISER INV = 1158.04 6" PVC RISERBOTTOM RISER INV = 1152.24 CONNECT TO EXISTING 8" SAN.STUB AT EXISTING CLEANOUTINV = 1152.24 (FIELD VERIFY)STUB PIPE - FIELD VERIFY) (CUT BACK EXISTING EXCESS SAN. % 8 8 . 3 @ C V P " 6 CO3 (CLEANOUT)RIM = 1168.00INV = 1160.00 C V P 0 0 9 % C 8 8" . 6 3 @ C V CO2 (CLEANOUT)RIM = 1173.05INV = 1163.81 P " 6 6" PVC@ 3.88% 12 6" SAN. SEWER SERVICEINV @ BLDG = 1168.00 CO1 (CLEANOUT) RIM = 1175.50INV = 1167.61 6" 22 6" WATER SERVICE W/6" GATE VALVE & BOX2" WATER SERVICE W/2" CURB STOP & BOX (FIRE CONTROL)(DOMESTIC) EXISTINGHYDRANT PROPOSEDBUILDINGFFE = 1176.00