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PC Packet 08.15.17
AGENDA HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday,August 15, 2017 5:30 p.m. 1.CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3.OATH OF OFFICE Oath of Office for Robert Hantge 4.CONSENT AGENDA A.CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED July 18, 2017. 5.PUBLIC HEARINGS A.CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO MOVE IN A DETACHED GARAGELOCATED AT 234 JEFFERSONST SE. B.CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN AND VARIANCE TO REDUCE PARKING STALL SIZE AND STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY SETBACKFOR A PROPOSED HOTEL LOCATED AT 416 PROSPECT ST NE. C.CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE CITYCODE OF ORDINANCES, CHAPTER 154: DYNAMIC SIGNS. 6.NEW BUSINESS 7.UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8.COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A.Upcoming Meetings 9.ADJOURNMENT MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday,July 18, 2017 5:30 p.m. 1.CALL TO ORDER 5:30P.M. The July 18, 2017Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Commissioner Lofdahlat 5:30p.m. Members in bold were present Chair Fahey,Vice Chair Wick, Commissioner Garberg,Commissioner Wirt, Commissioner Lofdahl,and Commissioner Forcier. Also present were Dan Jochum,City Planner,John Olson, City Public Works,Marc Sebora,City Attorney,John Paulson, City Environmental Specialist and Andrea Schwartz, City of Hutchinson Permit Technician 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3.CONSENT AGENDA A.CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED May 16, 2017. Motion by Commissioner Garberg, Second by Commissioner Wirt.Motion approved. Motion to Approve–Motion to Reject 4.PUBLIC HEARINGS A.CONSIDERATION OF A VARIANCE TO REDUCE SIDE AND REAR SETBACK FROM 6 FEET TO 3 FEET TO CONSTRUCT NEW DETACHED GARAGE ON EXISTING SITE LOCATED AT 436 HASSAN ST SE. Dan Jochum, City Planner addressed the Commission. Mr. Jochum reviewed the application as outlined in the Commission’s packets. Mr. Jochum reviewed the definitions of practical difficulties to some of the newer membersof the Planning Commission. Planning Staff has already reviewed this as follows -Reasonableness, yes; Uniqueness, no, garage would fit but is preferred to be moved back; Essential character, yes, there are other “non-conforming” garages in the area. Commissioner Lofdahl asked if othergarages are built prior to zoning ordinance? Yes. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission July 18, 2017 Page 2 Commissioner Wirt questioned if the alley could get pavedin the futureand need to be widened? Alley is currently 16 ft wide and can get tight with plowing and drainage.Itdoes not look like the alley will be paved any time soon. Victoria Langen (applicant) –would like to raise the foundation of the new garage to help with drainagefrom the allyand hoping this will help to have the garage set back fartherfrom the housenot having the grade too high next to the house.She would also like the new garage to look in proportion to the setback of other garages in the area. Mr. Jochum questioned if the garage would be able to be built smaller? Homeowner stated the request isfor the use they need (2 cars and motorcycles). Commissioner Lofdahl questioned if thegarage could be moved a bit and could be made a bit smaller. He does agree with Planning Staff that the request does not meet the hardship of #2. Commissioner Garberg would like to see the 6 ft setback on the ally but would allow the 3 ft on the interior side. Mr. Sebora gave information on the legal aspect of the variance and changing to allow the variance on the sidesetback only. He stated that the Commission needs to be able to justify their decision of hardship. We also need to watch the precedent the Commission could be settingfor other properties in the future. Motion by Commissioner Wirt,second by Commissioner Forcierto close hearing at 6:13p.m. Motion by Commissioner Forcierto rejectthe application and require the 6 foot setbacks. Second by Commissioner Garberg. Motion rejected. Item will be on City Council consent agenda on 7/25/2017. B.CONSIDERATION OF A VARIANCE TO REDUCE THE CORNER SIDE SETBACK FROM 25 FEET TO 11.4 FEET TO REBUILD A DETACHED GARAGE LOCATED AT 605 LYNN RD SW. Mr. Jochum reviewed the application as outlined in the Commission’s packets. Mr. Jochum noted there are large mature trees on the lot that will be effected if the garage is built to the setbacks of the ordinance. Reasonable, yes; Uniqueness, yes, large mature trees in the way; Essential character, yes, other garages in this area are at the same setback and do not hinder drainage.Also noted that the size of the garage is not changing. Motion by Commissioner Garberg,second by Commissioner Forcierto close hearing at 6:21p.m. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission July 18, 2017 Page 3 Motion by Commissioner Garbergto approve with staff recommendations. Second by Commissioner Forcier. Motion approved. Item will be on City Council consent agenda on 7/25/2017. C.CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY/FINAL PLAT AND A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A NEW BUILDING AND ND AN ADDITION TO THE EXISTING BUILDING LOCATED AT 579 2AVE SE. Mr. Jochum reviewed the application as outlined in the Commission’s packets. Mr. Murphy is looking at installing concrete to the south of the addition of the existing building to the meet up with the current street apron. Parking would be made available to the East side of the existing building. 4 parking spots required 1 of them being handicap. Staff has 10 recommendations: 1. Four paved parking spaces are required on site, of which one must be a handicap space. 2. The zoning ordinance requires the parking area and access drives be paved with an all-weather surface such as, concrete or bituminous. The access drives from the street to the front of each building must be a minimum of 24 feet wide and be paved with an all-weather surface. The parking area will also require an adequate drive aisle/turnaround that are paved. 3. The City shall approve a final site layout plan that clearly shows the parking areas and access drives that will be improved with an all-weather surface. 4. The area located between the two existing curb cuts within the right-of-way along 2 nd Ave. SE shall be planted with grass. 5. Any outdoor storage on the site will be required to be screened with a fence. 6. If the appearance of the lot is not neat and tidy or is unsightly, as determined by the City, the conditional use permit may be revised and may be amended accordingly to address these issues. 7. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. 8. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the I/C district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. 9. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. Any expansion or intensification of a conditional use or change to another conditional use requires approval of a new conditional use permit. 10.If the proposed use fails to start operation within one year of the conditional use permit being granted, the conditional use permit shall be deemed null and void and a new conditional use permit must be applied for. Motion by Commissioner Wirt,second by Commissioner Lofdahlto close hearing at 6:37p.m. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission July 18, 2017 Page 4 Motion by Commissioner Forcierto approve with 10staff recommendations. Second by Commissioner Wirt. Motion approved. Item will be on City Council consent agenda on 7/25/2017. Motion to close hearing –Motion to approve with staff recommendations–Motion to reject 1.NEW BUSINESS 2.UNFINISHED BUSINESS 3.COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A.Wick and Garberg attended Commissioner Training. B.Upcoming Meetings Dan Jochum noted that we have noapplicationsfor theAugustPlanning Commission meetingat this timebut the Hotel Project should be on the agenda. Sign ordinance revision may also be on this agenda. 4.ADJOURNMENT Motion by Commissioner Forcier, Second by Commissioner Garbergto adjourn at 6:45p.m. DIRECTORS REPORT –PLANNING DEPARTMENT To:Hutchinson Planning Commission From:Dan Jochum, AICP and City of Hutchinson Planning Staff Date:August 11, 2017, for August 15, 2017, Planning Commission Meeting Application:Conditional Use Permit to move in a detached Garage at 234Jefferson St. SE. Applicant:Glenn Klaphake µ GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning:C-3–Central Commercial District Property Location:234 Jefferson St. SE Lot Size:66’ x 132’ or .20 acres Existing Land Use:Single Family Home Adjacent Land Use And Zoning:C-3–Central Commercial Comprehensive Land Use Plan:LowDensity ResidentialNeighborhood –2 to 4 units per acre Zoning History:C-3 for past 45years. Applicable Regulations:City Code of Ordinances Sections 154.063 Transportation:The property will be accessed Jefferson St. SE and from the alley between Jefferson St. and Hassan St. Physical Characteristics:66’ x 132’ Analysis: The conditional use permit is need to move a building larger than 200 square feet onto the site. It is proposed that a 30’x32’garage be moved onto the site. The garage will required to be setback from the rear and side property lines at least 6 feet. Staff recommends approval of this request. Conditional Use Permit: The following are standards for granting a conditional use permit: (a)The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which isin the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b)The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c)The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring propertyin accordance with the applicable district regulations. Conclusion: 1.The proposed structure is desirable and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood in the subject location as it will be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan future land use designation. 2.The proposed building is not anticipated to have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities, and other matters affecting the public health, safety, and general welfare as the use of the property will remain very similar to the existing use of the property. 3.The proposed building will be designed, arranged, and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordancewith the applicable district regulations, just as they are used today. Recommendation: Staff recommends the approval of this request to the Planning Commission due to the fact that the applicant’s request meets the standards for approving a conditional use permit provided above. If the Planning Commission recommends approval of the applicant’s request, staff suggests the following conditions be part of the approval: 1.The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. 2.The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the C-3 district and the Zoning Ordinance, in addition since this is residential use the setbacks will be 6 feet fromthe side and rear property lines. 3.The Applicant must obtain all necessary permits for any construction that would be needed. 4.The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. 5.The rear alley shall remain clear during construction. DIRECTORS REPORT –PLANNING DEPARTMENT To:Hutchinson Planning Commission From:Dan Jochum, AICP and City of Hutchinson Planning Staff Date:August 10,2017forAugust 15,2017, Planning Commission Meeting Application:CONSIDERATION OFREQUEST FOR ASITE PLAN REVIEW AND VARIANCE FOR COBBLESTONE HOTEL LOCATED AT 416 PROSPECT ST NE, HUTCHINSON. Applicant:BriMark Builders SITE PLAN REVIEWAND VARIANCE Brief Description The applicant has submitted applications for a site plan review and two variancesfor the development of new Cobblestone Hotel and Suites located at 416 Prospect Street NE, Hutchinson.The variance is being requested for the setback distance from the proposed hotel to the Highway 15 right-of-way and areduction in the parking stall size. The hotel is proposed to be a 54 room hotel with access being provided off of Prospect St. NE. Site Plan ReviewandVariances Cobblestone Hotel and Suites –416 Prospect St NE, Hutchinson. Planning Commission –8-15-17 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning:C-2 Automotive Service Commercial District Property Location:416 Prospect St NE, Hutchinson.(NE quadrant of Hwy 7/15 intersection) Lot Size:2.86 acres Existing Land Use:Vacant Adjacent Land Use:Residential to north and east. Industrial to south. Vacant and residential to west. Adjacent Zoning:R-2 Medium Density Residential, R-3 Medium-High Density Residential, C-2 Automotive Service Commercial, I/C Industrial/Commercial. Comprehensive Plan:Low Density Residential Neighborhood Master Plan (HWY 7 Corridor):Commercial/Mixed Use Zoning History:The vast majority of the property was zoned commercial for the past 50 years or so. One small parcel that had been zoned residential was rezoned to C-2 Automotive Service Commercial in April 2016. Applicable Regulations:City Code of Ordinances Sections154.172and154.174 Transportation:Access is off of Prospect Street NE. Physical Characteristics:Irregular shaped lot. The lot is situated on a side hill. Analysis:See the following for analysis on the site plan reviewand variance request. Site Plan: The City Council deems it is necessary and appropriate to require site plan approval of developments in certain zoning districts to preserve and promote attractive, well-planned, stable urban conditions. Thefollowing is an overview of site plan considerations. Building: The proposed building wouldhave a building floor area of 10,496 sq. ft. and is proposed to be three-stories tall with a hip and valley roof.The building is proposed to have a finish of efis stucco (exterior insulation finishing system) and stone accents on a portion of the front of the building (see attached photo).Principal buildings are allowed to be 40’high in the C-2 zoning district.The heightof the structureis proposed to be 35’11’ to the midpoint of the roof. The zoning ordinance dictates the mid-point of the roof is the point of measurement to determine building height. The top of the main roof edge is proposed to be 42’ 4”. The top of the cupola is Site Plan ReviewandVariances Cobblestone Hotel and Suites –416 Prospect St NE, Hutchinson. Planning Commission –8-15-17 Page 3 proposed to be 55’ 2”. It is important to note that the zoning ordinance exempts cupola, steeplesand the like from being included to determine overall building height. It should also be noted that the building features a drive under canopy that is designed for guests to check-in and drop off bags for stays at the hotel.The proposed building would meet all applicable setbacks, besides the required building setback of 30’ to the Highway 15 right-of-wayat the southwest corner of the building. A variance is being sought to reduce the right-of-way setback to the building from 30’ to 22.84’. Staff has some concerns regarding the aesthetics of the building and if they meet the intent of the River Overlay Zoning District the City has adopted for this area. The following are key elements of that ordinance that are relative to this request: §157.03 APPROPRIATELAND USE. (A)Land uses allowed in the overlay district are those identified within the property’s zoning district established by the City of Hutchinson Zoning Ordinance and map. A mix of appropriate land uses is encouraged in the River OverlayDistrict, with an emphasis on commercial uses. Uses should be those that benefit from the high traffic volume and visibility of the corridor while complimenting uses in the downtown. (B)Community objectives include: (1)Enhance the stability of this corridor with a complementary mix of commercial uses appropriate to a growing community; (2)Encourage a variety of uses which will support a community atmosphere; (3)Activate this Main Street intersection with a mix of uses which will draw visitors into downtown; (4)Provide the variety and density of uses that encourage pedestrian activity; (5)Entice travelers and commuters to stop and explore Hutchinson with new opportunities to learn about the city; and (6)Provide for full life-cycle housing with diverse, higher-density, residential uses. §157.06 ARCHITECTURALDESIGN AND QUALITY. (A)New buildings shall be designed and built with consideration for design quality including building height and massing, colors and materials and the character of the architecture. Community objectives include: (1)Require new development to be appropriately designed and scaled to maintain a small town feeling; (2)Complement historic character with building styles appropriate to downtown; (3)Anchor the gateway with new, high quality buildings set on the two north corners of the intersection; (4)Reflect the massing and character of the historic power plant in the new development to express the historic downtown architectural character; and (5)Express a riverfront town character by establishing river view corridors and massing new development to preserve these views, being respectful of the waterfront and adjacent parkland. (B)The following standards shall apply to construction within the River Overlay District to meet community objectives for architectural design and quality. (1)Building design review is required for all new buildings requiring site plan review within the Overlay District to determine if the building meets the community objectives identified above. (2)Architecture of new buildings shall be respectful of riverfront views in scale and design. (3)Building design that reflects traditional historic main street design and traditional store fronts is encouraged, such as two-story buildings with flat roofs, store front windows, easily identifiable main entrances and awnings. Site Plan ReviewandVariances Cobblestone Hotel and Suites –416 Prospect St NE, Hutchinson. Planning Commission –8-15-17 Page 4 (4)Building shall be designed with four-sided architecture, with all four sides receiving design attention, quality materials and exterior treatments. (5)Quality, durable, building materials are required, such as brick, stone, stucco, rock face concrete block and other durable attractive materials. Temporary structures, pole type construction and metal sheds are not permitted. (6)Environmentally friendly/green building design and technology such as green roofs are encouraged. Based on the requirements of the River Overlay Zoning District, staff recommends that the developer utilize a high quality lap siding in addition tothe efis stucco.For example, the Southwest Initiative Foundation at the southwest quadrant of Highway’s 7/15 has lap siding along with brick which makes the building a high quality attractive building. Staff is comfortable with the “cobblestone” on the front of the building and this is also part of the hotel “brand”. One other item that the River Overlay Ordinance notes as a community objective is placing the building right on the north corner of Highway 7/15. Although this is a good urban design principle and would meet the objective of the River Overlay Zoning District, it doesn’t appear to be feasible to the soil contaminationfrom the former gas stations in the area. Staff understands there is some contamination on site and that it is closer to the Highway 7/15 intersection. It isn’t asdifficult to build a parking lot in an area with potential contamination because the parking lot “caps” the contamination, whereas as placing a building on or near contaminated soils would require more clean-up and remediation of the soils. That being said, if the developer runs into contaminated soils during construction they need to be dealt with according to the Response Action Plan on file with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agencyand the City. Because of the soil contamination issues on site, staff is comfortable allowingthe building to be constructed away from the Highway 7/15 Intersection. Setbacks: The proposed buildingsetbacks and requirements for the C-2(Automotive Service Commercial District) are identified below. The setbacks being proposed are also noted: Principal Parking LotProposedProposed Structure or Circulation Structure Parking/Cir. Setback DriveSetbackDr. Setback Street Right of 30feet10 feet22.84’ to W.10feet– Way163’feet to West Side S. Interior Lot Line20feet6 feet34feet–S.32feet– 27feet–N.south side 10 feet –east side As seen in the table above the structure setback of 22.84’ on the southwest side of thebuilding requires a variance because the required setback is 30’. There will be more information regarding the need for variances below. Site Plan ReviewandVariances Cobblestone Hotel and Suites –416 Prospect St NE, Hutchinson. Planning Commission –8-15-17 Page 5 Parking/Access/Circulation 54parking spaces are shown on the site plan. The zoning ordinance requires 1.0 parking spaces per hotel room. Based on this requirement the total number of parking spaces is met. The proposed site also has two handicap parking spaces noted that are within the 54 total parking spaces. According to the Minnesota State Accessibility code three handicap parking stalls arerequired if the total amount of parking spaces in the lot is between 51 and 75. Staff recommends that the developer include one more handicap parking space to the plan. In addition, there appears to be some kind of striped walkway in the center two rowsof parking. Staff recommends eliminating this from the parking lot and using the additional space to make the drive aisle width wider than 24’ on the east side of the parking lot where the access road enters the parking lot. The applicant has requested a variance from the parking stall requirement of 8.5’ x 20’ to 9’ x18’. Staff has reviewed this request and would be comfortable with 9’x19’ in the center area of the parking lot where parking doesn’t butt up to a curb. On the perimeter of the parking lot, the front of vehicles can overhang over the curb making the 18’ stalls acceptable. There is one access point onto the hotel site from the proposed access road off of Prospect St. NE.This access road is proposed to be approximately 26’ wide. There will be no parking along this road. There is sufficient width to accommodate firetrucks and other emergency vehicles. The site circulation appears to be acceptable. Staff has requested that the drive aisle width be increased to approximately 30’ on the east side of the parking lot where the access road meets the parking lot. This will ensure plenty of room for emergency vehicle access. Landscaping and Lighting: The landscape plans submitted appear acceptable at this point besides for a few plant species that should be changed. These changes have been communicated to the developer. It should be noted that the commercial property is required to screen the lot from the adjacent residential property. The zoning ordinance requires this to be done with a fence that is 100% opaque, not less than 8 feet in height. In addition to the required fencing, the fence needs to be screened with coniferous or deciduous plants to soften the appearance of the fence. The developerhas included a fence and appropriate plantings (arborvitaes) to screen the commercial lot from the residential area per the zoning ordinance requirements. Staff has reviewed a detailed photometric lighting plan and this plan appears to meet the requirements of the zoning ordinance. Per the Zoning Ordinance, lighting installed must be indirect and shall not produce glare on adjacent properties or public right of ways. Stormwater Management/Erosion Control: Following the final construction plan submittal and City reviewthe City Environmental Specialist will provide comments that need to be addressed prior to building permits being issued. Variance: Request is for the right-of-way setback from the hotel be 22.84 feet versus 30 feet. Second request is for parking stalls to be 9’ x 18’ instead of 8.5’ x 20’. In order to grant a variance, the request must meet the standards for granting a variance, including the finding of “practical difficulties.” Variances may be granted when the applicant for the variance establishes that there are practical difficulties in complying with the official control. “Practical difficulties” as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner Site Plan ReviewandVariances Cobblestone Hotel and Suites –416 Prospect St NE, Hutchinson. Planning Commission –8-15-17 Page 6 not permitted by an official control; the plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner; and the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Economic considerations alone do not constitute a practical difficulty if reasonable use for the property exists under the terms of the ordinance. The conditions cited as reason for granting a variance must be due to physical conditions unique to the land or building involved and must not be applicable to other sites in the same zoning district.Economic considerations may be taken into account but shall not by themselves be the reason for which a variance is granted. There is a basic “test” to determine if a requestmeets the practical difficulties standard. To constitute practical difficulties all three questions must be answered yes. The following are the factors that must be considered: Practical difficulties “Practical difficulties” is a legal standard set forth in law that cities must apply when considering applications for variances. It is a three-factor test and applies to all requests for variances. To constitute practical difficulties, all three factors of the test must be satisfied. 1. Reasonableness The first factor is that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner. This factor means that the landowner would like to use the property in a particular reasonable way but cannot do so under the rules of the ordinance. It does not mean that the land cannot be put to any reasonable use whatsoever without the variance. For example, if the variance application is for a building too close to a lot line or does not meet the required setback, the focus of the first factor is whether the request to place a building there is reasonable. Staff feels that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner as a commercial business.The property is currently zoned commercial.This question was answered YES. 2.Uniqueness The second factor is that the landowner’s problem is due to circumstances unique to the property not caused by the landowner. The uniqueness generally relates to the physical characteristics of the particular piece of property, that is, to the land and not personal characteristics or preferences of the landowner. When considering the variance for a building to encroach or intrude into a setback, the focus of this factor is whether there is anything physically unique about the particular piece of property, such as sloping topography or other natural features like wetlands or trees. Staff feels the landowner’s problem is unique to this lot.The lot in question has a very unique shape (west side is deep and the east side is very narrow).In addition, the west side of the property doesn’t have a straight north/south property line, the property line jogs to the southeast creating a unique shape.In addition, the lot has topographical challenges that make development more difficult, including the needfor significant retaining walls. This question was answered YES. Site Plan ReviewandVariances Cobblestone Hotel and Suites –416 Prospect St NE, Hutchinson. Planning Commission –8-15-17 Page 7 3.Essential character The third factor is that the variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Under this factor, consider whether the resulting structure will be out of scale, out of place, or otherwise inconsistent with the surrounding area. For example, when thinking about the variance for an encroachment into a setback, the focus is how the particular building will look closer to a lot line and if that fits in with the character of the area. Staff feels this request will not alter the essential character of the locality. Under the context of this request, staff believes the “locality” is the general area around this property. This area is a commercially zoned area andhotelsare very common in commercial areas, in addition, the size of the building and layout of the site is very typical for a commercially zoned area. This question was answered YES. Other factors to consider for granting a variance are is the variance request in harmony with the purpose and intent of the ordinance? Also, is the variance consistent with the Comprehensive Plan? Staff feels that the request is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the ordinance and meets the criteria set forth above to grant a variance. In addition, the Highway 7 Master Plan“guides” this area of the City for commercial development, which is consistent with this variance request. Based on the fact that all three questions above were answered yes, staff recommends the variance be granted. Staff recommends approval of the request for the following reasons: 1)The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner as a hotel on a commercially zoned property. 2)The landowner’s problem is unique to the property. The property is uniquely shaped as compared to other commercial properties in the area, in addition there is significant topography to deal with on the site that makes development difficult. 3)The request will not alter the essential character of the locality. The area is zoned commercialand there are other hotels on Highway 7 in the area. The building isn’t going to look out of character being approximately 7 feet closer to the right of way line. 4)The variance is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the ordinance. 5)The variance is consistent with the Master Plan for this area. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the site plan reviewpermit and variancerequestwith the following findings and conditions: 1.The site plan is acceptable contingent on the variances being approvedand the other conditions noted below. 2.Add high quality lap siding to the building in addition to the efis stucco to dress up thebuilding to make it look nicer. Site Plan ReviewandVariances Cobblestone Hotel and Suites –416 Prospect St NE, Hutchinson. Planning Commission –8-15-17 Page 8 3.Developer should properly address encountered contaminated or questionable soils/materials per the City’s Response Action Plan and all MPCArequirements. 4.Sidewalk connection from the hotel site to the State Highway sidewalk system should be installed (acquire MnDOT permit accordingly). 5.Widen front sidewalk to 6’ in an effort to offset the loss of width due to parked vehicle overhanging. 6.Lengthen center aisle parking stalls to 19’ (account for additional 2’ by narrowing front landscaping area). 7.Along the westerly edge of the site, Developer should determine necessary construction encroachments/disturbances onto MnDOT right-of-way (acquire MnDOT permit accordingly). 8.Along the northerly edge of the site, Developer should determine if any construction access/encroachments/disturbances (grading match point, fence installation, plantings, etc.) onto the adjacent private property are necessary and address them accordingly. 9.Along the easterlyedge of the site, Developer should determine if any construction access/encroachments/disturbances (retaining wall construction, grading match point, fence installation, etc.) onto the adjacent private property are necessary and address them accordingly. 10.Make changes to landscape tree/shrub species per correspondence to Stu Sell on August 11, 2017. 11.The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the C-2district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. 12.Exterior refuse collection area must be fully screened. 13.SAC/WAC charges will be due at the time building permits are issued. 14.A parkland contribution fee will be collected with the building permit. 15.The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner as a hotel on a commercially zoned property. 16.The landowner’s problem is unique to the property. The property is uniquely shaped as compared to other commercial properties in the area, in addition there is significant topography to deal with on the site that makes development difficult. 17.The request will not alter the essential character of the locality. The area is zoned commercialand there are other hotels on Highway 7 in the area. The building isn’t going to look out of character being approximately 7 feet closer to the right of way line. 18.The variance is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the ordinance. 19.The variance is consistent with the Master Plan for this area. ©© 20162016 07/24/2017 C1.0 CIVIL COVER ANDSPECIFICATION SHEET JULY 24, 2017 T WHERE INDICATED MS AND SIDE SLOPES SHALL ING AND TROWELLING. NTS AND CONTINUE MAINTENANCE ERVICE, CONCRETE TYPE AND SHALL NOT BE PAINTED AND MUST TING ACCORDING TO ASTM C 143. COMPRESSIVE BREAKINGR OUTSIDE OF STORMWATER WITH A ZURN (Z-1474-N) HEAVY DUTY TE MIX. PERFORM ADDITIONAL TESTS ATION. AT THE END OF THE COMPOSITE SAMPLE FOR EACHAS STORMWATER MANAGEMENT LAWN OR LANDSCAPE AREAS WITH TERMINATE IN A CONCRETE PAD AT NE GRADES ASSUMING POSITIVEED TO MEET FINISHED GRADES AFTER F EXCEL ENGINEERING, INC. CALCIUMAWN COVERAGE SHOULD AND DETAILING OF STEELRM SEWER. NGS WITH CONTINUOUS 0.5 INCH FIBER IT TEST REPORTS DURING CONCRETE ATHER, APPLY ANE AND INFORM EXCEL ENGINEERING,E ANY STICKS, ROOTS, RUBBISH, AND 185. WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL BE COSTS INCURRED FOR FAILURE TO DOOVE FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION. AREAS TO A SMOOTH, UNIFORMTHE TOP OF THE SANITARY LATERAL OR AND SUPPLEMENT WITH IMPORTED OR LABORATORY AS REQUIRED TO VERIFYERTICAL PVC PIPE WITH A WATER TIGHT STM C14 AND ASTM C76. SEE UTILITY L BE CONSTRUCTED PER OON AS POSSIBLE, BUT NO LATER THAN 24DIAMETERS FOR UPE ACCESS POINTS AT LEAST EVERY 300 ” WHERE CONCRETE IS DEPOSITED TESTS. REPORTS OF COMPRESSIVE CONCRETE SLABS SHALL HAVE A LIGHT LAID AT 100 LBS./1,000 S.F. FERTILIZE AS OF A COMBINATION WYE FITTING IN LINE PERENNIAL RYEGRASS (0.6-0.8 LBS./1,000 S AT POINT OF PROPOSED CONNECTIONS ON. SITE UTILITY CONTRACTOR SHALL RUN TERIAL CONTENT, AND SHALL BE FREE OFLOPE AND SEPARATION IS MAINTAINED PERAINING STATE PLUMBING REVIEW APPROVAL .F.), AND 15% PERENNIAL RYEGRASS (0.20 PLASTIC WIRE MAY BE TAPED TO PLASTIC RACTION THEREOF. PERFORM C-905 PVC FOR PIPE DIAMETERS CATIONS AS REQUIRED. T OR APPLY 5-10-10 OR EQUIVALENT AT 20 LBS/1,000 S.F. - 4” OF CONCRETE OVER 4” OF 3/4” CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE. CONTRACTION JOINTS SHALL CONSIST OF 1/8” WIDE BY 1” DEEP TOOLED JOIN SIDEWALK CONCRETEON THE PLANS.DUMPSTER PAD CONCRETE AREAS - 5” OF CONCRETE WITH FIBER MESH OVER 4” OF 3/4” CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE.CHLORIDE SHALL NOT BE USED.S.F.), 15% FINE FESCUE (0.4-0.6 LBS/1,000 S.F.). STRAW AND MULCH SHALL BE LAID AT 100LBS/1,000 S.F. FERTILIZE AS PER SOIL TESSEE EROSION MATTING SPECIFICATIONS AS REQUIRED.BE SEEDED WITH THE FOLLOWING MIXTURE: 45% KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS (0.60 LBS./1000 S.F.), 40% CREEPING RED FESCUE (0.50 LBS./1,000 SLBS./1,000 S.F.). FERTILIZE AS PER SOIL TEST OR APPLY 5-10-10 OR EQUIVALENT AT 20 LBS./1,000 S.F. SEE EROSION MATTING SPECIFIPER SOIL TEST OR APPLY 5-10-10 OR EQUIVALENT AT 14 LBS./1,000 S.F. SEE EROSION MATTING SPECIFICATIONS AS REQUIRED.CONVEYANCE SWALES AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT BASINS.BASIN BOTTOMS AND SIDE SLOPES AS REQUIRED. 1.2.1.STRENGTH TO BE MINIMUM OF 4,000 PSI AT 28 DAYS FOR EXTERIOR CONCRETE.2.SLUMP SHALL NOT EXCEED 4” FOR EXTERIOR CONCRETE SLABS3.SLUMP SHALL BE 2.5” OR LESS FOR SLIP-FORMED CURB AND GUTTER4.SLUMP SHALL BE BETWEEN 1.5” TO 3” FOR NON SLIP-FORMED CURB AND GUTTER.5.ALL EXTERIOR CONCRETE SHALL BE AIR ENTRAINED WITH 4% TO 7% AIR CONTENT. NO OTHER ADMIXUTRES SHALL BE USED WITHOUT APPROVAL O6.MAXIMUM AGGREGATE SIZE FOR ALL EXTERIOR CONCRETE SHALL BE 0.75 INCHES.HOURS AFTER CONCRETE IS PLACED. CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER JOINTING SHALL BE PLACED EVERY 10' OR CLOSER (6' MIN.). ALL EXTERIORBROOM FINISH UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL CONCRETE IS TO BE CURED FOR 7 DAYS. EXTERIOR CONCRETE SHALL BE SEPARATED FROM BUILDIEXPANSION JOINT AND/OR 0.25 INCH FIBER EXPANSION JOINT AT DECORATIVE MASONRY UNITS.AGAINST THE GROUND WITHOUT THE USE OF FORMS AND NOT LESS THAN 1.5” IN ALL OTHER LOCATIONS. ALL REINFORCING SHALL BE LAPPED 36 TO #6 BARS, 60 DIAMETERS FOR #7 TO #10 BARS OR AS NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS AND EXTENDED AROUND CORNERS WITH CORNER BARS. PLACING REINFORCING AND REINFORCING SUPPORTS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CRSI AND ACI MANUAL AND STANDARD PRACTICES. THE REINFORCEMENTBE FREE OF GREASE/OIL, DIRT OR DEEP RUST WHEN PLACED IN THE WORK. ALL WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM APLACED 2” FROM TOP OF SLAB, UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE.PLACEMENT. TESTS WILL BE PERFORMED ACCORDING TO ACI 301. CAST AND LABORATORY CURE ONE SET OF FOUR STANDARD CYLINDERS FOR EACHDAY'S POUR OF EACH CONCRETE MIX EXCEEDING 5 CU. YD., BUT LESS THAN 25 CU. YD., PLUS ONE SET FOR EACH ADDITIONAL 50 CU. YD. OR FCOMPRESSIVE-STRENGTH TESTS ACCORDING TO ASTM C 39. TEST TWO SPECIMENS AT 7 DAYS AND TWO SPECIMENS AT 28 DAYS. PERFORM SLUMP TESPROVIDE ONE TEST AT POINT OF PLACEMENT FOR EACH COMPOSITE SAMPLE, BUT NOT LESS THAN ONE TEST FOR EACH DAY'S POUR OF EACH CONCREWHEN CONCRETE CONSISTENCY APPEARS TO CHANGE.EVAPORATION-CONTROL COMPOUND ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AFTER SCREEDING AND BULL FLOATING, BUT BEFORE POWER FLOATSTRENGTH TESTS SHALL CONTAIN THE PROJECT IDENTIFICATION NAME AND NUMBER, DATE OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT, NAME OF CONCRETE TESTING SCLASS, LOCATION OF CONCRETE BATCH IN STRUCTURE, DESIGN COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS, CONCRETE MIX PROPORTIONS AND MATERIALS,STRENGTH, AND TYPE OF BREAK FOR BOTH 7-DAY TESTS AND 28-DAY TESTS.DRAINAGE IS MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIGN PLANS.TOPSOIL: CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 6” OF TOPSOIL FOR ALL DISTURBED OPEN AREAS. REUSE SURFACE SOIL STOCKPILED ON SITEMANUFACTURED TOPSOIL FROM OFF SITE SOURCES WHEN QUANTITIES ARE INSUFFICIENT. PROVIDE SOIL ANALYSIS BY A QUALIFIED SOIL TESTINGTHE SUITABILITY OF SOIL TO BE USED AS TOPSOIL AND TO DETERMINE THE NECESSARY SOIL AMENDMENTS. TEST SOIL FOR PRESENCE OF ATRAZININC. IF PRESENT PRIOR TO BIDDING PROJECT. TOPSOIL SHALL HAVE A PH RANGE OF 5.5 TO 8, CONTAIN A MINIMUM OF 5 PERCENT ORGANIC MASTONES 1 INCH OR LARGER IN DIAMETER. ALL MATERIALS HARMFUL TO PLANT GROWTH SHALL ALSO BE REMOVED.TOPSOIL INSTALLATION: LOOSEN SUBGRADE TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 6 INCHES AND REMOVE STONES LARGER THAN 1” IN DIAMETER. ALSO REMOVOTHER EXTRANEOUS MATTER AND DISPOSE OF THEM OFF THE PROPERTY. SPREAD TOPSOIL TO A DEPTH OF 6” BUT NOT LESS THAN WHAT IS REQUIRLIGHT ROLLING AND NATURAL SETTLEMENT. DO NOT SPREAD TOPSOIL IF SUBGRADE IS FROZEN, MUDDY, OR EXCESSIVELY WET. GRADE PLANTING SURFACE PLANE WITH LOOSE, UNIFORMLY FINE TEXTURE. GRADE TO WITHIN 0.05 FEET OF FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION.SEEDED LAWNS:1.PERMANENT LAWN AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED WITH THE FOLLOWING MIXTURE: 65% KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS BLEND (2.0-2.6 LBS./1,000 S.F.), 20%2.ALL PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY STORM WATER CONVEYANCE SWALE BOTTOMS AND SIDE SLOPES AS WELL AS STORMWATER MANAGEMENT BASIN BOTTO3.ALL TEMPORARY SEEDING SHALL CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING MIXTURE: 100% RYEGRASS AT 1.9 LBS./1,000 S.F. STRAW AND MULCH SHALL BESEEDED LAWN MAINTENANCE: CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE OF ALL LANDSCAPING FOR A PERIOD OF 90 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF INSTALLMAINTENANCE PERIOD, A HEALTHY, UNIFORM, CLOSE STAND OF GRASS SHOULD BE ESTABLISHED FREE OF WEEDS AND SURFACE IRREGULARITIES. LEXCEED 90% AND BARE SPOTS SHOULD NOT EXCEED 5”X5”. CONTRACTOR SHOULD REESTABLISH LAWNS THAT DO NOT COMPLY WITH THESE REQUIREMEUNTIL LAWNS ARE SATISFACTORY.EROSION MATTING:1.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE EROSION CONTROL MATTING (NORTH AMERICAN GREEN S150) OR EQUIVALENT ON ALL SLOPES THAT ARE 4:1 AND GREATE2.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE EROSION MATTING (NORTH AMERICAN GREEN C125) OR EQUIVALENT IN ALL SWALE BOTTOMS AND SIDE SLOPES AS WELL AND VERIFY PROPOSED UTILITY ROUTES ARE CLEAR (PER CODE) OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.SO SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY.WITH THE SANITARY SERVICE WITH THE CLEANOUT LEG OF THE COMBINATION WYE FACING STRAIGHT UP. THE CLEANOUT SHALL CONIST OF A 6” VREMOVEABLE CLEANOUT PLUG. AN 8” PVC FROST SLEEVE SHALL BE PROVIDED. THE BOTTOM OF THE FROST SLEEVE SHALL TERMINATE 12” ABOVE AT LEAST 6” BELOW THE PREDICTED FROST DEPTH, WHICHEVER IS SHALLOWER. THE CLEANOUT SHALL EXTEND JUST ABOVE THE SURFACE GRADE INTHE FROST SLEEVE TERMINATING AT THE GRADE SURFACE. THE CLEANOUT SHALL EXTEND TO 4 INCHES BELOW SURFACE GRADE IN PAVED SURFACESCLEANOUT HOUSING PLACED OVER THE TOP OF THE CLEANOUT FLUSH WITH THE SURFACE GRADE. IN PAVED SURFACES, THE FROST SLEEVE SHALLLEAST 6” THICK AND EXTENDING AT LEAST 9” FROM THE SLEEVE ON ALL SIDES, SLOPING AWAY FROM THE SLEEVE. THE CLEANOUT HOUSING SHALMANUFACTURERS REQUIREMENTS.OF 14” THROUGH 36”. 6' MINIMUM COVER SHALL BE PROVIDED OVER ALL WATER PIPING UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED.PLANS FOR ALL STORM PIPE MATERIAL TYPES TO BE USED. PIPE SHALL BE PLACED MIN. 8' HORIZONTALLY FROM FOUNDATION WALLS.THE UTILITY DESIGN PLANS AND STATE REQUIREMENTS.WATER SERVICE TO A POINT WITHIN THE FOUNDATION SPECIFIED BY THE PLUMBING PLANS. CONTRACTOR TO CUT AND CAP WATER SERVICE 12” ABWATER OR SEWER PIPE. IF ATTACHED, THE TRACER WIRE SHALL BE SECURED EVERY 6 TO 20 FEET AND AT ALL BENDS. TRACER WIRE SHALL HAVFEET.DURING LOCAL REVIEW. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL OTHER PERMITS REQUIRED TO INSTALL WATER, SANITARY AND STO J. LIMIT MAXIMUM WATER-CEMENTITIOUS RATIO OF CONCRETE EXPOSED TO FREEZING, THAWING AND DEICING SALTS TO 0.45.A.A.CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ON SITE. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY PIPE LOCATIONS, SIZES, AND DEPTHJ.SEE PLANS FOR ALL OTHER UTILITY SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS. D. DESIGN MIXES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C94E. ALL EXTERIOR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT CONCRETE PADS SHALL BE SIZED AND DESIGNED BY THE EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER.F. CONCRETE SLABS SHALL HAVE CONSTRUCTION JOINTS OR SAW CUT JOINTS PLACED AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. SAWCUTS TO BE DONE AS SG. ALL REINFORCING BARS SHALL BE ASTM A615 GRADE 60. THICKNESS OF CONCRETE COVER OVER REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 3H. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENGAGE A QUALIFIED INDEPENDENT TESTING AND INSPECTING AGENCY TO SAMPLE MATERIALS, PERFORM TESTS, AND SUBMI. PROTECT FRESHLY PLACED CONCRETE FROM PREMATURE DRYING AND EXCESSIVE COLD OR HOT TEMPERATURES. IN HOT, DRY, AND WINDY WEK. TEST RESULTS WILL BE REPORTED IN WRITING TO THE DESIGN ENGINEER, READY-MIX PRODUCER, AND CONTRACTOR WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTERL.ALL CONCRETE FLAT WORK SURFACES AND CONCRETE CURB FLOWLINES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO WITHIN 0.05' OF DESIGN SURFACE AND FLOWLIM.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE 4” WIDE WHITE PAINTED STRIPING FOR PARKING STALLS, TRAFFIC LANES, AND NO PARKING AREAS.B.C.D.B.ALL PROPOSED SANITARY PIPE SHALL BE PLASTIC SDR-35 PVC.C.CLEANOUTS SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR THE SANITARY SERVICE AT LOCATIONS INDICATED ON THE UTILITY PLAN. THE CLEANOUT SHALL CONSIST D.ALL PROPOSED WATER PIPE SHALL BE C906 PE FOR PIPE DIAMETERS OF 4” OR LESS, C900 PVC FOR PIPE DIAMETERS OF 6” THROUGH 12”, ANDE.ALL PROPOSED HDPE STORM PIPE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM F2648. ALL CONCRETE STORM PIPING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AF.SANITARY, STORM, AND WATER UTILITY PIPE INVERTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN 0.10' OF DESIGN INVERT ELEVATIONS ASSUMING PIPE SG.SITE UTILITY CONTRACTOR SHALL RUN SANITARY SERVICE TO A POINT WHICH IS A MINIMUM OF 5' FROM THE EXTERIOR WALL OF THE FOUNDATIH.ALL UTILITIES SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH PLASTIC COATED TRACER WIRE (10 TO 14 GAUGE SOLID COPPER, OR COPPER COATED STEEL WIRE). I.ALL UTILITIES SHALL BE INSTALLED PER STATE, LOCAL, AND INDUSTRY STANDARDS. THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBT 32 30 00 LANDSCAPING AND SITE STABILIZATIONDIVISION 33 UTILITIES33 10 00 SITE UTILITIES . ER MANUAL.HALL BE CONTAINED TO THIS T LESS THAN 95 PERCENT.L BE REMOVED UPONL STABILIZATION. PERCENT. D ACCOUNT FOR EXISTING NSTRUCTION SITE AT ALL TIMES ION SECTION OF THIS THE FOLLOWING AND THE. ROL MEASURES INCLUDE ES, AND BARRIERS. SOME SITES ON REQUIREMENT ALSO APPLIES S SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO MEETPECIFICATIONS D, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FILE AT PLANS, AMENDMENTS TO PLANS, AIR OR REPLACEMENT ISION CONTROL STANDARDS. THE ONE TEST FOR EACH SPREAD ULD BE PROVIDED AND SHALL BE INBILIZATION WORK REDONE. NEEDED TO PERMANENTLYS OF THE STATE, FOLLOWWITH MNDOT SPECIFICATION SOIL MATERIAL THAT IS TOO WET TO ORTH IN MPCA STORMWATERHE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD TO THAN 95 PERCENT.Y WITH MNDOT SPECIFICATION /4" CRUSHED STONE, WITH NO MOREWAS PERFORMED BY TBD. TEST. FILL MAY NOT BE PLACED ONSHED STONE, WITH 5% TO 12% FINES,ATION EVENT OF 0.5" OR MORE. A LY AFTER TEST RESULTS FORYEARS FROM THE DATE OFSPECIFICATION 2360, TYPE SP . CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFYEACH WORKING DAY. FLUSHING RBING ACTIVITIES WILL NOT BEHIS SPECIFICATION. CONCRETE FLAT IN THE PLANS OR BY LOCAL ZONINGCTIONS OF IMPLEMENTED EROSIONLOW IS A LIST OF EROSION AND LL OR BACKFILL LAYER BEFOREONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR ORA LAYER AT LEAST 12 INCHES THICK. E CONSTRUCTION SITE. SEE THE T FORMS. WEEKLY INSPECTION D AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. THE PERIMETER OF ALL SOIL Y AND MOISTEN OR AERATE, OR REMOVE BE A MINIMUM OF 50 FEET LONG. ENT, AND NOT MORE THAN 4" IN LOOSE ON.ON.E GRADED TO WITHIN 0.10' OF REQUIRED L ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PRIVATEL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PRIVATEUGGESTED THAT THE GEOTECHNICALT.T. NERAL CONSTRUCTION WORK. ALL AND MULCH SHALL BE IN GENERALDARD PRACTICE. PRODUCES 0.5 INCHES OF RAIN OR MORE PLAN AND FILE A PERMIT WITH THE MPCA. ES BEFORE PLACING FILL WITH HEAVY RKINGS SHALL ALSO BE PROVIDED FOR H.C. R TO BIDDING. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE, AND PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS OF MPCA AND THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLANS. , STANDARD ASPHALT PAVING2" BINDER COURSE8" AGGREGATE BASE 1-1/2" SURFACE COURSE THAN 5% FINES, PER THICKNESS INDICATED ON FOUNDATION PLANS ON PREPARED SUBGRADE. COMPACT THE SUBGRADE AND DRAINAGE COURSE TO NOTHE STONE SHALL BE UNDERLAIN WITH GEOTEXTILE FABRIC. THE TRACKING PAD SHALL BE THE FULL WIDTH OF THE EGRESS POINT, AND SHALL APPLYING MULCH AND ESTABLISHING VEGETATION, WATER SPRAYING, SURFACE ROUGHENING, APPLYING POLYMERS, SPRAY-ON TACKIFIERS, CHLORIDTO SOIL STOCKPILES THAT EXIST FOR MORE THAN 7 DAYS. PERMANENT RESTORATION APPLIES TO AREAS WHERE PERENNIAL VEGETATIVE COVER IS PER THICKNESS INDICATED ON FOUNDATION PLANS ON PREPARED SUBGRADE. COMPACT THE SUBGRADE AND DRAINAGE COURSE TO NOT LESS THAN 95 STOCKPILES. FOLLOW PROCEDURES FOUND IN MINNESOTA STORMWATER MANUAL.EROSION CONTROL PLAN FOR LOCATIONS. THE AGGREGATE USED SHALL BE 1-1/2 TO 3 INCH CLEAR OR WASHED STONE, AND SHALL BE PLACED IN SURFACE WATER MUST BE PREVENTED FROM PASSING THROUGH THE TRACKING PAD. FOLLOW PROCEDURES FOUND IN MINNESOTA STORMWATER MANUAL.CONFORMANCE WITH MINNESOTA STORMWATER MANUAL.MAY REQUIRE AN APPROACH THAT UTILIZES A COMBINATION OF MEASURES FOR DUST CONTROL. FOLLOW PROCEDURES FOUND IN MINNESOTA STORMWATPREVENT THEIR TRANSPORT BY RUNOFF INTO WATERS OF THE STATE.DESIGNATED AREA AND NOT BE ALLOWED TO RUN INTO STORM INLETS OR INTO THE OVERLAND STORMWATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM. WASHOUT AREA SHALCOMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION.PERFORMED FOR A PERIOD GREATER THAN 7 DAYS AND REQUIRES VEGETATIVE COVER FOR LESS THAN ONE YEAR. THIS TEMPORARY SITE RESTORATISTABILIZE AREAS OF EXPOSED SOIL. PERMANENT STABILILIZATION SHALL OCCUR WITHIN 3 WORKING DAYS OF FINAL GRADING. TOPSOIL, SEED,CONFORMANCE WITH THE MINNESOTA STORMWATER MANUAL AND SHALL MEET THE SPECIFICATIONS FOUND IN THE LANDSCAPING AND SITE STABILIZATCONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT. ANY SOIL EROSION THAT OCCURS AFTER FINAL GRADING AND/OR FINAL STABILIZATION MUST BE REPAIRED AND THE STAPROCEDURES FOUND IN MINNESOTA STORMWATER MANUAL AND PROVISION OUTLINED IN GEOTECHNICAL REPORT.SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED. TOPSOIL DEPTHS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND FOLLOW THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT ANCONDITIONS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING BID FOR THE PROJECT. EXCESS MATERIALS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED COMPACTION AS RECOMMENDED TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED DRY DENSITY. REMOVE AND REPLACE, OR SCARIFY AND AIR DRY, OTHERWISE SATISFACTORYCOMPACT TO SPECIFIED DRY DENSITY.GEOTECHNICAL REPORT.2.UNDER INTERIOR SLAB-ON-GRADE WHERE GROUNDWATER IS MORE THAN 3 FEET BELOW THE SLAB - PLACE A DRAINAGE COURSE LAYER OF 3/4" CRU3.UNDER INTERIOR SLAB-ON-GRADE WHERE GROUNDWATER IS WITHIN 3 FEET OF THE SLAB SURFACE- PLACE A DRAINAGE COURSE LAYER OF CLEAN 34.UNDER EXTERIOR CONCRETE AND ASPHALT PAVEMENTS - COMPACT THE SUBGRADE AND EACH LAYER OF BACKFILL OR FILL MATERIAL TO NOT LESS 5.UNDER WALKWAYS - COMPACT SUBGRADE AND EACH LAYER OF BACKFILL OR FILL MATERIAL TO NOT LESS THAN 95 PERCENT.6.UNDER LAWN OR UNPAVED AREAS - COMPACT SUBGRADE AND EACH LAYER OF BACKFILL OR FILL MATERIAL, TO NOT LESS THAN 85 PERCENT.AND REPLACE SOIL TO DEPTH REQUIRED; RECOMPACT AND RETEST UNTIL SPECIFIED COMPACTION IS OBTAINED.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MEETING THE MONITORING, MAINTENANCEAND SEDIMENT CONTROL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES MUST AT A MINIMUM BE INSPECTED EVERY 7 DAYS AND WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER A PRECIPIT2.THE NAME OF THE INDIVIDUAL WHO PERFORMED THE INSPECTION.3.AN ASSESSMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS.4.A DESCRIPTION OF ANY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL IMPLEMENTATION AND MAINTENANCE PERFORMED.5.A DESCRIPTION OF THE PRESENT PHASE OF LAND DISTURBING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE.SEDIMENT CONTROL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES TO ACHIEVE THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REQUIRED.2.STONE TRACKING PADS SHALL BE PLACED AT ALL CONSTRUCTION SITE ENTRANCES AND SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY TRAFFIC LEAVING TH3.STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL NEW AND DOWNSTREAM STORM CATCH BASINS AND CURB INLETS. PROTECTION SHO4.DUST CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROVIDED TO REDUCE OR PREVENT THE SURFACE AND AIR TRANSPORT OF DUST DURING CONSTRUCTION. CONT5.THE USE, STORAGE, AND DISPOSAL OF CHEMICALS, CEMENT, AND OTHER COMPOUNDS AND MATERIALS USED ON SITE SHALL BE MANAGED DURING T6.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AN OPEN AGGREGATE CONCRETE TRUCK WASHOUT AREA ON SITE. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT CONCRETE WASHOUT S7.TEMPORARY SITE RESTORATION SHALL TAKE PLACE IN DISTURBED AREAS THAT WILL NOT BE BROUGHT TO FINAL GRADE OR ON WHICH LAND DISTU8.IF SITE DEWATERING IS REQUIRED TO REMOVE SEDIMENT FROM CONSTRUCTION SITE STORMWATER PRIOR TO DISCHARGING OFF-SITE OR TO WATER9.ALL OFF-SITE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS OCCURRING AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION WORK OR A STORM EVENT SHALL BE CLEANED UP BY THE END OF CONSTRUCTION NOTICE OF TERMINATION WITH THE MPCA.SUPPORTING PLAN DATA, AND CONSTRUCTION SITE EROSION CONTROL INSPECTION REPORTS. THE OWNER SHALL RETAIN THESE FOR A PERIOD OF 3 TERMINATING COVERAGE UNDER WPDES GENERAL PERMIT.SECTION 3138, CLASS 5, 6, OR 7C MATERIALS SUCH THAT THE PERCENT CRUSHED MATERIAL WITHIN THE AGGREGATE IS NO LESS THAN 20 PERCENACCESSIBLE SYMBOLS, TRAFFIC ARROWS, AND TRAFFIC MESSAGES.SECTION 3138, CLASS 5, 6, OR 7C MATERIALS SUCH THAT THE PERCENT CRUSHED MATERIAL WITHIN THE AGGREGATE IS NO LESS THAN 20 PERCENWORK CONSTRUCTION IS AS FOLLOWS: UTILITY LOCATES. DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED OF ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN PLAN AND FIELD CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTIREPLACE, OR DEMOLISH ALL ITEMS AS NEEDED DURING CONSTRUCTION.UTILITY LOCATES. DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED OF ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN PLAN AND FIELD CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTIEXCAVATION AND BACKFILL FOR ELECTRICALS AND MECHANICALS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE RESPECTIVE CONTRACTOR.PNEUMATIC-TIRED EQUIPMENT, SUCH AS A FULLY-LOADED TANDEM AXLE DUMP TRUCK, TO IDENTIFY SOFT POCKETS AND AREAS OF EXCESS YIELDINGREQUIREMENTS.DEPTH FOR MATERIAL COMPACTED BY HAND-OPERATED TAMPERS.FROZEN GROUND AND NO FROZEN MATERIALS MAY BE USED FOR BACK FILL. APPLY THE MORE STRINGENT REQUIREMENTS WHEN COMPARING BETWEEN 1.UNDER FOUNDATIONS - SUBGRADE, AND EACH LAYER OF BACKFILL OR FILL MATERIAL, TO NOT LESS THAN 98 PERCENT.FIRM USED TO PERFORM THE SUBSURFACE SOIL INVESTIGATION BE ENGAGED FOR THE FIELD QUALITY CONTROL TESTS. THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PREVIOUSLY COMPLETED WORK COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS. PROVIDE ONE TEST FOR EVERY 2000 SQUARE FEET OF PAVED AREA OR BUILDING SLAB,FOOTING, AND ONE TEST FOR EVERY 50 LINEAR FEET OF WALL STRIP FOOTING.EARTHWORK ELEVATIONS ASSUMING POSITIVE DRAINAGE IS MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GRADING PLAN.UNTIL PERMIT COVERAGE IS TERMINATED.PRECIPITATIO N EVENT MAY BE CONSIDERED TO BE THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF PRECIPITATION RECORDED IN ANY CONTINUOUS 24-HOUR PERIOD. THE CREPLACE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AS NECESSARY WITHIN 24 HOURS OF AN INSPECTION OR AFTER A DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION WHERE REPREQUESTED.REPORTS SHALL INCLUDE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING:1.THE DATE, TIME, AND EXACT LOCATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE INSPECTION.MANUAL. TECHNICAL STANDARDS PUBLISHED BY THE MINNESOTA STORMWATER MANUAL SHALL ALSO BE UTILIZED TO IMPLEMENT THE REQUIRED EROSMETHODS AND TYPES OF EROSION CONTROL WILL BE DEPENDENT ON THE LOCATION AND TYPE OF WORK INVOLVED. ALL SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASUREFIELD CONDITIONS AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION, AND INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY GRADING OR DISTURBANCE OF EXISTING SURFACE MATERIAL.BE1.SILT FENCE SHALL BE PLACED ON SITE AT LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THE EROSION CONTROL PLAN. SILT FENCE SHALL ALSO BE PROVIDED AROUND DURING A 24 HOUR PERIOD. MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED PER MINNESOTA STORMWATER MANUAL REQUIREMENTS.(VERIFY W/ SOILS REPORT): A.GOPHER STATE ONE CALL SHALL BE CONTACTED AND ALL UTILITIES SHALL BE LOCATED BEFORE STARTING SITE DEMOLITION. CONTRACTOR SHALB.DEMOLITION PLAN IS AN OVERVIEW OF DEMOLITION TO TAKE PLACE ON SITE. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS PRIOC.CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS THAT ARE SCHEDULED TO REMAIN. ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING FACILITIES SHALL BE REPLACED.ALL CONCRETE NOTED TO BE REMOVED SHALL BE REMOVED TO THE NEAREST CONTROL JOINT.A.GOPHER STATE ONE CALL SHALL BE CONTACTED AND ALL UTILITIES SHALL BE LOCATED BEFORE STARTING SITE DEMOLITION. CONTRACTOR SHALB.PROVIDE ALL LABOR, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT FOR ALL EXCAVATION, GRADING, FILL AND BACKFILL WORK AS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE GEC.ALL ORGANIC TOPSOIL INSIDE THE BUILDING AREA, UNDER PAVED AREAS, AND AT SITE FILL AREAS SHALL BE REMOVED. PROOF ROLL SUBGRADD.PLACE AND COMPACT FILL MATERIAL IN LAYERS TO REQUIRED ELEVATIONS. UNIFORMLY MOISTEN OR AERATE SUBGRADE AND EACH SUBSEQUENT FIE.PLACE BACKFILL AND FILL MATERIALS IN LAYERS NOT MORE THAN 8" IN LOOSE DEPTH FOR MATERIAL COMPACTED BY HEAVY COMPACTION EQUIPMF.COMPACT THE SOIL TO NOT LESS THAN THE FOLLOWING PERCENTAGES OF MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY ACCORDING TO ASTM D 698, STANDARD PROCTOR G.CONTRACTOR SHALL ENGAGE A QUALIFIED INDEPENDENT TESTING AND INSPECTING AGENCY TO PERFORM FIELD TESTS AND INSPECTIONS. IT IS SH.ALLOW THE TESTING AGENCY TO TEST AND INSPECT SUBGRADES AND EACH FILL OR BACKFILL LAYER. PROCEED WITH SUBSEQUENT EARTHWORK ONI.WHEN THE TESTING AGENCY REPORTS THAT SUBGRADES, FILLS, OR BACKFILLS HAVE NOT ACHIEVED DEGREE OF COMPACTION SPECIFIED, SCARIFJ.THE BUILDING SITE SHALL BE GRADED TO PROVIDE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM THE BUILDING AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS.SITE EARTHWORK SHALL BA.THE GRADING PLAN REFLECTS 66, 465 SF (1.53 ACRES) OF DISTURBED AREA. DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL PREPARE A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT B.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP THE PERMIT, APPROVED EROSION CONTROL AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLANS, AND PLAN AMENDMENTS ON THE COC.THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL LOCAL EROSION CONTROL PERMITS.D.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MEETING THE MONITORING, MAINTENANCE, AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT. INSPEE.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN, AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE, WEEKLY WRITTEN REPORTS OF ALL INSPECTIONS CONDUCTED. USE MPCA PERMIF.EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL IMPLEMENTED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL STRICTLY COMPLY WITH THE GUIDELINES AND REQUIREMENTS SET FG. ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL AT A MINIMUM BE INSPECTED WEEKLY AND WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER EVERY PRECIPITATION EVENT THAT H. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL NOT BE REMOVED UNTIL THE AREA(S) SERVED HAVE ESTABLISHED VEGETATIVE COVERI.ONCE THE CONSTRUCTION SITE HAS BEEN FULLY STABILIZED AND TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES HAVE BEEN REMOVEJ.AT THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL GIVE THE OWNER COPIES OF THE EROSION CONTROL AND STORM WATER MANAGEMENK.ALL POST CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER MANAGEMENT BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED BEFORE THE SITE HAS UNDERGONE FINAH.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE COMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE TYPE AND DEPTH AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. ALL AGGREGATE PROVIDED MUST COMPLY I.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVEMENT TYPES AND DEPTHS AS INDICATED BELOW. MATERIALS TO MEET REQUIREMENTS OF MNDOT J.CONTRACTOR TO COMPACT THE AGGREGATE BASE, ASPHALT BINDER COURSE, AND ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE TO AN AVERAGE DENSITY PER MNDOT SK.HOT MIX ASPHALT CONSTRUCTION TO BE PROVIDED PER MORE STRINGENT REQUIREMENTS OF GEOTECHNICAL REPORT OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTSL.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE 4" WIDE WHITE PAINTED STRIPING FOR PARKING STALLS, TRAFFIC LANES, AND NO PARKING AREAS. WHITE PAINT MAA. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE COMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE TYPE AND DEPTH AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. ALL AGGREGATE PROVIDED MUST COMPLB. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF ALL CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE WORK SHALL CONFORM TO ACI 318 BUILDING CODE AND CRSI MANUAL OF STANC. EXTERIOR CONCRETE FLAT WORK CONSTRUCTION TO BE PROVIDED PER MORE STRINGENT REQUIREMENTS OF THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT OR T DIVISION 31 EARTH WORK31 10 00 SITE CLEARING (DEMOLITION)31 20 00 EARTH MOVING31 30 00 EROSION CONTROL/STORMWATER MANAGEMENTDIVISION 32 EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS32 10 00 AGGREGATE BASE & ASPHALT PAVEMENT32 20 00 CONCRETE AND AGGREGATE BASE STAKEOUT INFORMATION:VERIFY STATION FOR INLETLOCATION. REFER TO STAKEOUT POLICYFOR STAKEOUT LOCATION AND OFFSETS. © 2016 C1.1 EXISTING SITE ANDDEMOLITION PLAN JULY 24, 2017 © 2016 C1.2 SITE PLAN FEB. 16, 2016JULY 24, 2017 0.0%0.0%0.0%8.1% 32.6%40.7%59.3% RATIORATIO 100.0% 10,49642,02052,51676,505 129,021 129,133129,133 1.21 2.960.0000.0000.0002.962.960.240.961.76 AREA (AC)AREA (SF)AREA (AC)AREA (SF) PROJECT SITEBUILDING FLOOR AREAPAVEMENT (ASP. & CONC.)TOTAL IMPERVIOUSLANDSCAPE/ OPEN SPACEPROJECT SITEBUILDING FLOOR AREAPAVEMENT (ASP. & CONC.)TOTAL IMPERVIOUSLANDSCAPE/ OPEN SPACE EXISTING SITE DATAPROPOSED SITE DATA © 2016 C1.3 GRADING AND EROSIONCONTROL PLAN FEB. 16, 2016JULY 24, 2017 © 2016 C1.4 UTILITY PLAN JULY 24, 2017 bh Chw /hb{w /Lhb HUTCHINSON, MN 55350MN STATE 15 & 7 1734580 COBBLESTONE HOTEL AND SUITES EXCEL ENGINEERING, INC. © 2016 NEW HOTEL FOR PROJECT NUMBER COLLABORATIONSHEET NUMBER PROFESSIONAL SEAL PRELIMINARY DATES JULY 24, 2017 2 1 16LSI 4060 G 000 000000 000000000 000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000001110000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000001111111111000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000111111111111100000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000111111111111111100000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000001111111111111111111000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000011111111112222221111111111100000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000111111111222222222111111111111110000000000000000000 0000000000000000001111111111111122222222211111111111111111000000000000 0000000000000000011222211111111122224442222211111111111111100000000000 00000000000000001127422211222244444222211111111111111000000000 0000000000000011261041622222446666444222221111111111100000000 000000000000001274744202246776644222222111111111000000 0000000000000012110144467011007764422211111111000000 0 0000000000000120110644670244207642221111111100000 000000000000001201177444670246777761076422211111110000 0000000000000012721744670270010710764422211111110000 0000000000000011720604614601244206420642221111110000 000000000000000124666706046041061744222111111000 0000000000000012107671411642764222111111000 00000000000001262042446207461770140642764222111111000 000000000000001222264461407642106227642211111100 000000000000001212024444611762140606276422211111100 000000000000001274244466704112601470276422211111000 0000000000000001126446677674714614417642211111000 000000000000000112246700776727260642211111000 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© 2016 NEW HOTEL FOR L 100 PROJECT NUMBER COLLABORATIONSHEET NUMBER PROFESSIONAL SEAL SHEET INFORMATION PROJECT INFORMATION PLANT ABBREVIATIONS 45 NA Mulched Area Scale: 1" = 20'0" OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAN Mulched Area LAWN Mulched Area 1 MV 5 KCPJ Stone Mulch 1 ABM 5 KCPJ5 KOSR L TO REMAIN PATIO E T O Stone Mulch5 KCPJ 1 DKOSR EXISTING VEGETATION H 0 0 . M 0 0 0 0 . O 1 3 = 6 O 0 V 1 E R L = E V 4 . E F 5 L . E F . D H F . C E F R S A O 4 KCPJ7 THGF.D.C. P O R LAWN P LAWN Stone Mulch Aluminum Edging Stone Mulch 5 KOSR Stone Mulch 5 KCPJ5 KCPJ 1 MV 1 VFE FOL ROEVS SCRT TATIFKA AIOYE KN SO EO. TU URTAT TEFIIN LEONF OR O C TFORM ATORA IO S IT NTNIO KALEN NAET: DO OU FT FP SO ETLI SCY . fx 262.639.9737 One Redwood CourtRacine, Wisconsin 53402ph 262.639.9733david@wdavidheller.com LLC & HELLER ASSOCIATES, L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T U R E HUTCHINSON, MN 55350MN STATE 15 & 7 1734580 COBBLESTONE HOTEL AND SUITES EXCEL ENGINEERING, INC. © 2016 NEW HOTEL FOR L 101 PROJECT NUMBER COLLABORATIONSHEET NUMBER PROFESSIONAL SEAL PROJECT INFORMATIONSHEET INFORMATION A 45 NA Mulched PLANT ABBREVIATIONS Mulched Area LAWN Scale: 1" = 10'0" ENLARGED LANDSCAPE PLAN Mulched Area 1 MV 5 KCPJ Stone Mulch 5 KOSR 5 KCPJ L TO REMAIN PATIO E T O 5 KCPJ Stone Mulch 1 DKOSR EXISTING VEGETATION H 0 0 . M 0 0 0 0 . O 1 3 = 6 O 0 V 1 E R L = E V 4 . E F 5 L . E F . D H F . C E F R S A O 4 KCPJF.D.C. 7 THG P O R P LAWN Stone Mulch Aluminum Edging Stone Mulch 5 KOSR Stone Mulch 5 KCPJ5 KCPJ 1 MV One Redwood CourtRacine, Wisconsin 53402ph 262.639.9733fx 262.639.9737david@wdavidheller.com LLC & HELLER ASSOCIATES, L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T U R E HUTCHINSON, MN 55350MN STATE 15 & 7 1734580 COBBLESTONE HOTEL AND SUITES EXCEL ENGINEERING, INC. © 2016 NEW HOTEL FOR L 102 PROJECT NUMBER COLLABORATIONSHEET NUMBER PROFESSIONAL SEAL SHEET INFORMATION PROJECT INFORMATION SECTIONSECTION " x 4" ALUMINUM EDGE RESTRAINT; MILL FINISH; 8 1STAKED EVERY 24".TOPSOIL / PLANTING MIXTURFGRASS (TYPICAL) TOP OF GRAVEL SHOULD BE APPROXIMATELY 1/2"BELOW THE TOP LIP OF THE EDGE RESTRAINT. DOUBLE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH 2 1 SPACING OF ORNAMENTAL GRASS WILL VARY ONTHE VARIETY OF ORNAMENTAL GRASS SELECTEDSPACING PLAN - IF NOT INDICATED ON PLANT& MATERIAL LISTWATER IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING WITHA THOROUGH AND DEEP, SLOW RELEASEWATERING.LANDSCAPE FABRIC PLANTING MIX DEPTH OF 9" TO BEROTO-TILLED AT ALL PERENNIAL AREAS1OR LEAF COMPOSTREMOVE BROKEN, BENT, DEAD OR DISEASEDLEAVES/STEMS AFTER PLANTINGCAREFULL REMOVE PLANT FROM CONTAINER;SCORE ROOTS ON ALL SIDES; HAND TAMP INTOPLACE TO PROTECT PLANTPLANT SHRUB AT SAME LEVEL AS PREVIOUSGROWING CONDITION AT ROOT FLARE.SPADE EDGE WHERE PLANTING BEDS MEETLAWN AREAS.SCARIFY EXISTING SUBGRADE. SUBGRADEPERMEABLE LANDSCAPE FABRIC STONE MULCH / EDGE DETAIL ORNAMENTAL GRASS PLANTING E L U D E.) HP Y CT S" R6 E3 2-3" (+/-) STONE MULCHP5- 1 USE EDGING AROUNDPERIMETER OF GRAVELMULCH AREA OR ALONGBEDLINE( (SEE PLAN FOR STONE TYPE) N.T.S. DETAILDETAIL N.T.S. . SECTION SECTION OF BURLAP. WITH A SHARP KNIFE 3 2 CAREFULLY REMOVE PLANT FROM PLASTIC POT & SCORE ROOTS 1" DEEP DOUBLE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH 2 1 SPACING OF PERENNIALS WILL VARY ON THEVARIETY OF PERENNIAL SELECTEDSPACING PLAN - IF NOT INDICATED ON PLANT& MATERIAL LISTWATER IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING WITHA THOROUGH AND DEEP, SLOW RELEASEWATERING.LANDSCAPE FABRIC PLANTING MIX DEPTH OF 9" TO BEROTO-TILLED AT ALL PERENNIAL AREAS1OR LEAF COMPOSTREMOVE BROKEN, BENT, DEAD OR DISEASEDLEAVES/STEMS AFTER PLANTINGCAREFULL REMOVE PLANT FROM CONTAINER;SCORE ROOTS ON ALL SIDES; HAND TAMP INTOPLACE TO PROTECT PLANTPLANT SHRUB AT SAME LEVEL AS PREVIOUSGROWING CONDITION AT ROOT FLARE.SPADE EDGE WHERE PLANTING BEDS MEETLAWN AREAS.SCARIFY EXISTING SUBGRADE. OF ROOTBALL. SCORE REMAINING 3 AGAINST ROOT BALL.AIR POCKETS BY TAMPING MIXTURE IN 4" LIFTS.WATER IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING WITH A PLANT SHRUB AT SAME LEVEL AS PREVIOUSGROWING CONDITION AT ROOT FLARE.PRUNE OUT DEAD & BROKEN BRANCHES; RETAINNORMAL PLANT SHAPE.2-3" AVERAGE DEPTH MULCH OVER SOIL RING; DONOT PLACE MULCH AGAINST STEMS, OR BURYBOTTOM BRANCHES.REMOVE BURLAP AND SYNTHETIC TWINE FROM TOP1INSTALL ONE SLOW RELEASE FERTILIZER PACKETDIG HOLE 2X WIDER THAN DIAMETER OF ROOT BALL.BACK FILL WITH SPECIFIED PLANTING MIX - AVOIDTHOROUGH AND DEEP, SLOW RELEASE WATERING.LANDSCAPE FABRIC GROUNDCOVER / PERENNIAL PLANTING BALLED & BURLAPPEDPOTTED PLANT & MATERIAL SCHEDULE E L U D) E. HP CY T S" R4 E2 - P(8 USE EDGING AROUNDPERIMETER OF GRAVELMULCH AREA OR ALONGBEDLINEUSE EDGING AROUNDPERIMETER OF GRAVELMULCH AREA OR ALONGBEDLINE DETAILEVERGREEN SHRUB PLANTING N.T.S.DETAIL N.T.S. PLANTING & HARDSCAPE DETAILS . KNIFE CAREFULLY REMOVE POT & SCORE ROOTS PLANT FROM PLASTIC 1" DEEP WITH A SHARP OF BURLAP. 3 2 SECTION SECTION CONTAINER OF BURLAP ONCE SHRUB IS IN 3 OF ROOTBALL. SCORE 32 1 OF ROOTBALL. SCORE REMAINING 3 PLANT SHRUB AT SAME LEVEL AS PREVIOUSGROWING CONDITION AT ROOT FLARE.PRUNE OUT DEAD & BROKEN BRANCHES; RETAINNORMAL PLANT SHAPE.2-3" AVERAGE DEPTH MULCH OVER SOIL RING; DONOT PLACE MULCH AGAINST STEMS, OR BURYBOTTOM BRANCHES.REMOVE BURLAP AND SYNTHETIC TWINE FROM TOP1INSTALL ONE SLOW RELEASE FERTILIZER PACKETSAGAINST ROOT BALL.DIG HOLE 2X WIDER THAN DIAMETER OF ROOT BALL.BACK FILL WITH SPECIFIED PLANTING MIX - AVOIDAIR POCKETS BY TAMPING MIXTURE IN 4" LIFTS.WATER IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING WITH ATHOROUGH AND DEEP, SLOW RELEASE WATERING.LANDSCAPE FABRIC PRUNE OUT DEAD & BROKEN BRANCHES;RETAIN NORMAL PLANT SHAPE.2-3" AVERAGE DEPTH MULCH OVER SOILRING; DO NOT PLACE MULCH AGAINSTSTEMS.REMOVE BURLAP AND SYNTHETIC TWINEFROM TOP REMAININGPLACE.INSTALL TWO SLOW RELEASE FERTILIZERPACKETS AGAINST ROOT BALL.LANDSCAPE FABRICDIG HOLE 2X WIDER THAN DIAMETER OFROOT BALL.BACK FILL WITH SPECIFIED PLANTING MIX -AVOID AIR POCKETS BY TAMPING SOILMIXTURE IN 4" LIFTS.WATER IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING WITHA THOROUGH AND DEEP, SLOW RELEASEWATERING. PLANT SHRUB AT SAME LEVEL AS PREVIOUSGROWING CONDITION AT ROOT FLARE. DECIDUOUS SHRUB PLANTING (B&B) FIBER POT DECIDUOUS SHRUB PLANTING (POTTED) USE EDGING AROUNDPERIMETER OF GRAVELMULCH AREA OR ALONGBEDLINEUSE EDGING AROUNDPERIMETER OF GRAVELMULCH AREA OR ALONGBEDLINE N.T.S.DETAIL N.T.S. SECTIONSECTION OF ROOTBALL. OF ROOTBALL. 3 3 1 1 OF BURLAP ONCE TREE OF BURLAP ONCE TREE 33 2 2 WRAP TREE IN FALL FOR PROTECTION FROMWIRE CAGE FROM TOP SCORE REMAINING TO BOTTOM OF HOLE.AGAINST ROOT BALL.WATER IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING WITHA THOROUGH AND DEEP, SLOW RELEASEWATERING. PLANT TREE AT SAME LEVEL AS PREVIOUSGROWING CONDITION AT ROOT FLARE.PLANT SLIGHTLY HIGHER THANSURROUNDING FINISHED GRADE.REMOVE 'V' CROTCHES, STUBS, DOUBLELEADERS AND OVERLAPPING / RUBBINGPRUNE PLANTS (IF NEEDED) ONLY AFTERPLANTING.PRUNING IS SUBJECT TO TIME OF YEAR, ANDSPECIFIC TREE SPECIES.DEER (IF APPLICABLE).3" AVERAGE DEPTH MULCH OVER SOIL RING;DO NOT PLACE MULCH AGAINST TREE TRUNK.REMOVE BURLAP, SYNTHETIC TWINE, ANDIS IN PLACE, AND STRAIGHTENED.CAREFULLY BEND REMAINING CAGE DOWNINSTALL ONE (1) SLOW RELEASE FERTILIZERPACKET PER 1" CALIPER OF TREE. PLACELANDSCAPE FABRIC AROUND TREEDIG HOLE 2X WIDER THAN DIAMETER OFROOT BALL.EDGE RESTRAINT (SEE PLANT SCHEDULE)BACK FILL WITH SPECIFIED SOIL - AVOID AIRPOCKETS BY TAMPING SOIL MIXTURE IN 4"LIFTS.EXISTING SUBGRADE.PLANT TREE AT SAME LEVEL AS PREVIOUSGROWING CONDITION AT ROOT FLARE.PLANT SLIGHTLY HIGHER THANSURROUNDING FINISHED GRADE.REMOVE STUBS, AND OVERLAPPING, BROKENOR RUBBING BRANCHES. PRUNE PLANTS (IFNEEDED) ONLY AFTER PLANTING.PRUNING IS SUBJECT TO TIME OF YEAR, ANDSPECIFIC TREE SPECIES.3" AVERAGE DEPTH MULCH OVER SOIL RING;DO NOT PLACE MULCH AGAINST TREE TRUNK.REMOVE BURLAP, SYNTHETIC TWINE, ANDWIRE CAGE FROM TOP SCORE REMAINING IS IN PLACE, AND STRAIGHTENED.CAREFULLY BEND REMAINING CAGE DOWNTO BOTTOM OF HOLE.INSTALL ONE (1) SLOW RELEASE FERTILIZERPACKET PER 24" HEIGHT OF TREE. PLACEAGAINST ROOT BALL.DIG HOLE 2X WIDER THAN DIAMETER OFROOT BALL.LANDSCAPE FABRICEDGING RESTRAINT (SEE PLANT SCHEDULE)BACK FILL WITH SPECIFIED SOIL - AVOID AIRPOCKETS BY TAMPING SOIL MIXTURE IN 4"LIFTS.EXISTING SUBGRADE.WATER IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING WITHA THOROUGH AND DEEP, SLOW RELEASEWATERING. SHADE TREE PLANTING EVERGREEN TREE PLANTING USE EDGING AROUNDPERIMETER OF GRAVELMULCH AREA OR ALONGBEDLINE DETAILDETAIL N.T.S.N.T.S. USE EDGING AROUNDPERIMETER OF GRAVELMULCH AREA OR ALONGBEDLINE DETAIL A of the 23 07; or Prairie Nursery mix of plant starter with (1) year from the date of lend according to TPI rom a reputable seed mix 50 of the rootball and carefully cape Architect prior toing. on. Perennials, 13 by supplier. Prepare seedOnly one replacement per 50 awings). Methods of er of the same mulch. Do notlace. core the remaining edlines are to be cut crisp,ter the substantial completion of r planting.ery(ies) with a similar climate asd to receive a blend of organic covering, a tackifier may be s/activity. The landscape unk of any tree. Trees that are schedules outlined on the pon completion of project asngs and turf, and insure that all Landscape Architect reserves gment dyed or enviro-mulch). Alloth, uniform, quality turf. zes indicated on Plant & Materialbed, removing all debris and grass clippings, pruning and he Landscape Architect, Client or ir pockets and do not tamp soiltect and Owner prior to installation. repancies to Landscape Architect orations. Contractor is responsible to l sod with a walk behind roller andniformly at the specified rate, and ow grass, and native prairie seed quirements. Watering and general orted, installed incorrectly orking lot islands a minimum of 6" to rubs a ail). Remove all excessive gravel,e the topsoil (if adequate or provide , 4-5' diameter (see planting details or responsible for watering during this the root ball, if needed. Remove and ng soil beds or installed topsoil beds to a of 18" to insure long-term plant health. full, trees shall be watered thoroughly, and water left to soak in before 23 full, shrubs shall be watered thoroughly, and water left to soak in before proceeding. 3 2 LANDSCAPE GENERAL NOTES " and larger. Apply a 10-10-10 starter lawn fertilizer uniformly throughout areas prior to laying sod. Use only premium sod b CY Peat Moss or Mushroom Compost CY blended/pulverized Topsoil CY composted manure 2 44 4 1 An acceptable quality seed installation is defined as having:A uniform coverage through all turf areas Per 100 SF of bed area (Soil Amendment composition):331 In roto-tilled beds only, also include in above mixture:2 lbs Starter FertilizerNo bare spots larger than one (1) square footNo more than 10% of the total area with bare areas larger than one (1) square foot 2. Contractor to verify all plant quantities shown on Plant & Material List and landscape planting symbols and report any discGeneral Contractor.3. All plantings shall comply with standards as described in American Standard of Nursery Stock - Z60.1 ANSI (latest version).the right to inspect, and potentially reject any plants that are inferior, compromised, undersized, diseased, improperly transpdamaged. No sub-standard "B Grade" or "Park Grade" plant material shall be accepted. Plant material shall originate from nursthe planting site.4. Any potential plant substitutions must be approved by Landscape Architect or Owner. All plants must be installed as per siSchedule, unless approved by Landscape Architect. Any changes to sizes shown on plan must be submitted in writing to the Landsinstallation.5. Topspoil in Parking Lot Islands (if applicable): All parking lot islands to be backfilled with topsoil to a minimum depth Topsoil should be placed within 3" of finish grade by General Contractor / Excavation Contractor during rough grading operationcontractor shall be responsible for the fine grading of all disturbed areas, planting bed areas, and lawn areas. Crown all parprovide proper drainage, unless otherwise specified.6. Tree Planting: Plant all trees slightly higher than finished grade at the root flare. Remove excess soil from the top of discard non-biodegradable ball wrapping and support wire. Removed biodegradable burlap and wire cage (if present) from the topbend remaining wire down to the bottom of the hole. Once the tree has been placed into the hole and will no longer be moved, sburlap and remove the twine. Provide three slow release fertilizer for each tree planted.7. Tree Planting: Backfill tree planting holes 80% existing soils removed from excavation and 20% plant starter mix. Avoid adown. Discard any gravel, rocks, heavy clay, or concrete pieces. When hole is proceeding to fill the remainder of the hole. Water again to full soak in the new planting. Each tree shall receive a 3" deepplanting plan) shredded hardwood bark mulch ring around all trees planted in lawn areas. Do not build up any mulch onto the trinstalled incorrectly will be replaced at the time and expense of the Landscape Contractor.8. Shrub Planting: All shrubs to be planted in groupings as indicated on the Landscape Plan. Install with the planting of shtopsoil. Install topsoil into all plant beds as needed to achieve proper grade and displace undesirable soil (see planting detclay and stones from plant beds prior to planting. When hole(s) are Provide slow-release fertilizer packets at the rater of 1 per 24" height/diamter of shrub at planting.9. Mulching: All tree and shrub planting beds to receive a 3" deep layer of high quality shredded hardwood bark mulch (not piperennial planting areas (groupings) shall receive a 2" layer of shredded hardwood bark mulch, and groundcover areas a 1-2" laymulch annual flower beds (if applicable). Do not allow mulch to contact plant stems and tree trunks.smooth as per plan. A clean definition between landscape beds and lawn is required. Pack mulch against lawn edge to hold in psoil (Soil Amendments) amendments prior to installation. Roto-till the following materials at the following ratio, into existidepth of approximately 8"-10". Containerized and balled & burlapped plant material should be back-filled with amended soil:stones(revised 1995) and ASPA Standards. Install sod uniformly with staggered joints, laid tightly end to end and side to side. Rolwater immediately upon installation to a 3" depth. Stake any sod installed on slopes steeper than 1:3, and in all swale applicprovide a smooth, uniform, healthy turf, and is responsible for the first two mowings of the newly installed turf, and is also period.as in item #6 above) and seed bed by removing all surface stones 1" or larger. Apply a starter fertilizer and specified seed uprovide mulch covering suitable to germinate and establish turf. Provide seed and fertilizer specifications to Landscape ArchiErosion control measures are to be used in swales and on slopes in excess of 1:3 and where applicable (see Civil Engineering Drinstallation may vary are the discretion of the Landscape Contractor on his/her responsibility to establish and guarantee a smominimum of 2" of blended, prepared and non-compacted topsoil is required for all lawn areas. If straw mulch is used as a mulchnecessary to avoid wind dispersal of mulch covering. Marsh hay containing reed canary grass is NOT acceptable as a mulch cover608-296-3679) or approved equivalent mix from a reputable seed mix provider. Apply at 220 lbs per acre or at rate recommended bed and soil as specified in item #13 above.landscape plan set. Seed mixes available from Prairie Nursery 608-296-3679 or JF New 608-848-1789 or approved equivalent mix fprovider. Apply at rates specified herein, or per supplier recommendation. Prepare soil and seed bed as in item #13 above.required. Trees, Evergreens, and Shrubs (deciduous and evergreen) shall be guaranteed (100% replacement) for a minimum of one project completion. Perennials, groundcovers, and ornamental grasses shall be guaranteed for a minimum of one (1) growing seasgroundcovers, and ornamental grasses planted after September 15th shall be guaranteed through May 31st of the following year.plant will be required during the warranty period, except for losses or replacements due to failure to comply with specified reongoing maintenance instructions are to be supplied by the Landscape Contractor to the Owner upon completion of the project.the landscape installation. This shall include all trees, shrubs, evergreens, perennials, ornamental grasses, turf grass, no-mmix / stormwater seed mix. Work also includes weeding, edging, mulching (only if required), fertilizing, trimming, sweeping updeadheading.Owner / Client Representative, and the General Contractor to answer questions, provide written care instructions for new plantispecifications have been met. 1. Contractor responsible for contacting Gopher State One Call (811 or 800-252-1166) to have site marked prior to excavation o10. Edging: All planting beds shall be edged with a 4" deep spade edge using a flat landscape spade or a mechanical edger. B11. Plant bed preparation/Soil Amendment composition: All perennial, groundcover and annual areas (if applicable) are require12. Lawn Installation for all sodded turfgrass areas: Contractor to furnish and prepare blended topsoil (2" minimum) and sod 13. Installation preparation for all seeded areas: remove/kill off any existing unwanted vegetation prior to seeding. Prepar14. No-Mow seed areas: "No-Mow" fine fescue seed mix with annual rye nurse crop (available at Cedar Creek Seed Farm 888-313-6815. Native Prairie Seed Mix / Stormwater Seed Mix: Native seed mixes as listed on the Plant and Material List or other seeding16. Warranty and Replacements: All plantings are to be watered thoroughly at the time of planting, through construction and u17. The Landscape Contractor is responsible for the watering and maintenance of all landscape areas for a period of 45 days af18. Project Completion: Landscape Contractor is responsible to conduct a final review of the project, upon completion, with t One Redwood CourtRacine, Wisconsin 53402ph 262.639.9733fx 262.639.9737david@wdavidheller.com LLC & HELLER ASSOCIATES, L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T U R E DIRECTORS REPORT –PLANNING DEPARTMENT To:Hutchinson Planning Commission From:Dan Jochum, AICP Date:August 11, 2017, for August 15,2017Planning Commission Meeting RE:Ordinance Amendments for Dynamic Signs Discussion Staff has had requests from various businesses within the Downtown area (C-3 zoning district) regarding electronic or dynamic signs. Staff has studied this issue extensively and feels that there may be an opportunity to allow electronic signs without impacting the historic or traditional Main Street area. Within the Hutchinson Sign Ordinance there are special provisions for signage in the Main Street Area District which goes from Franklin Street on the west side of downtown to Hassan Street on th the east side of downtown and from the Crow River on the north side of downtown to 4Avenue SE on the south side of downtown. In this area signs are to be of a more “historic”nature that would allow the signs to fit in with the older buildings downtown. Staff is not comfortable allowing any electronic signs within the Main Street Area District, however there are areas of the C-3(central commercial)zoning districtthat are not within the Main Street Area District that would be able to accommodate electronic signs without adisturbance to thehistoric nature of downtown. For example, the area around the Liquor Hutch, Ace Hardware, former Econo Foods, VFW and Depot Marketplace has a different character then the Main Street area and staff feels electronic signs would not be problematic in this area. The signs would have to meet all of the requirements of the dynamicsigns ordinance the City of Hutchinson has adopted. Staff recommends the approval of the following ordinance amendment that would allow electronic signs in the C-3(central commercial) zoning district outside of the Main Street Area District. In addition, staff recommends amending the ordinance to allow electronic signs in the C-2, I-1, I-2 zoning district by rightversus a Conditional Use Permit. The following are the proposed amendmentswith strikethroughtext being deleted and underlined text being added: (O)Dynamic signs. Dynamic signs may be permitted as follows. (1)Dynamic signs are allowed as conditional uses in the C-1,C-2, I-1 and I-2 Zoning Districts. (2)Dynamic signs are allowed in the C-2, I-1 and I-2,C-4, C-5, GT and I/C Zoning Districts and in the C-3 Zoning District if they are located outside of the Main Street Area District as described in section 154.142 (E). (3)Dynamic displays may occupy no more than 66% of the sign area. (4)Dynamic signs are not allowed in the R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5districtsor in the Main Street Area District of the C-3 Zoning District, except as described in division (O)(14) below. (5)There shall be no dynamic signs within 100 feet of a residential zoning district. Ordinance Amendment Accessory Structures Planning Commission –1/19/16 Page 2 (6)There shall be no dynamic signs in the front setback area within 50 feet of a street intersection (as measured from intersecting right-of-way lines), except where lighting for such sign is indirect or diffused and in no way constitutes a traffic hazard. (7)No dynamic sign may be erected that, by reason of position, shape, movement or color interferes with the proper functioning of a traffic sign, signal or which otherwise constitutes a traffic hazard. (8)Dynamic signs shall not cause direct glare, nor become a distraction. (9)Dynamic displays shall have a minimum display or loop time of six seconds before the display changes. (10)A display of time, date or temperature must remain for at least the minimal allowable display time for the district in which it is located before changing to a different display, but the time, date or temperature information itself may change no more often than once every three seconds. (11)The lamp wattage and luminance level in candelas per square meter (Nits) shall be provided at the time of permit application. (12)Dynamic signs shall not exceed 5,000 Nits between the hours of civil sunrise and civil sunset and shall not exceed 500 Nits between the hours of civil sunset and civil sunrise. (13)Dynamic displaysmust be designed and equipped to freeze the device in one position if a malfunction occurs. The displays must also be equipped with a means to immediately discontinue the display if it malfunctions, and the sign owner must immediately stop the dynamic display when notified by the city that it is not complying with the standards of this section. (14)Dynamic signs which inform the public of time and/or temperature, as well as messages that consist of public announcements and the like, of a non-advertisingnature are allowed in the R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 and R-5 Zoning Districts. The dynamic signs in these districts shall be scrolling in nature with no flashing or other similar special effects. These signs shall have a black background with a singular color of lettering and/or numerics. The characters used shall be standard letters and numbers only. (2004 Code, § 154.136) (Ord. 01-296, passed 8-14-2001; Ord. 10-0661, passed 10-12-2010) Penalty, see § 154.999