PC Packet 01.19.16 AGENDA HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday,January 19, 2016 5:30 p.m. 1.CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3.SWEARING IN OF RON KALENBERG 4.ELECTION OF OFFICERS 5.CONSENT AGENDA A.CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED DECEMBER 15, 2015. 6.PUBLICHEARINGS A.Consideration of an amendment to the City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 154: Accessory Structures. B.Consideration of an amendment to the City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 154: Micro-Distillery Cocktail Rooms. Motion to close hearing –Motion to approve with staff recommendations –Motion to reject 7.NEW BUSINESS 8.UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9.COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A.Upcoming Meetings 10.ADJOURNMENT MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday,December 15, 2015 5:30 p.m. 1.CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The December15, 2015 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Hantge at 5:30p.m. Members in bold were present Chair Hantge, Commissioner Kirchoff, Commissioner Johnston,Commissioner Norton,Commissioner Arndt, Commissioner Wick, and Commissioner Fahey. Also present were Dan Jochum, City Planner, Marc Sebora, City Attorneyand Kyle Dimler, Building Official. 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3.CONSENT AGENDA A.CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATEDNOVEMER 17, 2015 Motion by Commissioner Norton, Second by Commissioner Arndt to approve. Motion approved unanimously. 4.PUBLIC HEARINGS A.CONSIDERATION OF ACONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO BUILD A 40’ X 50’ POLY TYPE BUILDING IN C-4 ZONING DISTRICE LOCATED AT 1385 HWY 7 W, JEFF MUNSELL, APPLICANT Dan Jochum, City Planner, presented to the Commission. Mr. Jochum reviewed the details of the application as provided in the Commissioners’ packets. Mr. Jochum noted that there is ample screening existing screen to the east and to the north. Staff recommends the addition of 3 trees to fill in voids in the existing screening. Mr. Jochum noted Staff does not have any significant concernsregarding this application. Commissioner Norton asked if the recommendation for additional trees was solely from Staff or if there had been concern raised by neighboring property owners.’ Mr. Jochum noted the recommendation was solely from Staff based upon their reviewof the submitted documents. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission December15, 2015 Page 2 Commissioner Johnston asked if there had been any presentation of a proposed color scheme. Jason Verhasselt, representing the applicant, stated the building is not proposed to be anything flamboyant. Jason Verhasselt 1355 Hwy7 West presented to the Commission. Mr. Verhasselt noted the building site is the highest point on their lot. Motion made by Commissioner Arndt, Second by Commissioner Nortonto close the public hearing at 5:38p.m. Motion approved unanimously. Motion by Commissioner Arndtto approve with conditions1-6as recommended by staff, Second by Commissioner Norton. Motion was approved unanimously. This item will be on the consent agenda at the Tuesday, December 22, 2015 City Council meeting at 5:30 p.m. Motion to close hearing –Motion to approve with staff recommendations–Motion to reject B.CONSIDERATION OF A VACATION OF A PORTION OF CITY RIGHT OF WAY NEAR 470 HIGH ST AT HWY 7 E Dan Jochum, City Planner, presented to the Commission. Mr. Jochum noted that the applicant found that a portion of what they believed was theirs, was actually a piece of right-of-way property that belongs to the City. Mr. Jochum stated the subject portion of the right-of-way, approximately 3,800 sq. ft., is not needed by the City and Staff has coordinated a proposed sale to transfer the ownership following the vacation of this portion of the City righ-of- way. Motion made by Commissioner Arndt, Second by Commissioner Norton at 5:42 p.m.moved to close public hearing. Motion made by Commissioner Norton, Second by Commissioner Arndt to approve the vacation of the subject portion of the right-of-way as proposed. Motion was approved unanimously. This item will be on the consent agenda at the Tuesday, December 22, 2015 City Council meeting at 5:30 p.m. Motion to close hearing –Motion to approve with staff recommendations –Motion to reject Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission December15, 2015 Page 3 5.UNFINISHED BUSINESS A.Discussion on Micro-Distillery Locations Mr. Jochum noted that City Attorney Marc Seborahas prepared draft language for the City Zoning Ordinance included in the Commission’s packets. Mr. Jochum noted the next step in this process would be to have a public hearing if the Commission believes the proposed language is acceptable. Mr. Jochum noted the public hearing will be at the January 2016 Planning Commission meeting. B.Discussion on Pole Buildings and Accessory Structure Size Limits Mr. Jochum referenced the lengthy discussion at the November 2015 Planning Commission meeting regarding the possibility of modifying the maximum allowable size for accessory structures based upon lot size. Mr. Jochum referred the Commissioners to the chart that Staff prepared as a consideration to amend Section 154.026 of the Hutchinson Code of Ordinances. Mr.Jochum stated that he would propose eliminating the requirement for a conditional use permit and allowing staff to administer permits based upon the proposed parameters. The Commission discussed the proposed language and asked questions regarding the possibility of a variance to exceed the proposed parameters, the maximum building height, and whether the minimum should be moved directly to 1,500 sq. ft. The Commission asked Staff to prepare an ordinance for a public hearing at the January Planning Commission meeting. 6.NEWBUSINESS Mr. Jochum noted that no applications have been received yet for the January meeting. 7.COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A.Upcoming Meetings 8.ADJOURNMENT Motion by Commissioner Arndt, Second by Commissioner Arndtto adjourn the meeting at 6:10p.m. DIRECTORS REPORT –PLANNING DEPARTMENT To:Hutchinson Planning Commission From:Dan Jochum, AICP Date:January 14, 2016, for January 19,2016, Planning Commission Meeting RE:Ordinance Amendments for Accessory Structures and Pole Buildings Discussion The following is the ordinance language Staff prepared after discussion about accessory structures and pole buildings at the December 15, 2015 Planning Commission Meeting. §154.004 DEFINITIONS. POLE BARNBUILDING. A building with a frame madeof wooden or metal parts, with metal panels covering three or more sides, and without a full foundation. § 154.026 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS. (A)No accessory buildings shall be erected or located within any required side yard setback, except as provided in §§ 154.056 and 154.057 of this code, for R-1 and R-2 districts. (B)Utility buildings in residential districts shallnot exceed12 feet by 16 feetbe smaller than 200 square feetand shall be six feet or more from all lot lines of adjoining lots, and shall not be located within a utility easement. (C)No accessory building or garage per single-family homes shall occupy more than 25% of a rear yard. , nor exceed 1,000 square feet of floor area.All new homes shall either have an attached or detached garage of at least 400 square feet. Garages less than 400 square feet but larger than 240 square feet are allowed by conditional use permit. Garages less than 240 square feet are not allowed.Garages between 1,000 square feet and 1,500 square feet may be allowed with a conditional use permit if they do not occupy more than 25% of the rear yard. Garages larger than 1,500 square feet are not allowed in residential zoning districts. The size of detached (accessory) garages are regulated per the below table: Lot SizeMaximum Detached (Accessory) Garage Size .15 to .29 Acres1,000 square feet .30 to .49 Acres1,250 square feet .50 to 1.0 Acres1,500 square feet 1.0 to 2.0 Acres1,750 square feet 2.0 Acres or more2,000 square feet *Note –No accessory structure or detached garage shall occupy more than 25% of a rear yard. (D)No permit shall be issued for the construction of more than one accessory detached private garage structure for each dwelling. (E)No accessory building or use shall be constructed or developed on a lot prior to the time of construction of the principal building to which it is accessory, except by conditional use permit. (F)Accessory buildings in all districts shall be located to the rear of the principal building. Ordinance Amendment Accessory Structures Planning Commission –1/19/16 Page 2 (G)No accessory building in a commercial or industry district shall exceed the height of the principal building except by conditional use permit. (H)Utility sheds in residential districts which have floor areas greater than ten feet by 12 feet200 square feetshall have a floating concrete slab. Only one utility shed per home is permitted. (I)Pole buildings shall be permitted only if siding and roofing in building materials are similar to the principal structure. Pole buildings are allowed only by conditional use permit. Pole Buildings are not allowed for detached garages or accessory buildings in residential zoned areas unless the lot is at least 1 acre in size. (J)Unattached garages require direct access by public way or in cases of interior lots, a side yard drive setback dimension no less than ten feet between the property line and the principal structure. Direct access to the public right-of-way is not permitted through the rear or side yard of double frontage lots located on any collectors or arterial roadways, except for properties platted prior to 1988. (`89 Code, § 11.7.14) (Ord. 464, passed 1--96; Am. Ord. 07-0459, passed 3-13-07) Penalty, see § 10.99 § 154.056 R-1, SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. (E)Accessory uses. (1)Detached garages not exceeding 1,000 square feetas referenced in 154.026; (2)Utility sheds not exceeding 200 square feet; (3)Gazebo or summer lawn-house; yard recreational equipment; (4)Signs, as regulated in §§ 154.140 through 154.144 of this chapter; and (5)Swimming pools or game courts designed for private use. § 154.061 C-1, NEIGHBORHOOD CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. (F)Other requirements. Refer to development standards in §§ 154.110 through 154.125 and 154.140 through 154.144 of this chapter for additional regulations pertaining to the following: (8)Pole barnsbuildings; and § 154.062 C-2, AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. (F)Other requirements. Refer to §§ 154.110 through 154.125 and 154.140 through 154.144 of this chapter for regulations pertaining to: (8)Pole barnsbuildings; and § 154.063 C-3, CENTRAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. (E)Other requirements. Refer to §§ 154.015 through 154.026 of this chapter, regarding general requirements, and §§ 154.110 through 154.125 and 154.140 through 154.144, regarding development standards, for regulations pertaining to: (8)Pole barnsbuildings; and § 154.064 C-4, FRINGE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. (F)Other requirements. Refer to §§ 154.110 through 154.125 and 154.140 through 154.144 of this chapter, regarding development standards, for regulations pertaining to: (8)Pole barnsbuildings; and Ordinance Amendment Accessory Structures Planning Commission –1/19/16 Page 3 § 154.065 C-5, CONDITIONAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. (J)Other requirements. Refer to §§ 154.110 through 154.125 and 154.140 through 154.144 of this chapter, regarding development standards, for regulations pertaining to: (6)Pole barnsbuildings. § 154.066 I/C, INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. (G)Other requirements. Refer to §§ 154.110 through 154.125 and 154.140 through 154.144 of this chapter, regarding development standards, for regulations pertaining to: (8)Polebarnsbuildings; and § 154.067 I-1, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PARK DISTRICT. (F)Other requirements. Refer to §§ 154.110 through 154.125 and 154.140 through 154.144 of this chapter, regarding development standards, for regulations pertaining to: (8)Pole barnsbuildings; and § 154.068 I-2, HEAVY INDUSTRY DISTRICT. (F)Other requirements. Refer to §§ 154.110 through 154.125 and 154.140 through 154.144 of this chapter, regarding development standards, for regulations pertaining to: (8)Pole barnsbuildings; and § 154.069 BP, BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT. (F)Other requirements. Refer to §§ 154.110 through 154.125 and 154.140 through 154.144 of this chapter, regarding development standards, for regulations pertaining to: (8)Pole barnsbuildings; and § 154.123 POLE BUILDINGS/TUBE FRAME STRUCTURES/TEMPORARY BUILDINGS. (A)Pole buildings in Commercial, Business and Industrial Zoning Districtsrequire a conditional use permit. Pole Buildingsare regulated by §154.026 for Residential Zoning Districts. TITLE AND SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 16-751 The following Ordinance is hereby published by title and summary: 1.Title of Ordinance: City of Hutchinson Zoning Ordinance Revisions (Chapter 154). Anordinance amending chapter 154,Zoning Ordinance,regarding accessory structures within the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota. 2.Summary of Ordinance: This ordinance amends, Chapter 154,which section regulates land usage within the City of Hutchinson, MN.More specifically, this ordinance amends the accessory structure requirements and pole buildingsrequirementswithin the City of Hutchinson. This Chapter applies in the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota. Except as otherwise provided herein, the Planning Directorshall administer, implement, and enforce the provisionsof this Chapter. This Ordinance shall take effect upon publication in accordance with the Hutchinson City Charter. 3.Availability of Ordinance: A complete, printed copy of this Ordinance is available for inspection by any person during regular business hours in the office of the City Clerk, th This Ordinance was passed by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson on the 9day of February, 2016. ATTEST: ________________________________________________________________ Matthew Jaunich, City Administrator Gary T. Forcier, Mayor First reading of the Ordinance: January 26, 2016 Second reading of the Ordinance: February 9, 2016 Publication No. __________ Date of Publication: __________ TO:Planning Commission FROM:Marc A. Sebora, City Attorney DATE:January 14, 2016 SUBJECT:Micro-distillery Cocktail Rooms As a follow up to our discussion at last month’s meeting, please find enclosed an ordinance that would allow micro-distillery cocktail rooms in the commercial and I/C zoning districtsof Hutchinson by conditional use permit.Also attached is the summary ordinance that will be published if the City Council chooses to adopt this ordinance language. This is the same amendment to the zoning ordinance as was done in August 2014 to allow Brew Pubs and Taprooms. Dan Jochum and I will be available for any questions you may have at the meeting. ORDINANCE NO. 16-750 SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 16-750–AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 154 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE (ZONING) –ALLOWING MICRODISTILLERIES AND COCKTAIL ROOMS BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The City Council hereby ordains the following summary of Ordinance No. 16-750: 1.Title of Ordinance: Micro-distillery Cocktail Rooms An Ordinance Amending Chapter 154 (Zoning) of the City of Hutchinson Code of Ordinances Adding Language in Section 154.062 –154.066 allowing Micro-distillery Cocktail Rooms by Conditional Use Permit (CUP). 2.Summary of Ordinance: Amends Sections 154.062 –154.066 allowing Micro-distillery Cocktail Rooms by Conditional Use Permit (CUP). This Ordinance shall take effect upon publication in accordance with the Hutchinson City Charter. 3.Availability of Ordinance: A complete, printed copy of this ordinance is available for inspection by any person during regular business hours in the office of the City Clerk. Adopted by the Hutchinson City Council this __________ day of _________________, 2016. ATTEST: ____________________________________________________________________________ Matthew Jaunich, City Administrator Gary T. Forcier, Mayor Publication No. ___________ Date of Publication: _____________________ § 154.062 C-2, AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. (A)Purpose. The C-2 district is intended to provide locations for businesses which generate a high degree of automobile traffic and which would properly be developed along major thoroughfares of the community. (B)Permitted principal uses. The following uses are permitted, as regulated herein, without special application requirements or conditions attached. Highly similar uses not listed may be allowed upon the determination of the City Council. (1)Retail sales businesses; (2)Service stations, automobile repair shops. For standards, see § 154.111 of this code; (3)Car wash operations, including automated lanes. For standards, see § 154.112; (4)Business and professional offices; (5)Drive-through banking facilities, postal centers and similar uses; (6)Convenience goods store; including gasoline pumps, subject to a maximum of 4,000 square feet of enclosed sales area; (7)New car, marine, farm machinery, manufactured home, sales and display areas, when operated in conjunction with and as part of the new item franchised dealership; (8)Nurseries and garden supply centers; (9)Motels; and (10)Restaurants, including convenience food restaurants. (C)Conditional uses. Used car, farm machinery, marine and mobile home sales and display areas when not operated as a part of new item franchise dealership, Brew Pubs, Tap Rooms, Micro-distillery Cocktail Rooms. § 154.063 C-3, CENTRAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. (A)Purpose. The C-3 central commercial district is intended to provide an area for the grouping of general retail sales establishments, offices and services which serve city residents and the surrounding area. The C-3 district provisions and boundaries are intended to promote compatible land use relationships among diverse types of uses and encourage well-planned development or expansion in accord with the approved Comprehensive Plan. Only those uses which substantially interfere with the overall function of the general commercial area will be excluded. On-site parking is not required in this district. (B)Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted as regulated herein, without special application requirements or conditions attached. Similar uses may be allowed upon the determination of the City Council. (1)Trade and services: any retail store or personal service business subject to all regulations and permits and licenses as may be required by law, and further provided that the use is not objectionable due to noise, fumes, smoke, odor or vibration, including the following and other similar uses; (2)Cultural facilities; (3)Trade and business schools; (4)Catering establishments; (5)Employment agencies; (6)Game and amusement arcades; (7)Hotels and motels; (8)Interior decorating service and sales; (9)Offices for corporations and professionals; (10)Publishing, job printing and blueprinting; (11)Post offices and other public service operations; (12)Restaurants; (13)Taverns; (14)Theaters; (15)Commercial parking lots; (16)Pawnbroker establishments; (17)Massage service establishments; and (18)Upper level apartment units. (C)Conditional permitted uses. (1)Commercial parking ramps for passenger vehicles only, provided a reservoir space is provided within the structure for holding cars awaiting entrance, which reservoir space shall have a capacity of no less than two vehicles; (2)New or used automobile sales; indoor display area only; (3)Motor fuel and service stations, excluding major repair operation. See Appendix B to this chapter for the off-street parking schedule; (4)A state licensed residential facility serving from seven through 16 persons; (5)Group homes up to 5,000 square feet; (6)All licensed day care facilities which are not permitted principal uses under state law; (7)Single-family residences applying for additions, decks, garages, remodeling, or other single-family related uses. (8)(a)Drive-through windows (specific considerations of traffic impact, accessibility to appropriate roadways, site plan consideration and other relevant information would be part of the application review). (b)Conditions for residential facilities, group homes, crisis shelters and licensed day care facilities shall not be imposed which are more restrictive than those imposed on conditional uses or other multi-family residential property in the same district, unless the additional conditions are necessary to protect the health or the safety of the residents of the residential facility. (9)The requirements of § 154.115 of this code shall apply to the conditional uses described in this section. (10)Tattoo establishments. (11)Brew Pubs (12)Tap Rooms (13)Micro-distillery Cocktail Rooms § 154.064 C-4, FRINGE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. (A)Purpose. The C-4 commercial district is intended to provide one or more areas for the grouping of general retail sales establishments, offices and services which offer convenient shopping facilities for city residents and the surrounding area. C-4 district provisions and boundaries are established to promote compatible land use relationships among diverse types of uses and encourage well-planned development or expansion in accord with the city’s Comprehensive Plan. Only those uses which substantially interfere with the overall function of the general commercial area will be excluded. (B)Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted as regulated herein, without special application requirements or conditions attached. Similar uses may be allowed uponthe determination of the City Council. (1)Trade and services: any retail store or personal service business subject to all regulations and permits and licenses as may be required by law, and further provided that the use is not objectionable due to noise, fumes, smoke, odor or vibration, including the following and other similar uses as determined by the city’s Planning Commission; (2)Catering businesses; (3)Convenience grocery stores; (4)Cultural facilities; (5)Game and amusement arcades; (6)Hotels and motels; (7)Motor vehicle sales and service establishments; (8)Post offices and other public service operations; (9)Restaurants, including convenience food; (10)Taverns; (11)Theaters; (12)Trade and business schools, technical colleges, vocational schools, universities; (13)Hospitals; (14)Crisis shelters; (15)Car washes; (16)Pawnbroker establishments; (17)Massage service establishments; and (18)Offices; business and professional. (C)Conditional permitted uses. (1)Permitted uses listed in the C-2 district but not including used car, farm machinery, marine or manufactured home sales; (2)Commercial parking structures; (3)Churches and houses of worship and related facilities; (4)Storage units; (5)Tattoo establishments; (6)Towing company offices with fenced impound lots, subject to providing a completely fenced and screened enclosure. Fences must be a minimum of six feet high and constructed of wood or equivalent materials; and (7)Dog daycare. (8)Brew Pubs (9)Tap Rooms (10)Micro-distillery Cocktail Rooms § 154.065 C-5, CONDITIONAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. (A)Purpose. The purpose of the C-5 conditional commercial district is to provide for business, commercial and retail uses that are conveniently accessed by major arterial traffic. (1)Development will be allowed only as a conditional use to: (a)Ease land use transition; (b)Control development so that it is compatible with the surrounding property; and (c)Establish dimensional requirements on an individual basis. (2)Those uses which substantially interfere with the overall function of the area will be excluded. (3)Development shall also meet standards for lighting, landscaping and pedestrian access. (B)Permitted uses. (1)There are no permitted principal uses in the C-5 district. (2)(a)Any accessory use, building or structure customarily incidental to a permitted conditional use listed below, and located on the same lot therewith not to exceed 320 square feet; (b)Parking and loading facilities, as regulated in § 154.116 and Appendix B to this chapter; and (c)Signs as regulated in §§ 154.135 through 154.139. (C)Conditional uses. Buildings or land may be used for the following if granted a conditional use permit: (1)Trade and services: any retail store, personal service or business service establishments, subject to all regulations and permits and licenses as may be required by law, including the following and other similar uses; (2)Business and professional offices; (3)Candy and ice cream shops; (4)Cultural establishments: museums, galleries and the like; (5)Convenience goods stores; including gasoline pumps, subject to a maximum of 4,000 square feet of enclosed sales area; (6)Freestanding and attached car washes; (7)Hotels and motels; (8)Motor fuel and service stations, excluding major repair operation. See Appendix B to this chapter for the off-street parking schedule; (9)Restaurants, including convenience food; (10)Retail sales; (11)Theaters; and (12)Variety, gift, notion, antique and soft goods stores. (13)Brew Pubs (14)Tap Rooms (15)Micro-distillery Cocktail Rooms § 154.066 I/C, INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. (A)Purpose. It is the purpose of the I/C district to allow for development of areas where there is a transition in use occurring, but sites are not available which would allow for compliance with other district requirements. Industrial or commercial development will be allowed only as a conditional permitted use to: (1)Ease land use transition; (2)Control development so that it is compatible with surrounding property; and (3)Establish dimensional requirements on an individual basis. (B)Permitted uses. (1)There are no permitted principal uses in the I/C district. (2)(a)Any accessory use, building or structure customarily incidental to a permitted conditional use listed below, and located on the same lot therewith not to exceed 320 square feet; (b)Parking and loading facilities, as regulated in § 154.116 and Appendix B to this chapter; (c)Signs as regulated in §§ 154.135 -154.139 of this code; (d)Pawnbroker establishments; and (e)Massage service establishments. (C)Conditional uses. Buildings or land may be used for the following if granted a conditional use permit, and provided further that any objectionable features normally associated with these uses, such as those deemed to be hazardous, offensive or objectionable by reason of odor, dust, cinders, gas, fumes, noise, vibration, radiation, refuse matter or water-carried waste, shall be ameliorated, controlled or eliminated through design, mechanical devices, screen planting and/or walls or other measures as specified by the Planning Commission, and authorized that the use and its day to day activity will not be unreasonably hazardous, noxious or offensive: (1)Trade and services: any retail store, personal service or business service establishments, subject to all regulations and permits and licenses as may be required by law, including the following and other similar uses; (2)Automobile or trailer sales and service establishments; (3)Building materials and hardware, retail sales and repairs; (4)Business and professional offices; (5)Cultural, entertainment and recreational establishments; (6)General merchandising, apparel and accessories and establishments; (7)Car wash operations, including automated lanes. See Appendix B to this chapter for the off-street parking schedule; (8)Catering establishments; (9)Churches and houses of worship and related facilities; (10)Convenience goods and food shops, subject to a maximum of 5,000 square feet of sales area; (11)Dog kennels; (12)Drive-in or drive-through restaurants, banking facilities and the like; (13)Employment agencies; (14)Fairgrounds; (15)Furniture, home furnishing and equipment, sales and display; (16)Hotels and motels; (17)Manufacturing: any light manufacturing or process including repairs, assembling, fabricating, altering, converting, finishing, processing, treating, testing, packaging or bottling, except any use or process hereinafter specifically excluded or which would not be in keeping with the purpose of the district as stated above. This determination shall be made by the Zoning Administrator upon review of the building permit application; (18)Motor vehicle body shops; (19)Post offices and other public service operations; (20)Publishing, job printing and blue printing; (21)Nurseries, garden supply centers; (22)Restaurants; (23)Service stations, automobile repair shops. Standards for automobile services stations are set forth in § 154.111 of this code; (24)Taverns; (25)Trade and business schools; (26)Theaters; (27)Warehousing, storage and wholesaling: the storage, handling, assembly and distribution of goods and materials for retail, wholesale or on-site use. This does not include truck terminals, which are not allowed in this district; and (28)Recyclable materials collection centers. (29)Brew Pubs (30)Tap Rooms (31)Micro-distillery Cocktail Rooms