PC Packet 03.18.14 AGENDA HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, March 18, 2014 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONSENT AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED February 18, 2014 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE PLAN TO EXPAND SHALOM BAPTIST CHURCH LOCATED AT 1215 ROBERTS RD SW Motion to close hearing – Motion to approve with staff recommendations – Motion to reject B. CONSIDERATION TO AMEND THE I-1 ZONING DISTRICT Motion to close hearing – Motion to approve with staff recommendations – Motion to reject C. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENTS TO CITY CODE CHAPTER 152 – SHORELAND MANAGEMENT. Motion to close hearing – Motion to approve with staff recommendations – Motion to reject 5. NEW BUSINESS 6. OLD BUSINESS 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A. Upcoming Meetings 8. ADJOURNMENT MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, February 18, 2014 5:30 p.m. 9. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. Chair Christie Hantge called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members present: Jim Fahey, Bill Arndt, Dean Kirchoff, John Lofdahl and Raymond Norton. Member absent: Dave Johnston. Also present were Dan Jochum, Planning Director and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. 10. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 11. CONSENT AGENDA B. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED January 21, 2014 Motion by Norton, second by Lofdahl, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 12. PUBLIC HEARINGS D. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENTS TO CITY CODE CHAPTER 152 – SHORELAND MANAGEMENT Chair Hantge opened the public hearing at 5:31 p.m. Dan Jochum, Planning Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Jochum recommended that this item be tabled or continued to a later date. Mr. Jochum explained that he spoke with a representative from the DNR late last week and they had questions regarding the proposed amendments. Motion by Arndt, second by Kirchoff, to continue the public hearing to March 17, 2014. Motion carried unanimously. 13. NEW BUSINESS A. CONSIDERATION OF A LOT SPLIT SUBMITTED BY MENARD, INC TO SPLIT THE SOUTH 153.71 FT FROM LOT 1, BLOCK 2, MENARD ADDITION (1450 MONTREAL ST SE) Dan Jochum, Planning Director, presented before the Commission. Mr. Jochum reviewed the subject property and the location of the lot split. The lot area is 1.075 acres and the remaining lot will be approximately 2.8 acres in size. A six foot utility and drainage easement must be added along both sides of the new property line that is created by the lot split. B. CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN REVIEW REQUESTED BY AAP HUTCHINSON LLC FOR AN ADVANCED AUTO PARTS STORE AT 1450 MONTREAL ST SE Mr. Jochum reviewed the site plan with the Commission. The property is located to the south of the current Culver’s property. A trail facility to the east of the location is located in a drainage and utility easement area and therefore a trail easement will need to be granted. Mr. Jochum also reviewed the landscaping plan for the property. A tree may need to be moved from the plan due to site issues but that will be worked out with the applicant. Commissioner Arndt asked if there was room along Hwy 15 for the planting of trees. Mr. Jochum responded that there is some room for trees, however typically businesses do not want trees to block their signage. Commissioner Fahey asked if there is any concern with future curb cuts as development moves northward. Mr. Jochum responded that the area is planned for development which includes the intention of curb cuts. This is acceptable/typical due to the types of use that will be developed. Staff has reviewed the trail easement language and it is acceptable to staff. The easement will be placed on the February 25, 2014, City Council meeting for consideration. Motion by Kirchoff, second by Lofdahl, to approve Resolution No. 14241, approving lot split including conditions 1-8. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Arndt, second by Kitchoff, to approve Resolution No. 14242, approving Site Plan review application including conditions 1-8. Motion carried unanimously. 14. OLD BUSINESS Dan Jochum reported that staff will be working with the DNR on feedback for the shoreland ordinance amendments. 15. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF B. Upcoming Meetings Mr. Jochum reported that it is likely that multiple applications will be before the Commission at the March 17, 2014, meeting. Mr. Jochum also noted that he is considering sending out Planning Commission packets electronically. The Commission responded favorably to this plan. Commissioners will email Mr. Jochum and he will begin sending the packet out electronically. 16. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Norton, second by Lofdahl, to adjourn at 5:50 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 382374309 384 312 300 DIRECTORS REPORT – PLANNING DEPARTMENT 311 314 To: Hutchinson Planning Commission 310 386 From: Casey Stotts, Dan Hatten, Dave Hunstad, Brian Mehr, Dolf Moon, Jean 365 Ward, Jeremy Carter, John Olson, John Paulson, John Webster, Judy 313 Flemming, Kent Exner, Lee Miller, EDA Intern, Lenny Rutledge, Marc Sebora, Mike Bahe, Steve Landcaster Dan Jochum and Andrea Schwartz 312 (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in bold) 1223 367 Date: March 10, 2014, for March 18, 2014, Planning Commission Meeting Application: Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan Approval 317 316 314 Applicant: Shalom Baptist Church Site Plan and Conditional Use Permit Shalom Baptist Church is requesting a Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan Review to expand 401 the existing Church facility to the north, adding a new lobby, expanded administration office, 320 and new multi-purpose worship facility. 1235 1245 1255 405 332 324 328 409 1215 School Rd SW 410 1240 1250 413 404 1201 GENERAL INFORMATION 1245 12351225 417 408 Roberts Rd SW 5155101200 Existing Zoning: R-1 (Single Family Residential) Property Location: Lot 1, Block 1, Stoney Point 2nd Addition Lot Size: 3 acres Existing Land Use: Church Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: R-1 (Single Family Residential) Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Public/Institutional Zoning History: Property was originally zoned R-1 Applicable Regulations: Section 154.056; Section 154.170; Section 154.169 Building: The proposed expansion is 13,416 sq. ft. Site Plan: The City Council deems it is necessary and appropriate to require site plan approval of developments in certain zoning districts to preserve and promote attractive, well-planned, stable urban conditions. The following is an overview of site plan considerations. Setbacks: The proposed building setbacks and requirements for the R-1 (Single Family Residential) are identified below. The plans would meet the building setbacks as follows: Principal Accessory Are Structure Building Setbacks Setback Setback Met? Front Setback 30 feet 30 feet Yes Interior Side 8 feet 6 feet Yes Corner Side 30 feet 30 feet Yes Rear Yard 30 feet; 15 6 feet; 25 feet on feet on corner double frontage lots lots Landscaping: Appears to meet City standards. The City Arborist will review the landscape plan and make comments prior to a building permit being issued. Parking: 125 Parking Spaces are required for this use. There are 69 stalls being proposed on- site, including five handicap parking stalls. In addition, through a mutual agreement with Hutchinson High School there are another 402 stalls that can be used at the high school across the street. Parking will be adequate as long as the agreement with Hutchinson High School remains in place. Lighting and Signage: The parking lot lighting is not proposed to be changed at this point. The existing sign will remain in place on site and a new sign is proposed on the side of the church. These signs appear to meet ordinance requirements and will be verified at the time a sign permit is applied for. Stormwater Management: Following the final construction plan submittal and City review, address City Environmental Specialist’s SWPP comments and approval. In addition, a pond will be required to handle the additional impervious surface created by the building addition. City staff will review the pond design and calculations and approve it prior to issuing a building permit. Conditional Use Permit: The Conditional Use Permit (CUP) is required for a Church in the R-1 Zoning District. The Church use should be adequately screened from the residential uses surrounding it. The following are standards for granting a conditional use permit: (a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit and site plan with the following recommendations: 1. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. 2. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the R-1 district and the Zoning Ordinance. 3. The exterior of the addition shall have an appearance that fits the character of a residential neighborhood and shall not have unfinished pre-cast concrete on the outside. 4. The parking agreement must remain in place with Hutchinson Schools in order to meet the minimum parking requirements for the use. 5. There must be emergency service access around the building. Fire hydrants must be located no farther than 400 feet from the building. 6. Exterior lighting must be indirect and shall not cause glare to adjacent properties. 7. Final landscape plan information must be provided to the City Arborist for final review. One tree is required for each 800 square feet of green space. 8. The pond should be moved further south to use the existing trees as a buffering. 9. The sprinkler system in the addition must meet all requirements. 10. Any signage for the use will require a sign permit. 11. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. Any expansion or intensification of a conditional use or change to another conditional use requires approval of a new conditional use permit. 12. If the proposed use fails to start operation within one year of the conditional use permit being granted, the conditional use permit shall be deemed null and void and a new conditional use permit must be applied for. CITY OF HUTCHINSON MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 14246 RESOLUTION ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT AND REASONS FOR APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE PLAN TO ALLOW EXPANSION TO SHALOM BAPTIST CHURCH TO THE NORTH OF THE BUILDING LOCATED AT 1215 ROBERTS RD SW FACTS 1. Shalom Baptist Church, is the owner of a parcel of land located at 1215 Roberts Rd SW, Hutchinson Minnesota; and, nd 2. The subject property is legally described as: Lot 1, Block 1, Stoney Point 2 Addition 3. Shalom Baptist Church, has applied to the City for a conditional use permit to allow expansion to Shalom Baptist Church to the North located at 1215 Roberts Rd SW, Hutchinson MN. 4. The Planning Commission met on March 18, 2014, and held a public hearing on the request and considered the effects of the proposal on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, and hereby recommends approval of the request subject to the following findings and conditions: a. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. b. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the R-1 district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. c. The exterior of the addition shall have an appearance that fits the character of a residential neighborhood and shall not have unfinished pre-cast concrete on the outside. d. The parking agreement must remain in place with Hutchinson Schools in order to meet the minimum parking requirements for the use. e. There must be emergency service access around the building. Fire hydrants must be located no farther than 400 feet from the building. f. Exterior lighting must be indirect and shall not cause glare to adjacent properties. g. Final landscape plan information must be provided to the City Arborist for final review. One tree is required for each 800 square feet of green space. h. The pond should be moved further south to use the existing trees as a buffering. i. The sprinkler system in the addition must meet all requirements. j. Any signage for the use will require a sign permit. k. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. l. All appropriate permits must be obtained prior to the start of construction. m. If the proposed use fails to start operation within one year of the conditional use permit being granted, the conditional use permit shall be deemed null and void and a new conditional use permit must be applied for. 5. The City Council of the City of Hutchinson reviewed the requested conditional use permit at its meeting on March 25, 2014, and has considered the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission and hereby does recommend approval of the conditional use permit, subject to the following findings and conditions: a. The standards for granting a conditional use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. b. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the R-1 district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. c. The exterior of the addition shall have an appearance that fits the character of a residential neighborhood and shall not have unfinished pre-cast concrete on the outside. d. The parking agreement must remain in place with Hutchinson Schools in order to meet the minimum parking requirements for the use. e. There must be emergency service access around the building. Fire hydrants must be located no farther than 400 feet from the building. f. Exterior lighting must be indirect and shall not cause glare to adjacent properties. g. Final landscape plan information must be provided to the City Arborist for final review. One tree is required for each 800 square feet of green space. h. The pond should be moved further south to use the existing trees as a buffering. i. The sprinkler system in the addition must meet all requirements. j. Any signage for the use will require a sign permit. k. The conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions required by the permit are observed. l. All appropriate permits must be obtained prior to the start of construction. m. If the proposed use fails to start operation within one year of the conditional use permit being granted, the conditional use permit shall be deemed null and void and a new conditional use permit must be applied for. APPLICABLE LAW 6. The conditional use permit request meets the following standards as required in Section 154.170 of the City of Hutchinson Municipal Code: (d) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or community; (e) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare; and (f) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations. CONCLUSIONS OF THE LAW 7. The requested conditional use permit is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 8. The proposed use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare. 9. The proposed use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the application to issue a conditional use permit to allow expansion to Shalom Baptist Church located at 1215 Roberts Rd SW, Hutchinson MN is approved. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of March, 2014. ATTEST: Jeremy J. Carter Steven W. Cook City Administrator Mayor DIRECTORS REPORT – PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Casey Stotts, Dan Hatten, Dave Hunstad, Brian Mehr, Dolf Moon, Jean Ward, Jeremy Carter, John Olson, John Paulson, John Webster, Judy Flemming, Kent Exner, Lee Miller, EDA Intern, Lenny Rutledge, Marc Sebora, Mike Bahe, Steve Landcaster Dan Jochum and Andrea Schwartz (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in bold) Date: March 11, 2014, for March 18, 2014, Planning Commission Meeting RE: Consideration of Amendment to City Code Chapter 154.067 – I-1 Zoning District I-1 ZONING DISTRICT ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS Language has been added o the I-1 Zoning District of the City Code to add Truck Terminals to the Conditional Uses. There is a potential new business moving to Hutchinson that would fit this category and staff felt the use would be appropriate as a Conditional Use in the I-1 District. There are already other similar uses in the community which seem to work well. The following is the definition of truck terminal: TRUCK TERMINAL. A warehouse and distribution business specializing in the shipment of goods or materials and which generates significant numbers of semi-trailer trucks. The following is a list of the conditional uses in the I-1 District with Truck Terminal included. Conditional uses. (1) Motor vehicle body shops; (2) Dog kennels; (3) Bulk storage of liquid; (4) Athletic clubs; (5) Restaurants; (6) Recyclable material collection center; (7) Grain elevators; (8) Tattoo establishments and sexually-oriented businesses; (9) Storage units; (10) Schools; and (11) Towing company buildings with fenced impound lots, subject to providing a completely fenced and screened enclosure to 100% opacity. Fences must be a minimum of six feet high and constructed of wood or equivalent materials. (12) Truck Terminals Recommendation: Staff reviewed the proposed ordinance amendment at the March 10, 2014, planning staff meeting. Staff is supportive of the proposed ordinance amendment and recommends approval. The Planning Commission should provide feedback on the ordinance and consider public hearing comments in their recommendation to the City Council. PUBLICATION NO. 8038 ORDINANCE NO. 14-0723 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 154.067, REGARDING THE I-1 ZONING DISTRICT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. Notice of hearing was duly given and publication of said hearing was duly made and was made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be in the best interests of the City to amend Section 154.067 regarding the I-1 Zoning district as follows: § 154.067 I-1, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. (C) Conditional uses. (1) Motor vehicle body shops; (2) Dog kennels; (3) Bulk storage of liquid; (4) Athletic clubs; (5) Restaurants; (6) Recyclable material collection center; (7) Grain elevators; (8) Tattoo establishments and sexually-oriented businesses; (9) Storage units; (10) Schools; and (11) Towing company buildings with fenced impound lots, subject to providing a completely fenced and screened enclosure to 100% opacity. Fences must be a minimum of six feet high and constructed of wood or equivalent materials. (12) Truck Terminals EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE. This ordinance shall take effect upon is adoption and publication. Adopted by the City Council this 8th day of April, 2014. Attest: __________________________ ______________________________ Jeremy J. Carter Steven W. Cook City Administrator Mayor First reading of the Ordinance: March 25, 2014 Second reading of the Ordinance: April 8, 2014 DIRECTORS REPORT – PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Casey Stotts, Dan Hatten, Dave Hunstad, Brian Mehr, Dolf Moon, Jean Ward, Jeremy Carter, John Olson, John Paulson, John Webster, Judy Flemming, Kent Exner, Lee Miller, EDA Intern, Lenny Rutledge, Marc Sebora, Mike Bahe, Steve Landcaster Dan Jochum and Andrea Schwartz (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in bold) Date: March 11, 2014, for March 18, 2014, Planning Commission Meeting RE: Shoreland Ordinance Revisions Shoreland Ordinance Revisions Staff provided the DNR with a draft shoreland ordinance for informal comment in February. The DNR returned comment back indicating the City of Hutchinson cannot deviate from the 25% impervious coverage at this time. The DNR can dictate the shoreland ordinance requirements through the DNR rulemaking process. City staff will continue to discuss options for shoreland properties and will work with the DNR as necessary in the future. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Public Hearing be closed and no action be taken on this item.