PC Packet 02.18.14 AGENDA HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, February 18, 2014 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONSENT AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED January 21, 2014 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENTS TO CITY CODE CHAPTER 152 – SHORELAND MANAGEMENT. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. CONSIDERATION OF A LOT SPLIT SUBMITTED BY MENARD, INC TO SPLIT THE SOUTH 153.71 FT FROM LOT 1, BLOCK 2, MENARD ADDITION (1450 MONTREAL ST SE) Motion to approve with staff recommendations – Motion to reject B. CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN REVIEW REQUESTED BY AAP HUTCHINSON LLC FOR AN ADVANCED AUTO PARTS STORE AT 1450 MONTREAL ST SE Motion to approve with staff recommendations – Motion to reject 6. OLD BUSINESS 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF A. Upcoming Meetings 8. ADJOURNMENT MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, January 21, 2014 5:30 p.m. 9. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. Chair Christie Hantge called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Members present: Jim Fahey, Bill Arndt, Dave Johnston, Dean Kirchoff and Raymond Norton. Also present was Dan Jochum, Planning Director. 10. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 11. CONSENT AGENDA B. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES DATED DECEMBER 3, 2013 Motion by Kirchoff, second by Fahey, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 12. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO AMEND THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO ALLOW DRIVEWAY SETBACK TO BE ZERO FEET FROM THE SIDE PROPERTY LINE ON LOTS 2, 3, 4 AND 5 IN FAIRWAY ESTATES THIRD ADDITION. Chair Hantge opened the public hearing at 5:31 p.m. and dispensed with the reading of the publication. Dan Jochum, Planning Director, presented before the Commission. Mr. Jochum explained that city ordinance allows for planned development districts to deviate from setback requirements. The request before the Commission is to amend the planned development district to allow driveway setbacks to be zero feet from the side property line on lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Fairway Estates Third Addition. Mr. Jochum noted that a storm water line runs between Lots 3 and 4 and therefore staff is not recommending a zero foot setback between those two lots. Lots 2 and 3 and Lots 4 and 5 would be acceptable with a zero foot setback. Lot 2 on the southerly side and Lot 5 on the easterly side should remain with five foot setbacks due to the larger lot size on those sides. The reason for the overall request from the applicant is that when the lots were originally platted they were very narrow at end of the driveway by the street. The applicant would like to have more space for vehicles to safely back onto the street. The applicant is not the original developer who platted the area. Jochum noted that a zero setback in the area between lots 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 will not cause any significant issues and will allow the driveways to be built in a manner consist with how other properties are arranged in the community. Gus Wurdell, applicant, presented before the Planning Commission. Mr. Wurdell noted that a fire hydrant is located on Lot 3 along with a light pole. These are challenges for development of the lot. Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Commission. Mr. Exner explained that when this area was platted the City requested that the driveways be shared to allow for more green space for snow removal purposes. However, the plat was approved as it is today. Mr. Exner commented that the issue of the light pole and the fire hydrant is an issue the developer will have to address independently. Motion by Arndt, second by Norton, to close public hearing at 5:42 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Fahey, second by Kirchoff, to approve Resolution No. 14234 with staff recommendations outlined in conditions 1-7 on the Resolution. Motion carried unanimously. 13. NEW BUSINESS B. 2014 Initiatives a. Interim Use Ordinance b. Possible Shoreland Ordinance Revisions c. Revisions to Sign Ordinance Dan Jochum, Planning Director, presented before the Commission. Mr. Jochum explained that some initiatives that the planning department has for the 2014 year includes implementing an interim use ordinance, possible shoreland ordinance revisions and revisions to the sign ordinance. Mr. Jochum clarified that with respect to the shoreland ordinance, the DNR can provide guidance to municipalities, however cities ultimately have the final authorization on shoreland management. General discussion was held on the classifications between rivers and lakes and the requirements for each. Mr. Jochum noted that within the next couple of months he hopes to have the shoreland ordinance addressed before the construction season begins – perhaps late winter/early spring an ordinance can be before the Planning Commission. Jim Fahey asked that the Commission consider the bank program used for wetlands when this issue is addressed. Mr. Fahey raised concerns about rain gardens that are put in place and then not maintained. Mr. Jochum explained that some discussion has been held at the Council level regarding the sign ordinance and potential revisions. It has been suggested to have a complete overview of the sign ordinance. Raymond Norton asked if the planning department has ordinances on a rotation basis for review. Mr. Jochum explained that typically ordinance revisions are considered when they are reviewed during a project or request. 14. OLD BUSINESS A. Comprehensive Plan Dan Jochum, Planning Director, presented before the Commission. Mr. Jochum noted that the Comprehensive Plan was officially adopted by the City Council on December 10, 2013. The Comp Plan will now be located on the Planning page of the City’s web site. Dave Johnston suggested that the Planning Commission review the shoreland ordinance sooner than later and try to beat the applications that come in for spring construction projects. Mr. Jochum mentioned that perhaps at the next Planning Commission meeting something will be before the Commission. 15. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF B. Upcoming Meetings Dan Jochum, Planning Director, presented before the Commission. Mr. Jochum noted that an applicant was working very hard to get on the February Planning Commission agenda for a site plan review, CUP, lot split, etc. Mr. Jochum needs to determine if the publication deadlines can be met for the February meeting. 16. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Arndt, second by Kirchoff, to adjourn at 6:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. DIRECTORS REPORT – PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: Hutchinson Planning Commission From: Casey Stotts, Dan Hatten, Dave Hunstad, Brian Mehr, Dolf Moon, Jean Ward, Jeremy Carter, John Olson, John Paulson, John Webster, Judy Flemming, Kent Exner, Lee Miller, Lenny Rutledge, Marc Sebora, Mike Bahe, Steve Landcaster Dan Jochum and Andrea Schwartz (Persons in attendance at Planning Staff Meeting (in bold) Date: February 14, 2014, for February 18, 2014, Planning Commission Meeting Application: Consideration of a Lot Split, a Site Plan and Ordinance Amendment Applicant: AAP Hutchinson LLC, Menard Inc Site Plan and Lot Split Menard Inc. is requesting a Lot Split to split the South 153.71 ft from Lot 1, Block 2, Menard Addition (1450 Montreal St SE). AAP Hutchinson is requesting a Site Plan for an Advanced Auto Parts store to be located at 1450 Montreal St SE. GENERAL INFORMATION Existing Zoning: C-4 (Fringe Commercial) Property Location: Lot 1, Block 2, Menard Addition Lot Size: 3.84 acres Existing Land Use: Vacant Adjacent Land Use And Zoning: C-4 (Fringe Commercial) Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Commercial Zoning History: Property was rezoned from R-1 to C-4 in May 2000. Applicable Regulations: Section 153.03; Section 154.169 Building: The proposed building is 6,895 sq. ft. Site Plan: The City Council deems it is necessary and appropriate to require site plan approval of developments in certain zoning districts to preserve and promote attractive, well-planned, stable urban conditions. The following is an overview of site plan considerations. Setbacks: The proposed building setbacks and requirements for the C-4 (Fringe Commercial) are identified below. The plans would meet the building setbacks as follows: Principal Accessory Parking Lot Are Structure Building or Setbacks Setback Setback Circulation Met? Drive Street Right of 25 feet 20 feet 10 feet Yes Way Interior Lot 20 feet 6 feet 6 feet Yes Line Residential 50 feet 50 feet 10 feet Yes Zoning Boundary Signage: There will be signage on the building, as well as on a pylon sign in front of the store. Parking/Access/Circulation The Zoning Ordinance requires retail businesses to have 5.5 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. for retail uses. The Advanced Auto Parks building has 6,895 square feet of floor space. The 6,895 square feet would require 38 parking spaces. Staff recommends that the Institute of Transportation Engineers Parking Generation Manual be used for this site. The manual states that at peak times no more than 2.87 spaces per 1,000 square feet of building based on their statistics for this kind of use. Staff recommends rounding up to 3 spaces per 1,000 square feet for this use. Three (3) spaces per 1,000 square feet of building equates to needing 21 parking stalls. Advanced Auto is proposing 28 spaces, which equates to 4 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet. Staff believes this is more than adequate based on the requirements set forth in the ITE manual. Access to the site will be off of Montreal Street. Delivery trucks will utilize the same access points as other vehicles and the loading dock is on the southeast corner of the building. The trucks will back into the loading dock area and it appears the site is designed to accommodate this movement. Overall, site circulation as proposed appears to be adequate. The access road to the front parking lot is 30 feet wide. The vast majority of users will park in front of the store where there are 21 parking spaces and a 24 foot two-way drive aisle. The site plan also has handicap accessible parking that meets code. There is a city trail facility that is on the south lot line adjacent to Edmonton Avenue. This trail is in a drainage and utility easement instead of a trail easement. The developer is working on trail easement language that the City and the developer will need to agree upon. It should be noted that the City’s current practice is to put trails within in a trail easement instead of in a drainage and utility easement that aren’t meant for trail facilities. Landscaping and Lighting: The Zoning Ordinance requires tree planting at a rate of 1 tree per 800 sq. ft. of landscaped area. The site plan shows approximately 19,869 sq. ft. of landscaped area which equates to needing 25 trees on site. One of the trees at the corner of Montreal Street SE and Edmonton Street SE will need to be removed because it is within the sight corner where it can impact the sight lines of drivers. Soil amendment will be necessary where the trees are located The City Arborists will review the final landscape plans submitted with the building permit and ensure proper soil amendments are completed. Stormwater Management: The stormwater will be routed to the Menards Pond, as this pond was designed to handle the stormwater off of this lot. Lot Split: The applicant is requesting to split the South 153.71 ft from Lot 1, Block 2, Menard Addition (1450 Montreal St SE). The lot area is 1.075 acres. The remaining lot will be approximately 2.8 acres in size. A 6 foot utility and drainage easement must be added along both sides of the new property line that is created by the lot split. In addition, at the time of site plan review for the remaining parcel, all setbacks and other applicable zoning requirements must be met. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the request with the following conditions: 1. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the C-4 district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. 2. Any reconstruction of existing infrastructure within City of Hutchinson right of way or easement areas shall be the developer’s responsibility, including necessary improvements and associated costs. This work shall meet all of the City’s engineering standards and be approved by the City. 3. The City of Hutchinson must be notified 7 days prior to any roadway or utility work that is going to be done within the City right of way. If the proposed work impacts roadway traffic flow, a traffic plan must be submitted to the City Engineer for approval. All roadway work must be fully completed to City standards within 10 calendar days of the original disturbance. If the work isn’t fully completed within 10 calendar days, the City reserves the right to have the work completed and invoice/assess the property owner for all associated costs. 4. A trail easement must be developed and agreed upon for the trail on the southern portion of the lot. 5. There must be emergency service access around the building. Fire hydrants must be located no farther than 400 feet from the building. 6. Exterior refuse collection area must be fully screened. 7. A six foot utility and drainage easement must be added along both sides of the new property line and recorded at the McLeod County Recorder’s Office within 1 year of the approval of the lot split. 8. The lot split must be recorded at the McLeod County Recorder’s Office prior to any building permits being issued for the site. CITY OF HUTCHINSON MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 14241 RESOLUTION ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT AND REASONS FOR APPROVAL OF A LOT SPLIT THE 153.71 FT FROM LOT 1, BLOCK 2, MENARD ADDITION (1450 MONTREAL ST SE) FACTS 1. Menard Inc, is the owner of the land located at 1450 Montreal St SE 2. The subject property is legally described as: Lot 1, Block 2, Menard Addition 3. Menard Inc. has applied to the City for a lot split to create a separate lot for an Advanced Auto Parts Store. 4. The Planning Commission met on February 18, 2014, and held a public hearing on the request and considered the effects of the proposal on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, and hereby recommends approval of the request subject to the following findings and conditions: a) The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the C-4 district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. b) Any reconstruction of existing infrastructure within City of Hutchinson right of way or easement areas shall be the developer’s responsibility, including necessary improvements and associated costs. This work shall meet all of the City’s engineering standards and be approved by the City. c) The City of Hutchinson must be notified 7 days prior to any roadway or utility work that is going to be done within the City right of way. If the proposed work impacts roadway traffic flow, a traffic plan must be submitted to the City Engineer for approval. All roadway work must be fully completed to City standards within 10 calendar days of the original disturbance. If the work isn’t fully completed within 10 calendar days, the City reserves the right to have the work completed and invoice/assess the property owner for all associated costs. d) A trail easement must be developed and agreed upon for the trail on the southern portion of the lot. e) There must be emergency service access around the building. Fire hydrants must be located no farther than 400 feet from the building. f) Exterior refuse collection area must be fully screened. g) A six foot utility and drainage easement must be added along both sides of the new property line and recorded at the McLeod County Recorder’s Office within 1 year of the approval of the lot split. h) The lot split must be recorded at the McLeod County Recorder’s Office prior to any building permits being issued for the site. 5. The City Council of the City of Hutchinson reviewed the requested lot split at its meeting on February 25, 2014, and has considered the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission and hereby does recommend approval of the lot split, subject to the following findings and conditions: a) The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the C-4 district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. b) Any reconstruction of existing infrastructure within City of Hutchinson right of way or easement areas shall be the developer’s responsibility, including necessary improvements and associated costs. This work shall meet all of the City’s engineering standards and be approved by the City. c) The City of Hutchinson must be notified 7 days prior to any roadway or utility work that is going to be done within the City right of way. If the proposed work impacts roadway traffic flow, a traffic plan must be submitted to the City Engineer for approval. All roadway work must be fully completed to City standards within 10 calendar days of the original disturbance. If the work isn’t fully completed within 10 calendar days, the City reserves the right to have the work completed and invoice/assess the property owner for all associated costs. d) A trail easement must be developed and agreed upon for the trail on the southern portion of the lot. e) There must be emergency service access around the building. Fire hydrants must be located no farther than 400 feet from the building. f) Exterior refuse collection area must be fully screened. g) A six foot utility and drainage easement must be added along both sides of the new property line and recorded at the McLeod County Recorder’s Office within 1 year of the approval of the lot split. h) The lot split must be recorded at the McLeod County Recorder’s Office prior to any building permits being issued for the site. APPLICABLE LAW 6. The lot split request meets the standards as required in Section 153.05 of the City of Hutchinson Municipal Code, Subdivision Control. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the application to issue a lot split to Menard Inc. is approved. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of February, 2014. ATTEST: Jeremy J. Carter Steven W. Cook City Administrator Mayor CITY OF HUTCHINSON MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 14242 RESOLUTION ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT AND REASONS FOR APPROVAL OF A SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICTION REQUESTED BY AAP HUTCHINSON, LLC TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADVANCED AUTO PARTS STORE LOCATED AT 1450 MONTREAL ST SE FACTS 7. Menard Inc, is the owner of the land located at 1450 Montreal St SE, Hutchinson Minnesota; and, 8. The subject property is legally described as: Lot 1, Block 2, Menard Addition 9. AAP Hutchinson, LLC has applied to the City for a site plan review to allow development of property at 1450 Montreal St. SE, Hutchinson MN. 10. The Planning Commission met on February 18, 2014, and held a public hearing on the request and considered the effects of the proposal on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, and hereby recommends approval of the request subject to the following findings and conditions: i) The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the C-4 district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. j) Any reconstruction of existing infrastructure within City of Hutchinson right of way or easement areas shall be the developer’s responsibility, including necessary improvements and associated costs. This work shall meet all of the City’s engineering standards and be approved by the City. k) The City of Hutchinson must be notified 7 days prior to any roadway or utility work that is going to be done within the City right of way. If the proposed work impacts roadway traffic flow, a traffic plan must be submitted to the City Engineer for approval. All roadway work must be fully completed to City standards within 10 calendar days of the original disturbance. If the work isn’t fully completed within 10 calendar days, the City reserves the right to have the work completed and invoice/assess the property owner for all associated costs. l) A trail easement must be developed and agreed upon for the trail on the southern portion of the lot. m) There must be emergency service access around the building. Fire hydrants must be located no farther than 400 feet from the building. n) Exterior refuse collection area must be fully screened. o) A six foot utility and drainage easement must be added along both sides of the new property line and recorded at the McLeod County Recorder’s Office within 1 year of the approval of the lot split. p) The lot split must be recorded at the McLeod County Recorder’s Office prior to any building permits being issued for the site. 11. The City Council of the City of Hutchinson reviewed the requested site plan at its meeting on February 25, 2014, and has considered the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission and hereby does recommend approval of the site plan, subject to the following findings and conditions: a) The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the standards of the C-4 district and the Zoning Ordinance, as well as all other City regulations. b) Any reconstruction of existing infrastructure within City of Hutchinson right of way or easement areas shall be the developer’s responsibility, including necessary improvements and associated costs. This work shall meet all of the City’s engineering standards and be approved by the City. c) The City of Hutchinson must be notified 7 days prior to any roadway or utility work that is going to be done within the City right of way. If the proposed work impacts roadway traffic flow, a traffic plan must be submitted to the City Engineer for approval. All roadway work must be fully completed to City standards within 10 calendar days of the original disturbance. If the work isn’t fully completed within 10 calendar days, the City reserves the right to have the work completed and invoice/assess the property owner for all associated costs. d) A trail easement must be developed and agreed upon for the trail on the southern portion of the lot. e) There must be emergency service access around the building. Fire hydrants must be located no farther than 400 feet from the building. f) Exterior refuse collection area must be fully screened. g) A six foot utility and drainage easement must be added along both sides of the new property line and recorded at the McLeod County Recorder’s Office within 1 year of the approval of the lot split. h) The lot split must be recorded at the McLeod County Recorder’s Office prior to any building permits being issued for the site. APPLICABLE LAW 12. Section 154.169 Municipal Code of Ordinances CONCLUSIONS OF THE LAW 13. Site plan is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 14. The proposed use will not have a substantial or undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare. 15. The proposed use will be designed, arranged and operated so as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district regulations NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, that the application to approve a site plan to allow AAP Hutchinson, LLC to develop the existing site with the construction of an Advanced Auto Parts Retail Store at 1450 Montreal St. S.E., Hutchinson, MN is approved. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of February, 2014. ATTEST: Jeremy J. Carter Steven W. Cook City Administrator Mayor