03-24-2021 EDAM EDA Board Meeting Hutchinson Event Center th 11:30 AM Wednesday, March 24, 2021 ____________________________________________________________________________ MEETING MINUTES Economic Development Authority Financial Summary as of February 2021 Members present in bold. Operations Cash Available $119,577 EDA Board Members Reserved $56,736 Unreserved $50,539 Mike McGraw Jonny Block Economic Development Loan Fund Mike Cannon Cash Available $109,376 Corey Stearns Ashwill Industries Balance $3,117 Daron Vanderheiden Zephyr Wind Services $86,292 Chad Czmowski Laser Dynamics Balance (forgivable) $23,000 Mary Christensen Innovative Foam Balance (forgivable) $14,355 Jeremy Carter Advances to other funds (Enterprise $264,794 Center) Downtown Revolving Loan Fund Cash Available $666,306 Staff Loans Receivable $240,161 Miles Seppelt, EDA Director Capital Assets $201,329 Matt Jaunich, City Administrator Total Assets $1,112,980 Andy Reid, Finance Director Maddie Newcomb, EDA Program Manager MIF Loan Fund Cash Available $5,088 MOXY Loan Receivable $13,336 I. Call to Order Enterprise Center Fund Meeting called to order at 11:35 AM. Cash Available $23,354 SHOPKO TIF District (TIF 4-5) II. Review Agenda Cash Available $194,844 Interfund Loans Receivable $483,475 III. Review Minutes MEDICAL CLINIC TIF District (TIF 4-16) th Interfund Loan Payable $333,863 a. February 17 Finance Team meeting b. M/S/P: Cannon, Stearns to approve the minutes as written. Passed unanimously. th c. February 24 EDA Board Meeting M/S/P: Block, Christensen to approve the minutes as written. Passed unanimously IV. Review of EDA Financial Statements Finance Director Andy Reid provided an update on the EDA financials. (Please refer to table) M/S/P: Vanderheiden, Stearns to approve the financial report as presented. Passed unanimously. V. A. Marketing Plan: FB = 554, T = 98, Facebook updates = 18, Twitter updates = 18, Website updates = 2 B. Business recruitment / expansions Staff provided an update on recent prospects and ongoing conversations. C. Enterprise Center Update Fire Restoration Update 99% completed, Innovative Foam is back up and working. Tenant Rents Innovative Foam is waiting for insurance settlement and then will get caught up on past due rent. SCSU MBA Connectionstaff talked to the Chair of the MBA department, we will submit a proposal for each incubator business and hope they get picked in the fall for a class project. This would give the MBA students real-life scenarios and help our companies with market analysis, studies, etc. D. Nystrom & Associates @ Cornerstone Commons (4,000 sf) offers counseling services, moving into Cornerstone Commons. th E. Jump-Start Downtown 3 entries so far, April 9 is the idea submittal deadline. Czmowski, Stearns, and Carter volunteered to be on the review committee for this program. F. County EDA moving ahead, met at the beginning of March with Ady Advantage and identified economic development priorities for the county. Final report expected in May. Adding staff later this year? G. CARES Program wrapping up some administrative work, 1 recipient we still need documentation from. rd VI. 3 Avenue NW Redevelopment Project (Cenex Site) A. Project Update Developer in the process of putting together a project budget. B. Options for Public Assistance Narrow Waiting for the budget to determine how much assistance is needed. Original idea of an Economic Development TIF District for Workforce Housing + City tax For the TIF district, we needed to be under a 3% vacancy for the previous two years and Hutch jumped to over 4% in 2020. Housing TIF district is the next option for public assistance. This would require 20% of units to be occupied by those making below 50% of Area Median Income (AMI), this would need to be reported yearly to the City. C. Authorization to negotiate Purchase and Development Agreements M/S/P: Cannon, Stearns to approve the negotiation of the purchase and development agreements to move the project forward. Passed unanimously. VII. Franklin Redevelopment Site $2,950 A. Hazardous Materials Survey Quotes were obtained for the hazardous materials assessment, staff recommends acceptance of Funds to come from the SHOPKO TIF district and will be reimbursable from future tax increment. B. Developer Update Waiting on FEMA grant decision due to an administrative rule that requires the County to have a hazard mitigation plan in place before grant award. The County is working on this, once they have it in place FEMA can approve the grant. This could give us about $550k to cover 75% of purchasing property, demolition, and other expenses. Hoping to hear the decision in September. st There is a 5-year activity rule in place due to the Redevelopment TIF District, by August 31 we must have a development agreement signed to meet that activity rule requirement. M/S/P: Vanderheiden, Christensen to approve authorization of the hazardous materials survey, not to exceed $2,950, funding to come from SHOPKO TIF funds. Passed unanimously. VIII. EDA Annual Report Discussion on our year in 2020 and activities despite the pandemic. IX. Grant & Loan Program Applications - None X. Other Business Solar Project hopefully in a contract with developer by end of April, work to begin by August. School Project on schedule, and on budget. Plan to move into new West addition after Thanksgiving break next year. th XI. Set Next Meeting 11:30 AM Wednesday, April 28, 2021 XII. Adjourn With no further business to attend to the meeting adjourned at 12:31pm. Respectfully Submitted, Madison Newcomb EDA Program Manager