Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee
Wednesday, December 18th, 2019
2:00 p.m.
City Center
Meeting Minutes
Members present: Michelle Kiefer, John Hassinger
Others Present: Dolf Moon, Sara Witte
Absent: Kent Exner(City Engineer),John Olson (Public Works), Sara Turrell,
Steve Cook, Mark Hanneman, Dave May
1. Review of last meetings minutes —Motion to approve September meeting minutes made
by Michelle, seconded by John H.
2. Education/Promotion/Community Wellness
a) Bike/Walk to Work/School- Hutch Health helped to organize the walk to school event
on Oct. 2nd, with some participation. Bike train has had zero participation.
b) Bike Rides- Rotary-Next year date is Sunday 6/14/20.
c) Community Events —Wellness Committee/HH is working on a plan-sub committees.
d) Friends ofLuce Line-No update.
e) SHIP-Brett-No update.
fi Walk, Bike, Fun program updates-Michelle-Bike Alliance was renewed from
3. Trail Counts
Physical counting conducted @ Eheim 2nd week of July- Still needing to compile the data
into a readable format.
4. Trail Projects
2019 projects: Finished Northwood's trail-completed, 5 h Ave. SW to SE corridor, South
Grade road project to be completed in Nov.
Will get a 2020 project list from public works for the March meeting.
5. Street Crossings/Bike racks
Hwy 7 & Montana update- HAWK system-2020
Elks donated money for the purchase of the bike fix-it station at Rec Center/Aquatic
Center, this was installed in September
New bike station also added in Silver Lake
Talk with John Olson about freshening up sharrows- Franklin & Hassan
6. Luce Line Trail
DNR did good job of maintenance along trail this year
7. County Trail- Dakota update
Possible bike station to be added in Lester Prairie?
8. Committee Goals for 2020
• Passport to the Park-Helmet distribution- maybe see about having an event like this again
in the future
NEXT MEETING: March 18th, 2020 2:00 p.m.