Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee
Wednesday, September 16th, 2020
2:00 p.m.
Via Zoom meeting
Meeting Minutes
Members present: Michelle Kiefer, Dave May, John Hassinger, Mark Hanneman
Others Present: Brett Nelson (SHIP), Sara Witte
Absent: Kent Exner(City Engineer),John Olson (Public Works), Dolf Moon
(PRCE), Steve Cook
1. Review of last meetings minutes —December 2019 Motion to approve made by Mark
H., seconded by John H.
2. Education/Promotion/Community Wellness
a) Bike/Walk to
Work/School-With Co-VID no organized walk/bike ride, but promoting of a"Bike to
Anywhere" day by BikeMN
b) Bike Rides- All being done virtual- Jessie James/Tour De Tonka. BikeMN sponsored
4 week long biking campaign. Informal (do on your own) Mark mentioned of the
Strava App to keep track of physical fitness activity. John H. mentioned of some
seniors riding together when possible.
c) Friends ofLuce Line- meetings have been held via Zoom
d) SHIP-Brett-Wrapping up SHIP grant cycle- MNDOT education campaign and he
spoke on the Glencoe Active Living group trying to get some good initiatives going
in the Glencoe community.
e) Walk, Bike, Fun program updates-Michelle-Putting together a 3 part Teacher guide
(self-paced) Zoom training-then small group on site. Also working on Distance
Learning guides- Michelle will share with the group
3. Trail Counts
Cameras were placed at Bluff, Eheim and Oddfellows in June
Physical counting was conducted at Eheim 2nd week of July
*Still needing to compile the data into a readable format.
4. Trail Projects
2020 projects: John O. emailed update in May
5. Street Crossings/Bike racks
Hwy 7 & Montana update- HAWK system-2020-no update given
6. Trail updates: Luce Line, Dakota, etc.
MNDOT trail use counter near Arch Street-no update given
7. Committee Goals for 2020:
Community Outreach on bike education-possible after school programs using Bike/Fun
activity guides
Other discussion:
Come up with a possible logo for our committee, something that the community would
recognized- Sara will have Leslie in the PRCE office work on some ideas
Common Cup ministries gave away 25-30 bikes at the end of summer, they are always looking
for more
Brett spoke more on the Glencoe "In Motion" group. They have their own facebook page and
Some of their initiatives include:
Supporting of walking/biking in Glencoe
Signage- showing distance between frequented locations in the community
Designate a bike/ped group
Walking challenge in spring 2021
Colorful crosswalks
NEXT MEETING: December 16th, 2020 2:00 p.m.