11-25-2020 HUCMMINUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, November 25, 2020 Call to ord,er — 3-00 p.,m. President Don Martinez Galled the meeting to order. Members present: President Don I Martinez, Vice President Matt Cheney; Secretary Robert Wendorff; Commissioner Monty Morrow; Commissioner Anthony Hanson; GM Jeremy Carter; Attorney Marc Sebora�; Conflict of Interest 2. Approve Consent Agenda Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills Motion by Commissioner Morrow, second by Commissioner Cheney to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion camed unanimously. q&1F7r_T1T1_ =1 GM Carter presented the Financial Statements. Electric Division net profit increased by $17k despoweir usage and revenues mostly from a decrease in expenses directly related to providing power including purchased power, transm' issioin, and fuiels. There was no power cost adjustmient for October. Natural Gas Division net i profit increased by $19k led by ain increase in customer revenue along with a decrease in operating expense. December is looking; to, be milder. Motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Wendorff to approve the financial statements. Motion carried unanimously, 5. Communication a. City Administrator — Matthew Jaunich — Absent bi. Divisions i. Dan Lang, Engineering Services Manager — Absent Dd, Electric Transmission/Diistribution Manager —Absent iiL Randy Blake, Production Manager — Absent i1v. John Webster, Natural Gas Division Director — Absent v. Jared Martig, Financial Manager- Absent d. Legal — Marc Sebora — L City Council approved the reappointment of Commissioner Wendiorff e. General Manager — Jeremy Carter i. EV Charger update ii. Staff is working alternating half crew shifts. This plan is consistent with the earlier plan implemented Iback on April 6. This initial plan will last until January 8. iii. Working on year end tasks iv. Plant 2 substation and site work will start late this weekJearly next week. 6. Policieis a. Review Policies i. CIP Rebate Level of Authority Delegation of Authority Policy iii. Financial Reserve Policy iv. Investment Policy v. Purchasing Policy/Credit Cards/Fixe Assets A. Service Beyond City Limits of Hutchinson No changes recommended, at this time. b. Approve Changes i. Payments of HUC Payables ii. Surplus Property Policy GM Carter noted the revisedi date for the New Year on Payments of HLIC P,ayables, GM Carter and Mr. Sebora reviewed the Surplus Property Policy and changes are recommended to more mirror the state and keep HUC: in compliance. Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve Policy changes. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Unfinished Business MOIME�O w GM Carter recapped last month's discussion regarding the Bright Energy Choices Program., Discussions were held on if the program would be voluntary, community participation and if this program, would assist companies comings to town. Currently HUC's total energy supply is 71 percent carbon -free based upon energy generated from wind, solar, nuclear, and other carbon -free energy sources. Through this Bright Energy Choices Program, HUC can purchase Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) from IVIRES to offset the remaining 29 percent of energy coming from carbon -based power resources and make Hutchinson 100 percent carbon free. GM Carter noted!, for any commercial customer choosing the 100% renewable option, HUC will cover the first 29% of the REC's to be consistent with the amount purchased for the customers to be 100% carbon -free or "Clean" energy. C I onsensus from the board is to move, forward', with 'the Bright Energy Choices Program and to review on an annual basis. 9 Motion by Commissioner Hanisoni, second by Commissioner Morrow to Approve the lay-31MIKOIN WAIM New Business a. Approve Non -Waiver of Tort Liability Limits for General Liability Insurance GM Carter presented the requirement by League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust. Staff is recommending to not waive the tort liability limits. Completion of the Wavier form is done annually. In the past HUC has not waived the municipal tort limit. After discussion, a motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Wendorff to Approve Non -Waiver of Tort Liability Limits for General Liability Insurance. Motion carried unanimously. GM1 Carter presented the Customer Uncollectabie Write -Offs. HUC is requesting to approve write-offs of $24,i998.20., This amount is more than last year due to a retail company filing bankruptcy. Mr. Morrow recogniized the Staff on a job well doine. A motion by Commissioner Morrow, second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve Customer Unicollectable Write -Offs. Motion carried unanimously. Wr I �MMLWT&74 M_ GIVI Carter presented Selling of Sulrplus Vehicles. As part of HJ_(!�,',_FJAeJ_T Management Program, it is recommended to sell the listed vehicles from the 2020 Fleet Schedule. LIP] a .1,111tRIAM Elli's I IN d. Discuss Date for Performance Review of Hutchinson Utilities General Ms. Radice discussed the Date for Performance Review of Hutchinson Utilities General Manager. Per the, General Manager's contract with Utilities, an annual Performance Review is to be conducted. Generally, this review has occurred in December at the scheduiled Commission Meeting or it can occur at a Special K Meeting. It is up to the Commission on when the Performance Review should! be held. GM Carter would have the opportunity to decide if it would be an open or closed session. When the date is decided, review forms, will be sent to all the Commissioners. After Commissioners have completed and returned review forms, all results will be compiled for discussion at the review. After discussion, GM Carter and Commissioners agreed to have the review at the December 16, 2020, Commission Meeting. e. 2021 Budget Presentation GM Carter presented HUC's 2021 Preliminary Budget. GM Carter noted Bright Energy Choices is not included in this. GM Carter high I ighitedfor combined divisions, revenues are at $41.3M with expenses at $39.8M with a Net Profit of $1.6M, which was an increase in net profit of $163K over last year. Both the Electric Division and Gas Division remained stable. Electric Division, Retail Customer Sales is at $25AM down by $186K, which is based on only projecting $1.3M in PCA, where last year it was $1 .5M. Forecasted Kwhr sales for 2021 is 281,099,231 kwhr's which is a .43%, reduction from 2020 of 282,305,883 kwhr's. Sales for Resales, projecting $353K increase over 2020 budget. Capacity Sales are increasing to $474K while showing a decrease in Market Sales of $121 IK. Other Revenues, of $308K is made up of Additional customer charges (only budgeting 6 months), Interest Earnings and Bond Premiums. GM Carter reviewed the Pictorial Graphs; these graphs show the overall compairilson as to how the revenue is derived., The Consumption History graph shows a snapshot of each customer class loads, which is fairly flat., G,M Carter spoke on the Electric Division Expense Budget Highlights. Heallth Insurance will be staying with Medica with a 7% decrease, Dental, LTD, Basic Life & AD &D benefits remain the same. PILOT remains the same as the 2020 Budget. GM Carter reviewed the GRE/MISO Transmission Expense of a $520K increase, along with the MIRES Baseload Contract Expense of a $458K decrease, Additional Operating Expenses of $25K for Compensation Study, $25K for Citizen Survey Study, $50K for Electric Distribution Study, $50K for McLeod Sub SCADA design and commissioning work and $30K for LED Light Retrofitting Project were also highlighted. Mir. Sebora left the imeeting at 3:50pm. After discussion of the Electric Division preliminary budget, GM Carter reviewed an overview of the Natural Gas Division. Retail Customer Sales has a decrease of $21 K and shows, a 1.36% increase in forecasted Retail MCFs sold, Contract Sales of 3M and HTI show a decrease in revenue of $67K. GM Carter highlighted Other, Revenues, of $21 M; which are made up of N.U/HCP/UFC Transport/ 4 GM Carter looked to the Commission for questions, concerns or comments on the 2021 Budget Presentation. 'There were no concerns from the Commissioners, if. Adjourn There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Hanson to adjourn the meeting at 4",19pm. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST:—J' Don Martinez, F�residentf"' R Robert W endii Sec