Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee
Wednesday, Decemberl9th, 2018
2:00 p.m.
City Center
Meeting Minutes
Members present: Michelle Kiefer, Steve Cook
Others Present: Candace Hoversten(Hutchinson Health), Kerry Ward (McLeod County
Public Health),Brett Nelson (SHIP), John Olson
Absent: Kent Exner(City Engineer),Mark Hanneman, Sara Turrell, John
Hassinger, Dolf Moon (PRCE Director)
1. Review of last meetings minutes—Motion to approve September meeting minutes made
by Michelle, seconded by Steve.
2. Education/Promotion/Community Wellness
a) Bike/Walk to Work/School-
• Oct 10t'walk to school day-low participation due to poor weather
• Winter Walk to School- Wednesday Feb. 61h,Leader will start their walk to
school events in April 2019. Both Dan Olberg and Dave Conrad are
supportive of this initiative. See link below:
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• Be thinking of ideas to help promote Bike to Work Event in May-
b) Bike Rides- Rotary-Luce Line Loops Bike Ride is Sunday June 9"' community.
c) Community Events—Passport to Parks-bike rodeo happening at Rotary Park June 1 st
d) Friends of Luce Line-Plantings to happen in 2019 by E2
e) SHIP-Kerry- introduced Brett Nelson from SHIP. He will now attend the meeting
instead of Kerry. Counts using the MDOT counter on the Dakota planned for 2019.
Meeker County trails plan being worked on.
f) Walk, Bike, Fun program updates-Michelle has been communicating with St. A's
school and will follow up with New Century. Bike MN has an Ambassador program
and might be a good idea to have those on the community go through the kit.
Michelle will be sending out information on this. Possible Bike Rodeo location
would be the Aquatic Center in the summer with all the youth that ride their bikes
there on a daily basis.
3. Trail Counts
June/July: Sara W. put cameras out at Bluff, Eheim, Oddfellows underpass—counts are
in the system,just need to put on a graph or better readable format.
4. Trail Projects
John Olson updated the group on 2019 projects:
Finish Northwood's trail, 51h Ave. SW to SE corridor, South Grade road project and
Maintenance along Century Ave. SW
Also in process of developing a bituminous trail operations and maintenance plan
5. Street Crossings/Bike racks
Hwy 7 & Montana update-Kent submitting a grant application
Police Memorial-bike fix it station- repainted. Sara will look into adding a bike pump at
that location.
Also was brought up that a bike station near the Recreation Center might be a good
addition in our community.
*There might be grants or money available to help fund these items.
6. Luce Line Trail
MNDOT trail use counter near Arch St.-No update given.
Updates on Winsted connection- base work on the Winsted connection has been done and
paving it will happen this Spring
7. County Trail- Dakota update
Another meeting will occur in January to decide next grant requests
• Other:
• Regarding the BFC recertification: Michelle will ask her coworker,Natalie Gille about
the report card and what her suggestions would be for improvement and moving up to
Silver status.
• Regarding community outreach on bike education: League of American Bicyclists bike
safety videos have been showing on the HCVN before City Council meetings.
• Dave May reappointed to this committee for a 4-year term-expiring August 2022
8. Committee Goals for 2019
New bike map-publish this winter
NEXT MEETING: Schedule next Quarterly meeting: March 20th, 2019 2:00 p.m.