09-18-2019 PBAC
Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee
Wednesday, September 18th, 2019
2:00 p.m.
City Center
Meeting Minutes
Members present: Michelle Kiefer, Dave May, Sara Turrell, Steve Cook
Others Present: Brett Nelson (SHIP), Sara Witte
Absent: Kent Exner (City Engineer), John Olson (Public Works), Dolf Moon
(PRCE), John Hassinger, Mark Hanneman
1. Review of last meetings minutes – Motion to approve June meeting minutes made by
Sara T., seconded by Dave May.
2. Education/Promotion/Community Wellness
a) Bike/Walk to Work/School-
National Walk to school event is Wed. Oct. 2, looking for volunteers. Let
Emma from Hutch Health know if interested.
b) Bike Rides- Rotary- Next year date is Sunday 6/14/20. Other rides: Tour D-Tonka-
Dave May. Oct. 6 Mankato.
c) Community Events –Wellness Committee/HH is in the process of a Community needs
d) Friends of Luce Line- Received a mini-grant for bike station near Silver Lake.
e) SHIP-Brett-Workshop Oct. 29 in Glencoe on Active Living/Communities. Steve &
Sara W. are to present on Hutchinson’s efforts.
f) Walk, Bike, Fun program updates-Michelle-
3. Trail Counts
Cameras were placed at Bluff, Eheim and Oddfellows end of June/July
Physical counting was conducted at Eheim 2 week of July
*Still needing to compile the data into a readable format.
4. Trail Projects
2019 projects: Finished Northwood’s trail-completed, 5 Ave. SW to SE corridor, South
Grade road project to be completed in Nov.
5. Street Crossings/Bike racks
Hwy 7 & Montana update- HAWK system-2020
Elks donated money for the purchase of the bike fix-it station at Rec Center/Aquatic Ctr.
6. Luce Line Trail
MNDOT trail use counter near Arch St.- No update given.
Winsted connection- Completed!!!
7. County Trail- Dakota update
Portion from Carver to Cty Rd. 1 is complete.
Look into Bike Friendly business designation? = 3M, etc.
Bike Friendly Universities
8. Committee Goals for 2019
New bike map-publish this spring-DONE
Community outreach-HCVN-still being aired before City Council meetings-could put
these videos on PRCE Facebook & City PRCE page
NEXT MEETING: December 18th, 2019 2:00 p.m.