06-19-2019 PBAC
Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee
Wednesday, June 19th, 2019
2:00 p.m.
City Center
Meeting Minutes
Members present: Mark Hanneman, John Hassinger, Michelle Kiefer, Dave May, Sara
Others Present: Candace Hoversten (Hutchinson Health), Dolf Moon, Sara Witte
Absent: Kent Exner (City Engineer), John Olson (Public Works)
1. Review of last meetings minutes – Motion to approve March meeting minutes made by
John, seconded by Sara T.
2. Education/Promotion/Community Wellness
a) Bike/Walk to Work/School-
Doug Hanneman leading the Walking School Bus every Wednesday this
spring and he has planned to start this fall as well.
b) Bike Rides- Rotary-Luce Line Loops Bike Ride was June 9, about 100 participated.
Next year date is Sunday 6/14/20. Other rides: Tour of Meeker & Tour of Saints.
c) Community Events –Passport to Parks-Bike & Blade bonanza/bike rodeo at Rotary
Park June 1, this was a group effort with Hutchinson Health, JC’s and Rotary,
BikeMN, around 250 people participated and 160 helmets were given away for free.
Hutch Tigers Cycling Team-Sat. June 22- Oddfellows Park
Wellness Committee/HH is in the process of a Community needs assessment
d) Friends of Luce Line- Tree/shrub Plantings happened the end of May by E2. 6+
people showed up to plant the 70+ trees/shrubs at that location.
Steve grant for bike station near Silver Lake.
e) SHIP-Brett-absent
f) Walk, Bike, Fun program updates-Michelle-BikeMN Ambassador Program was held
Wed. 27 at Rec. Center 2:30-5:30. Around 10 people attended. Michelle is looking
for host sites for this fall for the Walk, Bike, Fun-either public or Montessori
State wide conference-SRTS meet up- Tuesday May 21 @ Faith Lutheran, Monday
20 will have another BikeMN Ambassador Training
3. Trail Counts
Cameras will be placed at Bluff, Eheim and Oddfellows-within the next couple weeks.
Group will conduct the physical counting at Eheim 2 week of
July: Sara T., Dave and John H. volunteered.
Any other locations wanting to do counts at, let Sara know.
4. Trail Projects
2019 projects:Finish Northwood’s trail-completed, 5 Ave. SW to SE corridor, South
Grade road project and Maintenance along Century Ave. SW
5. Street Crossings/Bike racks
Hwy 7 & Montana update- HAWK system
Police Memorial-bike fix it station-Parks purchased a bike pump at that location.
Sara W. will draft up a letter to the Elks chair inquiring about a donation to make a bike
station at the Recreation Center/aquatic center possible.
6. Luce Line Trail
MNDOT trail use counter near Arch St.- No update given.
Winsted connection- this is almost completed!!!
7. County Trail- Dakota update
Per Michelle- Lester Prairie is very supportive of the trail project.
Regarding the BFC recertification: Michelle will ask her coworker, Natalie Gille about
the report card and what her suggestions would be for improvement and moving up to
Silver status.
Koloni-Bike Share program- Steve will look into
Traffic Gardens- Michelle shared with the group the notion of adding a “Traffic Garden”
into our community. They are a very successful training tool for young bikers, Rochester
has one. Maybe look into grant money to help fund something like this in Hutchinson.
Michelle commented that there is funding for the next two years through MNDOT to host
Ambassador Trainings.
8. Committee Goals for 2019
New bike map-publish this spring-DONE
Community outreach-HCVN-still being aired before City Council meetings-could put
these videos on PRCE Facebook & City PRCE page
NEXT MEETING: Schedule next Quarterly meeting: September 18th, 2019 2:00 p.m.