08-26-2020 HUCCP HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING August 26, 2020 3:00 p.m. 1. CONFLICT OF INTEREST 2. APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills 3. APPROVE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4. OPEN FORUM 5. COMMUNICATION a. City Administrator b. Divisions c. Human Resources d. Legal e. General Manager 6. POLICIES a. Review Policies i. Hutchinson Utilities Commission ii. Establishing a New Electric/Natural Gas Account iii. Deposit Requirement Residential iv. Deposit Requirement Commercial/Industrial v. Terminating Electric/Natural Gas Service by Customer vi. Errors in Billing vii. Payment of Your Bill viii. Automatic Bill Payment Plan ix. Budget Payment Plan x. Minnesota Cold Weather Rule b. Approve Changes i. Definition of Your Bill ii. Explanation of Billing Procedure 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8. NEW BUSINESS a. Approve Rate Adjustments for 2020 & 2021 b. Approve Sale of Capacity to NextEra Energy Marketing c. Approve Rate Schedule for Electric Vehicle Chargers 9. ADJOURN MINUTES Regular Meeting Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, July 29, 2020 Call to order 3:00 p.m. President Don Martinez called the meeting to order. Members present: President Don Martinez; Vice President Matt Cheney; Secretary Robert Wendorff; GM Jeremy Carter; Attorney Marc Sebora; Absent: Commissioner Monty Morrow, Commissioner Anthony Hanson 1. Conflict of Interest 2. Approve Consent Agenda a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills Motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Wendorff to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Approve Financial Statements Commissioner Hanson joined the meeting at 3:02pm GM Carter presented the Financial Statements. In the Electric Division, net profit increased by $198,785 mostly due to receiving insurance proceeds from the transformer fire of $240k. There was not a power cost adjustment (PCA) for June, which will most likely be the last month with no PCA. In the Natural Gas Division, June 2020 financial numbers are very similar to June 2019. Motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commissioner Cheney to approve the financial statements. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Open Forum 5. Communication a. City Administrator Matthew Jaunich Absent b. Divisions i. Dan Lang, Engineering Services Manager Absent ii. Dave Hunstad, Electric Transmission/Distribution Manager Absent iii. Randy Blake, Production Manager Absent iv. John Webster, Natural Gas Division Director Absent v. Jared Martig, Financial Manager- Absent c. Human Resources - Brenda Ewing Absent d. Legal Marc Sebora 1 i. Nothing to report e. General Manager Jeremy Carter i. Power outage earlier in the day that lasted about 10 minutes. Traced fault back and Staff will assess into if a new wire or new conductor is needed. ii. Projects are going well, along with maintenance and generation. 6. Policies a. Review Policies i. Appendices of Exempt Handbook ii. Appendices of Non-Exempt Handbook No changes recommended at this time. b. Approve Changes No changes recommended at this time. 7. Unfinished Business a. None 8. New Business a. Re-adopt the Data Practices Act & Public Records Request Policy Mr. Sebora presented Re-adopt the Data Practices Act & Public Records Request Policy. The State of Minnesota requires that political subdivisions like HUC adopt a data practices policy, which guides both the HUC and members of the public in obtaining information from HUC. State of Minnesota also requires that HUC adopt the data practices policy annually prior to August 1. A motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Cheney to Re- adopt the Data Practices Act & Public Records Request Policy. Motion carried unanimously. b. Approve the Continuity of Operation Plan GM Carter presented the Continuity of Operation Plan. Originally, HUC had an older internal plan. With the current COVID-19 Pandemic, Staff has been working on making the needed changes and updates to encompass more of an overall plan. The Continuity of Operation Plan has been updated with Centers for Disease (CDC) and MN Department of Health guidelines. Since HUC is considered an essential operation, Staff needs to do what is possible to protect the workers by also keeping the power on out in the community. This Continuity of Operation Plan is a broad document and changes will be incorporated as needed and on an annual basis. 2 The Commission Board agreed that the Continuity of Operation Plan should be reviewed annually. A motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Hanson to Approve the Continuity of Operation Plan. Motion carried unanimously. c. Approve Virginia Transformer Corporation Contract Plant #2 25/46.7 MVA LCT Transformer President Martinez stated that Staff is still waiting for the Certificates of Insurance for this item and item d. A special meeting will be held for both agenda items when Staff receives the Certificates of Insurance. Therefore, agenda item c and d will be tabled from this meeting. A motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Wendorff to table both agenda items c and d. Motion carried unanimously. d. Approve Virginia Transformer Corporation Contract Plant #2 Grounding Transformer This item was tabled from above. e. Approve Requisition #8478 CE Power Plant #2 Substation Improvements GM Carter presented Approval of Requisition #8478 CE Power Plant #2 Substation Improvements. Due to the Plant 2 substation transformer fire, HUC will need to upgrade the site to accommodate the new transformers and switchgear. Staff is requesting approval to allow CE Power to provide the required technical labor, supervision, basic equipment, materials, and engineering to perform the scope of work. Commissioner Hanson inquired if there are any issues moving forward with this agenda item if the agenda items c and d were tabled from above. GM Carter stated that there are no issues since the specs on both the Transformer contracts will stay the same; Staff is just waiting for the Certificates of insurance. A motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commissioner Hanson to Approve Requisition #8478 CE Power Plant #2 Substation Improvements. Motion carried unanimously. f. Solar Array Discussion 3 GM Carter initiated the Solar Array discussions. GM Carter noted that revised numbers were sent out to all the commissioners from two developers that do handle utility scale solar systems. Along with the revised numbers, points to consider are financing structures and if this could be self-funded or financed through a PPA structure. Conversations were held on the size and price of a solar array or solar garden that HUC would consider for the community along with moving forward with an RFP. There are many programs that can be established out of solar array project of a larger scale or with a second phased approached. . Consensus from the Commission Board is to proceed on receiving pricing and to continue down the path of Solar Array. g. Great Energy Choices Discussion GM Carter noted this should be stated Bright Energy Choices not Great Energy Choices. GM Carter initiated the Bright Energy Choices discussion. A wholesale supplier provides this program. The wholesale supplier on behalf of its members provides customers in town with the ability to be 100% renewable or 100% carbon free if customers choose to be. For the amount of KWH that is needed to become 100% renewable or 100% carbon free HUC would submit those KWH to MRES on a regular basis. Customers would essent Energy Credits) that signify the amount of KWH going to the customer from HUC through MRES are renewables or carbon free sources. Customers would now have certification/ certificates that validate renewables came from a wind farm, solar garden or other renewable source. GM Carter noted that many municipal utilities are involved with Bright Energy Choices and have customers that are a part of this program. There is an up charge/auction cost of .05 cent added onto the KWH that HUC would be buying. This .05 cent could be passed on to the offered in their current power supply portfolios. Discussions were held on when a program like this could be rolled out, the length and flexibility a customer has to stay on this program and if this program competes or compliments the proposed solar project. Consensus from the Commission Board is to proceed with the Bright Energy Choices Program, along with passing the .05 cent to the customer. h. Electric/Natural Gas Glide Path Discussion GM Carter initiated the Electric/Natural Gas Glide Path discussions. GM Carter recapped conversations and meetings that were held on the COS study from previous years. Utility Financial Services had proposed a 2-year rate adjustment for both the Electric and Natural Gas division. As part to the rate designs for each 4 division, a 6-year glide path for the Electric division and a 9-year glide path for the Natural Gas division was determined. Currently HUC has been using the first two rate adjustments that were adopted 2 years ago, that went into effect Oct 2018 and Oct 2019. Strategic Planning meeting, discussions were held on if HUC is to continue moving down the glide paths to rebalance the customer classes. GM Carter noted if the Commission wants to stay on the same implementation date of Oct 1, conversations are now needed to stay ahead of that date because the City Council needs time to veto any previous rate adjustment changes if so chosen. GM Carter reviewed an overall table of what the COS rates were back then, where the rates have been and what the proposed rates will be for the next 2 years to show how the glide paths have been working. After discussions were held, the consensus of the Commission Board is to stay on the current glide path for all customers and businesses. GM Carter will plan on having a resolution for the next 2 years at the August Commission meeting. 9. Adjourn There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commissioner Cheney to adjourn the meeting at 4:12p.m. Motion carried unanimously. __________________________ Robert Wendorff, Secretary ATTEST: _________________________ Don Martinez, President 5 MINUTES SpecialMeetingHutchinson Utilities Commission Thursday, August 6, 2020 Call to order 7:30 a.m. President Morrow called the meeting to order. Members present: President Don Martinez; Secretary Robert Wendorff; Commissioner Matt Cheney; General Manger Jeremy Carter; Absent: Commissioner Monty Morrow; Commissioner Anthony Hanson; Attorney Marc Sebora Others present: Angie Radke The purpose of the special meeting is to Approve the Virginia Transformer Corporation Contract Plant #2 25/46.7 MVA LTC Transformer and Approve the Virginia Transformer Corporation Contract Plant #2 Grounding Transformer that were both tabled from the July Commission meeting. GM Carter presented the Virginia Transformer Corporation Contract Plant #2 25/46.7 MVA LTC Transformer and stated that the Certificate of Insurance has now been received from Virginia Transformer Corporation. GM Carter noted clarification on the warranty criteria. It was also noted that the contract includes a change order to subtract sales tax from the original bid amount, and to include the 1.5% discount for also purchasing the 4.025 MVA Grounding Transformer. Once approved, installation could happen in December or early Spring. Discussions were held if the insurance companies are covering all the costs of the fire. Motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Wendorff to Approve the Virginia Transformer Corporation Contract Plant #2 25/46.7 MVA LTC Transformer. Motion carried unanimously. GM Carter presented the Virginia Transformer Corporation Contract Plant #2 Grounding Transformer. GM Carter noted that the contract includes a change order to subtract sales tax from the original bid amount, and to include the 1.5% discount for also purchasing the 25/46.7 MVA Transformer. Motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve the Virginia Transformer Corporation Contract Plant #2 Grounding Transformer. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Wendorff to adjourn the meeting at 7:43 a.m. Motion was unanimously carried. __________________________ Robert Wendorff, Secretary ATTEST: _________________________ Don Martinez, President HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION COMBINED DIVISIONS FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JULY, 2020 July, 2020 MonthYear to Date 58.3% of Year Comp. 20202019Diff.% Chng20202019Diff.% Chng Full Yr Bud% of Bud Combined Division Customer Revenue$ 2,706,125$ 2,928,735 $ (222,611)(7.6%)$ 19,568,366$ 21,264,979$ (1,696,614)(8.0%)$ 35,819,11654.6% Sales for Resale$ 333,172$ 336,799$ (3,626)(1.1%)$ 1,368,377$ 1,566,859$ (198,482) (12.7%)$ 3,007,25045.5% NU Transportation$ 82,372$ 81,605$ 7670.9%$ 579,212 $ 575,443$ 3,7700.7%$ 898,64064.5% Electric Division Transfer$ 55,440$ 54,982$ 4580.8%$ 388,082 $ 384,873$ 3,2080.8%$ 665,28358.3% Other Revenues$ 28,139$ 49,742$ (21,602) (43.4%)$ 655,791 $ 310,658$ 345,134111.1%$ 466,207140.7% Interest Income$ 40,103$ 51,599$ (11,496) (22.3%)$ 291,820 $ 284,917$ 6,9032.4%$ 383,45676.1% TOTAL REVENUES$ 3,245,352$ 3,503,461 $ (258,110)(7.4%)$ 22,851,648$ 24,387,729$ (1,536,081)(6.3%)$ 41,239,95255.4% Salaries & Benefits$ 589,295$ 484,049$ 105,24621.74%$ 3,873,424$ 3,515,590$ 357,83310.2%$ 6,946,88055.8% Purchased Commodities$ 1,514,311$ 1,646,100 $ (131,789)(8.0%)$ 11,009,834$ 12,100,402$ (1,090,568)(9.0%)$ 19,252,47757.2% Transmission$ 233,161$ 306,800$ (73,639) (24.0%)$ 1,240,650$ 1,611,482$ (370,832) (23.0%)$ 2,680,00046.3% Generator Fuel/Chem.$ 161,495$ 135,326$ 26,16919.3%$ 284,038 $ 289,239$ (5,200)(1.8%)$ 825,87534.4% Depreciation$ 327,083$ 327,083$ -0.0%$ 2,289,583$ 2,289,583$ - 0.0%$ 3,925,00058.3% Transfers (Elect./City)$ 211,040$ 188,434$ 22,60612.0%$ 1,477,280$ 1,319,037$ 158,24312.0%$ 2,532,47558.3% Operating Expense$ 244,953$ 304,420$ (59,467) (19.5%)$ 1,354,588$ 1,443,927$ (89,338)(6.2%)$ 2,605,31352.0% Debt Interest$ 89,542$ 97,334$ (7,792)(8.0%)$ 626,795 $ 681,337$ (54,542)(8.0%)$ 1,074,50758.3% TOTAL EXPENSES$ 3,370,880$ 3,489,546 $ (118,666)(3.4%)$ 22,156,193$ 23,250,597$ (1,094,404)(4.7%)$ 39,842,52755.6% NET PROFIT/(LOSS)$ (125,528)$ 13,915$ (139,443)(1,002.1%)$ 695,455 $ 1,137,132$ (441,677) (38.8%)$ 1,397,42549.8% Combined Divisions - Financial/Operating Ratios JulyJulyYTD YTD 2020HUC 20202019Change20202019ChangeBudgetTarget Gross Margin %29.2%27.2%2.1%32.6%32.6%0.0%34.6%26% - 28% Operating Income Per Revenue $ (%)-3.2%0.9%-4.1%1.9%5.7%-3.8%4.6%1%-4% Net Income Per Revenue $ (%):-3.9%0.4%-4.3%3.0%4.7%-1.6%3.4%0%-1% Notes/Graphs: HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION ELECTRIC DIVISION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JULY, 2020 July, 2020 MonthYear to Date 58.3% of Year Comp. 20202019Diff.% Chng20202019Diff.% Chng Full Yr Bud% of Bud Electric Division Customer Revenue$ 2,362,547$ 2,540,259$ (177,712)(7.0%)$ 13,727,279$ 14,654,163$ (926,884) (6.3%)$ 25,627,44853.6% Sales for Resale$ 333,172$ 336,799 $ (3,626) (1.1%)$ 1,368,377$ 1,566,859$ (198,482) (12.7%)$ 3,007,25045.5% Other Revenues$ 8,793 $ 15,043$ (6,250) (41.5%)$ 442,084$ 119,814$ 322,270269.0%$ 179,499246.3% Interest Income$ 21,446$ 27,193$ (5,748) (21.1%)$ 155,668$ 152,599$ 3,0692.0%$ 208,45674.7% TOTAL REVENUES$ 2,725,958$ 2,919,294$ (193,337)(6.6%)$ 15,693,408$ 16,493,435$ (800,028) (4.9%)$ 29,022,65354.1% Salaries & Benefits$ 441,292$ 360,467 $ 80,82522.4%$ 2,891,958$ 2,605,418$ 286,54111.0%$ 5,074,75957.0% Purchased Power$ 1,304,993$ 1,456,024$ (151,030)(10.4%)$ 7,695,158$ 8,337,454$ (642,296) (7.7%)$ 13,480,33257.1% Transmission$ 233,161$ 306,800 $ (73,639)(24.0%)$ 1,240,650$ 1,611,482$ (370,832) (23.0%)$ 2,680,00046.3% Generator Fuel/Chem.$ 161,495$ 135,326 $ 26,16919.3%$ 284,038$ 289,239$ (5,200)(1.8%)$ 825,87534.4% Depreciation$ 241,667$ 241,667 $ -0.0%$ 1,691,667$ 1,691,667$ -0.0%$ 2,900,00058.3% Transfers (Elect./City)$ 163,236$ 147,172 $ 16,06410.9%$ 1,142,649$ 1,030,203$ 112,44610.9%$ 1,958,82658.3% Operating Expense$ 198,130$ 231,147 $ (33,017)(14.3%)$ 888,819$ 1,011,065$ (122,246) (12.1%)$ 1,654,94353.7% Debt Interest$ 44,471$ 46,555$ (2,083) (4.5%)$ 311,300$ 325,883$ (14,583) (4.5%)$ 533,65758.3% TOTAL EXPENSES$ 2,788,445$ 2,925,157$ (136,712)(4.7%)$ 16,146,238$ 16,902,409$ (756,171) (4.5%)$ 29,108,39255.5% NET PROFIT/(LOSS)$ (62,487)$ (5,863)$ (56,625)965.8%$ (452,830)$ (408,974)$ (43,856) 10.7%$ (85,739)528.1% July, 2020 MonthYear to Date 58.3% of Year Comp. 20202019Diff.% Chng20202019Diff.% Chng Full Yr Bud% of Bud Electric Division Residential6,561,1735,793,291 767,882 13.25%31,488,82429,671,266 1,817,558 6.13% 51,590,88961.0% All Electric201,861168,273 33,58819.96%1,597,1561,605,242 (8,086) (0.50%) 2,545,49762.7% Small General1,834,5281,838,097 (3,569)(0.19%)10,493,85811,134,517 (640,659) (5.75%) 18,956,24855.4% Large General7,897,0907,812,850 84,2401.08%45,247,84047,180,070 (1,932,230) (4.10%) 79,933,58356.6% Industrial11,617,00012,660,000 (1,043,000)(8.24%)68,682,00068,879,000 (197,000) (0.29%) 129,279,66653.1% Total KWH Sold 28,111,652 28,272,511 (160,859)(0.57%) 157,509,678 158,470,095 (960,417)(0.61%) 282,305,88355.8% Financial/Operating Ratios JulyJulyYTD YTD 2020HUC 20202019Change20202019ChangeBudgetTarget Gross Margin %25.2%20.9%4.3%25.1%24.8%0.3%28.7%24% - 28% Operating Income Per Revenue $ (%)-1.7%0.5%-2.2%-4.6%-1.5%-3.1%0.8%0%-5% Net Income Per Revenue $ (%):-2.3%-0.2%-2.1%-2.9%-2.5%-0.4%-0.3%0%-5% Customer Revenue per KWH:$0.0840$0.0898-$0.0058$0.0867$0.0920-$0.0053$0.0903$0.0903 Total Power Supply Exp. per KWH:$0.0718$0.0809-$0.0091$0.0720$0.0775-$0.0055$0.0728$0.0728 Notes/Graphs: Net loss increased $56,625 over July 2019. However, if the PCA was applied appropriately in July the net loss would only have been $282. (See note below) Sales for Resale of $333,172 consisted of $88,922 in market sales, $98,000 in capacity sales to Rice Lake and $146,250 in capacity sales to AEP. July 2019 Sales for Resale of $336,799 consisted of $20,279 in market sales, $36,400 in monthly tolling fees from Transalta, $130,620 in Transalta energy sales, $13,500 in capacity sales to AEP, and $136,000 in capacity sales to SMMPA. July 2018 Sales for Resale of $338,970 consisted of $23,860 in market sales, $35,600 in Transalta tolling fees, $163,510 in Transalta energy sales, and $116,000 SMMPA capacity sales. Overall Purchased Power decreased by $151,030. MRES purchases increased by $24 and market purchases/MISO costs decreased by $151,054. There was no power cost adjustment for July leaving the total at $249,268 YTD. There was an error in the system control data which if caught before the bills were processed would have resulted in $62,205 being collected through the PCA for July. This amount will be added to the formula for determining the PCA for August. Last year's power cost adjustment for July 2019 generated $185,652 in additional revenue for the month and $1,150,003 YTD. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION GAS DIVISION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JULY, 2020 July, 2020 MonthYear to Date 58.3% of Year Comp. 20202019Diff.% Chng20202019Diff.% Chng Full Yr Bud% of Bud Gas Division Customer Revenue$ 343,578$ 388,476$ (44,898) (11.6%)$ 5,841,087 $ 6,610,816$ (769,729)(11.6%)$ 10,191,66857.3% Transportation$ 82,372$ 81,605 $ 7670.9%$ 579,212$ 575,443 $ 3,7700.7%$ 898,640 64.5% Electric Div. Transfer$ 55,440$ 54,982 $ 4580.8%$ 388,082$ 384,873 $ 3,2080.8%$ 665,283 58.3% Other Revenues$ 19,346$ 34,698 $ (15,352) (44.2%)$ 213,707$ 190,843 $ 22,864 12.0%$ 286,708 74.5% Interest Income$ 18,658$ 24,405 $ (5,748)(23.6%)$ 136,152$ 132,318 $ 3,8342.9%$ 175,000 77.8% TOTAL REVENUES$ 519,394$ 584,167$ (64,773) (11.1%)$ 7,158,240 $ 7,894,293$ (736,053)(9.3%)$ 12,217,29958.6% Salaries & Benefits$ 148,002$ 123,582$ 24,42019.8%$ 981,465$ 910,172 $ 71,293 7.8%$ 1,872,12152.4% Purchased Gas$ 209,318$ 190,076$ 19,24210.1%$ 3,314,676 $ 3,762,948$ (448,272)(11.9%)$ 5,772,14557.4% Operating Expense$ 46,823$ 73,273 $ (26,450) (36.1%)$ 465,770$ 432,862 $ 32,908 7.6%$ 950,370 49.0% Depreciation$ 85,417$ 85,417 $ -0.0%$ 597,917$ 597,917 $ -0.0%$ 1,025,00058.3% Transfers (City)$ 47,804$ 41,262 $ 6,54215.9%$ 334,632$ 288,835 $ 45,797 15.9%$ 573,649 58.3% Debt Interest$ 45,071$ 50,779 $ (5,708)0.0%$ 315,496$ 355,454 $ (39,958)(11.2%)$ 540,850 58.3% TOTAL EXPENSES$ 582,435$ 564,389$ 18,0463.2%$ 6,009,955 $ 6,348,188$ (338,232)(5.3%)$ 10,734,13556.0% NET PROFIT/(LOSS)$ (63,041)$ 19,778 $ (82,819) (418.7%)$ 1,148,285 $ 1,546,106$ (397,821)(25.7%)$ 1,483,16477.4% July, 2020 MonthYear to Date 58.3% of Year Comp. 20202019Diff.% Chng20202019Diff.% Chng Full Yr Bud% of Bud Gas Division Residential6,251,6856,367,049 (115,364) (1.81%)251,855,085291,307,554 (39,452,469)(13.54%) 422,479,00059.6% Commercial7,784,4688,380,337 (595,869) (7.11%)189,953,502218,452,962 (28,499,460)(13.05%) 331,731,00057.3% Industrial52,600,62448,892,422 3,708,2027.58%525,212,426517,078,709 8,133,7171.57% 803,079,00065.4% Total CF Sold 66,636,777 63,639,808 2,996,9694.71% 967,021,013 1,026,839,225 (59,818,212)(5.83%) 1,557,289,00062.1% Financial/Operating Ratios JulyJulyYTD YTD 2020HUC 20202019Change20202019ChangeBudgetTarget Gross Margin %52.1%61.4%-9.3%49.3%49.2%0.1%49.0%37%-42% Operating Income Per Revenue $ (%)-11.6%3.1%-14.7%16.5%21.3%-4.8%13.8%11%-16% Net Income Per Revenue $ (%):-13.1%3.8%-16.9%16.9%20.4%-3.6%12.6%6%-11% Contracted Customer Rev. per CF:$0.0035$0.0036-$0.0001$0.0036$0.0041-$0.0004$0.0040$0.0040 Customer Revenue per CF:$0.0092$0.0128-$0.0036$0.0085$0.0086$0.0000$0.0089$0.0089 Total Nat. Gas Supply Exp. per CF:$0.0035$0.0032$0.0002$0.0036$0.0038($0.0002)$0.0039$0.0039 Notes/Graphs: July 2020 had a net loss of $63,041 which is a negative change of $82,819 from July of 2019. July's fuel cost credit adjustment was $3.77621/MCF totalling $72,992 for the month and $533,180 YTD. July 2019 credits totalled $64,847 for the month and $630,162 YTD. HUTCHINSONUTILITIESCOMMISSION BALANCESHEET-CONSOLIDATED JULY 31, 2020 ElectricGasTotalTotal Net Change DivisionDivision20202019Total(YTD) Current Assets Cash 5,826,689.92 10,307,778.53 16,134,468.45 15,794,745.65 339,722.80 Petty Cash 680.00 170.00 850.00 850.00 - Capital Expenditures - Five Yr. CIP 2,750,000.00 700,000.00 3,450,000.00 3,450,000.00 - Payment in Lieu of Taxes 1,293,543.00 573,649.00 1,867,192.00 1,601,424.00 265,768.00 Rate Stabilization - Electric 261,197.43 - 261,197.43 372,736.68 (111,539.25) Rate Stabilization - Gas - 651,306.61 651,306.61 651,306.61 - Catastrophic Funds 400,000.00 100,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 - Bond Interest Payment 2017 1,385,770.85 - 1,385,770.85 1,289,104.15 96,666.70 Bond Interest Payment 2012 - 1,330,566.68 1,330,566.68 1,313,537.51 17,029.17 Debt Service Reserve Funds 522,335.64 2,188,694.02 2,711,029.66 2,711,029.66 - Total Current Assets 12,440,216.84 1 5,852,164.84 28,292,381.68 2 7,684,734.26 607,647.42 Receivables Accounts (net of uncollectible allowances) 2,372,843.57 469,066.38 2,841,909.95 3,280,503.68 (438,593.73) Interest 57,982.32 57,982.32 115,964.64 47,264.58 68,700.06 Total Receivables 2,430,825.89 5 27,048.70 2,957,874.59 3 ,327,768.26 (369,893.67) Other Assets 1,454,479.77 456,480.05 1,712,398.18 Inventory 1,910,959.82 198,561.64 13.92 46,036.24 178,312.64 Prepaid Expenses 46,050.16 (132,262.48) 108,579.22 - Sales Tax Receivable 108,579.22 50,737.96 57,841.26 Deferred Outflows - Electric 219,249.00 - 219,249.00 494,053.00 (274,804.00) Deferred Outflows - Gas - 73,083.00 73,083.00 164,685.00 (91,602.00) 1,782,321.91 5 75,599.29 2,357,921.20 2 ,600,186.78 (242,265.58) Total Other Assets Total Current Assets 16,653,364.64 1 6,954,812.83 33,608,177.47 3 3,612,689.30 (4,511.83) Capital Assets Land & Land Rights 690,368.40 3,899,918.60 4,590,287.00 4,590,287.00 - Depreciable Capital Assets 91,542,350.19 42,001,576.49 133,543,926.68 131,890,370.18 1,653,556.50 Accumulated Depreciation (59,592,048.95) (17,762,803.54) (77,354,852.49) (73,547,373.78) (3,807,478.71) Construction - Work in Progress 16,449,692.10 351,668.97 16,801,361.07 15,912,604.56 888,756.51 Total Net Capital Assets 49,090,361.74 2 8,490,360.52 77,580,722.26 7 8,845,887.96 (1,265,165.70) Total Assets 6 5,743,726.38 4 5,445,173.35 1 11,188,899.73 1 12,458,577.26 ( 1,269,677.53) HUTCHINSONUTILITIESCOMMISSION BALANCESHEET-CONSOLIDATED JULY 31, 2020 ElectricGasTotalTotal Net Change DivisionDivision20202019Total(YTD) Current Liabilities Current Portion of Long-term Debt Bonds Payable 645,000.00 1,455,000.00 2,100,000.00 1,995,000.00 105,000.00 Bond Premium - 185,608.32 185,608.32 185,608.32 - Accounts Payable 2,100,455.63 529,884.31 2,630,339.94 3,299,768.25 (669,428.31) Accrued Expenses Accrued Interest 88,942.72 90,141.68 179,084.40 194,667.72 (15,583.32) Accrued Payroll 126,005.37 38,186.57 164,191.94 87,022.24 77,169.70 Total Current Liabilities 2,960,403.72 2 ,298,820.88 5,259,224.60 5 ,762,066.53 (502,841.93) Long-Term Liabilities Noncurrent Portion of Long-term Debt 2017 Bonds 15,405,000.00 - 15,405,000.00 16,050,000.00 (645,000.00) 2012 Bonds - 11,075,000.00 11,075,000.00 12,530,000.00 (1,455,000.00) Bond Premium 2012 579,920.64 989,910.67 1,569,831.31 1,788,896.59 (219,065.28) Pension Liability - Electric 2,686,985.00 - 2,686,985.00 2,700,290.00 (13,305.00) Pension Liability - Electric OPEB 76,502.00 - 76,502.00 72,192.00 4,310.00 Pension Liability - Nat Gas - 895,662.00 895,662.00 900,097.00 (4,435.00) Pension Liability - Nat Gas OPEB - 25,501.00 25,501.00 24,064.00 1,437.00 Accrued Vacation Payable 380,134.01 146,202.28 526,336.29 477,451.52 48,884.77 Accrued Severance 81,360.39 33,739.79 115,100.18 106,630.34 8,469.84 Deferred Outflows - Electric 550,772.00 - 550,772.00 804,800.00 (254,028.00) Deferred Outflows - Nat Gas - 183,591.00 183,591.00 268,267.00 (84,676.00) Total Long-Term Liabilities 19,760,674.04 1 3,349,606.74 33,110,280.78 3 5,722,688.45 (2,612,407.67) Net Position Retained Earnings 43,022,648.62 29,796,745.73 72,819,394.35 70,973,822.28 1,845,572.07 Total Net Position 43,022,648.62 2 9,796,745.73 72,819,394.35 7 0,973,822.28 1,845,572.07 Total Liabilities and Net Position 65,743,726.38 4 5,445,173.35 111,188,899.73 1 12,458,577.26 (1,269,677.53) Hutchinson Utilities Commission Cash-Designations Report, Combined 7/31/2020 Change in Financial Annual Balance, Balance, Cash/Reserve InstitutionCurrent Interest RateInterestJuly 2020 June 2020 Position Savings, Checking, Investmentsvariesvariesvaries 28,292,381.68 28,439,398.86 (147,017.18) Total Operating Funds 28,292,381.68 28,439,398.86 (147,017.18) Combined Divisions - Total Funds 28,292,381.68 28,439,398.86 (147,017.18) Restricted Funds: Debt Reserve RequirementsBond Covenants - sinking fund 2,716,337.53 2,451,795.33 264,542.20 Debt Reserve RequirementsBond Covenants -1 year Max. P & I 2,711,029.66 2,711,029.66 - Total Restricted Funds 5,427,367.19 5,162,824.99 264,542.20 Excess Reserves Less Restrictions, Combined 22,865,014.49 23,276,573.87 (411,559.38) Designated Funds: Operating ReserveMin 60 days of 2020 Operating Bud. 5,981,005.00 5,981,005.00 - Rate Stabalization Funds 912,504.04 910,959.95 1,544.09 PILOT FundsCharter (Formula Only) 1,867,192.00 1,867,192.00 - Catastrophic FundsRisk Mitigation Amount 500,000.00 500,000.00 - Capital Reserves5 Year CIP ( 2020-2024 Fleet & Infrastructure Maintenance) 3,450,000.00 3,450,000.00 - Total Designated Funds 12,710,701.04 12,709,156.95 1,544.09 Excess Reserves Less Restrictions & Designations, Combined 10,154,313.45 10,567,416.92 (413,103.47) Financial/Operating Ratios YEYEYEYEYTDHUC 20162017201820192020Target Debt to Asset32.2%40.2%37.7%34.9%34.5%<50% Current Ratio3.063.363.935.115.30>2.0 RONA2.17%1.82%3.16%2.25%0.69%>0% Notes/Graphs: Change in Cash Balance (From 12/31/14 to 7/31/2020) Month End ElectricElec. ChangeNatural GasGas Change TotalTotal Change 7/31/2020 12,440,217 15,852,165 28,292,382 12/31/2019 12,124,142 316,075 13,837,040 2,015,125 25,961,181 2,331,200 12/31/2018 15,559,867 (3,435,725) 12,335,998 1,501,042 27,895,864 (1,934,683) 12/31/2017 23,213,245 (7,653,378) 10,702,689 1,633,309 33,915,934 (6,020,070) 12/31/2016 8,612,801 14,600,444 9,500,074 1,202,615 18,112,875 15,803,059 12/31/2015 6,170,790 2,442,011 9,037,373 462,701 15,208,163 2,904,712 12/31/2014 3,598,821 2,571,969 6,765,165 2,272,208 10,363,986 4,844,177 * 2017's Signifcant increase in cash balance is due to issuing bonds for the generator project. Hutchinson Utilities Commission Cash-Designations Report, Electric 7/31/2020 Change in Financial Annual Balance, Balance, Cash/Reserve InstitutionInterestJuly 2020 June 2020 Position Current Interest Rate Operating Funds: Savings, Checking, Investmentsvariesvariesvaries 28,292,381.68 28,439,398.86 (147,017.18) Total HUC Operating Funds 28,292,381.68 28,439,398.86 (147,017.18) Electric Division - Total Funds 12,440,216.84 12,581,431.11 (141,214.27) Restricted Funds: Debt Restricted RequirementsBond Covenants - sinking fund 1,385,770.85 1,287,549.49 98,221.36 Debt Restricted RequirementsBond Covenants -1 year Max. P & I 522,335.64 522,335.64 - Total Restricted Funds 1,908,106.49 1,809,885.13 98,221.36 Excess Reserves Less Restrictions, Electric 10,532,110.35 10,771,545.98 (239,435.63) Designated Funds: Operating ReserveMin 60 days of 2020 Operating Bud. 4,367,899.00 4,367,899.00 - Rate Stabalization Funds$400K-$1.2K 261,197.43 259,653.34 1,544.09 PILOT FundsCharter (Formula Only) 1,293,543.00 1,293,543.00 - Catastrophic FundsRisk Mitigation Amount 400,000.00 400,000.00 - Capital Reserves5 Year CIP ( 2020-2024 Fleet & Infrastructure Maintenance) 2,750,000.00 2,750,000.00 - Total Designated Funds 9,072,639.43 9,071,095.34 1,544.09 Excess Reserves Less Restrictions & Designations, Electric 1,459,470.92 1,700,450.64 (240,979.72) Financial/Operating Ratios YEYEYEYEYTDAPPA RatioHUC 201620172018201920205K-10K Cust.Target Debt to Asset Ratio (* w/Gen.)16.7%35.4%35.7%34.1%34.6%50.1%<50% Current Ratio3.574.363.635.264.912.43>2.0 RONA-0.4%-0.6%-0.3%-0.4%-0.7%NA>0% Notes/Graphs: Hutchinson Utilities Commission Cash-Designations Report, Gas 7/31/2020 Change in Financial Annual Balance, Balance, Cash/Reserve InstitutionCurrent Interest RateInterestJuly 2020 June 2020 Position Operating Funds: Savings, Checking, Investmentsvariesvariesvaries28,292,381.6828,439,398.86(147,017.18) Total HUC Operating Funds 28,292,381.68 28,439,398.86 (147,017.18) Gas Division - Total Funds 15,852,164.84 15,857,967.75 (5,802.91) Restricted Funds: Debt Restricted RequirementsBond Covenants - sinking fund 1,330,566.68 1,164,245.84 166,320.84 Debt Restricted RequirementsBond Covenants -1 year Max. P & I 2,188,694.02 2,188,694.02 - Total Restricted Funds 3,519,260.70 3,352,939.86 166,320.84 Excess Reserves Less Restrictions, Gas 12,332,904.14 12,505,027.89 (172,123.75) Designated Funds: Operating ReserveMin 60 days of 2020 Operating Bud. 1,613,106.00 1,613,106.00 - Rate Stabalization Funds$200K-$600K 651,306.61 651,306.61 - PILOT FundsCharter (Formula Only) 573,649.00 573,649.00 - Catastrophic FundsRisk Mitigation Amount 100,000.00 100,000.00 - Capital Reserves5 Year CIP ( 2020-2024 Fleet & Infrastructure Maintenance) 700,000.00 700,000.00 - Total Designated Funds 3,638,061.61 3,638,061.61 - Excess Reserves Less Restrictions & Designations, Gas 8,694,842.53 8,866,966.28 (172,123.75) Financial/Operating Ratios YEYEYEYEYTDHUC 20162017201820192020APGA RatioTarget Debt to Asset51.2%47.6%40.7%36.1%34.4%TBD<50% Current Ratio2.592.744.334.965.81TBD>2.0 RONA5.6%5.0%8.3%6.4%2.9%TBD>0% Notes/Graphs: HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Investment Report For the Month Ended July 31, 2020 InterestCurrentDate ofDate ofParCurrentPurchaseUnrealizedPremiumNext InstitutionDescriptionRateYTMPurchaseMaturityValueValueAmountGain/(Loss)(Discount)Call Date Wells FargoMoney Market0.010%0.010%NANA - 499,102.32 - - -N/A Wells FargoFHLMC0.320%0.320%07/20/202010/20/2022 305,000.00 305,094.55 305,000.00 94.55 -01/20/2021 Wells FargoCD's1.700%1.700%02/21/202002/22/2022 245,000.00 250,902.05 245,000.00 5,902.05 -N/A Wells FargoCD's1.300%1.300%03/31/202009/30/2021 245,000.00 248,329.55 245,000.00 3,329.55 -N/A Wells FargoCD's1.900%1.900%08/21/201908/23/2021 174,000.00 177,269.46 174,000.00 3,269.46 -N/A Wells FargoCD's2.500%2.500%04/02/201904/05/2021 245,000.00 248,988.60 245,000.00 3,988.60 -N/A Wells FargoCD's1.250%1.250%04/08/202004/08/2021 245,000.00 246,933.05 245,000.00 1,933.05 -N/A Wells FargoCD's0.500%0.698%07/30/202007/30/2025 245,000.00 245,404.25 245,000.00 404.25 -01/30/2021 Wells FargoCD's2.000%2.000%08/29/202008/22/2022 200,000.00 205,750.00 200,000.00 5,750.00 -09/29/2020 Wells FargoCD's0.200%0.200%06/25/202006/23/2021 248,000.00 248,166.16 248,000.00 166.16 -N/A Wells FargoCD's0.200%0.200%06/25/202012/28/2020 74,000.00 74,031.82 74,000.00 31.82 -N/A Wells FargoCD's1.700%1.700%01/31/202005/03/2021 245,000.00 247,932.65 245,000.00 2,932.65 -N/A Wells FargoCD's1.750%1.750%01/29/202007/29/2021 245,000.00 248,969.00 245,000.00 3,969.00 -N/A Broker Total25.2% 2,716,000.00 3,246,873.46 2,716,000.00 31,771.14 - Cetera Investment ServicesMoney Market0.100%0.100%N/AN/A - 150,417.80 - - -N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds2.750%1.881%03/07/201608/01/2020 180,000.00 180,000.00 187,070.40 (7,070.40) 7,070.40N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds2.300%1.715%12/11/201710/01/2020 100,000.00 100,320.00 101,595.00 (1,275.00) 1,595.00N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds2.875%2.121%04/29/201609/01/2021 250,000.00 256,197.50 259,467.50 (3,270.00) 9,467.50N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.751%2.399%04/29/201611/01/2021 250,000.00 256,297.50 267,330.00 (11,032.50) 17,330.00N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.139%2.190%12/11/201709/01/2021 300,000.00 305,970.00 310,116.00 (4,146.00) 10,116.00N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.436%3.436%12/20/201812/15/2021 50,000.00 48,917.00 45,155.00 3,762.00 (4,845.00)N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds2.655%2.208%12/11/201703/01/2022 300,000.00 307,299.00 305,314.92 1,984.08 5,314.92N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.000%3.118%12/20/201808/01/2022 50,000.00 51,846.00 50,377.67 1,468.33 377.67N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.633%3.116%12/20/201809/01/2022 250,000.00 262,162.50 257,217.48 4,945.02 7,217.48N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.240%3.240%11/17/201702/15/2023 80,000.00 77,829.60 69,633.48 8,196.12 (10,366.52)N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.650%3.004%12/20/201802/01/2023 250,000.00 261,782.50 256,165.00 5,617.50 6,165.00N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.075%3.236%12/20/201806/01/2023 50,000.00 52,379.50 49,746.15 2,633.35 (253.85)N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds2.500%3.181%12/20/201808/01/2023 35,000.00 36,339.10 34,320.05 2,019.05 (679.95)N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.400%3.148%12/20/201811/01/2023 125,000.00 131,147.50 126,376.25 4,771.25 1,376.25N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.400%3.148%12/20/201811/01/2023 65,000.00 68,133.65 65,715.65 2,418.00 715.65N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds1.862%1.862%01/22/202011/01/2023 150,000.00 145,791.00 139,866.00 5,925.00 (10,134.00)N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds5.290%2.724%04/18/201906/01/2023 260,000.00 286,678.60 291,059.96 (4,381.36) 31,059.96N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds2.854%3.173%12/20/201802/01/2024 100,000.00 105,261.00 99,605.96 5,655.04 (394.04)N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds2.977%3.246%12/20/201803/15/2024 250,000.00 267,387.50 248,743.99 18,643.51 (1,256.01)N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds1.940%1.821%01/13/202005/01/2024 65,000.00 67,978.30 65,570.70 2,407.60 570.70N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds2.528%1.918%01/13/202012/01/2024 100,000.00 104,900.00 102,999.53 1,900.47 2,999.53N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.922%3.429%12/20/201812/01/2024 204,000.00 224,636.64 208,181.10 16,455.54 4,181.10N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds5.742%3.658%04/11/201908/01/2024 430,000.00 476,452.90 464,344.41 12,108.49 34,344.41N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds4.400%3.221%04/11/201907/01/2025 500,000.00 536,205.00 539,101.11 (2,896.11) 39,101.1107/01/2023 Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds5.640%3.007%04/18/201908/15/2025 205,000.00 182,747.25 169,737.95 13,009.30 (35,262.05)N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.743%2.740%04/18/201909/15/2025 215,000.00 243,362.80 228,334.53 15,028.27 13,334.53N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.379%1.934%08/19/201910/01/2025 310,000.00 337,236.60 339,739.18 (2,502.58) 29,739.18N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds5.600%1.186%07/28/202012/01/2025 45,000.00 52,474.50 55,250.55 (2,776.05) 10,250.55N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds4.250%3.258%04/11/201901/01/2026 500,000.00 550,945.00 529,769.03 21,175.97 29,769.03N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds6.690%3.356%04/18/201904/15/2026 60,000.00 51,544.20 47,545.20 3,999.00 (12,454.80)N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds5.900%1.451%07/28/202006/15/2026 75,000.00 92,323.50 93,741.75 (1,418.25) 18,741.75N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.250%2.903%04/18/201908/01/2026 500,000.00 536,865.00 514,790.69 22,074.31 14,790.69N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds2.150%2.203%07/01/201912/01/2026 40,000.00 41,626.80 40,150.64 1,476.16 150.64N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds2.350%2.191%07/01/201912/01/2026 500,000.00 528,955.00 505,385.00 23,570.00 5,385.00N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds2.375%1.816%09/04/201912/01/2026 90,000.00 95,742.00 93,395.70 2,346.30 3,395.70N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.000%1.991%08/19/201902/01/2027 50,000.00 54,834.00 53,551.00 1,283.00 3,551.00N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.150%2.034%08/19/201903/15/2027 100,000.00 110,452.00 109,138.50 1,313.50 9,138.50N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.332%3.120%04/18/201904/15/2027 500,000.00 563,870.00 507,783.94 56,086.06 7,783.94N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.553%2.289%08/19/201905/01/2027 55,000.00 61,195.20 60,468.04 727.16 5,468.0405/01/2026 Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.865%2.470%08/19/201905/01/2027 55,000.00 62,047.70 60,986.48 1,061.22 5,986.4805/01/2025 Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.000%3.101%05/18/202009/01/2027 65,000.00 70,730.40 69,180.58 1,549.82 4,180.5809/01/2025 Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds2.817%2.817%09/25/201910/01/2027 35,000.00 28,831.60 27,969.55 862.05 (7,030.45)05/01/2025 Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.230%1.828%08/19/201905/15/2027 145,000.00 165,547.95 160,827.31 4,720.64 15,827.31N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.270%2.141%08/19/201903/15/2028 155,000.00 173,925.50 170,805.09 3,120.41 15,805.0909/15/2027 Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds2.974%2.574%11/07/201904/01/2028 75,000.00 80,829.00 77,253.00 3,576.00 2,253.00N/A Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.140%2.004%08/19/201908/01/2028 500,000.00 564,205.00 547,105.00 17,100.00 47,105.0008/01/2027 Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.000%2.199%05/19/202008/15/2028 90,000.00 96,462.90 95,401.80 1,061.10 5,401.8008/15/2025 Cetera Investment ServicesMunicipal Bonds3.000%1.942%08/19/201906/01/2029 115,000.00 128,409.00 125,961.80 2,447.20 10,961.80N/A Broker Total74.8% 8,874,000.00 9,637,492.99 9,229,345.62 257,729.57 355,345.62 TOTAL INVESTMENTS100.0%$ 11,590,000.00$ 12,884,366.45$ 11,945,345.62$ 289,500.71$ 355,345.62 PORTFOLIO BY PRODUCT TYPEMATURITY SCHEDULE 7/31/2020% of6/30/2020% ofMonthlyMaturityCurrent Value% Product TypeTotal ValueTotalTotal ValueTotalChangeLess than 1 year$2,244,861.4017.4% Money Market$649,520.125.0%$27,216.040.2%$622,304.081 - 2 years1,851,182.0614.4% CD's2,442,676.5919.0%2,989,045.0023.3%(546,368.41)2 - 3 years1,503,523.2511.7% Government Bonds305,094.552.4%251,058.852.0%54,035.703 - 4 years 822,038.056.4% Municipal Bonds9,487,075.1973.6%9,553,281.8174.5%(66,206.62)4 - 5 years1,342,194.5410.4% TOTAL$12,884,366.45100.0%$12,820,601.70100.0%$63,764.755+ years5,120,567.1539.7% TOTAL$12,884,366.45100.0% aƚƓĻǤ ağƩƉĻƷ υЏͲЉЉЉͲЉЉЉ͵ЉЉ Ў͵Љі /5γƭ ЊВ͵Љі υЎͲЊЋЉͲЎЏА υЎͲЉЉЉͲЉЉЉ͵ЉЉ υЍͲЉЉЉͲЉЉЉ͵ЉЉ υЌͲЉЉЉͲЉЉЉ͵ЉЉ υЋͲЋЍЍͲБЏЊ υЊͲБЎЊͲЊБЋ υЋͲЉЉЉͲЉЉЉ͵ЉЉ υЊͲЎЉЌͲЎЋЌ υЊͲЌЍЋͲЊВЎ υБЋЋͲЉЌБ υЊͲЉЉЉͲЉЉЉ͵ЉЉ aǒƓźĭźƦğƌ .ƚƓķƭ АЌ͵Џі υЉ͵ЉЉ DƚǝĻƩƓƒĻƓƷ .ƚƓķƭ \[Ļƭƭ ƷŷğƓ ЊЊ Ώ Ћ ǤĻğƩƭЋ Ώ Ќ ǤĻğƩƭЌ Ώ Ѝ ǤĻğƩƭЍ Ώ Ў ǤĻğƩƭЎњ ǤĻğƩƭ Ћ͵Ѝі ǤĻğƩ ELECTRIC DIVISION Operating Revenue July 2020 CLASSAMOUNTKWH$/KWH Street Lights$0.163$0.05333 Electric Residential Service$616,857.316,561,173$0.09402 All Electric Residential Service$19,834.82201,861$0.09826 Electric Small General Service$173,156.711,834,528$0.09439 Electric Large General Service$694,850.837,897,090$0.08799 Electric Large Industrial Service$857,846.8011,617,000$0.07384 Total$2,362,546.63 28,111,655$0.08404 Power Adjustment$0.00000 Rate Without Power Adjustment$0.08404 Electric Division Year-to-Date 2020 $ Amount2019 $ Amount2020 KWH/102019 KWH/10 18,000,000 17,000,000 16,000,000 15,000,000 14,000,000 13,000,000 12,000,000 11,000,000 10,000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 Street LightsResidentialAll Elec.Small Gen.Large Gen.LargeFor Resale Total Resid.Srv.Srv.Industrial NOTE: Sales for resale includes capacity sales, market sales and Transalta sales. NATURAL GAS DIVISION Operating Revenue JULY 2020 CLASSAMOUNTMCF$/MCF Residential$87,613.976,252$14.01375 Commercial$43,711.627,784$5.61557 Large Industrial$46,034.605,303$8.68086 Large Industrial Contracts$166,217.8147,298$3.51427 Total$343,578.0066,637$5.15596 Fuel Adjustment-$3.78000 Rate Without Fuel Adjustment$8.93596 Natural Gas Division Year-to-Date 2020 $ Amount2019 $ Amount2020 MCF2019 MCF 10,000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 Gas ResidentialGas CommercialLarge IndustrialLarge Industrial Total Contracts HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Board Action Form Agenda Item: Review Policies Presenter: Agenda Item Type: Jeremy Carter Review Policies Time Requested (Minutes): 5 Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: As part of HUC's standard operating procedures, a continual policy review is practiced. This month, the following policies were reviewed and no changes are recommended on these policies at this time: i. Hutchinson Utilities Commission ii. Establishing a New Electric/Natural Gas Account iii. Deposit Requirement Residential iv. Deposit Requirement Commercial/Industrial v. Terminating Electric/Natural Gas Service by Customer vi. Errors in Billing vii. Payment of Your Bill viii. Automatic Bill Payment Plan ix. Budget Payment Plan x. Minnesota Cold Weather Rule BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: None Fiscal Impact: Included in current budget: Budget Change: PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Remaining Cost: HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION (Hereafter referred to as HUC) A five-member Commission governs HUC. The Commission members are appointed by the Mayor and the City Council to each serve a five-year term. The Commission meets at 3:00 p.m. the last Wednesday of each month. The following policies are reviewed and approved by the Commission and it reserves the right to make changes, and/or to adopt new and amended policies, as it deems necessary from time to time. The Commission also reserves the right to vary from its policies in special circumstances. HUC is a municipal utility that is owned by its citizens, through the City Council and its political subdivision, the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. Public/Customer Hours Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Address & Phone 225 Michigan Street SE Hutchinson, MN 55350-1905 (320) 587-4746 Emergency Service Electric Outage (320) 234-0544 Gas Emergency 1-877-593-3973 (320) 587-4745 Customer Service (320) 234-0502 Web Address www.hutchinsonutilities.com Establishing a New Electric/Natural Gas Account New services and meters are read or installed only during normal business hours. A new service installation requires a 24-hour notice. Deposit Requirement Residential New Residential Customers: Application for Service An application for service is required to be completed and submitted prior to receiving service. The application shall be accompanied by proof of customer identification, preferably photo identification. Deposit A deposit is required for all new residential customers, prior to the utility account being establis HUC will conduct an internal account review for all new customer applications. If the results of the review indicate the customer has an outstanding balance with HUC for previously provided services, the outstanding balance shall be paid, in addition to the required deposit, prior to the customer receiving service. The amount of the deposit is equal to two times the average monthly bill for the property/address as determined by HUC. For new residential construction with no billing history, HUC will determine the rates based on similar construction. A deposit may only be waived if the customer provides verification of a satisfactory payment history for the previous 12-month period from their current or previous utility provider indicating, the customer paid all of their bills on time with no late payment fees attached, issued a disconnect notice and no delinquent or dishonored payments. Existing Residential Customers Moving Within Service Territory: A deposit is not required if the customer has a satisfactory payment history for the previous 12-month period, as defined previously. A deposit for existing residential customers moving within HUC service territory will be required prior to the utilities establishing the new account for any of the following reasons: 1. The customer has been disconnected, issued a disconnect notice or had a delinquent or dishonored payment in the previous 12 months. 2. Subsequent credit information indicates the initial application for service was falsified. 3. The customer has the ability to pay for the utility service, but during the cold weather rule months, had an arrears amount incurred during that period that was 60 days or more past due. If a deposit is required of a customer, the following will also apply: 1. If customer has no deposit with HUC, the customer will pay the deposit 2. If customer already has a deposit with HUC and this deposit amount is greater than the new deposit required for the new address, HUC will transfer balance of the deposit from the previous address will be applied to the 3. If the customer already has a deposit with HUC and this deposit amount is new address. The customer will pay the balance of the deposit amount for If a deposit is required the customer may request a written explanation for the requirement. Amount of Deposit: The amount of the deposit is equal to two times the average monthly bill for the property/address as determined by HUC. For new residential construction with no billing history, HUC will determine the rates based on similar construction. Refusal or Disconnection of Service: HUC may refuse or disconnect residential service for failure to pay a required deposit. Interest: Interest earned on a deposit is applied to the account as a credit on a calendar year basis. The rate of interest is determined by the Minnesota Department of Commerce and updated annually. When the customer moves out of the HUC service area, the account is finalized. Any deposit interest is applied to the account as a credit, and the deposit amount is applied to the final bill. If this results in a credit balance, a check is issued to the customer for the credit amount. Refund: The utility shall refund the deposit of a residential customer after 12 consecutive months of on-time payments (no late payment fees). If a customer makes a late payment in the initial 12 months of service, the deposit will be retained, until such time as the customer makes 12 consecutive monthly on-time payments and incurs no late payment fees. If the customer provides a payment history from their previous provider, and the payment history indicates no late payment fees and no dishonored checks, then HUC will refund the deposit. HUC must receive this information from the customer within 30 days of customer moving into our services. Refund at Termination of Service: On termination of residential service, and if the customer has a deposit with HUC, HUC shall credit the deposit, with accrued interest, to e final bill. Method of Refund: Any deposit or portion thereof refunded to a residential customer shall credit. Deposit Requirement Commercial/Industrial Application for Service An application for service is required to be completed and submitted prior to receiving service. The application shall be accompanied by proof of customer identification, preferably photo identification, and their Federal Tax ID number. Deposit A deposit is required for all Commercial/Industrial customers, prior to the utility account HUC will conduct an internal account review for all new customer applications. If the results of the review indicate the customer has an outstanding balance with HUC for previously provided services, the outstanding balance shall be paid, in addition to the required deposit, prior to the customer receiving service. Existing Commercial/Industrial Customers Moving Within Service Territory: A deposit will be waived if the Commercial/Industrial customer has a 24-month payment history with HUC indicating the Commercial/Industrial customer has not been disconnected, issued a disconnect notice or issued any dishonored checks. A deposit for existing Commercial/Industrial customers moving within HUC service territory will be required prior, to customer having utilities placed in their name, for the following reasons: 1. If the customer has been disconnected, issued a disconnect notice or any dishonored payment in the previous 24 months. 2. Subsequent credit information indicates the initial application for service was falsified. If a deposit is required of a customer, and; 1. If a customer has no deposit with HUC, the customer will pay the deposit 2. If a customer has a deposit with HUC and this deposit amount is greater than t for the previous address. 3. If a customer has a deposit with HUC and this deposit amount is less than address. The customer will pay the balance of the deposit amount for the If a deposit is required, the customer may request a written explanation for the requirement. Amount of Deposit: The deposit shall be equal to the two highest bills for the past 12 months rounded to the nearest dollar. In the event that the building will be used for a different purpose than that of the previous tenant/owner, then similar use will be taken into consideration to determine the amount of deposit. The deposit may also be made by posting a performance bond or an Irrevocable Letter of Credit from an FDIC insured financial institution. These options will not earn any interest and will be terminated after 24 consecutive months of timely payments. In the event of a new building with no billing history, then similar construction will be used to establish the average monthly usage. Refusal or Disconnection of Service: Commercial/Industrial service may be refused or disconnected for failure to pay a required deposit. Interest: Interest earned on deposits is applied to the account as a credit on a calendar year basis. The rate of interest is determined by the Minnesota Department of Commerce and HUC obtains that information annually. When the Commercial/Industrial customer moves out of the HUC service area, the account is finalized. Any deposit with interest is applied to the account as credit, and the deposit amount is applied to the final bill. If this results in a credit balance, a check is issued to the customer for that credit amount. Refund: HUC shall refund the deposit of a Commercial/Industrial customer after 24 consecutive months of on-time payments (no late payment fees). If a customer is late in making payment, then the deposit will be retained, until such time as the customer makes 24 consecutive monthly on-time payments (no late payment fees). Refund at Termination of Service: On termination of Commercial/Industrial service, and if the customer has a deposit with HUC, HUC shall credit the deposit, with accrued interest, final bill. Method of Refund: Any deposit or portion thereof refunded to a Commercial/Industrial customer shall be refunded by check. Terminating Electric/Natural Gas Service by Customer When the utility service is shut off removed and the gas meter will be turned off and locked. The electric meter socket and gas meter valve will have a blue seal placed on them. At the time a customer requests the service be turned on, HUC personnel will install the electric meter and unlock the natural gas meter valve. pilot lights on all natural gas appliances, where appropriate. In the event the customer is heating contractor to complete this work. Upon the request of a customer, utility services may be temporarily terminated and billing suspended for a specified period of time due to illness, vacation, and/or seasonal use. Temporary terminations are charged to the customer at the rate of $40 to disconnect and $40 to reconnect. A. Termination for Renters Electric and natural gas meters will be read and the final bill calculated when a renter informs HUC they no longer wish to retain HUC services. B. Termination for Residential/Commercial Owners Electric and natural gas will be shut off when the property owner requests HUC to disconnect services. For continuous service, the new owner must call HUC at a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the requested disconnect date, and make the necessary arrangements to have the electric/natural gas services transferred into their name. This eliminates terminating services at that address. C. Termination for Electrical Work If a homeowner needs an electric meter disconnected to do any electrical work, HUC will disconnect/reconnect the meter at no charge to the customer. Once the work is completed, HUC will need a copy of the State Board of Electricity Certificate of Inspection, before HUC will reconnect the electric meter. Errors in Billing Overcharged customer accounts will be credited on the next statement or refunded on the final billing. Overcharges may only be refunded within one year of the billing error occurrence. Undercharged customer accounts may be billed for a correction within one year of the billing error occurrence and may be billed on a separate invoice, with an explanation of charges. Payment of Your Bill Payments are due by the date indicated on the statement. Payment Locations HUC business office at 225 Michigan Street Southeast Drop box at either the HUC business office or Hutchinson City Center Payment Methods Cash, check or money order automated phone system at (320)587-4746, Option #3 with VISA/MasterCard/Discover/E-check automatic bank payment plan(Savings/Checking Account) online at www.hutchinsonutilities.com online reoccurring credit card payment When paying in any manner other than cash, no change will be given. No second party or post-dated checks will be accepted and checks will not be held. An invalid payment due to nonsufficient funds or other circumstances is treated as a non- payment. If notification of the invalid payment is received by HUC, the customer will be charged a $30 processing fee. If paying by reoccurring credit/debit card, the customer needs to cancel their credit/debi card immediately if there has been an address change. When there is a change in the credit/debit card information that is used for reoccurring payments, the customer will be required to update the system with the new credit/debit card information. For billing questions, contact HUC customer service via e-mail at HUCbilling@ci.hutchinson.mn.us. Automatic Bill Payment Plan Customers may authorize automatic bill payment through ACH withdrawals from a checking/savings account, or with the use of a credit/debit card. These payments are withdrawn on the date the bill is due. To authorize the withdrawals or automatic payment from a checking/savings account, the customer must complete an Authorization form, which is available at the HUC business office or on the HUC website. To authorize automatic payment with a reoccurring credit/debit card, visit the HUC If paying by reoccurring credit/debit card, the customer needs to cancel their credit/debit card immediately if there has been an address change. When there is a change in the credit/debit card information that is used for reoccurring payments, the customer will be required to update the system with the new credit/debit card information. Setting up, changing and cancelling reoccurring credit/debit card information can only be completed by the customer. The customer will receive their monthly utility billing statement showing the payment amount to be withdrawn. The customer may contact the HUC Customer Service Department before the amount is withdrawn to dispute the billing or with any questions. The customer will have approximately 10 days to review their bill before the money is withdrawn. removed from the automatic payment plan and so notified. A service charge of $30 will Budget Payment Plan A budget payment plan is available to residential customers who have been at their present location for a minimum of 12 continuous months. Procedures are in place for setting up and reviewing the budget payment plan calculation. Changes to the budget payment amount are made at the discretion of the Customer Service Department based erage bill from the previous 12 months. Customers will be notified, in writing, of any changes. A customer may concurrently participate in the budget payment plan by automatic bank payment plan or recurring credit cards. Minnesota Cold Weather Rule 2016 Minnesota Statutes 216B.097 Cold Weather Rule; Cooperative or Municipal Utility Subdivision 1. Application; notice to residential customer. (a) A municipal utility or a cooperative electric association must not disconnect and must reconnect the utility service of a residential customer during the period between October 15 and April 15 if the disconnection affects the primary heat source for the residential unit and all of the following conditions are met: (1) The household income of the customer is at or below 50 percent of the state median household income. A municipal utility or cooperative electric association utility may (i) verify income on forms it provides or (ii) obtain verification of income from the local energy assistance provider. A customer is deemed to meet the income requirements of this clause if the customer receives any form of public assistance, including energy assistance, that uses an income eligibility threshold set at or below 50 percent of the state median household income. (2) A customer enters into and makes reasonably timely payments under a payment agreement that considers the financial resources of the household. (3) A customer receives referrals to energy assistance, weatherization, conservation, or other programs likely to reduce the customer's energy bills. (b) A municipal utility or a cooperative electric association must, between August 15 and October 15 each year, notify all residential customers of the provisions of this section. Subdivision 2. Notice to residential customer facing disconnection. Before disconnecting service to a residential customer during the period between October 15 and April 15, a municipal utility or cooperative electric association must provide the following information to a customer: (1) a notice of proposed disconnection; (2) a statement explaining the customer's rights and responsibilities; (3) a list of local energy assistance providers; (4) forms on which to declare inability to pay; and (5) a statement explaining available time payment plans and other opportunities to secure continued utility service. Subdivision 3. Restrictions if disconnection necessary. (a) If a residential customer must be involuntarily disconnected between October 15 and April 15 for failure to comply with subdivision 1, the disconnection must not occur: (1) on a Friday, unless the customer declines to enter into a payment agreement offered that day in person or via personal contact by telephone by a municipal utility or cooperative electric association; (2) on a weekend, holiday, or the day before a holiday; (3) when utility offices are closed; or (4) after the close of business on a day when disconnection is permitted, unless a field representative of a municipal utility or cooperative electric association who is authorized to enter into a payment agreement, accept payment, and continue service, offers a payment agreement to the customer. Further, the disconnection must not occur until at least 20 days after the notice required in subdivision 2 has been mailed to the customer or 15 days after the notice has been personally delivered to the customer. (b) If a customer does not respond to a disconnection notice, the customer must not be disconnected until the utility investigates whether the residential unit is actually occupied. If the unit is found to be occupied, the utility must immediately inform the occupant of the provisions of this section. If the unit is unoccupied, the utility must give seven days' written notice of the proposed disconnection to the local energy assistance provider before making a disconnection. (c) If, prior to disconnection, a customer appeals a notice of involuntary disconnection, as provided by the utility's established appeal procedure, the utility must not disconnect until the appeal is resolved. Subdivision 4. Application to service limiters. For the purposes of this section, "disconnection" includes a service or load limiter or any device that limits or interrupts electric service in any way. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Board Action Form Agenda Item: Approve Policy Changes Presenter: Agenda Item Type: Jeremy Carter App Changes to Policies Time Requested (Minutes): 5 Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: As part of HUC's standard operating procedures, a continual policy review is practiced. The following revisions to the policies below are recommended. i. Definition of Your Bill ii. Explanation of Billing Procedure BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Policy Changes Fiscal Impact: Included in current budget: Budget Change: PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Remaining Cost: Definition of Your Bill Your bill provides: Account number Due date Payment due Pre-authorized payment to be drawn from your bank on due date (from checking/ saving account) Budget amount due if on the budget plan Name/mailing address Service address Electric and fuel cost adjustments, if any PIN # Reading dates Days used Previous and current readings Usage Previous balance Payments made and date paid Electric and/or gas meter charges Amount charged to each meter Sales tax/Local tax/county tax Any miscellaneous/trip charges Account balance Perforated top stub to remit with payment for timely and proper posting If applicable, a message on the bottom of the statement indicating past due amount Meters are read approximately every 30 days. Estimated readings may also be taken if access to the meter is not possible or the meter has stopped working. Explanation of Billing Procedure A bill for services is sent to the address provided by the customer approximately 3 to 5 days after the meters have been read. The customer has approximately 10 days to pay the bill in full by the stated due date. In accordance with state law, the City of Hutchinson and its related entities shall have 35 days to pay bills in full. Bills paid after the due date will incur the following charges: A 1% per month late payment charge on any unpaid balance. A $15 processing fee. A late notice warning of pending disconnection is mailed to the customer and provides the customer with approximately 20 days to pay the bill or contact the Customer Service Department to make other arrangements. Examples of other arrangements may include establishing a budget payment plan or payments by behalf. Failure to make payment by the stated due date and time will be considered a violation of the notice of pending disconnection. If full payment or other arrangements have not been made by the deadline, HUC personnel are sent to the meter location to disconnect utility services (see disconnection of services section). disconnection. Customers should refer to previously sent disconnection letter for details of date and time of disconnection. A dishonored payment will be assessed a $30 processing fee. A dishonored payment made to avoid disconnection, to get reconnected, or for a deposit for service will be assessed a $30 processing fee; plus: a. A $40 trip charge to deliver a door hanger, a notice advising the customer they have 24 hours to make the full notice payment. Acceptable forms of payment include cash, money order or credit card. b. A $40 trip charge to disconnect service if payment is not received in the form of cash, money order or credit card. c. A $40 trip charge to reconnect service with payment made in the form of cash, money order or credit card. IT IS THE ANY CHANGE OF ADDRESS. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Board Action Form Agenda Item: Electric&NaturalGasRateStructureChange Presenter:Agenda Item Type: JeremyCarter NewBusiness Time Requested (Minutes): 10 Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: UtilityFinancialServicesprovidedaCostofService(COS)studytoHUCbackin2017. Aspartofthisanalysis,theCOSstudyidentifiedvariousfinancialbenchmarks.In addition,considerationswerediscussedrelatingtoensuringthevariouscomponentsof howHUCcollectsrevenuethroughitsmonthlybillingalignswellagainstthefixedand variablecostsofoperation. Atthattime,UtilityFinancialServicesproposedaninitial2yearratetrackadjustmentfor boththeElectricandNaturalGasdivisions.Aspartoftheratedesignsforeachdivision, aglidepathwasalsodeterminedforeachdivision.A6-yearglidepathfortheElectric division&a9-yearglidepathfortheNaturalGasdivisionwastheboardsdirection. HUCinstitutedthefirst2yearratetrackadjustmentsonthevariouscustomerclasses backonOct1,2018&Oct12019.Attheboardsdirection,thesecond2yearratetrack adjustmentsareattachedthatfollowthe6&9yearglidepathswhilekeepingHUC revenueneutral. Pleaseseeattachedaresolutionforapprovalthatwouldstarttheprocessofadjusting theratestructuresforyears3&4.Oncethisresolutionisapproved,theratedesign structures,communication,andameetingwiththecouncilwilltakeplace. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve2YearRateStructureChangeResolution Fiscal Impact: Included in current budget: Budget Change: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Remaining Cost: Hutchinson Utilities Commission Electric Rate Design for 2020 Rate Design Summary tƩƚƆĻĭƷĻķtƩƚƆĻĭƷĻķ tƩƚƆĻĭƷĻķtƩƚƆĻĭƷĻķ wĻǝĻƓǒĻƭ ƓķĻƩwĻǝĻƓǒĻƭ ƓķĻƩwĻǝĻƓǒĻ /ŷğƓŭĻ ŅƩƚƒ /ǒƭƷƚƒĻƩ /ƌğƭƭ/ǒƩƩĻƓƷ wğƷĻƭtƩƚƦƚƭĻķ wğƷĻƭ/ŷğƓŭĻ/ǒƩƩĻƓƷ wĻƭźķĻƓƷźğƌυ ЎͲЏЏЏͲЌВЋυ ЎͲАЍЎͲЋЎЏυ АБͲБЏЍЊ͵ЌВі {ƒğƌƌ DĻƓĻƩğƌ {ĻƩǝźĭĻυ ЊͲВЊЌͲЊЋБυ ЊͲВЋВͲЎЉАυ ЊЏͲЌАВЉ͵БЏі \[ğƩŭĻ DĻƓĻƩğƌ {ĻƩǝźĭĻυ АͲАЌЎͲААЏυ АͲЏАЊͲЌЍЌυ ΛЏЍͲЍЌЍΜ ΏЉ͵БЌі \[ğƩŭĻ LƓķǒƭƷƩźğƌυ ЊЉͲЊАЉͲЍЍЉυ ЊЉͲЊЍАͲВЌЋ υ ΛЋЋͲЎЉБΜ ΏЉ͵ЋЋі TOTALS$ 25,485,736 $ 25,494,037 $ 8,3010.03% Hutchinson Utilities Commission Electric Rate Design for 2021 Rate Design Summary tƩƚƆĻĭƷĻķtƩƚƆĻĭƷĻķ tƩƚƆĻĭƷĻķtƩƚƆĻĭƷĻķ wĻǝĻƓǒĻƭ ƓķĻƩwĻǝĻƓǒĻƭ ƓķĻƩwĻǝĻƓǒĻ /ŷğƓŭĻ ŅƩƚƒ /ǒƭƷƚƒĻƩ /ƌğƭƭ/ǒƩƩĻƓƷ wğƷĻƭtƩƚƦƚƭĻķ wğƷĻƭ/ŷğƓŭĻ/ǒƩƩĻƓƷ wĻƭźķĻƓƷźğƌυ ЎͲАЍЎͲЋЎЏυ ЎͲБЋЎͲЋЉЌυ АВͲВЍАЊ͵ЌВі {ƒğƌƌ DĻƓĻƩğƌ {ĻƩǝźĭĻυ ЊͲВЋВͲЎЉАυ ЊͲВЍЎͲББЏυ ЊЏͲЌАВЉ͵БЎі \[ğƩŭĻ DĻƓĻƩğƌ {ĻƩǝźĭĻυ АͲЏАЊͲЌЍЌυ АͲЏЉЏͲВЉАυ ΛЏЍͲЍЌЏΜ ΏЉ͵БЍі \[ğƩŭĻ LƓķǒƭƷƩźğƌυ ЊЉͲЊЍАͲВЌЋυ ЊЉͲЊЋЎͲЍЋЏ υ ΛЋЋͲЎЉЏΜ ΏЉ͵ЋЋі TOTALS$ 25,494,037 $ 25,503,421 $ 9,3840.04% Hutchinson Utilities Commission Natural Gas Rate Design for 2020 Rate Design Summary tƩƚƆĻĭƷĻķtƩƚƆĻĭƷĻķ tƩƚƆĻĭƷĻķtƩƚƆĻĭƷĻķ wĻǝĻƓǒĻƭ ƓķĻƩwĻǝĻƓǒĻƭ ƓķĻƩwĻǝĻƓǒĻ /ŷğƓŭĻ ŅƩƚƒ /ǒƭƷƚƒĻƩ /ƌğƭƭ/ǒƩƩĻƓƷ wğƷĻƭtƩƚƦƚƭĻķ wğƷĻƭ/ŷğƓŭĻ/ǒƩƩĻƓƷ wĻƭźķĻƓƷźğƌυ ЌͲБАЉͲЎЍЉυ ЌͲБЍЋͲЉЊЌυ ΛЋБͲЎЋАΜ ΏЉ͵АЍі /ƚƒƒĻƩĭźğƌυ ЋͲВЊЋͲЋВЍυ ЋͲБАЏͲЍБЉυ ΛЌЎͲБЊЍΜ ΏЊ͵ЋЌі LƓķǒƭƷƩźğƌυ ЍЉЏͲЉЍБυ ЌВЊͲАЉЉυ ΛЊЍͲЌЍБΜ ΏЌ͵ЎЌі /ƚƓƷƩğĭƷĻķ LƓķǒƭƷƩźğƌ ϔЊυ ЌЋБͲЌЍЎυ ЌЌАͲВЉЋυ ВͲЎЎАЋ͵ВЊі /ƚƓƷƩğĭƷĻķ LƓķǒƭƷƩźğƌ ϔЋυ ЋͲЍВБͲЊЎАυ ЋͲЎБЏͲББЋυ ББͲАЋЍЌ͵ЎЎі TOTALS$ 10,015,385 $ 10,034,977 $ 19,5930.20% Hutchinson Utilities Commission Natural Gas Rate Design for 2021 Rate Design Summary tƩƚƆĻĭƷĻķtƩƚƆĻĭƷĻķ tƩƚƆĻĭƷĻķtƩƚƆĻĭƷĻķ wĻǝĻƓǒĻƭ ƓķĻƩwĻǝĻƓǒĻƭ ƓķĻƩwĻǝĻƓǒĻ /ŷğƓŭĻ ŅƩƚƒ /ǒƭƷƚƒĻƩ /ƌğƭƭ/ǒƩƩĻƓƷ wğƷĻƭtƩƚƦƚƭĻķ wğƷĻƭ/ŷğƓŭĻ/ǒƩƩĻƓƷ wĻƭźķĻƓƷźğƌυ ЌͲБЍЋͲЉЊЌ͵ЍЉυ ЌͲБЊЌͲАБЎ͵ЉЋυ ΛЋБͲЋЋБΜ ΏЉ͵АЌі /ƚƒƒĻƩĭźğƌ ЋͲБАЏͲЍБЉ͵ЊЎ ЋͲБЍЉͲЏЏЏ͵ЋА υ ΛЌЎͲБЊЍΜ ΏЊ͵ЋЎі LƓķǒƭƷƩźğƌ ЌВЊͲАЉЉ͵ЉЊ ЌААͲЉЎЊ͵ЎЊυ ΛЊЍͲЏЍВΜ ΏЌ͵АЍі /ƚƓƷƩğĭƷĻķ LƓķǒƭƷƩźğƌ ϔЊ ЌЌАͲВЉЋ͵ЌВ ЌЌАͲВЉЋ͵ЌВυ ΏЉ͵ЉЉі /ƚƓƷƩğĭƷĻķ LƓķǒƭƷƩźğƌ ϔЋ ЋͲЎБЏͲББЊ͵ЎЉ ЋͲЎБЏͲББЊ͵ЎЉ υ ΏЉ͵ЉЉі TOTALS$ 10,034,977.45$ 9,956,286.69$ (78,690.76)-0.79% Resolution No. 20-01____ A RESOLUTION CHANGING THE HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION RATE STRUCTURE FOR 2020 & 2021 FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS DIVISIONS Be It Resolved by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission: That the current Electric and Natural Gas Rates paid by customers of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission be changed as follows: Electric Division Table- Current 2020 2021 Residential Monthly Customer Charge $ 11.70 $ 14.30 $ 16.90 Energy Charge (per KWH) $ 0.08290 $ 0.08070 $ 0.07852 Small General Monthly Customer Charge $ 15.80 $ 18.70 $ 21.60 Energy Charge Block 1 (0-2000 KWH) $ 0.09052 $ 0.09023 $ 0.08994 Block 2 (Excess) $ 0.08314 $ 0.08196 $ 0.08078 Large General Monthly Customer Charge $ 53.80 $ 80.70 $ 107.60 Energy Charge (per KWH) $ 0.06637 $ 0.06210 $ 0.05783 Demand Charge (per KW) $ 8.00 $ 9.00 $ 10.00 Large Industrial Monthly Customer Charge $ 150.40 $ 225.60 $ 300.80 Energy Charge (per KWH) $ 0.05680 $ 0.05477 $ 0.05274 Demand Charge (per KW) $ 9.00 $ 10.00 $ 11.00 Natural Gas Table- Current 2020 2021 Residential Monthly Customer Charge $ 11.30 $ 13.70 $ 16.10 Gas Commodity Charge ($/MCF) $ 8.2447 $ 7.8240 $ 7.4040 Commercial Monthly Customer Charge $ 48.10 $ 56.40 $ 64.70 Gas Commodity Charge ($/MCF) $ 8.5282 $ 8.2482 $ 7.9682 Large Industrial Monthly Customer Charge $ 145.00 $ 215.00 $ 285.00 Gas Commodity Charge ($/MCF) $ 8.0390 $ 7.7950 $ 7.5450 Demand Charge (Max Daily MCF per month) $ 9.0000 $ 8.5000 $ 8.0000 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the General Manager of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, Jeremy J Carter, shall provide notice of these rate changes to the City Council of the City of Hutchinson. Adopted by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission this _______________________ day of ____________________, 2020 Hutchinson Utilities Commission __________________________________ Don Martinez, President Attest: _________________________________ Robert Wendorff, Secretary HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Board Action Form Agenda Item: SaleofCapacitytoNextEraEnergyMarketing Presenter:Agenda Item Type: J.Carter NewBusiness Time Requested (Minutes): 10 Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: HUChasagreedtotermswithNextEraEnergyMarketingforthesaleof21MWofZonal ResourceCreditsinPlanningYears2025-2030toNextEraEnergyMarketing,LLC. Agreementterms:$3,000perMW-monthx21MW=$63,000permonth BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: ApprovecapacitysaleagreementwithNextEraEnergyMarketing,LLC. Fiscal Impact: $756,000/yr Included in current budget: Budget Change: No No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Remaining Cost: MASTER POWER PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT CONFIRMATION LETTER This confirmation letter Confirmationshall confirm the Transaction agreed to on August __, 2020 Trade DateBuyer NEM) and Hutchinson Utilities Commission Seller HUC (Party collectively, Partiesregarding the sale/purchase of the Product under the terms and conditions set forth herein. The terms and conditions contained in the Master Power Purchase and Sale Agreement, Master Agreement by the Attachment hereto, are hereby incorporated by reference into this Confirmation, and this Confirmation shall be governed by and subject to the terms and conditions of such Master Agreement as so supplemented and amended. Any inconsistencies between the terms of the Master Agreement and the terms of this Confirmation shall be resolved in favor of this Confirmation solely for purposes of this Transaction. All capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Master Agreement. The terms of this Transaction are as follows: Seller: HUC Buyer: NEM Product: ZRCs ZRCs shall be sourced from a capacity resource located in Local Resource Zone 1, as defined in the MISO Documents. For the avoidance of doubt, one ZRC shall represent one megawatt MWCapacity Documents. MISO Documents MISO ASM Tariff as may be amended from time to time; and (ii) the MISO Business Practice Manuals, as the same may be amended from time to time. In the event of any inconsistency in the MISO Documents, the ASM Tariff shall prevail. Transaction Contingency: The effectiveness of this Transaction is contingent delivery of written notice to HUC that NEM has consummated its supporting transaction by \[5:00 p.m. Eastern Prevailing Time on September 30, 2020\], and Transaction Effectiveness NoticeTransaction Effectiveness Notice shall be provided by facsimile to 320-587-4721 or by electronic mail to dlang@ci.hutchinson.mn.us. This Transaction shall be null and void and of no effect if a Transaction Effectiveness Notice is not delivered to HUC as set forth above. Term: accordance with the Transaction Contingency section above, June 1, 2025 through and including May 31, 2030 (each June-May period, a Planning Year Contract Quantity (MW per Month): 21 MW (ZRCs) Contract Price ($/kW-Month): $3.00 Special Conditions: 1. Delivery and Receipt. Seller shall electronically deliver or cause to be delivered the MECT transaction(s) submitted by Seller in the MECT. Seller shall electronically deliver or cause to be delivered to Buyer the Contract Quantity for all months in the applicable Planning Year Annual Product at least ten (10) Business Days prior to the date on which the Planning Resource Auction (as defined in the MISO Documents) offer window is closed for the Planning Transfer Deadline 2. Payment Terms. With respect to each Planning Year in the Term, Seller shall invoice Buyer, and Buyer shall tender payment, on a monthly basis, commencing upon delivery of the Total Annual Product Quantity for such Planning Year. The monthly payment amount shall equal the Contract Quantity times the Contract Price times 1000. Payment timing shall be in accordance with Section 6.2 of the Master Agreement. 3. Failure to Deliver and/or Receive. In the event that Seller fails to deliver all or a portion of the Total Annual Product Quantity for the applicable Planning Year, or Buyer fails to receive all or portion of the Total Annual Product Quantity for the applicable Planning Year, by the Transfer Annual Deficient Capacity following payment shall apply with respect to such Annual Non-Performance Payment \[The Contract Price minus the Replacement Price\] times 1000 times the Annual Deficient Capacity. Replacement Price Planning Year, the Local Resource Zone 1 Auction Clearing Price, stated in $/kW-Month; or, if Seller/Buyer is unable to sell/purchase Capacity to replace the Deficient Capacity at the Local Resource Zone 1 Auction Clearing Price, (ii) the price, stated in $/kW-Month, that Seller/Buyer, acting in a commercially reasonable manner, is able to ascertain from other bona fide third-party offers to buy/sell Local Resource Zone 1 ZRCs in an amount equal to the Deficient Capacity. Notwithstanding any other provision herein, neither Party shall be required to enter into a replacement transaction(s) in order to determine Replacement Price. 2 If the Non-Performance Payment is positive, Buyer shall pay Seller the Non-Performance Payment. If the Non-Performance Payment is negative, Seller shall pay Buyer the absolute value of the Non- Performance Payment. 4. Change in Applicable Law. If, after the Trade Date, there occurs a change in the MISO Documents or their application, or there otherwise occurs a change in applicable law or regulation Change in Law otherwise has a material adverse effect on, a material right or obligation of a Party, then the Parties shall negotiate in good faith in an attempt to amend this Confirmation to accommodate such Change in Law. Any such amendment shall reflect, as closely as possible, the intent and substance of the economic bargain reached by the Parties prior to such change. 5. Limitation of Remedies. The Parties acknowledge and agree that the remedies set forth herein regarding failures to deliver and receive shall supersede and replace the remedies set forth in the Master Agreement with respect to this Transaction only. 6. Mitigation. Each Party covenants that it will use commercially reasonable efforts to -performance of this Confirmation; provided, however, that neither Party shall be required to utilize or change its utilization of its owned or controlled assets, including, without limitation, contractual assets, or market positions to minimize or mitigate any damages arising out of or related to this Confirmation if doing so would be to the detriment of such Party. Signatures follow. 3 Hutchinson Utilities Commission NextEra Energy Marketing, LLC By: ____________________________ By: _____________________________ Name: __________________________ Title: ___________________________ Title: ___________________________ Phone No: ________________________ Date: ___________________________ Fax: ____________________________ By: ____________________________ Name: __________________________ Title: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________ 4 ATTACHMENT TO CONFIRMATION A. Contact Information: Name: NextEra Energy Marketing, LLC Name: Hutchinson Utilities Commission Seller or Buyer Party A) Party B) All Notices: All Notices: Street: 700 Universe Blvd. Street: 225 Michigan St. SE City/State: Juno Beach, FL Zip: 33408 City/State: Hutchinson, MN ZIP: 55350 Attn: Contracts/Legal Department Attn: HUC General Manager Phone: n/a Phone: (320) 587-4746 Facsimile: (561) 625-7504 Facsimile: (320) 587-4721 Duns: NextEra Energy Marketing, LLC: 05-448-Email: jcarter@ci.hutchinson.mn.us 1341 Duns: 154439301 Federal Tax ID Number: 59-2576416 Federal Tax ID Number: 41-6005251 Invoices: Invoices: Attn: Manager, NextEra Energy Marketing, LLC Attn: HUC Business Manager Accounting Phone: (320) 234-0512 Phone: (561) 304-5820 Facsimile: (320) 587-4721 Facsimile: (561) 625-7651 jmartig@ci.hutchinson.mn.us michael.coller@nee.com; Power- Settlements.SharedMailbox@nee.com Confirmations: Confirmations: Attn: Confirmation Desk Attn: HUC System Control Phone: (561) 691-2488 Phone: (320) 234-0541 Facsimile: (561) 625-7517 Facsimile: (320) 234-7743 Email: NextEra.Confirmations@ E-mail: control@ci.hutchinson.mn.us; NextEraEnergy.com lweerts@ci.hutchinson.mn.us Scheduling: Scheduling: Attn: Scheduling Desk Attn: HUC System Control Phone: (561) 625-7100 Phone: (320) 234-0541 Facsimile: (561) 625-7604 Facsimile: (320) 234-7743 E-mail: control@ci.hutchinson.mn.us; lweerts@ci.hutchinson.mn.us Payments: Payments: Attn: Manager, NextEra Energy Marketing, LLC Attn: HUC Business Manager Accounting Phone: (320) 234-0512 Phone: (561) 304-5820 Facsimile: (320) 587-4721 Facsimile: (561) 625-7663 5 Wire Transfer: Wire Transfer: Pay: Bank of America Pay: Citizens Bank & Trust Co. For the Account of: NextEra Energy Marketing, Account Name: Hutchinson Utilities Commission LLC Account No. 000086 Account No.: 3751227650 ABA/Routing No.: 091-901-862 Fed. ABA No.: 026-00-9593 ACH Payment: ACH Transfer: Pay: Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Pay: Bank of America Account Name: Hutchinson Utilities Commission For the Account of: NextEra Energy Marketing, Account No.: 000086 LLC ABA/Routing No.: 091-901-862 Account No.: 3751227650 Fed. ABA No.: 111-00-0012 Credit and Collections: Credit and Collections: Attn: Credit Manager Attn: HUC Business Manager Phone: (561) 304-6178 Phone: (320) 234-0512 Facsimile: n/a Facsimile: (320) 587-4721 Email: tradecredit@nexteraenergy.com Email: jmartig@ci.hutchinson.mn.us With additional Notices of an Event of Default or With additional Notices of an Event of Default or Potential Event of Default to: Potential Event of Default to: Attn: Contracts/Legal Department Attn: HUC General Manager Facsimile: (561) 625-7504 Phone: (320) 587-4746 Facsimile: (320) 587-4721 E-Mail: jcarter@ci.hutchinson.mn.us B. Cover Sheet Elections Article Two Transaction Terms and Conditions Optional provision in Section 2.4. If not checked, inapplicable. Article Four Remedies for Failure Accelerated Payment of Damages. If not checked, inapplicable. to Deliver or Receive Article Five Events of Default; Remedies 5.6 Closeout Setoff Option A (Applicable if no other selection is made.) Option B (as amended pursuant to Section C) Option C (No Setoff) 8.1 Party A Credit Protection: Article 8 Credit and Collateral Requirements (a) Financial Information: Option A (b) Credit Assurances: 6 Applicable (c) Collateral Threshold: Not Applicable (d) Downgrade Event: Not Applicable (e) Guarantor for Party B: N/A 8.2 Party B Credit Protection: (a) Financial Information: Option B, NextEra Energy, Inc. (b) Credit Assurances: Applicable (c) Collateral Threshold: Not Applicable (d) Downgrade Event: Not Applicable (e) Guarantor for Party A: N/A Article 10 Confidentiality Confidentiality Applicable If not checked, inapplicable. C. Special Provisions 1. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. Each Party represents and warrants to the other as such term is defined in the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C.A. Section 1a(18); (B) the other party to this Transaction (i) is not acting as a fiduciary or financial, investment or commodity trading advisor for it, and (ii) has not given to it (directly or indirectly through any other person) any assurance, guaranty or representation whatsoever as to the merits (either legal, regulatory, tax, financial, accounting or otherwise) of this Transaction or the expected performance or result of this Transaction; and (D) in connection with the negotiation and execution of this Transaction, (i) it is acting as a principal (and not as an agent or in any other capacity, fiduciary or otherwise), (ii) it is not relying upon any advice, counsel or representations (whether written or oral) of the other party other than the representations expressly set forth in this Transaction, (iii) it has made and will make its own decisions regarding the entering into of this Transaction based upon its own judgment and upon the advice from such professional advisors as it deemed, or will deem, necessary to consult, (iv) all of its decisions regarding this Transaction have been the result of arm's length negotiations between the Parties, and (v) it has a full understanding of all the terms, conditions and risks (economic and 7 otherwise) of this Transaction, and it is capable of assuming and willing to assume (financially and otherwise) those risks. In addition, each Party represents and warrants to the other Party as of the Trade Date that: (A) it has obtained all governmental authorizations, regulatory authorizations, licenses, registrations, certifications, permits and qualifications necessary for it to legally perform its obligations under this Confirmation; (B) the execution, delivery and performance of this Transaction and Confirmation are within its powers, have been duly authorized by all necessary action and do not violate any of the terms and conditions in its governing documents, any contracts to which it is a party or any law, rule, regulation, order or the like applicable to it; and (C) this Confirmation constitutes its legally valid and binding obligation enforceable against it in accordance with its terms. 2. NETTING OF PAYMENTS -off against and deduct from any amounts or owing to X by Y under this Confirmation or any other agreement on the same date. 3. SETOFF. Upon the designation or deemed designation of an Early Termination Date, in addition to and not in limitation of any other right or remedy under applicable law, the Party ("X") other than the Defaulting Party, may without prior notice to any person set off any amounts or obligations (whether or not arising under this Agreement) owed by the Defaulting Party or Affected Party (in either case "Y") to X or any Affiliate of X against any amounts or obligations (whether or not arising under this Agreement) owed by X or any Affiliate of X to Y and, for this purpose, may convert one currency into another at a market rate determined reasonably and in good faith by X. If any sum or obligation is unascertained, X may in good faith estimate that sum or obligation and set-off in respect of that estimate, subject to X or Y, as the case may be, accounting to the other Party when such sum or obligation is ascertained. This Section 3 shall be not be construed to create a charge or other security interest. 4. CONFIDENTIALITY. The terms of this Transaction and all documents relating to this Confirmation, and any information made available by one Party to the other Party with respect to this Transaction is confidential and shall not be disclosed to any third party (nor shall any public announcement be made by either Party), except for such information (1) as may become generally available to the public, (2) as may be required or appropriate in response to any summons, subpoena, or otherwise in connection with any litigation or to comply with any applicable law, order, regulation, ruling or accounting disclosure rule or standard (subject to the succeeding paragraph), (3) as may be obtained from a non-confidential source that disclosed such information in a manner that did not violate its obligations to the non-disclosing Party, in making such disclosure, or (4) as may be furnished to the disclosing Party's Affiliates, and to each of such person's auditors, attorneys, advisors or lenders which are required to keep the information that is disclosed in confidence. NEM acknowledges that HUC is a public entity and is required to comply with the provisions of any applicable open meeting and public records disclosure laws regarding disclosure of the pricing terms and other terms of this Confirmation; provided, however, HUC shall use good faith efforts to ensure that all confidential information is kept confidential to the extent possible in accordance with such laws and any exemptions to disclosure therein. 5. GOVERNING LAW. This Confirmation (i) shall be governed by, interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York (without regard to any otherwise applicable principles of conflicts of laws, other than Section 5-1401 of the New York General Obligations Law, which provision will apply); and (ii) shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and (effective upon scheduled delivery day) permitted assigns. 6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. NO PARTY SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES (WHETHER OR NOT ARISING FROM A PARTY'S NEGLIGENCE) TO THE OTHER PARTY, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT THE PAYMENTS REQUIRED TO BE MADE PURSUANT TO THE TERMS 8 OF THE TRANSACTION ARE DEEMED TO BE SUCH DAMAGES. IF AND TO THE EXTENT ANY PAYMENT MADE PURSUANT TO THE TRANSACTION IS DEEMED TO CONSTITUTE LIQUIDATED DAMAGES, THE PARTIES ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT DAMAGES ARE DIFFICULT OR IMPOSSIBLE TO DETERMINE AND THAT SUCH PAYMENT CONSTITUTES A REASONABLE APPROXIMATION OF THE AMOUNT OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND NOT A PENALTY. 9 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Board Action Form Agenda Item: RateScheduleforElectricVehicleChargers Presenter:Agenda Item Type: Jeremy NewBusiness Time Requested (Minutes): 10 Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: purchasedanElectricVehicleDCFastChargerfromChargepointandwillbe installingitontheNorthsideof2ndAveNWintheparkingstallsforthepark. workedwithCitystafftofindalocationwithpublicparkingthatwouldbeclose toexistingelectricinfrastructurealongwitheasyaccessforcustomers.Atypical EVusingaDCFastChargerwillfullychargein30minutesusing70kwhofenergy andwillhavearangeof250miles. alsobeeninvolvedin"PAVE"(poweringaheadwithVehicleElectrification)put togetherbytheCERTs(CleanEnergyResourceTeam).get togetherwithotherMunicipalsandCooperativestodiscussEVchargerpurchase processes,installationlocations,andenergyratedesign. recommendusingexistingSmallGeneralRate(.09052/kwh)asEV chargerrate. ttachedElectric-Gasvehiclecostcomarisonusingtodaysgasolinepricesand currentSmallGeneralrate. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: ApproveSmallGeneralServiceCode30astheElectricVehiclechargerenergyrate Fiscal Impact: NA Included in current budget: Budget Change: PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Remaining Cost: