09-22-2020 CCM Workshop (CGMC Update)HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL
Call to Order
Mayor Forcier called the meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, Steve Cook,
Chad Czmowski and Dave Sebesta. Other present was Matt Jaunich, City Administrator
1. Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities Annual Update
Bradley Peterson, Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities, presented before the Council. Mr.
Peterson updated the Council on activities of the CGMC throughout the year. Mr. Peterson
reminded the Council that the CGMC represents 102 cities across the state in the areas of
LGA/Property Taxes, Economic Development, Annexation and Land Use, Transportation,
Environment and Energy, and Labor and Employment.
Mr. Peterson noted that the COVID-19 pandemic really effected the legislative year and the
activities of the CGMC. CGMC's focus turned to a large bonding bill; CARES Act support for
local governments; new/exacerbated child care challenges; small business grants legislation; and
working proactively to protect LGA.
To aid cities in navigating through the COVID-19 pandemic, the CGMC did things such as the
following: created COVID-19 resources page on website: (greatermncities.org/resourc.es/covid-
19/); hosted four labor & employment webinars; sent multiple informational emails on topics
such as personnel issues, workplace safety, and state shutdown orders; hosted webinar on state
budget; surveyed city leaders to gauge their top concerns; increased production of CGMC in Brief
newsletter; and hosted Zoom meeting with Governor Walz.
Mr. Peterson spoke in more detail on the CARES Act and what it is. Mr. Peterson explained that
through the federal Coronavirus Relief Fund, the CARES Act provides for payments to state,
local, and tribal governments navigating the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. The City was
distributed $1,074,348 in CARES Act funds.
Mr. Peterson noted that the CGMC made the bonding bill a top goal to help stimulate the
Another significant environmental issue CGMC advocated on behalf of cities for was Per- and
Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS). Issues included that PFAS are pervasive "forever"
chemicals linked to health concerns and found in waterbodies across the state; removal from
drinking water is expensive; and removal from wastewater is not technologically feasible.
CGMC's solution was a Municipal Source Reduction Initiative in which the CGMC partnered
with League of MN Cities on a three -pronged approach to: 1.) Identify main sources of PFAS in
wastewater; 2.) Identify source reduction strategies; and 3.) Educate wastewater professionals and
public ways to prevent PFAS from entering waste stream. $500,000 was sought for this initiative,
however COVID-19 killed most spending bills, including this one. There was considerable time
spent on related bill and this will be a top priority for 2021.
Child care was a top priority for the 2020 session, however then the pandemic happened. Instead,
the shift turned to emergency funds for child care providers.
Mr. Peterson then reviewed state budget projections. Mr. Peterson reviewed potential options for
the state to deal with the budget deficit. These include dealing with the budget deficit during
special session, dealing with budget deficit during 2021 regular session or the Governor uses
unallotment powers. Ensuring that LGA is paid on time and in full is CGMC's highest priority!
Hutchinson, at this point, is expected to receive $2,652,745 in local government aid in 2021.
Lastly, Mr. Peterson reviewed items of importance for the CGMC in 2021 as well as upcoming
CGMC events.
Motion by Christensen, second by Czmowski, to adjourn at 5:15 p.m. Roll call vote was taken:
Czmowski — aye; Cook — aye; Sebesta — aye; Christensen — aye; Forcier — aye. Motion carried
Gary T. Forcier
Matthew Jaunich
City Administrator