01-29-2020 HUCMju Wednesday, January 29, 20201 Call to order — 31:OiO p.m. President Don Martinez called the meeting to order. Members present: President Don A-4tU1[iWf&"-#.ffikRa 11w"i"61-11d ��-A 1401 1411 - "I ILTAMM I I I Im Loill.:u "I lisle] 01111VAM.1 At.74 fjol(f] 91 IaTA Iii KNOiZZ Conflict of Interest Commissioner Hanson declared conflict of interest in voting on agenda item 3,b Rafify Payment of Bills; there is a CIP payment to 235 Hassan LLC, which hie i's a part owner and agenda item 2f - Designate Depositories for Utility Funds, as he is, an employee of Citizens BankCommissioner Hanson will be abstaininig from both 3b and 2f agenda items. 2. Commission Reorganization President Martinez called for the annual Commission reorganization. Mr. Sebora stated that combination of a and b; President andi Vice President can be made together. a. A motion made by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Morrow to elect Don Martinez to the position of president and Matt Cheney to the position of vice president. Motion unanimously carried. c. A motion made by Commissioner Morrow, second by Commissioner Hanson re-elect Robert Wendorff to the position of secretary., Motion unanimously carried. i 1-11- 1111111111! 1 11111 1 0 1 ^ I 1161161 M.1111go EN fA motion made by Commissioner Wendorff , second by Commissioner Morrow to designate Citizens Bank & Trust, Wells Fargo Bank, Wells Fargo Advisors, Home State Bank, Morgan Stanley and Cetera Investment Services as d I epositories for utility funds. Motion unanimously carried. Commissioner Hanson abstained. 3. Approve Consent Agenda a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills X, I -,* 1 0 .• 4 0 " W, M a ZIMMMIX -no 1IM i , 1111 In, iiiiii,tootil!E=s 111111 1 ]ALZIE�nINE.1 1rdwinjillig 1� 4. Approve Financial Statements Mr. Martig presented the Financial Statements, In, December 2018, GA entries caused Salaries and Benefits to reflect a lower amount compared to December 2019, which was due to a $140K decrease in, liabilities, & expenses booked. This entry will still need to be made in, 2019 and it appears PERA had another good investment year, which means there maybe another drop in the Salary & Benefits category in December 2019, GM Carter compared actual to budget numbers. For Electric Division!, Customer Revenue was just under 96%, of budget. Every class, hit the budget projection by with the exception of the Industrial class. Industrial class came in, at 87.7% of budget, which was due to 3M being down 4.3% and H'TI down 16.5%. Sales for Resales came in at 94% of budget; $147K shortfall came from less sales related to the Transalta contract and MISO Energy sales because of the seasonable weather. MISO sales was budgeted at $225k and ended up coming in at $190K, again due to seasonable weather. Transmission expenses were significantly under, budget, due to true ups that started in June with GRE reallocating and paying back over collection from the previous years within the GRE zone, The transmission rate went down approximately 25% from the budgeted rate at the beginning of the year, which was the largest impact as to why HUC came in under budget. The smaller part of this is that HUC,'s loads were not as high so the peak demands were down. In the, production area, HUG was not generating as much due to loads being down which lead to not spending as much on fuel costs for the hedging program: and servicing the Transalta contract. Gas Division trending welll. GM Carter stated overall another good year from an Income Statement/PNL/ Balance Sheet standpoint. Some year-end adjustments still need to be comipleted but looking at combined year to date as an organization, Financials are at 5.9% on Net Income, which Industry Average is around 7%. Financially another strong year. GM Carter reviewed the Investment report. One of the federal agency step-up, investments was called in December. Since then the Large Federal Agency $1.25K was called in January. Interest rates have dropped, so agencies are calling investments at 2%. Going forward there will no longer be Federal agencies on the Investment Report; these are being moved towards CD's as they are paying better. Trying to keep Interest earnings coming in consistently. GM Carter reviewed Loath duration curves. Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Cheney to approve the financial statements. Motion carded unanimously, 6. Communication a. City Administrator — Matthew Jaunich — i. Entered into an agreement with the Civil Air Patrol Facility ii. Council did approve agreements with MN DOT on the Main Street project. Bids to go, out the end of February. Anticipating construction early to, mid - April. b. Divisions i. Dan, Lang, Engineering Services Manager — K 1. Update on McLeod Sub capacitor bank project. Moving ahead. ii. Dave Hunstad, Electric Transmi�ssioni/Distribution Manager — Nothing to report ii�i. Randy Blake, Production Manager — 1, Added a couple of heaters to the bottom of the module on, the Gas Turbine at Uniit 1. John Web�ster, Natural Gas Division Director — Nothing to report v. Jared Martigi, Financial Manager- 1 . Auditors are here this week 2. Comparisons work paper on Salesfor Resales for next month to compare year to year. c. Humian Resources - Brenda Ewing — Nothing to Report ZEZMRM�M e. General Manager — Jeremy Carter i. Finishing up 5-Year Buidg:et Projections and the Wholesale Updated Financial Model. Working on, Legislafive items. Working through solar / EV project items Looking at having a Strategic Planning meeting on an annual basis. 1. Dates available in April/May — Angie will send ema;il asking for available. dates 2. Commissioners to think about survey questions 3. Follow up on Rate di,scussions, 7. Policies a. Review Policies i. Section 1 of Exempt Handbook ,i. Section 1 of Non-Exempbol b. Approve Changes Polli:cy GM Carter reviewed the IT Policy. In the past, the City of Hutchinson and HUC have had individual policies. IT Director, Tom Kloss, has been working on coinsolidafing and having more of a comiprehensive IT Policy for both organizatiopolicy was handed out separately since there is security and confidenfial information in the policy. Motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Morrow to approve the changes to the IT Policy. Motion carried unanimously. 0 Mr. Sebora recapped discussions that were held last month on the initial conversation and possible change of the charter language to perhaps i I increase the pool of possiibile commissioner candidates to serve on the Utilities Commission by allowing owners of businesses to, potentially serve as commissioners,. Mr. Sebora amended! the proposed language to add the rate -paying requirement After sending the packet, it was noticed that a change was also needed in the language of Section ii 1.08 Removal of Commissioners, thiis change has been made and a revised document was sent., Discussions were held on the charter language and the consensus of the Commissioners was to slightly broaden the definition. Mr. Sebora will forward the conversations onto the Charter Commission for the April Meeting. Neiw Business ,a. Approve Requisition #82'55 — WSB for 2020 Geohiazard Program Mr. Webster presented Requisition #8255 — WSB for 2020 Gleohazard Program. The Natural Gas Division is required to perform a Geohazard Analysis on the HUC pipeline as required by DOT Pipeline Integrity Management Program, Phase 1 was conducted by WSB in 2019, which provided for the desktop modeling on the pipeline from New Ulm to Hutchinson. Motion by Commissioner Morrow, second by Commissioner Hanson to Approve Requisition #8,255 — WSB for 2020 Gleohazard Program, Motion carried unanimously. b. Approve Requisition #8256 — Energy Economics, Inc. for 2020 Sonic Nozzle Prover. Mr, Webster presented Requisition #8256- Energy Economics, Inc. for 2020 Sonic Nozzle Prover. The current meter prover in the Natural Gas Diviision was purchased in, 2000 and has been unsupported since 2004. The prover failed in N overn be r 2019 a nd servi ce a nd repa i 'r parts are unavailable so the prover must be replaced. Energy Economics was the lowest bidder, is a local company in Dodge Center and makes very good equipment. A motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Wendorff to Approve Requisition #8256 — Energy Economics, Inc. for 2020 Sonic Nozzle Prover. Motion carried unanimously. 201=01iiiiiiiViiii 11017"iffliMill I 12 compensation for inventory., This is a capital budget item in 202�01. A motion by Commissioner, Hanson, second by Commissioner Morrow to Approve Requisition #8263 — Nelson Technologies, Inc. Motion carded unanimously. r-15,11DINUFNI 1111� Mr. Hunstad presented Requisition #8267- 2020 John Deere 310 SL Tractor Backhoe. As part of HUC's'fleet management program, HUC will be replacing the 2006 John Deere 310 Tractor Backhoe. A motion by Commissioner Morrow, second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve Requisition #8267- 20120 John Deere 310 SL Tractor Backhoe. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Blake presented Requisition #8274 — 2020 Chevrolet 2,i51O HD 4.4 Work Truck. As part of HUCs fleet management program, HUC will be repg production department truck #990, Current truck was, 1/2 ton; this new truck will be % ton since HU!C does a lot of hauling and should serve HUC adequately. A motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commissioner Hanson to Approve Requisition #8274 — 20,20 Chevrolet 25OiO HD 4.4 Work Truck. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. �Blake presented Requisition #8278 — 20120 Chevrollet 1500 Crew, Cab 44 Work Cab. As part of HUC's fleet management program, HUC will be replacing production department truck #5,42. New truck will also, be 1/2 ton; no towing on this, new vehicle is not needed. A motion by Commissioner Morrow, second by Commissioner Hanson to Approv4 Requisition #8278 — 2020 Chevrolet 1500 Crew Cab 4x4 Work Cab. Motion carded unanimously. r-Af VMZ7 WE, Mr. Hunstad presented Requisition #8280 & #8281 — Service Truck #574. As part of HUCs fleet management program, HUC will be replacing the 20018 service 5 truck for the electric department. The purchase requires two separate requisitions, one for the cabi/chass,is and one for the service body. A motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Morrow to Approve �Reqootion carried unanimously. h, Approve Requisition #8285 — Two Atlas, Copco GA26 Rotary Screw Air Compressors Mr. Blake presented Requisition #8285 — Two Atlas Copco GA26 Rotary Screw Air Compressors. After installation and commissioning of the new Caterpillar units 6 & 7, HUC discovered when running these two engiines with the unit 5 Wartsila engine, there is insufficient instrument control air.The exiistiinig instrument air compressor came with the Wartsila purchase and is too small to support the equipment air load for 3 engines online at one time. r1lo 17-s-Mieli- �---ne-Tio-Appmw-, Requisition; #8285 — Two Atlas Copco GA26 Rotary Screw Air Compressors. Motion carded unanimously. i. Approve Requisition #8286 — 2020 Chevrolet Silverado MD 4WD Crew Cab and Chassis Mr. Webster presented Requisition #8286 — 2020 Chevrolet Silverado MD 4WD Crew Cab and Chassis. As part of HUC's fleet management program, HUC will be replacing vehicle #357/2,002 welding truck. Chassis. Motion carried unanimously. ME= Mr. Hunstad presented Selling of Surplus Vehicles. Looking at approval to sell surplus vehicles as replacements come in throughout the year. A motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve Selling Surplus Vehicles. Motion carried unanimously. 11-Ir-3100 IT illiloop M-O IZE 11511111111111 Eli' IOIIMIE� Transmission Owner HUC is required to perform "Transmission Planning" duties as defined by NIERC Reliability Standards., Currently, Great River Energy is designated as the "Transmissilon Planner" for HUC via a IVIRES/GRE agreement, now GRE has indicated to MIRES they are no longer interested in performing the rule for MRES and its members. This agreement now would shift HUC's "Transmission Planner"responsibilitles from GRE to MIRES and ensure HUC remains compliant with the NERC Reliability Standards. There is no cost to HUC. A motion by Commissioner Morrow, second by Commissioner, Hanson to Approve Reliability Compliance Services Agreement. Motion carried unanimously. GM Carter presented the Brownton Electric Meter Reading Agreement. Currently HUC provides, the Natural Gas readings, for Brownton and!, now Brownton is requesting HUC to provide them with the monthly electric meter readings. This would not change HUICs process but HIUC would now have more data on the system. As part of this arranigiement, the City of Brownton will be, required to pay their pro -rated share of any sensus costs incurred because of the addition of the meters to our network. Costs would also cover an hour of customer service time to pull in the reads, convert the data into the format needed by Brownton, and send the data file back to do the billing function. This agreement will be renegotiated to account for proper cost recovery of HUIC's staff time and materials if service levels are requested to change over time. After discussions, a motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve Birownton Electric Meter Reading Agreement, Motion carded unanimously. V. Adjourn There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Morrow to adjourn the meeting at 3:55p,m. Motion carried unanimously. ATT EST Doi Martinez, President 0 Robeft Wjnao�ff 6e; 1 !A 0