06-24-2020 EDAM EDA Board Meeting Video / Conference Call th 11:30 AM Wednesday, June 24, 2020 ____________________________________________________________________________ MEETING MINUTES Economic Development Authority Financial Summary as of May 2020 Members present in bold. Operations Cash Available $64,686 EDA Board Members Reserved $56,736 Unreserved $6,885 Mike McGraw Economic Development Loan Fund Jonny Block Mike Cannon Cash Available $70,516 Ashwill Industries Balance $6,050 Corey Stearns Zephyr Wind Services $94,798 Daron Vanderheiden Laser Dynamics Balance (forgivable) $23,000 Chad Czmowski Innovative Foam Balance (forgivable) $14,355 Mary Christensen Jeremy Carter Advances to other funds (Enterprise $283,146 Center) Downtown Revolving Loan Fund Cash Available $582,188 Staff Loans Receivable $337,052 Miles Seppelt, EDA Director Capital Assets $201,329 Matt Jaunich, City Administrator Total Assets $1,120,569 Andy Reid, Finance Director MIF Loan Fund Maddie Newcomb, EDA Program Manager Cash Available $3,143 MOXY Loan Receivable $15,240 I. Call to Order Enterprise Center Fund Meeting called to order at 11:30 AM. Cash Available $25,160 SHOPKO TIF District (TIF 4-5) II. Review Agenda Cash Available $185,037 Interfund Loans Receivable $480,906 III. Review Minutes MEDICAL CLINIC TIF District (TIF 4-16) Interfund Loan Payable $322,661 th a. May 20 Finance Team meeting M/S/P: Cannon, Stearns to approve the minutes as written. Passed unanimously. th b. May 27 EDA Board Meeting M/S/P: Block, Czmowski to approve the minutes as written. Passed unanimously IV. Review of EDA Financial Statements Finance Director Andy Reid provided an update on the EDA financials. (Please refer to table) M/S/P: Czmowski, Cannon to approve the financial report as presented. Passed unanimously. V. A. Marketing Plan: FB = 367, T = 93, Facebook updates = 14, Twitter updates = 14, Website updates = 5. B. Business recruitment / expansions Staff provided an update on recent prospects and ongoing conversations. C. Solar Project Hutchinson Utilities talking with developer, Utilities Commission to discuss developer options. Next month will have an answer as to whether this project moves forward. D. Jorgenson Hotel Redevelopment DEAD too costly to renovate and redevelop top two floors. E. Hutchinson COOP land inquiry staff reached out with options, no response as of yet. F. Market spin-off done, 501c4 application submitted with IRS, staff to step back end of June. G. Cenex Site Redevelopment talking with developer, trying to come up with a feasible model that will work with the market level of rents seen in Hutchinson. H. Medical Clinic Site Last correspondence with FEMA sounded very positive about our grant application. Hoping to hear back from them in a couple months. VI. EDA Loan Programs A. Downtown Loans: consider additional 3-month deferment To help businesses during this time of reopening. Original deferment was April, May, and June. Staff to send letter to downtown load holders explaining the new 90-day extension of deferment. M/S/P: Block, Stearns to approve extending the deferment of principal and waiving interest for an additional 90 days for downtown loans (July, August & September). Passed unanimously. B. Economic Development & MIF loan Funds: consider allowing existing deferments to end. st Staff to send a letter stating that payments will restart July 1. Loan holders can request extended deferment, to be approved by the EDA Board on a case-by- case basis. VII. Enterprise Center A. Consider 3-month extension of rent deferment Gives the tenants the opportunity to hold their cash if they so choose. Discussion on whether the EDA can get by without rent payments for an extended period. M/S/P: Block, Christensen to approve extending the rent deferment for an additional 90 days. Passed unanimously. B. Discuss rent catch-up strategy One option is to convert the rent balance owed to a 0% loan from the Economic Development Loan Fund. Term would match the remaining months on their lease. Discussion on what monetary opportunities are available for small businesses through DEED and the federal CARES Act. No decisions made today, will bring back at a later date. VIII. EDA Website Update Estimated Cost of $3,500 by Vivid Image / Can be accommodated within existing EDA Budget Get marketing materials modernized for when things fully open up. Prioritize items that are most clicked on and get rid of those that do not. Update look and functionality and check that it is ADA compliant. Consensus of the board is to move forward with updating the EDA website. IX. Consider acceptance of 2019 EDA Annual Report M/S/P: Block, Czmowski, to accept the 2019 EDA Annual Report as presented. Passed unanimously. X. Consider adoption of EDA 2020-2023 Strategic Plan M/S/P: Christensen, Stearns to approve the adoption of the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan as presented. Passed unanimously. XI. Consider EDA 2021 Levy Amount $200,325 County provided us with the amount we can request from the City Council. 2019 Levy was $189,133, 2020 amount is an increase of $11,192, about 6%. The increase from 2020 reflects the growing tax base. Discussion on setting the preliminary number high, the EDA can always come down in price for the final can never raise the levy amount after the preliminary is set. M/S/P: Cannon, Czmowski to approve the EDA 2021 Levy amount of $200,325. Passed unanimously. XII. McLeod County Treatment Program is consolidating treatment programs into one house. They will be selling the property at 135 Franklin St N and asked if the EDA would be interested in acquiring the property. ,000 -range redevelopment plan along the river. Discussion on whether this project is viable with its location and what the property could be used for long-term. Staff to approach the County to see what theyre asking for the property. Discussion to continue next month. XIII. Grant & Loan Program Applications - NONE XIV. Other Business nd XV. Set Next Meeting 11:30 AM Wednesday, July 22, 2020 via Video / Conference Call. XVI. Adjourn M/S/P: Block, Czmowski to adjourn the meeting at 12:29 pm. Passed unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Madison Newcomb EDA Program Manager