07-31-2019 HUCCPHUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING July 31, 2019 3:00 p.m. 1. CONFLICT OF INTEREST 2. APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills 3. APPROVE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4. OPEN FORUM 5. COMMUNICATION a. City Administrator b. Divisions C. Human Resources d. Legal e. General Manager 6. POLICIES a. Review Policies i. Appendices of Exempt Handbook ii. Appendices of Non -Exempt Handbook b. Approve Changes 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Discussion of Exempt Employee Pay Performance System 8. NEW BUSINESS a. Approve Requisition #7927 — Spare Parts for Unit 5 Wartsila b. Approve Requisition #7933 — Spare Parts for Unit 5 Wartsila C. Approve Union Contract July 1, 2019 — December 31, 2021 d. Approve Unit 6 & 7 Air Emission Compliance Testing e. Re -adopt the Data Practices Act & Public Records Request Policy f. Declare an Open Meeting for HUC's Strategic Planning Being Held on Thursday, August 29 from 9.00a.m to 2-000p.m 9. ADJOURN MINUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, June 26, 2019 Call to order — 3:00 p.m. President Don Martinez called the meeting to order. Members present: President Don Martinez; Vice President Matt Cheney; Secretary Robert Wendorff; Commissioner Monty Morrow; Commissioner Anthony Hanson; GM Jeremy Carter Absent: Attorney Marc Sebora Conflict of Interest 2. Approve Consent Agenda a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills Motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commissioner Cheney to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Approve Financial Statements Mr. Martig presented the financial statements. Electric Division Net Loss increased by $50,765 mostly due to a decrease in revenue. Usage was down among all classes. Natural Gas Net Income increased by $89,989 mostly due to higher customer revenue with increased usage. Mr. Martig noted that in May 2019 heating degree days were 379 compared to 115 the year before and cooling degree days were opposite at 117 for 2018 to 38 this year. GM Carter presented a pictorial of HUC's load data that Mr. Lang provided. The pictorial shows the tracking of HUC for 2019 relative to the last 3 years and indicates that 2007 was the load peak year. GM Carter noted the Electric side is trending down for the first 5 months of 2019 and Natural Gas is opposite. Motion by Commissioner Morrow, second by Commissioner Cheney to approve the financial statements. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Open Forum 5. Communication a. City Administrator —Matthew Jaunich —Absent b. Divisions i. Dan Lang, Engineering Services Manager — 1. Not a lot of generation due to quiet weather. Dave Hunstad, Electric Transmission/Distribution Manager — 1. Completing work on 5t" Ave project. 2. Finished relocation on South grade trail. 3. Will have work to do on TDK entrance. Entrance is turning into a City street. 4. Chicago Ave re -conductor project will be starting soon. iii. Randy Blake, Production Manager — 1 . Started running Engine 6. Will be working on starting Engine 7. 2. Fagen Inc. is working on repairing some insulation blankets that were damaged during the project. 3. Fagen Inc. Paving Contractor was here this morning and paved driveway and area around Plant 1 Cooling tower. 4. Exhaust Expansion joints need to be wrapped. Discussions were held about the overall progress of the project. iv. John Webster, Natural Gas Division Manager- 1. Completing work on 5t" Ave project. v. Jared Martig, Financial Manager- 1. 2018 Conservation report was filed to the state last month 2. MRES is making a couple of changes to the Conservation Rebates. 3. MRES adding Bright Energy Choices Program c. Legal — Marc Sebora — Absent d. Human Resources - Brenda Ewing i. With the completion of the recent Legislative Session, there are a couple of laws that will affect HUC: Hands Free Law — will need to review all policies and procedures to make sure HUC is compliant. 2. Wage Theft Law — There is a new requirement of what is needed on paystubs for employees, along with information that is now required to be on offer letters to new employees. e. General Manager — Jeremy Carter i. Had a second Union negotiation meeting today and have a tentative verbal agreement in place. Over the next month, the contract will be updated and transferred between both parties. Staff is anticipating the contract will be ratified by the union in July and should be on the July agenda for commission approval. ii. On June 19, EPA issued the final ruling on the Affordable Clean Energy Rule (ACE). iii. Staff had a third Strategic Planning meeting this week. Commissioners please look at calendars and let Angie know if there are any times that do not work. 6. Policies a. Review Policies 2 i. Section 6 of Exempt Handbook ii. Section 6 of Non -Exempt Handbook No changes recommended at this time. b. Approve Changes No changes made to the policies under review. 7. Unfinished Business 8. New Business a. Approve Requisition #7984 — Replacing Transformer for Generator #3 Mr. Hunstad presented Requisition #7984 to replace Transformer for Generator #3. As older generators at Plant 1 have been eliminated, the existing 10MVA set up transformer has become oversized and less efficient. HUC is looking to replace the 10MVA with a rebuilt 5MVA step up transformer. After discussion a motion by Commissioner Morrow, second by Commissioner Hanson to approve Requisition #7984 — Replacing Transformer for Generator #3. Motion carried unanimously. b. Approve Petrotech Contract — Unit #8 Control System Replacement GM Carter presented Petrotect Contract — Unit #8 Control System Replacement. HUC recently advertised for bids to replace a portion of the genset control system due to obsolescence of replacement parts and support. Having met all bidding requirements and now having received the required Performance Bond and Payment Bond, HUC Staff recommends approving the Petrotech Contract. After discussion, a motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Cheney to Approve Petrotech Contract — Unit #8 Control System Replacement. Motion carried unanimously. c. Approve Requisition #8006 - Prince of Peace Relocate Mr. Webster presented Requisition #8006 Prince of Peace Relocate. Prince of Peace Retirement Living (POPRL) has requested that HUC move the 2" gas line that is currently located in the alley behind 301 Glen St. SW. POPRL Board of Directors has passed a motion to pay for the cost of moving the gas line and cost of materials. To remove this 2" steel line, a contractor is required to perform the work for HUC. HUC contacted three contractors however, only Northern Pipeline Construction was able to provide a proposal. 3 After discussion, a motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commissioner Hanson to Approve Requisition #8006 - Prince of Peace Relocate. Motion carried unanimously. d. Approve Requisition #8007 - Waller Drive Relocate Mr. Webster presented Requisition #8007 Waller Drive Relocate. The City of Hutchinson has requested that the existing 3" steel main that feeds HTI be relocated to allow the City of Hutchinson to perform storm drainage work on Waller Dr. To relocate this 3" steel line, a contractor is required to perform the work for HUC. The replacement of this line also allows the Natural Gas Division to retire a non -complying underground valve. HUC contacted three contractors however, only Northern Pipeline Construction was able to provide a proposal. After discussion, a motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Morrow to Approve Requisition #8007 - Waller Drive Relocate. Motion carried unanimously. e. Approve Requisition #8013 — SCADA Master Replacement Mr. Lang presented Requisition #8013 — SCADA Master Replacement. HUC Staff would like to replace the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Master due to outdated and obsolete software, which is causing compatibility issues with the Window operating system, support software/cybersecurity and field devices. The business that installed the current SCADA system is no longer in business, leaving no manufacturer support of HUC's SCADA system. Updating the system will also allow for optional expansion and integration of outage management, GIS, and other system reliability products. HUC Staff is recommending the approval of Survalent Technology, Inc. of $112,750. Survalent Inc. will fulfill all of HUC's specifications in areas of OS compatibility (Windows vs Linux), cybersecurity/workstation access, and migration of current end user requirements. This project was included in the 2019 O&M budget ($160,000). After discussion, a motion by Commissioner Morrow, second by Commissioner Wendorff to Approve Requisition #8013 — SCADA Master Replacement. Motion carried unanimously. f. Discussion of Exempt Employee Pay Performance System GM Carter opened the discussion of Exempt Employee Pay Performance System by recapping conversations that started in 2016. The original directives of the Board was to assess the overall organization. There were three components that were considered 1) Does HUC have appropriate job descriptions for all positions along with proper responsibilities reflected within those positions up to date. 2) Evaluate grade/job classifications; are all jobs classified in an appropriate pay grade on a pay grid scale/structure relative to other jobs within HUC and market data and 3) put in place a performance based system that can stand alone; currently the performance pay for non -union employees has correlation to the 12 union contract. Part of the discussion is to gauge the Commissioners on weather moving down a different path is something the Commission would like to explore, or should the current system stay in place. The past conversations have centered on a regressive pay system as employees get to the top of the pay range. There are many components that need to be considered. After much discussion, the Commissioners agreed this is a delicate conversation with many dynamics that should not be rushed. This topic will continue to stay on the agenda and each Commissioner should talk with Jeremy or Brenda if there are any additional questions. 9. Adjourn There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Wendorff to adjourn the meeting at 3:48p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Don Martinez, President 5 Robert Wendorff, Secretary 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Description Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 06/21/2019 GEN 69298* ALAN NIXA OR ANITA JAVES 06/21/2019 GEN 69299 ALEX MERENESS 06/21/2019 GEN 69300* ALEX PARK 06/21/2019 GEN 69301 ANDREW WILLCUTT 06/21/2019 GEN 69302 ARNOLD KOENIG 06/21/2019 GEN 69303* BEN ROTH 06/21/2019 GEN 69304* BEN SANDOZ 06/21/2019 GEN 69305* BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY 06/21/2019 GEN 69306* BRETT MULQUEENY 06/21/2019 GEN 69307 BRIAN CHRISTENSEN 06/21/2019 GEN 69308* BRIAN MARKGRAF 06/21/2019 GEN 69309 BRYAN MARCONCINI 06/21/2019 GEN 69310 C & C MACHINE 06/21/2019 GEN 69311 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS 06/21/2019 GEN 69312* CHAD STASSEN Pag 1/29 Account Dept Amount DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 253.50 OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 570.04 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 162.50 OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 99. 73 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 58.50 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 78.00 ASSEMBLY, LED, ACORN, GRANVILLE II, 154-000- 00 10,455.20 PHOTO EYE, TWIST LOCK,(FOR LED) 154-000- 00 170.00 FUSE, ACORN, 5 AMP, GLRS 154-000- 00 26.27 FUSE HOLDER, SHR BUSS, GODS 154-000- 00 40.09 TERMINAL BLOCK, 3 PLACE, "COVERED" CSB 154-000- 00 259.89 CONDUCTOR, 2-4-2 URD 600V TRIPLEX 154-000- 00 751.00 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 51.64 HECK GEN 69305 TOTAL 11,754.09 DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 97.50 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 30.00 PRIME MOVERS/RENEWABLES 107-343- 00 1,170.00 Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 75.40 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 2/29 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 06/21/2019 GEN 69313* CHRIS HEGARTY GET REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 52.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69314*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 388.04 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 366. 92 HECK GEN 69314 TOTAL 754.96 06/21/2019 GEN 69315*4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Generator 41 Water & Sewer 401-547- 01 101.72 Generator 41 Water & Sewer 401-547- 01 198.79 Waste Disposal 401-550- 01 478.07 Waste Disposal 401-550- 01 572.58 Waste Disposal 401-550- 01 92.77 Materials 401-588- 02 8.38 COLLECTION - MATERIALS -CASH DRAWER 401-903- 06 137.50 IT ADMIN AND SUPPORT 750 401-921- 08 7, 856.45 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 8.46 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 59.66 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 394.40 HECK GEN 69315 TOTAL 9,908.78 06/21/2019 GEN 69316* CODY HANKE GET REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 48.75 06/21/2019 GEN 69317* COLTON PORTER OR RAGEN PORTER GET REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 61.75 06/21/2019 GEN 69318* COLTON PORTER OR RAGEN PORTER GET REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 45.50 06/21/2019 GEN 69319* COLTON PORTER OR RAGEN PORTER GET REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 120.25 06/21/2019 GEN 69320* COURTNEY LANCASTER GET REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 52.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69321 CREEKSIDE SOILS Materials 401-588- 02 57.71 06/21/2019 GEN 69322* CURTIS BOTZET GET REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 130.00 07/24/2019 11:03 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES Pag 3/29 User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 06/21/2019 GEN 69323* DAVID GASSMAN OR REBECCA GASSMAN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 84.50 06/21/2019 GEN 69324* DAVID RODEWALD OR LINDA RODEWALD DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 48.75 06/21/2019 GEN 69325* DICK REGINEK Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69326* DUSTIN MATHERN OR DANIELLE OLSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 292.50 06/21/2019 GEN 69327* DYLAN BURNHAM DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 39.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69328 ELIZABETH SINGLETON OR R COOPER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 8.22 06/21/2019 GEN 69329 EMBROIDERY PLUS Uniforms & Laundry 401-588- 02 38.48 06/21/2019 GEN 69330 FASTENAL COMPANY Materials 401-588- 02 31.67 06/21/2019 GEN 693314 FREMONT INDUSTRIES INC Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 24.77 Fremont part 4150309, ph probe 402-554- 01 254.66 Fremont part 4FWT-11, PH probe 402-554- 01 105.66 HECK GEN 69331 TOTAL 385.09 06/21/2019 GEN 69332 GORDON SCHIERMAN Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69333* INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 74.36 06/21/2019 GEN 69334 JAMES MCKAY Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 250.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69335 JAMES MICKE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69336 JAY MALONE MOTORS Vehicles - Material 402-554- 01 202.11 06/21/2019 GEN 69337 JONATHAN SHIELDS OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 278.34 06/21/2019 GEN 69338 KAYLA SLETTEN OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 147.99 06/21/2019 GEN 69339* KELSEY NOVY DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 52.00 07/24/2019 11:03 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 06/21/2019 GEN 69340* KEN NELSON OR KARLA NELSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 06/21/2019 GEN 69341* KORI MACHEMEHL DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 06/21/2019 GEN 69342* KYLE KOSKI DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 06/21/2019 GEN 69343* LAURA MACHT DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 06/21/2019 GEN 69344 MAURICIO MARTINEZ OR LAYLA OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 06/21/2019 GEN 69345 MCLEOD COUNTY TREASURER Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 06/21/2019 GEN 69346* MEGAN HAUER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 06/21/2019 GEN 69347* MICHAEL CARTER OR GLADYS CARTER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 06/21/2019 GEN 69348 MICHELLE JENSEN OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 06/21/2019 GEN 69349 MIDWAY FORD COMMERCIAL 2019 Ford F350 4X4 Super 107-392- 00 06/21/2019 GEN 69350* MITCHELL SCHRADER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 06/21/2019 GEN 69352* NICK SMITH DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 06/21/2019 GEN 69353*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Supplies 401-550- 01 06/21/2019 GEN 69354* PAPA MURPHY'S DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 06/21/2019 GEN 693554 PROCHASKA LLC CHLOR 125 (SANI-CHLOR) 154-000- 00 SULFURIC ACID 66 BE 154-000- 00 ACCESSORY PLANT - MATERIALS -TOTE 402-554- 01 Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 HECK GEN 69355 TOTAL Pag 4/29 Amount 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 5/29 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 06/21/2019 GEN 69356 PSI ENGINEERING LLC bag filter housing-quote4sgl9-18986 402-554- 01 1,083.24 06/21/2019 GEN 69357* RYAN DOBRATZ Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69359* SCOTT OR STEPHANIE PETERSEN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 357.50 06/21/2019 GEN 69360* SHELLY CHLOUPEK DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 71.50 06/21/2019 GEN 69361 STEVE PLATH Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 250.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69363* TYLER POWELL OR AMBER KOESTER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 65.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69364* TYLER POWELL OR AMBER KOESTER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 19. 50 06/21/2019 GEN 69365 US BANK OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 194.33 06/21/2019 GEN 69367* ZEE SERVICE COMPANY Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 116.11 06/21/2019 GEN 69368 ZIEGLER POWER SYSTEMS OIL, CAT1 NGEO ULTRA 40 154-000- 00 29, 850.80 OIL, CAT1 NGEO ULTRA 40 154-000- 00 0.41 HECK GEN 69368 TOTAL 29,851.21 06/25/2019 GEN 399(E)*4 BP CANANDA ENERGY SOLUTIONS Generator 41 Natural Gas 401-547- 01 744.24 GENERATOR 43 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 614. 98 Generator 44 Natural Gas 401-547- 01 803.91 GENERATOR 45 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 2,605.37 GENERATOR 48 NATURAL GAS 401-547- 01 37.18 Generator 49 Natural Gas 401-547- 01 66.40 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 480.60 HECK GEN 399(E) TOTAL 5,352.68 06/25/2019 GEN 407(E) MISO Deferred Energy Cost - Miso 174-000- 00 45,266.45 Deferred Energy Cost - Miso 174-000- 00 1,110.39 HECK GEN 407(E) TOTAL 46,376.84 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Description Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 07/01/2019 GEN 693724 ALLIED ELECTRONICS INC 07/01/2019 GEN 6937314 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY 07/01/2019 GEN 69374*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 07/01/2019 GEN 69375*4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 07/01/2019 GEN 69376 COLONIAL SUPPLEMENTAL INS CO 07/01/2019 GEN 69377 DELMAR COMPANY 07/01/2019 GEN 69378 FAGEN, INC 07/01/2019 GEN 69379* FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE 07/01/2019 GEN 69380* GISLASON & HUNTER Pag 6/29 Account Dept Amount Belden cable. 49341. 500 ft. 107-344- 00 1,058.00 SWITCH, SELECTOR SWITCH, 2 POSITION, 154-000- 00 71.70 Altech Ferrule. AWG20. 100/box. 402-554- 01 20.40 Altech Ferrule. AWG18. 100/box. 402-554- 01 29.96 Altech Ferrule. AWG18. 100/box. 402-554- 01 6.53 Altech Ferrule. AWG16. 100/box. 402-554- 01 27.16 Altech Ferrule. AWG16. 100/box. 402-554- 01 5.92 Altech Ferrule. AWG14. 100/box. 402-554- 01 52.94 Altech Ferrule. AWG14. 100/box. 402-554- 01 11.55 HECK GEN 69372 TOTAL 1,284.16 VEST, SAFETY, RVZ2410SEX2 401-550- 01 10.69 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 388.04 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 388.04 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 286.43 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 286.43 HECK GEN 69374 TOTAL 1,348.94 Accounts Payable To City Of Hu 234-000- 00 276,569.75 Roadway Lighting 408-000- 02 18,423.00 HECK GEN 69375 TOTAL 294,992.75 COLONIAL INSURANCE 242-000- 00 113.76 3/8"x24"OAL 316SS braided hose 304 107-344- 00 89.22 3/4"x24" OAL 316SS hose 107-344- 00 131.22 HECK GEN 69377 TOTAL 220.44 Generators 107-344- 00 176,623.50 BREAKROOM/RECOGNITION BANQUET 401-926- 08 154.50 Legal Services 401-923- 08 219.61 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Payee Description Account Dept Pag 7/29 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 07/01/2019 GEN 69381 GREAT RIVER ENERGY TRANSMISSION EXPENSE 401-565- 03 185, 749. 96 07/01/2019 GEN 69383* GUARDIAN DENTAL INSURANCE-80o ELEC 242-000- 00 3,995.24 DENTAL INSURANCE -COBRA 242-000- 00 318.27 HECK GEN 69383 TOTAL 4,313.51 07/01/2019 GEN 69384*4 HANSEN GRAVEL INC Line - Materials 401-581- 02 398.37 07/01/2019 GEN 69385* HUTCHFIELD SERVICES INC Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 1,112.73 07/01/2019 GEN 69386*4 HUTCHINSON CO-OP Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 12.85 07/01/2019 GEN 69387 JIMMY'S PIZZA Cip- Commercial 401-916- 07 150.00 07/01/2019 GEN 69389 JUUL CONTRACTING COMPANY PRIME MOVERS/RENEWABLES 107-343- 00 415.80 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 9.74 HECK GEN 69389 TOTAL 425.54 07/01/2019 GEN 69391* LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST PREPAID INSURANCE 174-000- 00 250.26 07/01/2019 GEN 69392* MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC Office Supplies 401-921- 08 352.80 07/01/2019 GEN 69393* MARK NISSE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 07/01/2019 GEN 69394 MARY KREBS Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 250.00 07/01/2019 GEN 69395* MATTHEW FEUERBORN Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 150.00 07/01/2019 GEN 69396 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY COMPANY PRIME MOVERS/RENEWABLES 107-343- 00 152.40 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 11.24 HECK GEN 69396 TOTAL 163.64 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 8/29 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 07/01/2019 GEN 69397* MEDICA HEALTH INSURANCE 85% ELEC 242-000- 00 54,198.20 HEALTH INSURANCE -COBRA B STURGES 242-000- 00 894.57 HECK GEN 69397 TOTAL 55,092.77 07/01/2019 GEN 69398 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Materials 402-574- 03 28.01 07/01/2019 GEN 69399*4 PRO AUTO & TRANSMISSION REPAIR VEHICLES - MATERIAL-ELEC 402-598- 02 122.01 07/01/2019 GEN 69400 QUADE ELECTRIC Generators 107-344- 00 78,850.00 07/01/2019 GEN 69401 KID EQUIPMENT NOZZLE, 3600 PSI, 46 ROTARY 154-000- 00 198.50 07/01/2019 GEN 69402* RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE -LIFE LTD INSURANCE-80o ELEC 242-000- 00 1, 400.26 LIFE INSURANCE-80o ELEC 242-000- 00 762.82 HECK GEN 69402 TOTAL 2,163.08 07/01/2019 GEN 69403 RESCO TRANS, 1500 KVA PAD 13800/7970 - 154-000- 00 20,897.00 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 1,436.67 HECK GEN 69403 TOTAL 22,333.67 07/01/2019 GEN 69404 ROBERT MILLER Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 07/01/2019 GEN 69405*4 RUNNING'S SUPPLY INC Generators 107-344- 00 67.66 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 4.99 Line - Materials 401-581- 02 41.86 HECK GEN 69405 TOTAL 114.51 07/01/2019 GEN 69406 STAND & STORAGE Cip- Commercial 401-916- 07 3,342.33 07/01/2019 GEN 69407* UIS/SOURCECORP COLLECTION - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 366.17 COLLECTION - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 1,442.74 HECK GEN 69407 TOTAL 1,808.91 07/01/2019 GEN 69408* UNITED PARCEL SERVICE MAIL SERVICES - UPS, FEDEX 401-921- 08 107.48 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK Payee DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Description Account Pag Dept 9/29 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 07/02/2019 GEN 408(E) MISO Deferred Energy Cost - Miso 174-000- 00 30,916.81 Deferred Energy Cost - Miso 174-000- 00 1,083.71 HECK GEN 408(E) TOTAL 32,000.52 07/03/2019 GEN 411(E)* CITIZENS BANK Office Supplies 401-921- 08 95.15 07/09/2019 GEN 409(E) MISO Deferred Energy Cost - Miso 174-000- 00 15,605.26 Deferred Energy Cost - Miso 174-000- 00 1,017.16 HECK GEN 409(E) TOTAL 16,622.42 07/15/2019 GEN 412(E) MISO SCHEDULE 1 401-565- 03 5,580.92 SCHEDULE 2 401-565- 03 14,896.62 MISC 401-565- 03 550.33 HECK GEN 412(E) TOTAL 21,027.87 07/15/2019 GEN 413(E)* POINT & PAY collection - Materials 401-903- 06 1,969.39 07/15/2019 GEN 415(E) MISO SCHEDULE 26 401-565- 03 19,704.02 SCHEDULE 26A 401-565- 03 38,354.67 HECK GEN 415(E) TOTAL 58,058.69 07/16/2019 GEN 404(E)*4 VISA PRIME MOVERS/RENEWABLES 107-343- 00 143.79 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 32.08 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 10.60 Generator 48 Material 402-554- 01 434.99 AMAZON RETURN -CHARGE ON NEXT STMT 402-554- 01 (49.34) MEETINGS & TRAVEL - EXP-PARKING 401-580- 02 15.00 LINE - MATERIALS -HARD HATS 401-581- 02 63.30 MATERIALS -SEED & MULCH 401-588- 02 487.38 OFFICE SUPPLIES -SPEAKERS J HOFFMAN 401-921- 08 17.12 OFFICE SUPPLIES -POWER SUPPLY 401-921- 08 142.80 OFFICE SUPPLIES -TV SYSTEM CONTROL 401-921- 08 300.64 Training - Expense 401-930- 08 109.00 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 10/29 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC HECK GEN 404(E) TOTAL 1,707.36 07/16/2019 GEN 410(E) MISO Deferred Energy Cost - Miso 174-000- 00 32,940.83 Deferred Energy Cost - Miso 174-000- 00 1,132.49 HECK GEN 410(E) TOTAL 34,073.32 07/16/2019 GEN 414(E) MISO SCHEDULE 10 401-565- 03 6,139.72 07/17/2019 GEN 69411 3 M Cip - Industrial 401-916- 07 675.00 07/17/2019 GEN 6941214 ACE HARDWARE Supplies 401-550- 01 33.10 Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 9.18 Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 6.67 Materials 401-588- 02 89.27 Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 21.12 HECK GEN 69412 TOTAL 159.34 07/17/2019 GEN 69413 ALBERT LIRA Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 07/17/2019 GEN 694144 ALLIED ELECTRONICS INC Misc Products 107-344- 00 45.31 Misc Products 107-344- 00 5.18 Misc Products 402-554- 01 30.14 Misc Products 402-554- 01 11.68 Misc Products 402-554- 01 1.33 Misc Products 402-554- 01 65.50 Misc Products 402-554- 01 7.49 HECK GEN 69414 TOTAL 166.63 07/17/2019 GEN 69415 ANIXTER INC Ceiling Strobe 107-344- 00 127.36 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 8.76 HECK GEN 69415 TOTAL 136.12 07/17/2019 GEN 69416 ASHLEY BRANDT OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 110.38 07/17/2019 GEN 69417 B & C PLUMBING AND HEATING Maintenance Other - Materials 402-554- 01 77.48 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Description Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 07/17/2019 GEN 69418*4 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY 07/17/2019 GEN 69419 BRIAN ANDERSON 07/17/2019 GEN 69421* CARD SERVICES 07/17/2019 GEN 69423*4 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS 07/17/2019 GEN 69425 CHERYL HEROUT 07/17/2019 GEN 69426*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 Account Dept Pag 11/29 Amount GLOBE, ACORN, WITH CUT-OFF, 150 HIS, 154-000- 00 1,655.37 BASE, WITH ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS, 154-000- 00 2,177.08 FLOOD SEAL, COVERS (LONG) FSS 350L 154-000- 00 357.50 CONDUIT, SCH 40, 4" X 10, PVC 154-000- 00 83.30 CONDUCTOR, 41/0 15 KV SOL At, TRXLP, 154-000- 00 20,276.55 BLADE, RECIP SAW, LENX 614G, 6" 14T 154-000- 00 26.60 SPLIT BOLT 42 KS-22 Cu BURNDY 154-000- 00 67.50 GREASE, LUBRICATING, SILICONE 154-000- 00 24.82 ELL, 1/0, 15KV 1STR-1/OSOL, .70-.91, 154-000- 00 516.20 SPLIT BOLT 48 KS-15 Cu BURNDY 154-000- 00 13.80 CRIMPIT, 42 SIR CU TO 2 SOL, YC2C2 154-000- 00 41.50 SUNSCREEN, TOWELETTE, SIT 30,SWIF 154-000- 00 26.30 CONDUCTOR, 14 TW BLACK SOL 154-000- 00 34.00 U-GUARD, PLASTIC, 2" X 10" 154-000- 00 55.20 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 24.58 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 1,406.69 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 6.36 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 41.10 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 2.35 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 3.79 ACCESSORY PLANT - MATERIALS -RETURNED 402-554- 01 530.96 Accessory Plant - Materials 402-554- 01 (530.96) VEST, SAFETY, RVZ2410SEL, SIZE LARGE 401-588- 02 10.69 HECK GEN 69418 TOTAL 26,851.28 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 250.00 BREAKROOM/RECOGNITION BANQUET 401-926- 08 315. 02 Other Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 506.12 OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 70.04 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 438.53 Uniforms & Laundry 401-550- 01 388.04 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 359.12 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 12/29 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-588- 02 286.43 HECK GEN 69426 TOTAL 1,472.12 07/17/2019 GEN 6942714 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Underground Conductor 107-367- 00 1,372.28 Generator 41 Water & Sewer 401-547- 01 189.85 Generator 41 Water & Sewer 401-547- 01 420.13 Waste Disposal 401-550- 01 478.07 Waste Disposal 401-550- 01 2,838.58 Waste Disposal 401-550- 01 125.24 VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT FUEL -POWER 401-550- 01 237.10 Materials 401-588- 02 12.72 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT FUEL-ELEC 401-588- 02 1,660. 96 IT ADMIN AND SUPPORT 75/25 401-921- 08 17,972.25 IT ADMIN AND SUPPORT 750 401-921- 08 5, 508. 90 LEGAL SERVICES 75/25 401-923- 08 7,875.00 HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES 75/25 401-923- 08 6,201.57 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 14.54 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 62.21 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 394.40 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT FUEL-ADMIN 55/45 401-935- 08 104.72 HECK GEN 69427 TOTAL 45,468.52 07/17/2019 GEN 69428 CODY BERGHUIS OR DAKOTA WEBER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 130.97 07/17/2019 GEN 69429 CODY DEWITT OR JOSHUA BEMIS OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 260.86 07/17/2019 GEN 69430 COLLIN KERN OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 101.14 07/17/2019 GEN 69431 COURTNEY HAGEMAN OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 50.78 07/17/2019 GEN 69432 CRAIG GILL OR JENNIFER GILL OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 51.15 07/17/2019 GEN 69433 CREEKSIDE SOILS Materials 401-588- 02 50.50 07/17/2019 GEN 69434* CROW RIVER FLORAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 110.73 07/17/2019 GEN 69435 DEEPIKA PANGARKAR OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 31.74 07/17/2019 GEN 69437 DILLON FORCIER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 78.16 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 13/29 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 07/17/2019 GEN 69438 EMMANUEL LOPEZ OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 27.29 07/17/2019 GEN 69440 FASTENAL COMPANY Materials 401-588- 02 7.58 Materials 401-588- 02 9.09 Materials 401-588- 02 29.37 HECK GEN 69440 TOTAL 46.04 07/17/2019 GEN 694414 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES 4525 2"x3/4" nipple part# GTXCSNKF 107-344- 00 46.47 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 5.03 18" GASKETS-D1502900RGIS116 402-554- 01 73.20 HECK GEN 69441 TOTAL 124.70 07/17/2019 GEN 69442* FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE BREAKROOM/RECOGNITION BANQUET 401-926- 08 85.50 07/17/2019 GEN 69443* FRANK MADDEN & ASSOCIATES Legal Services 401-923- 08 826.56 07/17/2019 GEN 69444 FREMONT INDUSTRIES INC TOWER INHIBITOR, F-9173 154-000- 00 3, 955.60 TOWER INHIBITOR, F-9173 154-000- 00 64.71 HECK GEN 69444 TOTAL 4,020.31 07/17/2019 GEN 69445* GLEN KURKOSKY Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 97.00 07/17/2019 GEN 69447 GLORIA BEKKERING OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 29. 04 07/17/2019 GEN 69448*4 GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC LINE - MATERIALS 401-581- 02 167.40 07/17/2019 GEN 69449 GPM DISTRIBUTION INC ASSEMBLY, HIGH SPEED 154-000- 00 12, 800.68 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 880.05 HECK GEN 69449 TOTAL 13,680.73 07/17/2019 GEN 69450* HILLYARD/HUTCHINSON Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 313.82 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 32.54 07/24/2019 11:03 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Fund: 1 ELECTRIC HECK GEN 69450 TOTAL 07/17/2019 GEN 69451 HINTZMAN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Generator 41 Outside Services 402-554- 01 07/17/2019 GEN 694524 HOFFMAN FILTER SERVICE PAD, OIL ABSORBANT, 16" X 18", IN WPHL, 154-000- 00 Waste Disposal 401-550- 01 HECK GEN 69452 TOTAL 07/17/2019 GEN 69454* HUTCHINSON AREA CHAMBER ADVERTISING/PRINTING 401-921- 08 07/17/2019 GEN 69455*4 HUTCHINSON CO-OP Supplies 401-550- 01 Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 HECK GEN 69455 TOTAL 07/17/2019 GEN 69456*4 HUTCHINSON LEADER Cip - Marketing 401-916- 07 Advertising/Printing 401-921- 08 HECK GEN 69456 TOTAL 07/17/2019 GEN 69457 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE SUPPLY CO Materials 401-588- 02 07/17/2019 GEN 69458* INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 HECK GEN 69458 TOTAL 07/17/2019 GEN 69459 ISABELLE DOEHME OR JONAS RADUENZ OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 07/17/2019 GEN 69460 JACOB KLIMA OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 07/17/2019 GEN 69461 JAMAL SAWYER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 07/17/2019 GEN 69462 JAMES HANGGE OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 07/17/2019 GEN 69463 JANEL CIHAK Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 07/17/2019 GEN 69464 JEANNE TERLINDEN OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 Pag 14/29 Amount 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 15/29 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 07/17/2019 GEN 694654 JOHN HENRY FOSTER Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 22.56 Pressure Switch - 2200 6006 79 402-554- 01 326.46 terminal cap 2200 7099 06 402-554- 01 1.70 HECK GEN 69465 TOTAL 350.72 07/17/2019 GEN 69466* JON BLOCK Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 150.00 07/17/2019 GEN 69467 JOSHUA ROSENOW-HIEPLER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 37.36 07/17/2019 GEN 69468 JULIE STUBBLEFIELD OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 107.18 07/17/2019 GEN 69469 JUSTIN FORCIER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 129.10 07/17/2019 GEN 69471* KATRYNA SERVIN Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 250.00 07/17/2019 GEN 69472*4 KDUZ/KARP ADVERTISING/PRINTING 401-921- 08 144.00 07/17/2019 GEN 69474 KRANZ LAWN & POWER Materials 401-588- 02 11.70 Power Equipment - Materials 402-598- 02 42.00 HECK GEN 69474 TOTAL 53.70 07/17/2019 GEN 69475* LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST PREPAID INSURANCE 174-000- 00 196.49 PREPAID INSURANCE 174-000- 00 83,654.25 HECK GEN 69475 TOTAL 83,850.74 07/17/2019 GEN 69476*4 LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC PAINT, LOCATING, INVERTED SURVEY 154-000- 00 467.86 PAINT, LOCATING, INVERTED SURVEY 154-000- 00 38.99 Sales Tax Receivable - New 186-000- 00 116.21 HECK GEN 69476 TOTAL 623.06 07/17/2019 GEN 69477* MAILFINANCE LEASE/SERVICE AGREEMENTS 401-921- 08 654.30 LEASE/SERVICE AGREEMENTS 401-921- 08 304. 96 HECK GEN 69477 TOTAL 959.26 07/17/2019 GEN 69478 MARC PLOCHER OR REBECCA PLOCHER OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 218.83 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 16/29 Amount Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 07/17/2019 GEN 69479 MARGARET MCNELIS OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 31.16 07/17/2019 GEN 69480 MARGARITA ROLDAN - CRUZ OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 233.70 07/17/2019 GEN 694814 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 5.46 Generator 41 Material 402-554- 01 79.47 HECK GEN 69481 TOTAL 84.93 07/17/2019 GEN 694824 MCC ENERGY SOLUTIONS, LLC I AM MANAGEMENT FEES 401-555- 02 3, 900.00 IAM USAGE FEES 401-556- 03 3,050.00 CHECK GEN 69482 TOTAL 6,950.00 07/17/2019 GEN 69484 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS INC. Unit 1 - 6" superheat 402-554- 01 44,803.43 07/17/2019 GEN 69485 MICHAEL LARSON OR LINDSEY LARSON OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 57.13 07/17/2019 GEN 69486* MN MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ASSOCIATION MISC SERVICES-QTR SAFETY/MGMT 750 401-923- 08 4, 762.50 DUES/MEMBERSHIP EXPENSE-QTR ELEC 401-930- 08 4,170.24 HECK GEN 69486 TOTAL 8,932.74 07/17/2019 GEN 69487 NORTH CENTRAL INTERNATIONAL Vehicles - Material 402-598- 02 619.34 07/17/2019 GEN 69489* NORTHSTAR CHAPTER-APA TRAINING - EXPENSE -MEETING 550 401-930- 08 165.00 07/17/2019 GEN 69490* NUVERA TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 1,870.63 07/17/2019 GEN 69492*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC DISC, FLAP, 4 1/2" X 7/8", 60 GRIT, 154-000- 00 86.50 WIRE BUFFING WHEEL. 413131 154-000- 00 141.35 Supplies 401-550- 01 83.27 Supplies 401-550- 01 32.60 Materials 402-574- 03 126.90 HECK GEN 69492 TOTAL 470.62 07/17/2019 GEN 69494 PETROTECH, INC BOB Upgrade & Startup 107-344- 00 51,281.75 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Fund: 1 ELECTRIC CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Description 07/17/2019 GEN 69495* PREMIUM WATERS INC 07/17/2019 GEN 694964 QUADE ELECTRIC 07/17/2019 GEN 69497 RDO EQUIPMENT 07/17/2019 GEN 69498 RENAE BROWN 07/17/2019 GEN 69499 ROBERT MEYER 07/17/2019 GEN 69501 ROBIN LODERMEIER 07/17/2019 GEN 69503 RYAN FONDS 07/17/2019 GEN 69504 SC SUPPLY COMPANY, LLC 07/17/2019 GEN 69505 SCOTT HAARSTAD 07/17/2019 GEN 69507* SHRED RIGHT 07/17/2019 GEN 69509 STANDARD PRINTING & MAILING 07/17/2019 GEN 69510 STEPHANIE RAMSEY 07/17/2019 GEN 695124 TANI DIVISION -BD SHIFFLER INC 07/17/2019 GEN 69513 TATUM SHELEY Account Dept Pag 17/29 Amount Training Services 107-344- 00 2,596.25 HECK GEN 69494 TOTAL 53,878.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES -BOTTLED WATER 401-921- 08 20. 90 Generators 107-344- 00 660.65 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 45.41 Materials 401-588- 02 31.79 HECK GEN 69496 TOTAL 737.85 DRILLCLEAN 154-000- 00 111.64 DRILLCLEAN 154-000- 00 13.53 HECK GEN 69497 TOTAL 125.17 OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 49. 46 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 103.29 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 ONES, TRAFFIC, 28", ORANGE, BLACK BASE 154-000- 00 613. 98 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES -SHREDDING SERVICES 401-921- 08 12.48 OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 38.48 OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 1.14 Sales Tax Receivable - Replace 186-000- 00 128.91 Turbo insulation blankets -quote 19-144 402-554- 01 1,875.00 HECK GEN 69512 TOTAL 2,003.91 OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 54.60 07/24/2019 11:03 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Fund: 1 ELECTRIC 07/17/2019 GEN 69514 TEVIN MOOTER OR JESSIE JANISCH OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 07/17/2019 GEN 69515 TOM WIRT Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 07/17/2019 GEN 69516 TRAFFIC CONTROL CORPORATION SIGNAL, LUMINATION ZEDS, RED TINTED 154-000- 00 07/17/2019 GEN 69517 TRAVIS BORSTAD OR MOLLY BORSTAD OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 07/17/2019 GEN 69518 TRENCHERS PLUS INC Blower Pump replacment 402-598- 02 07/17/2019 GEN 69519* UIS/SOURCECORP COLLECTION - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 07/17/2019 GEN 69520* VERIZON WIRELESS TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 07/17/2019 GEN 69521 VERN KARDELL OR ANITA KARDELL OVERPAYMENTS 142-000- 00 07/17/2019 GEN 69522*4 WEST CENTRAL SANITATION INC GENERATOR 41 WATER & SEWER 401-547- 01 Waste Disposal 401-550- 01 UTILITY EXPENSES - WATER/WASTE 55/45 401-930- 08 HECK GEN 69522 TOTAL 07/17/2019 GEN 69523 ZIEGLER POWER SYSTEMS OIL, CAT1 NGEO ULTRA 40 154-000- 00 DRUM AND RECYCLING FEES 154-000- 00 HECK GEN 69523 TOTAL 07/22/2019 GEN 405(E)* MINNESOTA REVENUE State Sales Tax 242-000- 00 City Sales Tax 242-000- 00 HECK GEN 405(E) TOTAL Total for fund 1 ELECTRIC Pag 18/29 Amount 73.78 250.00 122.91 342.48 5,394.54 201.49 819.53 242.78 88.61 143.06 216.18 447.85 5,871.90 107.01 5,978.91 16,331.00 1,722.00 18,053.00 1,506,700.89 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 19/29 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 06/21/2019 GEN 69298* ALAN NIXA OR ANITA JAVES DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 136.50 06/21/2019 GEN 69300* ALEX PARK DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 87.50 06/21/2019 GEN 69303* BEN ROTH DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 31.50 06/21/2019 GEN 69304* BEN SANDOZ DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 42.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69305* BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY 26-0213-0000, T.D. Williamson 107-376- 00 161.50 06/21/2019 GEN 69306* BRETT MULQUEENY DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 52.50 06/21/2019 GEN 69308* BRIAN MARKGBAF Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69312* CHAD STASSEN Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69313* CHRIS HEGARTY DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 28.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69314*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 184.63 06/21/2019 GEN 69315*4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON COLLECTION - MATERIALS -CASH DRAWER 401-903- 06 112.50 IT ADMIN AND SUPPORT 250 401-921- 08 2,618.81 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 6.91 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 322.69 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 48.81 HECK GEN 69315 TOTAL 3,109.72 06/21/2019 GEN 69316* CODY HANKE DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 26.25 06/21/2019 GEN 69317* COLTON PORTER OR RAGEN PORTER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 33.25 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 20/29 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 06/21/2019 GEN 69318* COLTON PORTER OR RAGEN PORTER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 24.50 06/21/2019 GEN 69319* COLTON PORTER OR RAGEN PORTER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 64.75 06/21/2019 GEN 69320* COURTNEY LANCASTER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 28.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69322* CURTIS BOTZET DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 70.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69323* DAVID GASSMAN OR REBECCA GASSMAN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 45.50 06/21/2019 GEN 69324* DAVID RODEWALD OR LINDA RODEWALD DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 26.25 06/21/2019 GEN 69325* DICK REGINEK Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69326* DUSTIN MATHERN OR DANIELLE OLSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 157.50 06/21/2019 GEN 69327* DYLAN BURNHAM DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 21.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69333* INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 24.78 06/21/2019 GEN 69339* KELSEY NOVY DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 28.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69340* KEN NELSON OR KARLA NELSON DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 87.50 06/21/2019 GEN 69341* KORI MACHEMEHL DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 21.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69342* KYLE KOSKI DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 14.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69343* LAURA MACHT DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 26.25 06/21/2019 GEN 69346* MEGAN HAUER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 42.00 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 21/29 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 06/21/2019 GEN 69347* MICHAEL CARTER OR GLADYS CARTER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 77.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69350* MITCHELL SCHRADER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 70.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69351 NELSON TECHNOLOGIES INC Eagle Bulkhead Connector IN 206-0048 401-874- 04 69.23 06/21/2019 GEN 69352* NICK SMITH DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 17.50 06/21/2019 GEN 69353*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Materials 401-874- 04 41.65 06/21/2019 GEN 69354* PAPA MURPHY'S DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 539.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69357* RYAN DOBRATZ Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 06/21/2019 GEN 693584 RYAN ELLENSON M & R Station Equipment 107-369- 00 62.34 Materials 401-856- 05 85.45 HECK GEN 69358 TOTAL 147.79 06/21/2019 GEN 69359* SCOTT OR STEPHANIE PETERSEN DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 192.50 06/21/2019 GEN 69360* SHELLY CHLOUPEK DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 38.50 06/21/2019 GEN 69362 SWAGELOK MINNESOTA TUBING, 1/2" X .035" WALL, 316SS, 154-000- 00 490.62 TUBING, 1/2" X .035" WALL, 316SS, 154-000- 00 309.62 HECK GEN 69362 TOTAL 800.24 06/21/2019 GEN 69363* TYLER POWELL OR AMBER KOESTER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 35.00 06/21/2019 GEN 69364* TYLER POWELL OR AMBER KOESTER DEP REFUND/APPLIED 235-000- 00 10.50 06/21/2019 GEN 69366 VERIZON WIRELESS UTILITIES (ELECTRIC, SATELLITE-SCADA 401-856- 05 117.06 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Description Fund: 2 GAS 06/21/2019 GEN 69367* ZEE SERVICE COMPANY 06/25/2019 GEN 399(E)*4 BP CANANDA ENERGY SOLUTIONS 07/01/2019 GEN 69373*4 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY 07/01/2019 GEN 69374*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 07/01/2019 GEN 69375*4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 07/01/2019 GEN 69379* FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE 07/01/2019 GEN 69380* GISLASON & HUNTER 07/01/2019 GEN 693824 GROEBNER & ASSOCIATES INC Account Dept Pag 22/29 Amount Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 95.00 Gas For Retail 401-807- 04 45,331.83 3M 401-807- 04 47,588.10 HTI 401-807- 04 6,395.25 UNG 401-807- 04 7,382.99 BROWNTON 401-807- 04 2,742.04 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 947.05 HECK GEN 399(E) TOTAL 110,387.26 26-0213-0000, T.D. Williamson 107-376- 00 161.50 TDWS - 06-7218-0000-00 SHORTSTOPP 4IN 3 107-376- 00 770.55 ELL, WELD FITTING, 90 DEG, 2", SMLS, 154-000- 00 48.78 HECK GEN 69373 TOTAL 980.83 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 184.63 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 187.13 HECK GEN 69374 TOTAL 371.76 Accounts Payable To City Of Hu 234-000- 00 123,786.25 BREAKROOM/RECOGNITION BANQUET 401-926- 08 51.50 Legal Services 401-923- 08 219.60 GAS, CALIBRATION, 2.5% BY VOL.(50oLEL) 154-000- 00 265.22 HP In Test for AAT-60/90, Test at 416-108- 04 2,984.58 HP In Test for AAT-60/90, Test at 416-108- 04 47.26 HP Out Test for AAT-60/90, Test at 416-108- 04 2,984.58 HP Out Test for AAT-60/90, Test at 416-108- 04 47.25 HP Out Test for AAT-35/57, Test at 416-108- 04 2,097.63 HP Out Test for AAT-35/57, Test at 416-108- 04 33.07 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 23/29 Amount Fund: 2 GAS HECK GEN 69382 TOTAL 8,459.59 07/01/2019 GEN 69383* GUARDIAN DENTAL INSURANCE-20o GAS 242-000- 00 680.53 07/01/2019 GEN 69384*4 HANSEN GRAVEL INC MATERIALS 401-874- 04 398.36 Materials 402-892- 04 912.49 HECK GEN 69384 TOTAL 1,310.85 07/01/2019 GEN 69385* HUTCHFIELD SERVICES INC Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 910.41 07/01/2019 GEN 69386*4 HUTCHINSON CO-OP Materials 402-863- 05 58.00 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 12.85 HECK GEN 69386 TOTAL 70.85 07/01/2019 GEN 69388 JMS CONCRETE Materials 402-892- 04 1,275.00 Materials 402-892- 04 625.00 HECK GEN 69388 TOTAL 1,900.00 07/01/2019 GEN 69390 KEN FRATZKE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 100.00 07/01/2019 GEN 69391* LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST PREPAID INSURANCE 174-000- 00 83. 42 07/01/2019 GEN 69392* MARCO TECHNOLOGIES, LLC OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 117.60 07/01/2019 GEN 69393* MARK NISSE Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 07/01/2019 GEN 69395* MATTHEW FEUERBORN Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 07/01/2019 GEN 69397* MEDICA HEALTH INSURANCE 15% GAS 242-000- 00 9,564.38 07/01/2019 GEN 69399*4 PRO AUTO & TRANSMISSION REPAIR VEHICLES - MATERIAL -GAS 402-895- 04 25. 98 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 24/29 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 07/01/2019 GEN 69402* RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE -LIFE LTD INSURANCE-20o GAS 242-000- 00 350.06 LIFE INSURANCE-20o GAS 242-000- 00 190.70 HECK GEN 69402 TOTAL 540.76 07/01/2019 GEN 69405*4 RUNNING'S SUPPLY INC Materials 401-874- 04 41.87 Vehicles - Material 402-895- 04 3.75 Materials 402-863- 05 354.33 HECK GEN 69405 TOTAL 399.95 07/01/2019 GEN 69407* UIS/SOURCECORP COLLECTION - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 299. 60 COLLECTION - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 1,180.42 HECK GEN 69407 TOTAL 1,480.02 07/01/2019 GEN 69408* UNITED PARCEL SERVICE MAIL SERVICES - UPS, FEDEX 401-921- 08 35.83 07/03/2019 GEN 411(E)* CITIZENS BANK Office Supplies 401-921- 08 95.15 07/15/2019 GEN 413(E)* POINT & PAY METER READING - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 1,611.32 07/16/2019 GEN 404(E)*4 VISA MEETINGS & TRAVEL - EXP-INNEAPOLIS 401-870- 04 1,172.94 Materials 401-874- 04 498.65 AM INOVATIONS-REMOTE MONITORING 401-856- 05 88.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES -SPEAKERS J HOFFMAN 401-921- 08 14.00 HECK GEN 404(E) TOTAL 1,773.59 07/17/2019 GEN 69412*4 ACE HARDWARE Materials 401-874- 04 52.73 Materials 402-892- 04 44.15 HECK GEN 69412 TOTAL 96.88 07/17/2019 GEN 69418*4 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY 4", 45 Degree, Long Radius Elbow, 107-376- 00 98.78 FITTING, WELD STOP 2", LOW PRESSURE 154-000- 00 377.91 VAVVE, BALL, 2" WELD X WELD, 154-000- 00 481.02 VALVE, BALL, 4" WELD X WELD, 154-000- 00 1,662.50 07/24/2019 11:03 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Fund: 2 GAS FITTING, WELD STOP 2", LOW PRESSURE 154-000- 00 ELL, WELD FITTING, 90 DEG, 2", SMLS, 154-000- 00 PRIMER, TEMCOAT 3000, ANTICORROSION, 154-000- 00 VAVLE, BALL, 2" WELD X WELD, 154-000- 00 TAPE, BELOW GROUND USE, 41 WAX, 4" X 9 154-000- 00 COUPLING, 3/4" IPS, EF, MDPE 154-000- 00 Mueller IN 51432, Packing Gland, 402-895- 04 Mueller IN 46726, O-Ring, 402-895- 04 HECK GEN 69418 TOTAL 07/17/2019 GEN 69420 BROWN COUNTY RURAL ELECTRIC Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 07/17/2019 GEN 69421* CARD SERVICES BREAKROOM/RECOGNITION BANQUET 401-926- 08 07/17/2019 GEN 69422 CARS ON PATROL SHOP LLC & TOWING Transportation Equipment 107-392- 00 07/17/2019 GEN 69423*4 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS Materials 402-863- 05 07/17/2019 GEN 69424 CENTURYLINK Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 07/17/2019 GEN 69426*4 CINTAS CORPORATION 4470 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 UNIFORMS & LAUNDRY 401-880- 04 HECK GEN 69426 TOTAL 07/17/2019 GEN 69427*4 CITY OF HUTCHINSON VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT FUEL -GAS 401-880- 04 OFFICE SUPPLIES -GAS DEPT IPAD CASES/USE 401-921- 08 IT ADMIN AND SUPPORT 75/25 401-921- 08 IT ADMIN AND SUPPORT 250 401-921- 08 LEGAL SERVICES 75/25 401-923- 08 HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES 75/25 401-923- 08 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 Utility Expenses - Water/Waste 401-930- 08 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT FUEL-ADMIN 55/45 401-935- 08 HECK GEN 69427 TOTAL Pag 25/29 Amount 566.87 73.16 95.91 481.05 513.50 107.40 81.35 20.52 4,559.97 136.35 105.00 499.00 9.73 55.96 184.63 369.26 2,180.25 78.36 5,990.75 1,836.29 2,625.00 2,067.IS it.88 50.90 322.69 15,248.97 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Payee Description Account Pag Dept 26/29 Amount Fund: 2 GAS 07/17/2019 GEN 69434* CROW RIVER FLORAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 36. 91 07/17/2019 GEN 69436 DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT & WORKERS COMPENSATION 401-870- 04 410.80 07/17/2019 GEN 694394 ENERTECH 2O19 HUC Distribution 401-874- 04 7,892.72 2019 HUC Distribution 401-874- 04 342.20 2019 Brownton Distribution System 416-108- 04 1,075.96 2019 Brownton Distribution System 416-108- 04 46.65 2019 HUC Transmission 401-856- 05 2,563.64 2019 HUC Transmission 401-856- 05 111.15 HECK GEN 69439 TOTAL 12,032.32 07/17/2019 GEN 69442* FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE BREAKROOM/RECOGNITION BANQUET 401-926- 08 28.50 07/17/2019 GEN 69443* FRANK MADDEN & ASSOCIATES Legal Services 401-923- 08 826.56 07/17/2019 GEN 69445* GLEN KURKOSKY Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 07/17/2019 GEN 69446 GLEN KURKOSKY Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 100.00 07/17/2019 GEN 69448*4 GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC MATERIALS 401-874- 04 167.40 MATERIALS 401-856- 05 41.85 HECK GEN 69448 TOTAL 209.25 07/17/2019 GEN 69450* HILLYARD/HUTCHINSON Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 104.60 Grounds - Materials 401-935- 08 26.62 HECK GEN 69450 TOTAL 131.22 07/17/2019 GEN 69453 HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS UTILITIES -NEW ULM COMMUNICATIONS 401-856- 05 106. 94 07/17/2019 GEN 69454* HUTCHINSON AREA CHAMBER Advertising/Printing 401-921- 08 250.00 07/17/2019 GEN 69455*4 HUTCHINSON CO-OP Power Equipment - Materials 402-895- 04 141.79 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Description Fund: 2 GAS 07/17/2019 GEN 69456*4 HUTCHINSON LEADER 07/17/2019 GEN 69458* INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS 07/17/2019 GEN 69466* JON BLOCK 07/17/2019 GEN 69470 KATRIS DONNAY 07/17/2019 GEN 69471* KATRYNA SERVIN 07/17/2019 GEN 69472*4 KDUZ/KARP 07/17/2019 GEN 69473 KGM 07/17/2019 GEN 69475* LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST 07/17/2019 GEN 69476*4 LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC 07/17/2019 GEN 69477* MAILFINANCE Account Dept Pag 27/29 Amount CIP - MARKETING 401-916- 07 100.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 56. 82 OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 10. 52 OFFICE SUPPLIES 401-921- 08 (6.69) CHECK GEN 69458 TOTAL 60.65 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 300.00 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 25.00 Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 400.00 PUBLIC AWARENESS - MATERIAL 401-874- 04 148.50 Public Awareness - Material 401-856- 05 49.50 ADVERTISING/PRINTING 401-921- 08 48.00 HECK GEN 69472 TOTAL 246.00 1-3/8" x 2-3/4" x 0.020 107-381- 00 300.00 1-3/8" x 2-3/4" x 0.020 107-381- 00 38.76 HECK GEN 69473 TOTAL 338.76 PREPAID INSURANCE 174-000- 00 65.50 PREPAID INSURANCE 174-000- 00 27, 884.75 HECK GEN 69475 TOTAL 27,950.25 VEST, SAFETY, FM389Z, ML KISHIGO, SIZE 401-880- 04 78. 02 LEASE/SERVICE AGREEMENTS 401-921- 08 218.10 LEASE/SERVICE AGREEMENTS 401-921- 08 101.66 HECK GEN 69477 TOTAL 319.76 07/24/2019 11:03 AM CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES User: JMartig CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee Description Account Dept Fund: 2 GAS 07/17/2019 GEN 694834 MCLEOD COOPERATVIE POWER ASSN MISC EXPENSE -GAS LINE PUMP 401-880- 04 UTILITIES (ELECTRIC, SATELLITE-MCLEOD 401-856- 05 UTILITIES (ELECTRIC, SATELLITE -PIPELINE 401-856- 05 HECK GEN 69483 TOTAL 07/17/2019 GEN 69486* MN MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ASSOCIATION MISC SERVICES-QTR SAFETY/MGMT 250 401-923- 08 DUES/MEMBERSHIP EXPENSE-QTR ELEC 401-930- 08 HECK GEN 69486 TOTAL 07/17/2019 GEN 69488 NORTHERN BORDER PIPELINE CO LINE - OUTSIDE SERVICES -INTERCONNECT 401-856- 05 07/17/2019 GEN 69489* NORTHSTAR CHAPTER-APA TRAINING - EXPENSE -MEETING 450 401-930- 08 07/17/2019 GEN 69490* NUVERA TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 07/17/2019 GEN 69491 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC Vehicles - Material 402-895- 04 07/17/2019 GEN 69492*4 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC Materials 401-874- 04 Materials 401-874- 04 HECK GEN 69492 TOTAL 07/17/2019 GEN 69493 PAUL BETKER CIP - RESIDENTIAL-1442 SHERWOOD 401-916- 07 CIP - RESIDENTIAL-450 CAMPBELL LN 401-916- 07 HECK GEN 69493 TOTAL 07/17/2019 GEN 69495* PREMIUM WATERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES -BOTTLED WATER 401-921- 08 07/17/2019 GEN 69500 ROBERTA BOMBECK Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 07/17/2019 GEN 69502 RYAN ELLENSON Public Awareness - Material 401-856- 05 07/17/2019 GEN 69506 SHELLY FITZGERALD Cip - Residential 401-916- 07 07/17/2019 GEN 69507* SHRED RIGHT OFFICE SUPPLIES -SHREDDING SERVICES 401-921- 08 07/17/2019 GEN 69508 SPRINT Utilities (Electric, Satellite 401-856- 05 Pag 28/29 Amount 61.24 38.48 39.59 139.31 1,587.50 3,412.01 4,999.51 2,000.00 135.00 623.54 20.36 83.26 625.00 6.97 25.00 145.96 25.00 4.16 141.52 07/24/2019 11:03 AM User: JMartig DE: Hutchinson Utili Check Date Bank Check # Payee CHECK DISBURSEMENT REPORT FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES CHECK DATE FROM 06/21/2019 - 07/24/2019 Description Fund: 2 GAS 07/17/2019 GEN 69511 SWAGELOK MINNESOTA 07/17/2019 GEN 69519* UIS/SOURCECORP 07/17/2019 GEN 69520* VERIZON WIRELESS 07/17/2019 GEN 69522*4 WEST CENTRAL SANITATION INC 07/22/2019 GEN 405(E)* MINNESOTA REVENUE 07/23/2019 GEN 416(E) PUBLIC ENERGY AUTHORITY OF Account Dept SS pipe fitting Hex 401-874- 04 SS pipe fitting Hex nipple 1/4 male NIT 401-874- 04 HECK GEN 69511 TOTAL COLLECTION - MATERIALS 401-903- 06 TELEPHONE 401-921- 08 UTILITY EXPENSES - WATER/WASTE 45/55 401-930- 08 State Sales Tax 242-000- 00 City Sales Tax 242-000- 00 HECK GEN 405(E) TOTAL Gas For Retail 401-807- 04 3M 401-807- 04 HTI 401-807- 04 HECK GEN 416(E) TOTAL Total for fund 2 GAS TOTAL - ALL FUNDS '*'-INDICATES CHECK DISTRIBUTED TO MORE THAN ONE FUND '#'-INDICATES CHECK DISTRIBUTED TO MORE THAN ONE DEPARTMENT Pag 29/29 Amount 147.20 74.34 221.54 164.85 273.18 176.86 (3,057.00) 52,284.45 70,743.75 474,208.04 1,980,908.93 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION COMBINED DIVISIONS FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JUNE, 2019 2019 2018 Di %Chng 2019 2018 Di %Chng Full YrBud %of Bud Combined Division Customer Revenue $ 2,719,315 $ 2,791,990 $ (72,675) (2.6%) $ 18,336,244 $ 18,819,374 $ (483,130) (2.6%) $ 36,285,018 50.5% Sales for Resale $ 218,270 $ 257,167 $ (38,897) (15.1%) $ 1,230,060 $ 1,521,868 $ (291,808) (19.2%) $ 2,951,500 41.7% NU Transportation $ 81,961 $ 71,183 $ 10,778 15.1% $ 493,838 $ 428,712 $ 65,126 15.2% $ 885,452 55.8% Electric Division Transfer $ 54,982 $ 54,697 $ 285 0.5% $ 329,891 $ 328,183 $ 1,709 0.5% $ 659,783 50.0% Other Revenues $ 40,325 $ 44,515 $ (4,190) (9.4%) $ 260,916 $ 272,594 $ (11,679) (4.3%) $ 490,208 53.2% Interest Income $ 35,241 $ 21,623 $ 13,619 63.0% $ 233,319 $ 149,518 $ 83,800 56.0% $ 283,456 82.3% TOTAL REVENUES $ 3,150,095 $ 3,241,175 $ (91,080) (2.8%) $ 20,884,267 $ 21,520,250 $ (635,982) (3.0%) $ 41,555,417 50.3% Salaries & Benefits Purchased Commodities Transmission Generator Fuel/Chem. Depreciation Transfers (Elect./City) Operating Expense Debt Interest TOTAL EXPENSES NET PROFIT/(LOSS) $ 420,632 $ 469,277 $ (48,645) (10.37%) $ 2,832,411 $ 2,926,193 $ (93,782) (3.2%) $ 6,252,888 $ 1,490,758 $ 1,607,295 $ (116,537) (7.3%) $ 10,451,810 $ 10,604,145 $ (152,335) (1.4%) $ 19,155,179 $ 260,084 $ 285,979 $ (25,894) (9.1%) $ 1,287,408 $ 1,181,922 $ 105,487 8.9% $ 3,380,000 $ 52,922 $ 125,394 $ (72,472) (57.8%) $ 153,913 $ 515,629 $ (361,716) (70.2%) $ 1,139,850 $ 327,083 $ 325,667 $ 1,417 0.4% $ 1,962,500 $ 1,954,000 $ 8,500 0.4% $ 3,925,000 $ 188,434 $ 158,986 $ 29,448 18.5% $ 1,130,603 $ 953,917 $ 176,686 18.5% $ 2,261,207 $ 248,824 $ 131,430 $ 117,394 89.3% $ 1,332,469 $ 960,376 $ 372,093 38.7% $ 3,215,236 $ 97,334 $ 103,551 $ (6,218) (6.0%) $ 584,003 $ 621,309 $ (37,305) jLg%j $ 1,168,007 $ 3,086,072 $ 3,207,580 $ (121,508) (3.8%) $ 19,735,117 $ 19,717,491 $ 17,627 0.1% $ 40,497,367 $ 64,023 $ 33,595 $ 30,428 90.6%1 1,149,150 $ 1,802,759 $ (653,609) (36.3%) $ 1,058,050 June June YTD YTD 2019 2018 Change 2019 2018 Change Gross Margin % 32.4% 29.4% 2.9% 33.1% 35.2°% -2 2°% Operating Income Per Revenue $ (%) 3.5% 2.8% 0.7% 6.7% 10.0% -3.3% Net Income Per Revenue $ (%): 2.0% 1.0% 1.0% 5.5% 8.4°% -2 9°% 2019 HUC Budget Target 32.8°% 4.2°% 2.5°% 45.3% 54.6% 38.1% 13.5% 50.0% 50.0% 41.4% 50.0% 48.7% 108.6% HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION ELECTRIC DIVISION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JUNE, 2019 2019 2018 Di %Chna 2019 2018 Di %Chna Full YrBud %of Bud Electric Division Customer Revenue $ 2,338,649 $ 2,434,567 $ (95,919) (3.9%) $ 12,113,904 $ 12,301,071 $ (187,167) (1.5%) $ 26,118,530 46.4% Sales for Resale $ 218,270 $ 257,167 $ (38,897) (15.1%) $ 1,230,060 $ 1,521,868 $ (291,808) (19.2%) $ 2,951,500 41.7% Other Revenues $ 15,244 $ 18,100 $ (2,856) (15.8%) $ 104,771 $ 99,863 $ 4,908 4.9% $ 203,500 51.5% Interest Income $ 19,015 $ 12,205 $ 6,809 55.8% $ 125,406 $ 83,123 $ 42,283 50.9% $ 158,456 79.1% $ 29,431,986 46.1% TOTAL REVENUES $ 2,591,178 $ 2,722,040 $ (130,862) (4.8%) $ 13,574,141 $ 14,005,925 $ (431,785) (3.1%) Salaries & Benefits $ 321,287 $ 371,453 $ (50,165) (13.5%) $ 2,151,346 $ 2,292,432 $ (141,087) (6.2%) $ 4,541,091 47.4% Purchased Power $ 1,293,344 $ 1,411,294 $ (117,950) (8.4%) $ 6,878,938 $ 7,205,479 $ (326,541) (4.5%) $ 13,640,000 50.4% Transmission $ 260,084 $ 285,979 $ (25,894) (9.1%) $ 1,287,408 $ 1,181,922 $ 105,487 8.9% $ 3,380,000 38.1% Generator Fuel/Chem. $ 52,922 $ 125,394 $ (72,472) (57.8%) $ 153,913 $ 515,629 $ (361,716) (70.2%) $ 1,139,850 13.5% Depreciation $ 241,667 $ 241,667 $ - 0.0% $ 1,450,000 $ 1,450,000 $ - 0.0% $ 2,900,000 50.0% Transfers (Elect./City) $ 147,172 $ 128,224 $ 18,947 14.8% $ 883,031 $ 769,346 $ 113,684 14.8% $ 1,766,062 50.0% Operating Expense $ 195,071 $ 68,867 $ 126,204 183.3% $ 976,954 $ 626,547 $ 350,407 55.9% $ 2,173,291 45.0% Debt Interest $ 46,555 $ 47,376 $ (822) (1.7%) $ 279,328 $ 284,258 $ (4,930) 1.7% $ 558,657 50.0% TOTAL EXPENSES $ 2,558,102 $ 2,680,254 $ (122,152) (4.6%) $ 14,060,917 $ 14,325,614 $ (264,697) (1.8%) $ 30,098,951 46.7% NET PROFIT/(LOSS) $ 33,076 $ 41,786 $ (8,710) (20.8%) $ (486,777) $ (319,689) $ (167,088) 52.3% $ (666,965) 73.0% 2019 2018 Di %Chna 2019 2018 Di . %Chna Full YrBud %of Bud Electric Division Residential 4,464,525 4,924,959 (460,434) (9.35%) 23,877,975 24,645,388 (767,413) (3.11%) 50,327,925 47.4% All Electric 123,993 140,452 (16,459) (11.72%) 1,436,969 1,417,076 19,893 1.40% 2,504,213 57.4% Small General 1,565,160 1,646,807 (81,647) (4.96%) 9,296,420 9,353,169 (56,749) (0.61%) 17,687,385 52.6% Large General 7,018,170 7,009,130 9,040 0.13% 39,367,220 37,233,080 2,134,140 5.73% 77,713,164 50.7% Industrial 9,811,000 12,008,000 (2,197,000) (18.30%) 56,219,000 64,361,000 (8,142,000) (12.65%) 135,502,800 41.5% Total KWH Sold 22,982,848 25,729,348 (2,746,500) (10.67%)l 130,197,584 137,009,713 (6,812,129) (4.97%)l 283,735,487 45.9% June June YTD YTD 2019 HUC 2019 2018 Change 2019 2018 Change Budget Target Gross Margin % 26.8% 24.2% 2.6% 25.0% 26.1% -1.0% 25.3% Operating Income Per Revenue $ (%) 2.4% 2.7% -0.3% -2.5% -0.9% -1.6% -0.9% 0%-5% Net Income Per Revenue $ (%): 1.3% 1.5% -0.3% -3.6% -2.3% -1.3% -2.3% 0%-5% Customer Revenue per KWH: $0.1002 $0.0932 $0.0070 $0.0925 $0.0892 $0.0032 $0.0915 Total Power Supply Exp. per KWH: $0.0819 $0.0797 $0.0022 $0.0774 $0.0751 $0.0023 $0.0771 $0.0771 Electric Divison Net Income decreased by $8,710 mostly due to a decrease in Customer Revenue and Sales for Resale. Expenses directly related to sales also decreased significantly with the decreased usage. Sales for Resale of $218,270 consisted of $6,578 in market sales, $36,400 in the monthly tolling fee from Transalta, $25,792 in Transalta energy sales, $136,000 in capacity sales to SMMPA and $13,500 in capacity sales to AEP. June 2018 Sales for Resale of $257,167 consisted of $14,407 in market sales, $35,600 in monthly tolling fees from Transalta, $91,160 in Transalta energy sales, and $96,000 in capacity sales to SMMPA. June 2017 Sales for Resale of $218,851 consisted of $24,517 in market sales, $34,400 in Transalta tolling fees, $56,305 in Transalta energy sales, and $66,500 SMMPA capacity sales. Overall Purchased Power decreased by $117,950. MRES purchases decreased by $36,747 and market purchases/MISO costs decreased by $81,203. June power cost adjustment was $.001433/kwhr bringing in an additional $329,365 in revenue for the month and $964,352 YTD. Last year's power cost adjustment for June 2018 generated $236,113 in additional revenue for the month and $702,149 YTD. HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION GAS DIVISION FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JUNE, 2019 2019 2018 Di %Chng 2019 2018 Di %Chng Full YrBud %of Bud Gas Division Customer Revenue $ 380,666 $ 357,422 $ 23,244 6.5% $ 6,222,340 $ 6,518,303 $ (295,963) (4.5%) $ 10,166,488 61.2% Transportation $ 81,961 $ 71,183 $ 10,778 15.1% $ 493,838 $ 428,712 $ 65,126 15.2% $ 885,452 55.8% Electric Div. Transfer $ 54,982 $ 54,697 $ 285 0.5% $ 329,891 $ 328,183 $ 1,709 0.5% $ 659,783 50.0% Other Revenues $ 25,081 $ 26,415 $ (1,334) (5.1%) $ 156,145 $ 172,732 $ (16,587) (9.6%) $ 286,708 54.5% Interest Income $ 16,227 $ 9,417 $ 6,809 72.3% $ 107,913 $ 66,395 $ 41,518 62.5% $ 125,000 86.3% TOTAL REVENUES $ 558,917 $ 519,135 $ 39,782 7.7% $ 7,310,127 $ 7,514,324 $ (204,198) (2.7%) $ 12,123,431 60.3% Salaries & Benefits $ 99,345 $ 97,825 $ 1,520 1.6% $ 681,065 $ 633,760 $ 47,305 7.5% $ 1,711,797 39.8% Purchased Gas $ 197,414 $ 196,001 $ 1,413 0.7% $ 3,572,872 $ 3,398,666 $ 174,206 5.1% $ 5,515,179 64.8% Operating Expense $ 53,753 $ 62,564 $ (8,810) (14.1%) $ 355,515 $ 333,829 $ 21,686 6.5% $ 1,041,945 34.1% Depreciation $ 85,417 $ 84,000 $ 1,417 1.7% $ 512,500 $ 504,000 $ 8,500 1.7% $ 1,025,000 50.0% Transfers (City) $ 41,262 $ 30,762 $ 10,500 34.1% $ 247,572 $ 184,571 $ 63,002 34.1% $ 495,145 50.0% Debt Interest $ 50,779 $ 56,175 $ (5,396) 0.0% $ 304,675 $ 337,050 $ (32,375) ja.6% $ 609,350 50.0% TOTAL EXPENSES $ 527,970 $ 527,326 $ 644 0.1% $ 5,674,200 $ 5,391,876 $ 282,323 5.2% $ 10,398,416 54.6% NET PROFIT/(LOSS) $ 30,947 $ (8,191) $ 39,137 (477.8%)l $ 1,635,927 $ 2,122,448 $ (486,521) (22.9%) $ 1,725,015 94.8% 2019 2018 Di %Chng 2019 2018 Di %Chng Full YrBud %of Bud Gas Division Residential 7,031,936 6,636,980 394,956 5.95% 284,940,505 270,960,983 13,979,522 5.16% 421,716,000 67.6% Commercial 9,624,362 8,469,022 1,155,340 13.64% 210,072,625 208,250,481 1,822,144 0.87% 330,746,000 63.5% Industrial 47,571,292 48,728,585 (1,157,293) (2.37%) 468,186,287 478,516,022 (10,329,735) (2.16%) 822,478,000 56.9% Total CF Sold 64,227,590 63,834,587 393,003 0.62% 963,199,417 957,727,486 5,471,931 0.57% 1,574,940,000 61.2% June June YTD YTD 2019 HUC 2019 2018 Change 2019 2018 Change Budget Target Gross Margin % 59.5% 58.2% 1.3% 48.3% 52.7% -4.4% 51.5% Operating Income Per Revenue $ (%) 9.0% 3.6% 5.4% 24.2% 30.8% -6.6% 16.9% Net Income Per Revenue $ (%): 6.0% -1.7% 7.7% 23.2% 29.2% -6.0% 14.7% IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Contracted Customer Rev. per CF: $0.0037 $0.0038 -$0.0001 $0.0041 $0.0040 $0.0001 $0.0038 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Customer Revenue per CF: $0.0105 $0.0100 $0.0005 $0.0084 $0.0093 -$0.0009 $0.0090 $0.0090 Total Power Supply Exp. per CF: $0.0033 $0.0032 $0.0001 $0.0038 $0.0036 $0.0002 $0.0036 $0.0036 Natural Gas net income increased by $39,137. This is mostly due to increased customer revenue with increased usage. June's fuel cost credit adjustment was $1.48921/MCF totalling $31,719 for the month and $565,315 YTD. June 2018 credits totalled $35,392 for the month and $185,789 YTD. Current Assets UnrestrictedlUndesignated Cash Cash Petty Cash Designated Cash Capital Expenditures - Five Yr. CIP Payment in Lieu of Taxes Rate Stabilization - Electric Rate Stabilization - Gas Catastrophic Funds Restricted Cash Bond Interest Payment 2017 Bond Interest Payment 2012 Debt Service Reserve Funds Total Current Assets Receivables Accounts (net of uncollectible allowances) Interest Total Receivables Other Assets Inventory Prepaid Expenses Sales Tax Receivable Deferred Outflows - Electric Deferred Outflows - Gas Total Other Assets Total Current Assets Capital Assets Land & Land Rights Depreciable Capital Assets Accumulated Depreciation Construction - Work in Progress Total Net Capital Assets HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION BALANCE SHEET - CONSOLIDATED JUNE 30, 2019 Electric Gas Total Division Division 2019 6,917,712.65 9,378,752.65 16,296,465.30 680.00 170.00 850.00 2,750,000.00 700,000.00 3,450,000.00 1,106,279.00 495,145.00 1,601,424.00 372,736.68 - 372,736.68 - 651,306.61 651,306.61 400,000.00 100,000.00 500,000.00 Total Net Change 2018 Total (YTD) 18,264,173.74 (1,967,708.44) 850.00 - 3,450,000.00 1,251,469.00 349,955.00 372,736.68 - 651,306.61 - 500,000.00 - 1,190,466.12 - 1,190,466.12 1,008,442.29 182,023.83 - 1,149,445.84 1,149,445.84 1,148,641.65 804.19 522,335.64 2,188,694.02 2,711,029.66 2,711,029.66 - 13,260,210.09 14,663,514.12 27,923,724.21 29,358,649.63 (1,434,925.42) 2,477,458.77 516,401.51 2,993,860.28 3,048,082.42 (54,222.14) 23,632.29 23,632.29 47,264.58 38,078.98 9,185.60 2,501,091.06 540,033.80 3,041,124.86 3,086,161.40 (45,036.54) 1,228,917.78 455,750.20 1,684,667.98 1,686,430.84 (1,762.86) 112,968.52 (17,868.95) 95,099.57 88,527.33 6,572.24 45,750.42 - 45,750.42 47,250.23 (1,499.81) 494,053.00 - 494,053.00 752,887.00 (258,834.00) - 164,685.00 164,685.00 250,962.00 (86,277.00) 1,881,689.72 602,566.25 2,484,255.97 2,826,057.40 (341,801.43) 17,642,990.87 15,806,114.17 690,368.40 3,899,918.60 90,205,222.34 41,684,214.28 (56,621,384.24) (16,598,906.20) 16,173,267.00 167,771.09 50,447,473.50 29,152,997.77 33,449,105.04 35,270,868.43 (1,821,763.39) 4,590,287.00 4,590,287.00 - 131,889,436.62 130,894,272.75 995,163.87 (73,220,290.44) (69,489,578.55) (3,730,711.89) 16,341,038.09 10,622,585.82 5,718,452.27 79,600,471.27 76,617,567.02 2,982,904.25 Total Assets 68,090,464.37 44,959,111.94 113,049,576.31 111,888,435.45 1,161,140.86 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION BALANCE SHEET - CONSOLIDATED JUNE 30, 2019 Electric Gas Total Total Net Change Division Division 2019 2018 Total (YTD) Current Liabilities Current Portion of Long-term Debt Bonds Payable 625,000.00 1,370,000.00 1,995,000.00 1,295,000.00 700,000.00 Bond Premium - 185,608.32 185,608.32 185,608.32 - Accounts Payable 3,445,638.80 541,049.85 3,986,688.65 3,281,727.97 704,960.68 Accrued Expenses Accrued Interest 46,554.69 50,779.17 97,333.86 103,551.62 (6,217.76) Accrued Payroll 45,991.16 12,169.95 58,161.11 58,165.31 (4.20) Total Current Liabilities 4,163,184.65 2,159,607.29 6,322,791.94 4,924,053.22 1,398,738.72 Long -Term Liabilities Noncurrent Portion of Long-term Debt 2017 Bonds 16,050,000.00 - 16,050,000.00 16,675,000.00 (625,000.00) 2012 Bonds - 12,530,000.00 12,530,000.00 13,900,000.00 (1,370,000.00) 2003 Bonds - - - - - Bond Premium 2012 616,165.68 1,190,986.35 1,807,152.03 2,026,217.31 (219,065.28) Pension Liability- Electric 2,700,290.00 - 2,700,290.00 3,083,440.00 (383,150.00) Pension Liability - Electric OPEB 72,192.00 - 72,192.00 - 72,192.00 Pension Liability- Nat Gas - 900,097.00 900,097.00 1,027,813.00 (127,716.00) Pension Liability - Nat Gas OPEB - 24,064.00 24,064.00 - 24,064.00 Accrued Vacation Payable 366,391.02 111,060.50 477,451.52 426,510.04 50,941.48 Accrued Severance 77,139.06 29,491.28 106,630.34 102,320.61 4,309.73 Deferred Outflows - Electric 804,800.00 - 804,800.00 794,370.00 10,430.00 Deferred Outflows - Nat Gas - 268,267.00 268,267.00 264,790.00 3,477.00 Total Long -Term Liabilities 20,686,977.76 15,053,966.13 35,740,943.89 38,300,460.96 (2,559,517.07) Net Position Retained Earnings 43,240,301.96 27,745,538.52 70,985,840.48 68,663,921.27 2,321,919.21 Total Net Position 43,240,301.96 27,745,538.52 70,985,840.48 68,663,921.27 2,321,919.21 Total Liabilities and Net Position 68,090,464.37 44,959,111.94 113,049,576.31 111,888,435.45 1,161,140.86 Hutchinson Utilities Commission Cash -Designations Report, Combined 6/30/2019 Change in Financial Annual Balance, Balance, Cash/Reserve Institution Current Interest Rate Interest June 2019 May 2019 Position Savings, Checking, Investments varies Total Operating Funds varies varies 27,923,724.21 27,643,746.61 279,977.60 Debt Reserve Requirements Bond Covenants - sinking fund Debt Reserve Requirements Bond Covenants -1 year Max. P & I Total Restricted Funds 27,923,724.21 27,643,746.61 279,977.60 2,339,911.96 2,077,182.26 262,729.70 2,711,029.66 2,711,029.66 - 5,050,941.62 4,788,211.92 262,729.70 Operating Reserve Min 60 days of 2019 Operating Bud. 6,086,812.00 6,086,812.00 Rate Stabalization Funds 1,024,043.29 1,024,043.29 PILOT Funds Charter (Formula Only) 1,601,424.00 1,601,424.00 Catastrophic Funds Risk Mitigation Amount 500,000.00 500,000.00 Capital Reserves 5 Year CIP ( 2019-2023 Fleet & Infrastructure Maintenance) 3,450,000.00 3,450,000.00 Total Designated Funds 12,662,279.29 12,662,279.29 YE YE YE YE YTD HUC 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Target Debt to Asset 32.4% 32.2% 40.2% 37.7% 37.2% III Current Ratio 2.52 3.06 3.36 3.93 4.39 RONA 1.31% 2.17% 1.82% 3.43% 1.14% Notes/Graphs: Change in Cash Balance (From 12131114 to 413012019) Month End Electric Elec. Change Natural Gas Gas Change Total Total Change 6/30/2019 13,260,210 14,663,514 27,923,724 12/31/2017 23,213,245 (9,953,035) 10,702,689 3,960,825 33,915,934 (5,992,210) 12/31/2016 8,612,801 14,600,444 9,500,074 1,202,615 18,112,875 15,803,059 12/31/2015 6,170,790 2,442,011 9,037,373 462,701 15,208,163 2,904,712 12/31/2014 3,598,821 2,571,969 6,765,165 2,272,208 10,363,986 4,844,177 * 2017's Signifcant increase in cash balance is due to issuing bonds for the generator project. Hutchinson Utilities Commission Cash -Designations Report, Electric 6/30/2019 Change in Financial Annual Balance, Balance, Cash/Reserve Institution Current Interest Rate Interest June 2019 May 2019 Position Savings, Checking, Investments varies varies varies 27,923,724.21 27,643,746.61 279,977.60 Total HUC Operating Funds 27,923,724.21 27,643,746.61 279,977.60 Debt Restricted Requirements Bond Covenants - sinking fund Debt Restricted Requirements Bond Covenants -1 year Max. P & I Total Restricted Funds 1,190,466.12 1,091,828.09 98,638.03 522,335.64 522,335.64 - 1,712,801.76 1,614,163.73 98,638.03 Operating Reserve Min 60 days of 2019 Operating Bud. 4,532,992.00 4,532,992.00 Rate Stabalization Funds $400K-$1.2K 372,736.68 372,736.68 PILOT Funds Charter (Formula Only) 1,106,279.00 1,106,279.00 Catastrophic Funds Risk Mitigation Amount 400,000.00 400,000.00 Capital Reserves 5 Year CIP ( 2019-2023 Fleet & Infrastructure Maintenance) 2,750,000.00 2,750,000.00 Total Designated Funds 9,162,007.68 9,162,007.68 YE YE YE YE YTD APPA Ratio HUC 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 SK-10K Cust. Target Debt to Asset Ratio (* w/Gen.) 13.9% 16.7% 35.4% 35.7% 36.5% 50.1% Current Ratio 2.95 3.57 4.36 3.63 3.71 2.43 RONA -1.2% -0.4% -0.6% -0.3% -0.8% NA >0% Hutchinson Utilities Commission Cash -Designations Report, Gas 6/30/2019 Change in Financial Annual Balance, Balance, Cash/Reserve Institution Current Interest Rate Interest June 2019 May 2019 Position Savings, Checking, Investments varies varies Total HUC Operating Funds Debt Restricted Requirements Bond Covenants - sinking fund Debt Restricted Requirements Bond Covenants -1 year Max. P & I Total Restricted Funds varies 27,923,724.21 27,643,746.61 279,977.60 27,923,724.21 27,643,746.61 279,977.60 1,149,445.84 985,354.17 164,091.67 2,188,694.02 2,188,694.02 - 3,338,139.86 3,174,048.19 164,091.67 Operating Reserve Min 60 days of 2019 Operating Bud. 1,553,820.00 1,553,820.00 Rate Stabalization Funds $200K-$600K 651,306.61 651,306.61 PILOT Funds Charter (Formula Only) 495,145.00 495,145.00 Catastrophic Funds Risk Mitigation Amount 100,000.00 100,000.00 Capital Reserves 5 Year CIP ( 2019-2023 Fleet & Infrastructure Maintenance) 700,000.00 700,000.00 Total Designated Funds 3,500,271.61 3,500,271.61 YE YE YE YE YTD HUC 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 APGA Ratio Target Debt to Asset 55.0% 51.2% 47.6% 40.7% 38.3% TBD Current Ratio 2.17 2.59 2.74 4.33 5.70 TBD RONA 4.7% 5.6% 5.0% 8.3% 4.2% TBD HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION Investment Report For the Month End,d June 30, 2019 Interest Cun-t Date of Date of Par Cun-t Purchase Unrealizetl Premium Next Institution Description Rate YTM Purchase Maturity Value Value Amount Gain/(Loss) (Discount) Call Date Wells Ferga Maney Market 1.600% 1.600% NA NA - 111,1M 01 - - - N/A Wells Fart CID 2.550% 2.550% 08/21 /2018 02/21 /2020 245000.00 245011.40 245000.00 61140 - N/A Wells Ferga CID 2.450% 2.450% 03/21/2019 03/21/2020 245000.00 245463.05 245000.00 46305 - N/A Wells Fargo CID 2.100% 2.100% 02/121/12018 08/21/2019 245000.00 244921.60 245000.00 (18.40) - N/A Wells Ferga CID 2.500% 2.500% 04/02/2019 04/05/2021 245000.00 246281.35 245000.00 128135 - N/A Wells Fargo CID 2.000% 2.000% 04/01/2016 10/07/2021 245000.00 243701.50 245000.00 (121150) - 10/0112019 Wells Ferga CID 2.150% 2.150% O6/21/2017 M 21/2022 245000.00 244213.55 245000.00 (7W 45) - 07127120 19 Wells Ferga GD's 2.600% 2.600% 03/29/2019 03/29/2021 245000.00 245196.00 245000.00 19600 - 09/29/2019 Wells Ferga FHLMC-Step 2.000% 2.192% O6/29/2011 M29/2022 275000.00 275088.00 215000.00 8800 - 09/29'2019 Wells Ferga FH LMC-Step 2.000% 2.2M% 10/27/2016 10/27/2023 1025000.00 1023190.50 1025000.00 (1209.50) 01/21/2019 Broker Total 25.7 3 015 000.00 3, 139002.97 3 015 000.00 (727 05) - Cetera In vestment Services Maney Merkel 0.200% 0.200% N/A N/A - 24150.85 - - - N/A Getera Investment Services U.S. Treasury Bill 2.230% 2.230% 02/19/2019 08/15/2019 1,615,600.00 1,611361.13 1598315.24 13051.89 (1128476) N/A Cetera lmest-t Services Municipal 8antls 2.995% 2.013% 03/01/2016 07/01/2020 250000.00 251,6 25.00 260035.21 (9210.21) 10035.21 WA Cetera lmest-tServices Municipal 8antls 2.750% 1.881% 03/01/2016 08/01/2020 250000.00 252091.50 259020.00 (1122.50) 902000 N/A Getera Investment Services Municipal 8antls 2.163% 1.119% 03/08/2016 01/01 /2019 500000.00 500000.00 508145.00 (6,145.00) 6,14500 N/A Cetera lmest-t Services Municipal 8antls 5.000% 1.610% 10/11/2016 01/01/2020 250000.00 254501.5' 276500.00 (2199250) 26510.00 WA Cetera lmest-t Services Municipal 8antls 2.875% 2.121% 04/29/2016 09/01/2021 250000.00 254121.50 259461.50 (5340.00) 946750 N/A Cetera lmest-t Services Municipal 8antls 3.751% 2.399% 04/29/2016 11/01/2021 250000.00 256461.50 26133/00 (10,M250) 11330.00 N/A Cetera Investment Services Municipal 8antls Bantls 3.139% 2.190% 12/11/2017 09/01 /2021 300000.00 305979.00 310,116.00 (4,131.00) 10116.00 N/A Getera Investment Services Mu nicipal 2055% 2208% 12/11/2011 03/01 /2022 300000.00 304098.00 305314.92 (61692) 531492 N/A Getera Investment Services Municipal 8antls 2.300% 1.715% 12/11/2017 10/01/2020 100000.00 100,434.00 101595.00 (1,161.00) 159500 N/A Cetera l m est_t Services Municipal 8antls 3.240% 3.240% 11/17/2017 02/15/2023 80000.00 12112.00 69,633.48 307852 (10,36652) N/A Cetera l m est_t Services Municipal 8antls 3.436% 3.436% 12/20/2018 12/15/2021 50000.00 1 M6.50 47, 45155.00 191150 (4045.00) N/A Cetera l m est_t Services Municipal 8antls 3.000% 3.118% 12/20/2018 08/01/2022 50000.00 51246.00 50311.67 M 33 31101 N/A Cetera l m est_t Services Municipal 8antls 3.633% 3.116% 12/20/2018 09/01/2022 250000.00 257, 65.00 257211.48 74752 121748 N/A Cetera l m est_t Services Municipal 8antls 3650% 3.004% 12/20/2018 02/01/2023 250000.00 260061.50 256165.00 470250 6,16500 N/A Cetera l m est_t Services Municipal 8antls 3.075% 3.236% 12/20/2018 M/0112023 50000.00 51323.00 49746.15 151605 (25305) WA Cetera l m est_t Services Municipal 8antls 2.500% 3.181% 12/20/2018 08/01/2023 35000.00 35313.95 34320.05 99390 (61995) N/A Cetera l m est_t Services Municipal 8antls 3.400% 3.148% 12/20/2018 11/01/2023 125000.00 128348.15 126376.25 191250 137625 WA Cetera l m est_t Services Municipal 8antls 3.400% 3.148% 12/20/2018 11/01/2023 65000.00 88141.35 65715.65 102570 71565 N/A Cetera l m est_t Services Municipal 8antls 2.854% 3.173% 12/20/2018 02/01/2024 100000.00 102013.00 99005.96 300704 (39404) N/A Cetera l m est_t Services Municipal 8antls 2.911% 3.246% 12/20/2018 03/15/2024 250000.00 255722.50 248,143.99 691851 (12'ol N/A Cetera l m est_t Services Municipal 8antls 3.922% 3.429% 12/20/2018 12/01/2024 250000.00 268011.50 251122.49 11,695.01 1,12249 N/A Cetera l m est_t Services Municipal 8antls 5.290% 2.724% 04/18/2019 M/0112023 260000.00 281365.00 291059.96 (3094.96) 31059.96 N/A Cetera l m est_t Services Municipal 8antls 5.742% 3.658% 04/11/2019 08/01 /2024 500000.00 549900.00 555382.5' (5482.50) 55382.50 N/A Getera Investment Services Municipal 8antls 4.400% 3.221% 04/11/2019 07/01/2025 5W, 00.00 5H,15.00 539101.11 MH 39101.11 07/01/2023 Cetera l m est_t Services Municipal 8antls 5.640% 3.001% 04/18/2019 08/15/2025 205000.00 170,424.70 169131.95 68675 (3526205) N/A Cetera l m est_t Services Municipal 8antls 3.743% 2.740% 04/18/2019 09/15/2025 215000.00 221263.60 228334.53 (1010.13) 13334.53 WA Getera Investment Services Municipal 8antls 4.250% 3.258% 04/11/2019 01 /01'2026 510000.00 528010.00 5297. 03 (1099.03) 29169.03 N/A Cetera l m est_t Services Municipal 8antls 6.690% 3.3M 04/18/2019 04/15/2026 60000.00 48599.40 41545.20 105420 (12'45410) N/A Cetera l m est_t Services Municipal 8antls 3.250% 2.903% 04/18/2019 08/01'026 500000.00 512515.00 514190.6' (2,225.69) 14190.69 N/A Cetera l m est_t Services Municipal 8antls 3.332% 3.120% 04/18/2019 04/15/2021 500000.00 522390.00 501183.94 14606.M 178394 N/A Broker Total 74.3% 8,M0000.00 9099953.73 9089122.95 (1332007) 228522.95 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 100.0% $ 11,875,600.00 $ 12,239,556.70 $ 12,104,122.95 $ (14,047.12) $ 228,522.95 M aney Market $149480.87 1.2% $135791.27 1.1% $13089.60 CD's 1 115 394.45 14 0% 1 109 30131 14 0% 6 093.15 GO---t 8antls 2,910245.63 230% 2,904461.18 239% 518445 Municipal 8antls 1464435.75 610% 1425055.45 610% 39380.30 TOTAL $12,239,556.70 100.0% $12,1 ]4,609.20 100.0% $64,94].50 Less than 1 year $3251357.55 26 6% 1-2 years 1095,633.85 9.0% 2-3 years 1,6 6253.55 135% 3-4 years 1256566.50 103% 4-5 years 1,61253115 132% 5+years 336121520 275% TOTAL $12,239,556.]0 100.0% $3500000.00 $3,251 55 �3,367,215 $3 000 0W.00 $2,500,000.00 $z,0oo,oao.0o $1656,254 $i 612,530 $1 saa,oao.00 "$T2563 $10956 0 $So0.o00.00 IIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRIII $0.00 x x :..... Less than Iyear 1-2years 2-3years 3-4 years 4-5 years 5+1ear1 ELECTRIC DIVISION Operating Revenue June 2019 CLASS AMOUNT KWH /KWH Street Lights $0.44 8 $0.05500 Electric Residential Service $498,785.53 4,464,525 $0.11172 All Electric Residential Service $14,647.79 123,993 $0.11813 Electric Small General Service $174,899.77 1,565,160 $0.11175 Electric Large General Service $725,664.13 7,018,170 $0.10340 Electric Large Industrial Service $887,805.13 9,811,000 $0.09049 Total $2,301,802.79 22,982,856 $0.10015 Power Adjustment $0.01433 Rate Without Power Adjustment $0.08582 Electric Division Year -to -Date M2019$A--t 02018$A--t ■2019KWH110 02018 KWH110 16,000,000 15,000,000 14,000,000 13,000,000 12,000,000 11,000,000 10,000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 Street Lights Residential All Elec. Small Gen. Large Gen. Large For Resale Total Resid. Srv. Srv. Industrial NOTE: Sales for resale includes capacity sales, market sales and Transalta sales. NATURAL GAS DIVISION Operating Revenue JUNE 2019 CLASS AMOUNT MCF /$ MCF Residential $96,531.12 7,032 $13.72741 Commercial $85,967.92 9,624 $8.93266 Large Industrial $41,320.10 4,634 $8.91672 Large Industrial Contracts $156,847.10 42,937 $3.65296 Total $380,666.24 64,227 $5.92689 ® 2019 $ Amount 10,000,000 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 Fuel Adjustment-$1.49000 Rate Without Fuel Adjustment $7.41689 Natural Gas Division Year -to -Date 0 2018 $ Amount ■ 2019 MCF 132018 MCF Gas Residential Gas Commercial Large Industrial Large Industrial Total Contracts eReliability I Monthly Statistics Page 1 of 5 Monthly Report - Hutchinson Utilities Hutchinson Utilities Commission Commission Year Minimum duration Substation 2019 ----- Month Maximum duration Circuit 06 - June ----- Annual Report? Top-level Cause Remove Major Events? 0 Yes Unscheduled ----- No https://reliability.publicpower.org/reports/monthly/utility/9l /?year=2019&month=6&is_an... 7/23/2019 eReliability I Monthly Statistics Page 2 of 5 IEEE 1366 Statistics Metric SAIDI SAIFI CAIDI ASAI Momentary Interruptions Sustained Interruptions Circuit Ranking - Worst Performing Ranked by Outage Count Circuit Substation Fdr#12 Plant 1 Ranked by Customer Interruptions Circuit Substation Fdr#12 Plant 1 Ranked by Customer Minutes of Duration Circuit Substation Fdr#12 Plant 1 Jun 2019 Jun 2018 0.032 0.035 0.00042 0.00042 78 85 99.9999% 99.9999% 0 0 1 1 Number of Outages 1 Customer Interruptions K Customer Minutes of Duration 234 https:llreliability.publicpower. org/reports/monthly/utility/9l /?year=2019&month=6&is_an... 7/23/2019 eReliability I Monthly Statistics Page 3 of 5 Historical Monthly SAIDI Chart 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 SAIDI values 0,,, Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Historical Monthly SAIFI Chart 0.08[- Monthly SAIFI 0.07 Ave aae of monthl SAIFI values 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 https://reliability.publicpower.org/reports/monthly/utility/9l/?year=2019&month=6&is an... 7/23/2019 eReliability I Monthly Statistics Page 4 of 5 Causes Ranked by Count Cause Tree Causes Ranked by Duration Cause Tree Count Duration 234 https://reliability.publicpower. org/reports/monthly/utility/91 /?year=2019&month=6&is_an... 7/23/2019 eReliability I Monthly Statistics Page 5 of 5 Top 1 Outages for the Month Customers Customer Minutes of Address Interrupted Duration Interruption 20426 Hwy 15 3 78 234 N Total Customers Affected for the Month: Average Customers Affected per Outage: Start Date 06/14/2019 3 3 https:llreliability.publicpower.org/reports/monthly/utility/9l /?year=2019&month=6&is_an... 7/23/2019 Electric Production Work Order Description Materials 11708 Units 6 & 7 $ 14,369,702.00 11901 Plant 1 Heating/Air Conditioning 10,000.00 11902 East Engine Room Shop Floor Epoxy 35,000.00 11903 Plant 1 Cooling Tower Upgrade 80,000.00 11904 Unit 8 Controls Upgrade 270,000.00 11905 Lube Oil and Glycol Maintenance Plant 1 40,000.00 11906 Replacement Hoist in East Engine Room 30,000.00 11907 Unit 1 Circuit Breaker - $ 14,834,702.00 Total Total Percentage Labor Budseted Actual Difference Comp,l„eted $ - $ 14,369,702.00 $ 15,476,410.81 $ 1,106,708.81 95% 2,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ (12,000.00) $ 35,000.00 $ (35,000.00) $ 80,000.00 8,742.93 $ (71,257.07) 10% 35,000.00 $ 305,000.00 58,928.34 $ (246,071.66) 10% 10,000.00 $ 50,000.00 4,961.68 $ (45,038.32) 10% - $ 30,000.00 $ (30,000.00) $ 37,043.95 $ 37,043.95 75% $ 47,000.00 $ 14,881,702.00 $ 15,586,087.71 $ 704,385.71 Work Order Description 21901 Pole Repair or Replacement 21902 Station Equipment 21903 Step Up Transformer Unit 3 21904 Duct for Reconductor 21905 Century Court Apartments 21906 Highfield Apartments 21907 Feeder 15 and 16 Reconductor 21908 New Developments 21909 City Road Projects 21910 Century Court Apartments 21911 Transformer Replacements 21912 Transformer New Developments 21913 Highfield Apartments 21914 Meters 21915 Hutchinson Substation Circuit Breaker Electric Distribution Total Total Percentage Materials Labor R3 d eted Actual Difference Completed 15,000.00 - 15,000.00 - $ (15,000.00) 10,000.00 10,000.00 2,226.95 $ (7,773.05) 10% 100,000.00 5,000.00 105,000.00 940.94 $ (104,059.06) 5% 15,000.00 65,000.00 80,000.00 5,481.88 $ (74,518.12) 10% 20,000.00 15,000.00 35,000.00 323.92 $ (34,676.08) 5% 20,000.00 15,000.00 35,000.00 - $ (35,000.00) 50,000.00 100,000.00 150,000.00 26,527.84 $ (123,472.16) 20% 50,000.00 50,000.00 21,828.27 $ (28,171.73) 20% 50,000.00 20,000.00 70,000.00 22,897.00 $ (47,103.00) 25% 20,000.00 5,000.00 25,000.00 - $ (25,000.00) 40,000.00 14,000.00 54,000.00 502.60 $ (53,497.40) 5% 50,000.00 - 50,000.00 1,005.11 $ (48,994.89) 5% 15,000.00 3,000.00 18,000.00 - $ (18,000.00) 30,000.00 30,000.00 - $ (30,000.00) - - - 79,500.00 $ 79,500.00 75% $ 485,000.00 $ 242,000.00 $ 727,000.00 $ 161,234.51 $ (565,765.49) Administrative Total Work Order Descrtion Bud Feted„ 51901 Replace #542 2008 Silverado 26,523.00 51902 Replace #573 2008 Super Duty Truck 60,000.00 51903 Replace #827 Tahoe 30,000.00 51904 Replace #651 38,192.00 51905 Replace Vehicle #623 66,837.00 $ 221,552.00 Total Actual Diffewrence 26,523.00 43,288.60 16,711.40 - 30,000.00 30,145.50 8,046.50 40,597.10 26,239.90 $ 114,031.20 $ (107,520.80) Percentage ; om leted Natural Gas Work Total Order Description Materials Labor Budgeted 61901 Replace Regulators Station 2 $ 28,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 61902 Misc Developments and Improvements 100,000.00 25,000.00 125,000.00 61903 5Th Ave (Lynn to Ontario) 300,000.00 20,000.00 320,000.00 61904 SCD Trunk Storm - $ 61905 South Grade Corridor (Dale to Hwy 15) 50,000.00 5,500.00 $ 55,500.00 61906 Clinton Ave SW (Harrington to Merrill) 20,000.00 2,750.00 $ 22,750.00 61907 South Grade Road (School Road to Dale) 5,000.00 2,000.00 $ 7,000.00 61908 Trunk Hwy 7 Pedestrian Trail Improvements 10,000.00 4,000.00 $ 14,000.00 61909 Century Court Apartments 5,000.00 2,000.00 $ 7,000.00 61910 Waller Drive (Feed to HTI) - - $ 61911 Isolated Main Replacement (btn Barley and Glenda) 95,000.00 25,000.00 $ 120,000.00 61912 Regulator Station Improvements 20,000.00 3,000.00 $ 23,000.00 61913 Service Lines 57,000.00 35,000.00 $ 92,000.00 61914 Meters, AMI, and all Fittings 95,000.00 4,000.00 $ 99,000.00 61915 Residential Regulators 35,000.00 $ 35,000.00 61916 Trunk Hwy 15 State Improvement Project 225,000.00 5,000.00 $ 230,000.00 61917 Industrial Metering and Regulation 80,000.00 7,000.00 $ 87,000.00 61918 Pressure Monitors- AMI System, Laser Gas Detector 20,000.00 3,500.00 $ 23,500.00 $ 1,145,000.00 $ 145,750.00 $ 1,290,750.00 $ Total Percentage Actual Difference Completed 29,194.74 $ (805.26) 90% 8,576.82 $ (116,423.18) 10% 9,165.44 $ (310,834.56) 10% 1,399.80 $ 1,399.80 5% - $ (55,500.00) - $ (22,750.00) - $ (7,000.00) - $ (14,000.00) 1,360.96 $ (5,639.04) 10% 3,837.51 $ 3,837.51 10% $ (120,000.00) $ (23,000.00) 17,981.50 $ (74,018.50) 20% 18,012.57 $ (80,987.43) 20% $ (35,000.00) 1,705.32 $ (228,294.68) 5% 5,789.55 $ (81,210.45) 5% - .._..............._....._ $ (23,500.00) 97,024.21 $ (1,193,725.79) HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION ,c�,« Board Action Form 'AlUTlt Agenda Item: Review Policies Jeremv Carter Review Policies BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: es As part of HUC's standard operating procedures, a continual policy review is practiced. This month, the following policies were reviewed and no changes are recommended on these policies at this time: Appendices of Exempt Handbook Appendices of Non -Exempt Handbook BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: None EXEMPT I, APPENDICES APPENDIX A - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Hutchinson Utilities Employee Handbook and that I am responsible for being familiar with its contents. I understand the Hutchinson Utilities Employee Handbook does not create a contract between Hutchinson Utilities and me. I also understand that Hutchinson Utilities may revise the contents of the Employee Handbook at its discretion. Date: Employee's Signature 1 APPENDIX B — NEW EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I, Commission") as have been hired by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission ("the I acknowledge that I will serve a nine (9) month probationary period, ending the day of , 20 , unless the General Manager extends my probation a maximum of three (3) additional months. I understand that until my probationary period is completed, the Commission may terminate me at any time and without cause. Date: Employee's Signature APPENDIX C — TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I , have been hired by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission ("the Commission") as , which is a temporary position. I acknowledge that this position will not exceed six (6) months and the Commission may terminate it without cause at any time. I also understand I accrue no rights to reappointment to this position if it becomes open again in the future. I understand as a temporary employee, I am not entitled to any benefits, and that I may be terminated from the position at any time and without cause. Date: Employee's Signature 3 APPENDIX D - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I, acknowledge that I have received a copy of the APPA-Utilities Safety Handbook and that I am responsible for being familiar with its contents. I understand I must follow all safety rules and regulations in the APPA Safety Handbook and any other safety rules adopted by Hutchinson Utilities. Date: Employee's Signature 4 NON-EXEMPT I, APPENDICES APPENDIX A - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Hutchinson Utilities Employee Handbook and that I am responsible for being familiar with its contents. I understand the Hutchinson Utilities Employee Handbook does not create a contract between Hutchinson Utilities and me. I also understand that Hutchinson Utilities may revise the contents of the Employee Handbook at its discretion. Date: Employee's Signature 5 APPENDIX B — NEW EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I, Commission") as have been hired by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission ("the I acknowledge that I will serve a six (6) month probationary period, ending the day of , 20 , unless the General Manager extends my probation a maximum of three (3) additional months. I understand that until my probationary period is completed, the Commission may terminate me at any time and without cause. Date: Employee's Signature 0 APPENDIX C — TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I , have been hired by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission ("the Commission") as , which is a temporary position. I acknowledge that this position will not exceed six (6) months and the Commission may terminate it without cause at any time. I also understand I accrue no rights to reappointment to this position if it becomes open again in the future. I understand as a temporary employee, I am not entitled to any benefits, and that I may be terminated from the position at any time and without cause. Date: Employee's Signature 7 APPENDIX D - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I, acknowledge that I have received a copy of the APPA-Utilities Safety Handbook and that I am responsible for being familiar with its contents. I understand I must follow all safety rules and regulations in the APPA Safety Handbook and any other safety rules adopted by Hutchinson Utilities. Date: Employee's Signature 91 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 9111t Board Action Form Agenda Item: Approve Requisition #007927 Presenter: Randy Blake Agenda Item Type: Time iRequested (Minutes):5 New Business Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Unit 5 Wartsila 20V34SG gas fired engine was commissioned in April of 2013. When the unit was purchased it came with a few operating spare parts mostly sensors and o-rings. Requisition # 007927 will be for the recommended emergency spare parts for the rotating portions of the engine ie: Cylinder heads, pistons,cylinder liners, connecting rods and bearings. These parts will allow our mechanics to perform maintenance repairs on the engine if a failure would occur during normal operations and return it to service in a timely manner. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve requisition # 007927 to Wartsila North America in the amount of $130,219.78 Fiscal' Impact: 130,219.78 Included in current budget:' Yes Budget Change: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: 44 803.43 Remaining Cost: HUTCHINSON UTILITIES ra,�itiak° tt ni'i ni'it II Ewa s�io ni Note PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 WARTSILA OF NORTH AMERICA, INC DEPT 2450 PO BOX 122450 DALLAS, TX 75312 Description: Inventory Order Date Requisition No. 04/23/2019 007927 Required by: Requested by: jsturges Item No. part No. Description Qty Unit Due Date Unit Price Ext. Amount LUBRICATION, CONTACT, LINER TO BLOCK - MFG. PART: 387 038 1 005-00433 4.00 EA $59.390 $237.56 SCREW, LINER TOP - MFG. PART: 100 112 2 005-00434 4.00 EA $2.800 $11.20 SCREW, LINER TOP - MFG. PART: 100 193 3 005-00435 4.00 EA $3.470 $13.88 CLAMP, LINER TOP - MFG. PART: 100 237 4 005-00436 4.00 EA $29.690 $118.76 O-RING, LINER - MFG. PART: 100 023 5 005-00438 4.00 EA $26.890 $107.56 O-RING, LINER WATER JUMPER - MFG. PART: 100 113 6 005-00439 2.00 EA $11.210 $22.42 LINER, CYLINDER - MFG. PART: 100 110 7 005-00009 2.00 EA $6,510.110 $13,020.22 KIT, MAIN BEARING - MFG. PART: 100 342 8 005-00012 2.00 EA $862.790 $1,725.58 Date Printed: 07/15/2019 Requisitioned By: jsturges Page: 1/4 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES ra,�itiaa° oni'initIIIEwasrioI'II Note PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 WARTSILA OF NORTH AMERICA, INC DEPT 2450 PO BOX 122450 DALLAS, TX 75312 Description: Inventory Order Date Requisition No. 04/23/2019 007927 Required by: Requested by: jsturges Item No. part No. Description Qty Unit Due Date Unit Price Ext. Amount KIT, THRUST BEARING - MFG. PART: 100 341 9 005-00014 2.00 EA $1,960.880 $3,921.76 CAP, MAIN BEARING - MFG. PART: 100 184 10 005-00015 1.00 EA $1,871.240 $1,871.24 LINER, WATER JACKET - MFG. PART: 100 115 11 005-00016 2.00 EA $649.890 $1,299.78 COVER, CRANKCASE WITH RELIEF - MFG. PART: 107 013 12 005-00030 1.00 EA $1,131.710 $1,131.71 COVER,CRANKCASE- MFG. PART: 107 014 13 005-00031 1.00 EA $605.070 $605.07 SCREW - MFG. PART: 107 015 14 005-00230 12.00 EA $2.800 $33.60 KIT, BIG END BEARING - MFG. PART: 111 016 15 005-00250 2.00 EA $946.820 $1,893.64 KIT, BIG END BEARING - MFG. PART: 111 010 16 005-00270 2.00 EA $8,784.720 $17,569.44 Date Printed: 07/15/2019 Requisitioned By: jsturges Page: 2/4 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES ra,�itiaa° oni'initIIIEwasrioI'II Note PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 WARTSILA OF NORTH AMERICA, INC DEPT 2450 PO BOX 122450 DALLAS, TX 75312 Description: Inventory Order Date Requisition No. 04/23/2019 007927 Required by: Requested by: jsturges Item No. part No. Description Qty Unit Due Date Unit Price Ext. Amount ROD, CONNECTING UPPER - MFG. PART: 111 011 17 005-00271 2.00 EA $7,585.790 $15,171.58 SHIM, CONNECTING ROD - MFG. PART: 111 015 18 005-00280 2.00 EA $435.870 $871.74 BUSHING, GUDGEON PIN BEARING - MFG. PART: 111 002 19 005-00290 2.00 EA $588.260 $1,176.52 PISTON - MFG. PART: 113 001 20 005-00530 2.00 EA $14,174.330 $28,348.66 HEAD, CYLINDER WITH VALVES - MFG. PART: 120 060 21 005-00531 2.00 EA $17,759.930 $35,519.86 ROD, PUSH - MFG. PART: 145 001 22 005-00532 4.00 EA $411.220 $1,644.88 RING, SECURING - MFG. PART: 113 009 23 005-00540 4.00 EA $10.980 $43.92 PIN, GUDGEON - MFG. PART: 113 010 24 005-00462 2.00 EA $1,490.270 $2,980.54 Date Printed: 07/15/2019 Requisitioned By: jsturges Page: 3/4 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES ra,�itiaa° oni'initIIIEwasrioI'II Note PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 WARTSILA OF NORTH AMERICA, INC DEPT 2450 PO BOX 122450 DALLAS, TX 75312 Description: Inventory Order Date Requisition No. 04/23/2019 007927 Required by: Requested by: jsturges Item No. part No. Description Qty Unit Due Date Unit Price Ext. Amount PIPE, PROTECTING FOR PUSH ROD - MFG. PART: 145 002 25 005-00251 2.00 EA $68.440 $136.88 RING, ANTI -POLISHING. - MFG. PART: 100 003 26 005-00011 2.00 EA $370.890 $741.78 Total: 130,219.78 Date Printed: 07/15/2019 Requisitioned By: jsturges Page: 4/4 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 9111t Board Action Form Agenda Item: Approve Requisition #007933 Presenter: Randy Blake Agenda Item Type: Time iRequested (Minutes):5 New Business Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: This requisition is for the remainder of recommended emergency spare parts for the Unit 5 Wartsila WV34SG engine as non -rotating parts. Filters, ignition leads, shaft seals, Gaskets etc. are included in this order. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve requisition # 007933 to Wartsila North America in the amount of $34,944.68 Fiscal Impact: $34,944.68 Included in current budget:' Yes Budget Change: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Remaining Cost: ; 0 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES ra,�itiak° tt ni'i ni'it II Ewa s�io ni Note PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 WARTSILA OF NORTH AMERICA, INC DEPT 2450 PO BOX 122450 DALLAS, TX 75312 Description: Inventory Order Date Requisition No. 04/25/2019 007933 Required by: Requested by: jsturges Item No. part No. Description Qty Unit Due Date Unit Price Ext. Amount SENSOR, TEMPERATURE, EXHAUST GAS, - 504-128 MFG. 1 005-00143 PART: 504 128 3.00 EA $411.110 $1,233.33 THERMOELEMENT, MAIN BEARING, 507 085 - MFG. PART: 507 085 2 005-00144 3.00 EA $404.390 $1,213.17 FILTER, FINE, FOR REGULATORS, 330 042 - MFG. PART: 330 042 3 005-00158 2.00 EA $173.630 $347.26 FILTER ELEMENT, GAS RAMP, 1161771040 - MFG. PART: 1161771040 4 005-00159 2.00 EA $991.380 $1,982.76 TERMINAL BOX - A - BANK, 501 094 - MFG. PART: 501 094 5 005-00170 1.00 EA $2,105.980 $2,105.98 TERMINAL BOX - B - BANK, 501 159 - MFG. PART: 501 159 6 005-00171 1.00 EA $1,758.710 $1,758.71 CABLE GLAND, 501 074 - MFG. PART: 501 074 7 005-00172 1.00 EA $19.040 $19.04 FUSE, 516 372 - MFG. PART: 516 372 8 005-00183 3.00 EA $2.800 $8.40 Date Printed: 07/15/2019 Requisitioned By: jsturges Page: 1/9 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES ra,�itiaa° oni'initIIIEwasrioI'II Note PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 WARTSILA OF NORTH AMERICA, INC DEPT 2450 PO BOX 122450 DALLAS, TX 75312 Description: Inventory Order Date Requisition No. 04/25/2019 007933 Required by: Requested by: jsturges Item No. part No. Description Qty Unit Due Date Unit Price Ext. Amount FUSE, 516 373 - MFG. PART: 516 373 9 005-00184 3.00 EA $2.800 $8.40 SENSOR, TEMPERATURE, TE601 - MFG. PART: TE601 10 005-00187 3.00 EA $357.340 $1,072.02 FUSE, CERAMIC, 1 AMP 5 X 20 MM, 516 596 - MFG. PART: 516 596 11 005-00189 2.00 EA $2.800 $5.60 SEAL, SHAFT, FOR TP-40-240-2, 985844 - MFG. PART: 985 844 12 005-00193 2.00 EA $388.710 $777.42 PROTECTION WELL, EXHAUST GAS, 504 137 - MFG. PART: 504 137 13 005-00194 2.00 EA $133.300 $266.60 FILTER, MAIN GAS VALVE, 164 076 - MFG. PART: 164 076 14 005-00001 6.00 EA $172.510 $1,035.06 FILTER CARTRIDGE, GAS RAMP, 470 258 - MFG. PART: 470 258 15 005-00002 5.00 EA $991.380 $4,956.90 O-RING, 78.97*3.35, 100 131 - MFG. PART: 100 131 16 005-00101 2.00 EA $5.600 $11.20 Date Printed: 07/15/2019 Requisitioned By: jsturges Page: 2/9 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES ra,�itiaa° oni'initIIIEwasrioI'II Note PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 WARTSILA OF NORTH AMERICA, INC DEPT 2450 PO BOX 122450 DALLAS, TX 75312 Description: Inventory Order Date Requisition No. 04/25/2019 007933 Required by: Requested by: jsturges Item No. part No. Description Qty Unit Due Date Unit Price Ext. Amount RING, SEALING, A27*32, 350815 - MFG. PART: 350 815 17 005-00108 20.00 EA $3.470 $69.40 COMPRESSION RING, 113 004 - MFG. PART: 113 004 18 005-00120 5.00 EA $688.920 $3,444.60 GASKET, HOSE 434*3/6L=1382, 107 002 - MFG. PART: 107 002 19 005-00127 3.00 EA $9.190 $27.57 GASKET, HOSE 484*3/6L=1540, 107 143 - MFG. PART: 107 143 20 005-00128 3.00 EA $14.000 $42.00 IGNITION COIL WITH FLYING LEAD, 120 095 - MFG. PART: 120 095 21 005-00129 4.00 EA $660.920 $2,643.68 SEAL RING, 54.5/42.5*2.5, 124004 - MFG. PART: 124 004 22 005-00131 6.00 EA $45.370 $272.22 SEALING SET FOR PRE -CHAMBER VALVE, - 124043 MFG. 23 005-00132 24 043 PARSPRING, 5.00 EA $33.050 $165.25 COMPRESSION FOR PRE -CHAMBER - VALVE, 124032 24 005-00133 MFG. PART: 124 032 5.00 EA $55.450 $277.25 Date Printed: 07/15/2019 Requisitioned By: jsturges Page: 3/9 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES ra,�itiaa° oni'initIIIEwasrioI'II Note PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 WARTSILA OF NORTH AMERICA, INC DEPT 2450 PO BOX 122450 DALLAS, TX 75312 Description: Inventory Order Date Requisition No. 04/25/2019 007933 Required by: Requested by: jsturges Item No. part No. Description Qty Unit Due Date Unit Price Ext. Amount VALVE, RELIEF, CRANKCASE COVER - MFG. PART: 107 016 25 005-00407 1.00 EA $510.810 $510.81 PLATE, PRESSURE, SIDE COVER - MFG. PART: 107 486 26 005-00416 2.00 EA $52.650 $105.30 PLATE, PRESSURE, SIDE COVER - MFG. PART: 107 164 27 005-00417 2.00 EA $39.770 $79.54 ELEMENT, RUBBER, SIDE COVER - MFG. PART: 107 481 28 005-00418 2.00 EA $28.010 $56.02 PLUG, END COVER - MFG. PART: 107 403 29 005-00419 2.00 EA $5.260 $10.52 RING, SEALING, END COVER - MFG. PART: 107 405 30 005-00420 2.00 EA $3.140 $6.28 O-RING, END COVER - MFG. PART: 107 414 31 005-00421 2.00 EA $3.810 $7.62 O-RING, END COVER - MFG. PART: 107 416 32 005-00422 2.00 EA $13.440 $26.88 Date Printed: 07/15/2019 Requisitioned By: jsturges Page: 4/9 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES ra,�itiaa° oni'initIIIEwasrioI'II Note PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 WARTSILA OF NORTH AMERICA, INC DEPT 2450 PO BOX 122450 DALLAS, TX 75312 Description: Inventory Order Date Requisition No. 04/25/2019 007933 Required by: Requested by: jsturges Item No. part No. Description Qty Unit Due Date Unit Price Ext. Amount O-RING, END COVER - MFG. PART: 107 516 33 005-00423 2.00 EA $8.180 $16.36 SCREW, CYLINDER HEAD COVER - MFG. PART: 107 003 34 005-00425 2.00 EA $3.470 $6.94 WASHER, SEALING, CYLINDER HEAD COVER MFG. PART: 35 005-00426 107 140 2.00 EA $9.750 $19.50 WASHER, CYLINDER HEAD COVER - MFG. PART: 107 142 36 005-00427 2.00 EA $4.700 $9.40 BUSHING, CYLINDER HEAD COVER - MFG. PART: 107 557 37 005-00429 2.00 EA $30.250 $60.50 BUSHING, CYLINDER HEAD COVER - MFG. PART: 107 558 38 005-00430 2.00 EA $29.690 $59.38 WASHER, RETAINING, CYLINDER HEAD COVER - 39 005-00431 MFG. PART: 107 466 2.00 EA $2.800 $5.60 SUPPORT, CYLINDER HEAD COVER - MFG. PART: 107 556 40 005-00440 2.00 EA $70.570 $141.14 Date Printed: 07/15/2019 Requisitioned By: jsturges Page: 5/9 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES ra,�itiaa° oni'initIIIEwasrioI'II Note PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 WARTSILA OF NORTH AMERICA, INC DEPT 2450 PO BOX 122450 DALLAS, TX 75312 Description: Inventory Order Date Requisition No. 04/25/2019 007933 Required by: Requested by: jsturges Item No. part No. Description Qty Unit Due Date Unit Price Ext. Amount O-RING, LT & HT THERMOSTAT VALVE - MFG. PART: 107 339 41 005-00441 4.00 EA $11.760 $47.04 PLUG, EQUIPMENT PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 315 42 005-00442 2.00 EA $3.360 $6.72 SEALING RING, EQUIPMENT PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 320 43 005-00443 2.00 EA $3.140 $6.28 PIN, EQUIPMENT PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 318 44 005-00444 2.00 EA $5.830 $11.66 O-RING, EQUIPMENT PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 335 45 005-00445 2.00 EA $14.000 $28.00 O-RING, EQUIPMENT PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 438 46 005-00446 2.00 EA $16.240 $32.48 O-RING, EQUIPMENT PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 748 47 005-00447 2.00 EA $4.140 $8.28 O-RING, EQUIPMENT PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 330 48 005-00448 2.00 EA $5.150 $10.30 Date Printed: 07/15/2019 Requisitioned By: jsturges Page: 6/9 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES ra,�itiaa° oni'initIIIEwasrioI'II Note PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 WARTSILA OF NORTH AMERICA, INC DEPT 2450 PO BOX 122450 DALLAS, TX 75312 Description: Inventory Order Date Requisition No. 04/25/2019 007933 Required by: Requested by: jsturges Item No. part No. Description Qty Unit Due Date Unit Price Ext. Amount O-RING, EQUIPMENT PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 096 49 005-00449 2.00 EA $4.030 $8.06 SEALING RING, PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 321 50 005-00450 2.00 EA $5.260 $10.52 O-RING, EQUIPMENT PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 332 51 005-00451 2.00 EA $7.280 $14.56 O-RING, EQUIPMENT PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 333 52 005-00452 2.00 EA $2.800 $5.60 O-RING, EQUIPMENT PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 431 53 005-00453 2.00 EA $10.640 $21.28 O-RING, EQUIPMENT PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 336 54 005-00454 2.00 EA $6.270 $12.54 O-RING, PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 337 55 005-00455 2.00 EA $41.450 $82.90 PLUG, PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 535 56 005-00456 2.00 EA $24.640 $49.28 Date Printed: 07/15/2019 Requisitioned By: jsturges Page: 7/9 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES ra,�itiaa° oni'initIIIEwasrioI'II Note PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 WARTSILA OF NORTH AMERICA, INC DEPT 2450 PO BOX 122450 DALLAS, TX 75312 Description: Inventory Order Date Requisition No. 04/25/2019 007933 Required by: Requested by: jsturges Item No. part No. Description Qty Unit Due Date Unit Price Ext. Amount SEALING RING, PLUG, PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 536 57 005-00457 2.00 EA $3.140 $6.28 O-RING, PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 655 58 005-00458 2.00 EA $8.180 $16.36 PIN, CYLINDRICAL, PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 747 59 005-00459 2.00 EA $2.800 $5.60 SEALING RING, PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 802 60 005-00460 2.00 EA $5.940 $11.88 PLUG, PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 803 61 005-00461 2.00 EA $41.450 $82.90 O-RING, PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 334 62 005-00466 2.00 EA $4.140 $8.28 O-RING, PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 064 63 005-00467 2.00 EA $2.800 $5.60 NIPPLE, PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 104 64 005-00468 2.00 EA $19.600 $39.20 Date Printed: 07/15/2019 Requisitioned By: jsturges Page: 8/9 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES ra,�itiaa° oni'initIIIEwasrioI'II Note PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 WARTSILA OF NORTH AMERICA, INC DEPT 2450 PO BOX 122450 DALLAS, TX 75312 Description: Inventory Order Date Requisition No. 04/25/2019 007933 Required by: Requested by: jsturges Item No. part No. Description Qty Unit Due Date Unit Price Ext. Amount O-RING, PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 319 65 005-00469 2.00 EA $19.040 $38.08 O-RING, PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 337 66 005-00470 2.00 EA $41.450 $82.90 O-RING, PUMP COVER - MFG. PART: 107 338 67 005-00471 2.00 EA $47.610 $95.22 VALVE, BUTTERFLY, WASTE GATE - MFG. PART: 207 992 68 005-00479 1.00 EA $9,331.270 $9,331.27 Total: 34,944.68 Date Printed: 07/15/2019 Requisitioned By: jsturges Page: 9/9 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION��` Board Action Form 41ri ars mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Agenda Item: Approve Union Contract (IBEW Local 949 ) Presenter: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Time Requested (Minutes): 5 New Business Attachments: ! Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: The majority of Hutchinson Utilities Commission employees are members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW local 949) union. The previous IBEW Local 949 union contract expired on June 30th, 2019. The length of that contract was a 3 -year contract running July 1st, 2016 - June 30th, 2019. Both parties have focused on negotiating a new contract on a timely basis. The union and management sub -committees met on June 14th and June 26th to discuss and negotiate the tentative terms and conditions of a new contract upon final approval by the union and board of commissioners. On July 15th, the union members ratified the tentative terms and conditions of the contract document which is in the commission packet. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Consideration and approval of a new IBEW union contract dated July 1, 2019 - December 31 st, 2021. Fiscal impact: Included in current budget: Yes Budget Change: PROJECTSECTION, Total Project Cost: Remaining Cost: LABOR. AGREEMENT HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL 949 JULY 1, 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE PURPOSE ()yAGREEMENT ...................... ............................................. l ARTICLE D RECOGNITION —_.—_—_-----------------------..l ARTICLE III DEFINITIONS .------------------------_------1 ARTICLE IV E2NPL[yyBR SECURITY ........................................................................... 2 ARTICLE UNION SECURITY .... _................ .................................... ..... ___ ........ 2 ARTICLE VI EMPLOYER AUTHORITY ........................................................................ 2 ARTlCLE\/7l NON-DISCRIMINATION .......................................... ............................... 3 8JRTICLE\/DI SAVINGS CLAUSE .................................................................................... 3 ARTICLE IX GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE -----------------------.9 ARTICLE X DISCIPLINE ..... .......................................................................................... 5 ARTbCLEXl SENIORITY .................................... .................... ......... ..................... ..... 5 A8]`BCLEXII RIGHT TO -----------------------6 ARTICLE XIII HOLIDAYS ................................ ................................................................ 6, AJlT]C[E}{l\/ VACATIONS ........................ ......................... ........................................... 5 ART]CLBX7J SICK LEAVE .............................................................................................. ARTICLE X,VI CALL IN PAY ............................................................................................. 8 A}lTi[I.E X3/K[ HOURS OF WORK - OVERTIME ................................... ......................... g AIlTDCLBX\/lIl SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL ............................... ......... ................................. lO ARTICLE XIX PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT ------------l0 ARTUCLBX}[ HEALTH AND DISABILITY INSURANCE ........................................... l0 ARTICLE 7{X] RESIGNATION ........................................ .......................................... ..... l| I Table of Contents (cont.) ARTICLE XXIII FUNERAL LEAVE .................... .............................................................. 12 ARTICLE XXIV PAY DAY ................... ............... .............................................................. 12 ARTICLE XXV STAND BY ........................................................................................... .... 12 ARTICLE XXVI JURY DUTY . ..................................................................... ................ 12 ARTICLE XXVII RETIREMENT .......................................................................... ........ ...... 12 ARTICLE XXVIII DURATION ........................................................ ...................................... 13 ARTICLE XXIX HOURLY WAGE SCHEDULE AND APPRENTICESHIP SCALES .... .13 ARTICLE XXX PROBATION .................................................................. .......................... 13 ARTICLEXXXI WAIVER .................. ................................................................................. 13 EXHIBIT "A" WAGE SCHEDULE ..................................................................................14 EXHIBIT "B" APPRENTICESHIP SCALES .................................................... ............. 15 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT (Four 10 Hour Work Schedule).. 16 LETTER OF AGREEMENT (HSA Contribution) .................................... 19 LETTER OF AGREEMENT (Standby Pay) ............................................21 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT (Health Care Savings Plan) ......... 22 i i ARTICLE I PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT is entered into as of July 1, 2019, between HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION, hereinafter called the EMPLOYER, and the INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL 949, hereinafter called the UNION. It is the intent and purpose of this AGREEMENT to achieve and maintain sound, harmonious, and mutually beneficial working and economic relations between the parties hereto; and to put in writing: 1.1 A grievance procedure, and 1.2 The terms and conditions of employment. 1.3 Subject to the EMPLOYER'S Affirmative Action Plan, seniority shall be the determining; criterion for promotions and transfers provided qualifications and abilities among employees are equal. ARTICLE II RECOGNITION 2.1 The EMPLOYER recognizes the UNION as the exclusive representative of an appropriate bargaining unit consisting; of. all employees of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission except: (1) supervisory and confidential employees; (2) part-time employees whose service does not exceed the lesser of 14 hours per week or 35 percent of the normal work week in the employee's appropriate unit and; (3) employees whose positions are basically temporary or seasonal in character and; (a) are not for more than 67 working days in any calendar year; or (b) are not for more than 100 working days in any calendar year and the employees are under the age of 22, are full-time students enrolled in a nonprofit or public educational institution prior to being; hired by the employer, and have indicated, either in an application for employment or by being enrolled at an educational institution for the next academic year or term, an intention to continue as students during or after their employment. 2.2 In the event the EMPLOYER and the UNION are unable to agree as to the inclusion of a new modified job class, the issue shall be submitted to the Bureau of Mediation Services for deter-nination. ARTICLE III DEFINITIONS 3.1 UNION: The International Brotherhood of Electric Workers, Local 949. 3.2 UNION MEMBER. A member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 949. 3.3 EMPLOYER: The Hutchinson Utilities Commission. 3.4 UNION OFFICER: Officer elected or appointed by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 949. 11 3.5 OVERTIME: Work performed at the express authorization of the EMPLOYER in excess of the employee's scheduled shift. 3.6 SCHEDULED SHIFT: A consecutive period including paid rest breaks. 3.7 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE: An employee who is regularly scheduled to work forty (40) hours per week. 3.8 PART-TIME EMPLOYEE: An employee who is regularly scheduled to work less than forty (40) hours per week. ARTICLE IV EMPLOYER SECURITY The UNION agrees that during the life of this AGREEMENT that the UNION will not cause, encourage, participate in or support any strike, slow -down or other interruption of or interference with the normal functions of the EMPLOYER. ARTICLE V UNION SECURITY 5.1 The EMPLOYER shall deduct from the wages of employees who authorize such a deduction in writing an amount necessary to cover monthly UNION dues. Such monies shall be remitted as directed by the UNION. UNION to supply authorization cards. 5.2 The UNION shall designate employees from the bargaining unit to act as a steward and an alternate and shall inform the EMPLOYER in writing of such choice and changes in the position of steward and/or alternate. 5.3 The EMPLOYER shall make space available on the employee bulletin board for posting UNION notice(s) and announcement(s). 5.4 The UNION agrees to indemnify and hold the EMPLOYER harrnless against any and all claims, suits, orders orjudginents brought or issued against the EMPLOYER as a result of any action taken or not taken by the EMPLOYER under the provision of the ARTICLE. ARTICLE V1 EMPLOYER AUTHORITY 6.1 The EMPLOYER retains the full and unrestricted right to operate and manage all employees, facilities, and equipment, provided, however, that employer's operation of equipment shall not result in loss of regularly scheduled hours to employee; to establish functions and programs; to set and amend budgets; to determine the utilization of technology; to establish and modify the organizational structure; to select, direct, and determine the number of personnel; to establish work schedules, and to perform any inherent managerial functions not specifically limited by the AGREEMENT. 2 6.2 Any matter or policy, whether or not considered to be a term and condition of employment, not specifically established or modified by this AGREEMENT shall remain solely within the discretion of the EMPLOYER to modify, establish, or eliminate; provided, however, that prior to any such modification, establishment, or elimination, the EMPLOYER shall meet and confer with employees to exchange views and concerns. ARTICLE VII NON-DISCRIMINATION The EMPLOYER and the UNION agree that no employee shall be discriminated against under the provisions of the AGREEMENT on any basis prohibited by law. ARTICLE VIII SAVINGS CLAUSE If any provision of the AGREEMENT is declared by proper legislative, administrative or judicial authority to be unlawful, unenforceable or not in accordance with applicable Civil Service rules, or law, all other provisions of this AGREEMENT shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of this AGREEMENT. ARTICLE IX GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 9.1 DEFINITION OF A GRIEVANCE A grievance is defined as a dispute or disagreement as to the interpretation or application of the specific terns and conditions of this AGREEMENT. 9.2 UNION REPRESENTATIVE The EMPLOYER will recognize REPRESENTATIVES designated by the UNION as the grievance representatives of the bargaining unit having the duties and responsibilities established by this ARTICLE. The UNION shall notify the EMPLOYER in writing of the names of such UNION REPRESENTATIVES and their successors when so designated as provided by 5.2 of this AGREEMENT. 9.3 PROCESSING OF A GRIEVANCE 9.31 Whenever any employee or small group of employees have a grievance, they shall meet on an infon-nal basis with the employees or employee's immediate supervisor in an attempt to resolve the grievance within ten (10) days after the grievance occurred or ten (10) days after the employee(s), through the use of reasonable diligence, should have had knowledge of the occurrence that gave rise to the grievance, 9,32 If the grievance is not resolved within fifteen (15) days of the first informal meeting, the grievance may be reduced to writing by the exclusive representative and served upon the Utilities Manager. Service Must be made within fifteen (15) days of the last informal meeting. 3 9.4 Grievance presented to management shall be discussed and answered in writing by management within fifteen (15) calendar days after a grievance meeting has been held. 9.5 Appeals by the UNION from the EMPLOYER'S decision shall be presented to the EMPLOYER within fifteen (15) calendar days. 9.6 WAIVER If a grievance is not presented within the time limits set forth above, it shall be considered "waived." If a grievance is not appealed to the next step within the specified time limit or any agreed extension thereof, it shall be considered settled on the basis of the EMPLOYER'S last answer. If the EMPLOYER does not answer a grievance or an appeal thereof within the specified time limits, the UNION may elect to treat the grievance as denied at that step and immediately appeal the grievance to the next step. The time limit in each step may be extended by mutual agreement of the EMPLOYER and the UNION in each step. 9.7 The disposition of grievance presented in writing shall be endorsed by the appropriate UNION and EMPLOYER representative. 9.8 Grievances which cannot be adjusted by the parties may be referred to arbitration by the UNION. Such referral shall be in writing and made within the ten (10) calendar days after the EMPLOYER'S answer or termination of the time limit for the EMPLOYER'S answer. 9.9 The EMPLOYER and employee Representative shall endeavor to select a mutually acceptable arbitrator to hear and decide the grievance. If the EMPLOYER and the employee Representative are unable to agree on an arbitrator, they may request a list of five (5) names from the Bureau of Meditation Services. The parties shall alternately strike names from the list of five (5) arbitrators until only one (1) remains. 9.10 The remaining Arbitrator shall hear and decide the grievance. If the parties are unable to agree on who shall strike the first name, the question shall be decided by the flip of the coin. 9.11 ARBITRATOR'S AUTHORITY 9.111 The arbitrator shall have no night to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to, or subtract from, the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT. The arbitrator shall consider and decide only the specific issue(s) submitted in writing by the EMPLOYER and the UNION, and shall have no authority to make a decision on any other issue not so submitted. 9.112 The arbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to, or inconsistent with, or modifying or varying in any way the application of laws, rules, or regulations having the force and effect of law. The arbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing thirty (30) days following close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later, unless the parties agree to an extension. The decision shall be binding on both the EMPLOYER and the UNION and shall be based solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or application of the express terms of this AGREEMENT and to the facts of the grievance presented. 9,113 The fees and expenses of the arbitrator's services and proceedings shall be borne equally by the EMPLOYER and the UNION; provided, if the grievance is clearly decided in favor of the UNION or the EMPLOYER, then the losing party shall be responsible for all the arbitrator's fees and expenses. Each party shall be responsible for compensating its own representatives and witnesses. If either party desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing it pays for the record. If both parties desire a verbatim record of the proceedings, the cost shall be shared equally. 9.12 ELECTION OF REMEDIES If as a result of the written EMPLOYER'S response in step two, the grievance remains unresolved, and if the grievance involves the suspension, demotion or discharge of an employee who has completed the required probationary period, the grievance may be appealed either to the next step of this grievance procedure or to a procedure such as Veterans Preference. If appealed to any procedure other than the next step of this grievance procedure, the grievance is not subject to the arbitration procedure set forth in this ARTICLE, The aggrieved employee shall indicate in writing which procedure is to be utilized, arbitration as set forth in this ARTICLE or another appeal procedure, and shall sign a statement to the effect that the choice of any other hearing precludes the aggrieved employee from making a subsequent appeal to arbitration as provided in this ARTICLE. An employee pursuing a statutory remedy under the jurisdiction of the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is not precluded from also pursuing an appeal under this grievance procedure. If a court of competent jurisdiction rules contrary to Board of Governors or if Board of Governors is judicially or legislatively overruled, this paragraph shall be deleted. ARTICLE X DISCIPLINE Employees that have completed the required six (6) month probationary period shall be disciplined or discharged only for just cause. The UNION shall have the night to challenge the propriety of a written reprimand, suspension or dismissal of an employee who has completed the initial probationary period in accordance with ARTICLE IX, GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE. ARTICLE X1 SENIORITY 11.1 Seniority is defined as an employee's length of continuous service. 11.2 The EMPLOYER shall maintain and post the seniority dates of employment as of January 1, each calendar year. Employee shall have thirty (30) days to challenge posting. 11.3 Subject to the EMPLOYER'S Affirmative Action Plan, seniority shall be the determining criterion for layoffs provided qualifications and abilities among employees are equal. Laid off employees shall have recall rights for two (2) years. Employees notified by registered mail at the employee's last known address shall have ten (10) working days to return to work or lose recall rights. Regular employees on layoff shall be recalled in order of seniority. 11A Job vacancies shall be posted for ten (10) working days. Employees desiring to be considered must so indicate within the posting period. All promoted and transferred employees shall serve a six (6) month trial period during which the promoted or transferred employee may be placed back in the employee's previous job classification at the sole discretion of the EMPLOYER without loss of seniority. ARTICLE XII RIGHT TO SUBCONTRACT Nothing in this AGREEMENT shall prohibit or restrict the night of the EMPLOYER from subcontracting work performed by employees covered by this AGREEMENT providing no layoff shall occur for lack of work. ARTICLE XIII HOLIDAYS 13.1 The following days are paid holidays: New Year's Day Labor Day Martin Luther King Day Veteran's Day President's Day Thanksgiving Day Memorial Day Christmas Fourth of July If the holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be the holiday; if the holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be the holiday. If Christmas falls on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, then the preceding day shall be a Christmas Eve Day holiday; and, in addition, there shall be two (2) floating holidays determined by mutual agreement between management and employee. If Christmas Day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Monday, then there shall be no Christmas Eve Day holiday but there shall be three (3) floating holidays determined. 13.2 In order to qualify for the eight (8) hours of straight time holiday pay, for the holiday not worked, it is required that the employee shall work the last scheduled work day or shift prior to the first scheduled work day following the holiday, unless employee is absent before or after a holiday for such reasons as vacation, sick leave, jury duty or death in immediate family. ARTICLE XIV VACATIONS 14.1 Full-time employees shall receive vacation time with pay according to the following schedule: Years Employed Vacation Years Employed Vacation After 6 months 20 hours 14 152 hours 1 40 hours 15 160 hours 2 80 hours 16 168 hours 7 120 hours 17 176 hours 11 128 hours 18 184 hours 12 136 hours 19 192 hours 13 144 hours 20 200 hours 14.2 Vacation time will be scheduled with mutual agreement between employee and EMPLOYER. 14.3 Earned vacation shall be paid at the time of an employee's termination. 14.4 Employees who are on vacation, upon proof of a disabling accident or disabling illness, shall have their vacation time cease-, and they shall be placed on sick leave with the remaining vacation to be rescheduled at a later date. 14.5 An employee may carry over up to forty (40) hours of accrued vacation into the subsequent year. If the Employer determines that due to workload, an employee cannot utilize sufficient accrued vacation, by mutual agreement between the employee and the Employer, a temporary extension beyond the 40 hour maximum may be granted. ARTICLE XV SICK LEAVE 15.1 Full-time employees, upon completion of their probationary period, shall be granted eight (8) hours per month of sick leave. Such leave cannot be accumulated beyond 720 hours. Thereafter, after the accumulation of 720 hours a pay back of 1/3 of the amount over 720 hours will be made annually on or about February 1. An employee will retroactively receive sick leave time accrued. 15.2 Employees may be required to present evidence satisfactory to the Employer of inability to work due to illness or accident. 15.3 Employees must adopt such remedial measures as may be commensurate with his/her disability and pen -nit such reasonable examination and inquiries by the EMPLOYER'S medical representative or other suitable representative as, in the EMPLOYER'S judgment, may be necessary to ascertain employee's condition. 15.4 If an employee becomes ill and must stay home from work, he/she shall notify the supervisor before the work day begins. 15.5 If an employee becomes ill during the regular work day, he/she shall notify the supervisor that it is necessary to leave due to illness. 15.6 Benefits under this plan will be reduced by any future benefits provided by any law, Social Security Benefit, or Unemployment Insurance so as to prevent duplication of benefits, should the various benefits provided under the above mentioned laws or agencies be interpreted to pay an allowance in lieu of an employee's wage when he/she is off work due to illness or injury. 15.7 No sick leave credit will be accrued while an employee is away from work due to leave of absence, sickness, or disability; nor will sick leave pay be allowed during leaves of absence or during layoffs except as provided in paragraphs below. 15.8 Sick leave pay credit shall cease on the day preceding the day on which the employee retires under the Retirement Plan, If an employee becomes ill or is injured while on vacation, which vacation is 7 scheduled to end on the date of employee's retirement, then the scheduled vacation time is counted on vacation; and if the disability continues beyond the scheduled time of the vacation, the sick leave pay (any remaining sick leave credit) will begin on the first consecutive scheduled working day after the end of the scheduled vacation. 15.9 Employees who are injured while engaged in after hours employment of others or while self- employed, shall not be covered under the EMPLOYER'S Sick Leave Policy outlined. 15.10 The Commission agrees to comply with the following Worker's Compensation regulations. If employees of the department have, at the time of compensative injury, accumulated credits under their vacation or sick leave plaid, the Commission will provide for the payment of their full gross salary during the period of disability, providing all payments as made under Worker's Compensation shall be retained by the employee. However, the additional payments made to the employee over and above that paid by Worker's Compensation shall not exceed the amount of credits which an employee is entitled to from such vacation or sick leave accumulated by said employee and the employee's vacation or sick leave account shall be charged only with the difference between Worker's Compensation payment and his/her regular salary. 15.11 A disability leave of absence for up to two (2) years shall be granted to any employee at such time as he/she had exhausted all accumulated sick leave benefits and in the event his/her illness or disability continues after such time. Upon request by the EMPLOYER at reasonable intervals, the employee shall furnish a doctor's certificate certifying as to employee's inability to return to work because of such illness or disability. 15.12 Upon retirement, or upon death before retirement, employees shall be paid for any unused sick leave which has been accumulated in the amount of 1 /3 of the amount over 240 hours. If the employee resigns or is dismissed, the above payment shall not be made. In case of death during employment, the unused sick leave shall be paid to his/her estate on the same ratio as above. 15.13 The Employer shall comply with the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Minnesota Parental Leave Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. ARTICLE XVI CALL IN PAT Employees who have been called in for emergency work after completing their regular shift shall be guaranteed a minimum of two (2) hour's pay at the applicable overtime rate. It is understood that this call - in provision is not an extension of the regular work day and requires the employee to make an additional trip for the EMPLOYER. It is further understood that an employee may be called out more than once during a given two (2) hour period. The minimum call -out shall not apply to calls two (2) hours before the regular starting time. Operations and Maintenance Crew Chiefs who receive work related telephone calls after completing their regular shift shall be guaranteed up to 15 minutes pay at the applicable overtime rate per telephone call up to a maximum of 60 minutes per 24 hour period. ARTICLE XVII HOURS OF WORK - OVERTIME 17.1 The regular workweek shall begin at 12:01 a.m. on MONDAY and terminate at 12:00 p.m. midnight on SUNDAY. The regular work period for all employees other than shift workers shall be five (5) consecutive eight (8) hour days beginning on Monday and ending on Friday for a total of forty (40) hours per week. The regular daytime hours for other than shift workers and custodians shall be between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., with one-half (1 /2) hour for lunch. The regular hours of work for shift workers engaged in performing the classification of work where service is required twenty- four (24) hours per day and seven (7) days per week, shall be as follows: Shift workers shall work in accordance with a posted working schedule of a combination of days on duty with two (2) or three (3) days off in such a way that over a period of a calendar year, a shift worker will work no more than an average of forty (40) hours per workweek. Customer Service Representatives shall work 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. year round. 17.2 Any shift worker requesting time off for personal reasons must make arrangements with a fellow employee to relieve them. Other employees requesting time off for personal reasons will be subject to payroll deduction for the amount of time taken off. Time off for personal reasons is subject to pennission by the department head or designee. 17.3 When it is required that employees continue work two (2) hours after the regular quitting time, they shall be furnished a meal at the EMPLOYER'S expense as soon as possible thereafter, and at intervals of not more than six (6) hours thereafter, while they continue to work. Meals eaten at home will not be paid for the employee by the EMPLOYER. 17A If an employee works four (4) or more hours overtime and is released from work, six (6) hours shall elapse before the employee returns to work without loss of a regular work day's pay. 17.5 It is understood that because of the nature of the municipal utility business, work schedules may be established by the EMPLOYER. The regular working hours may be changed by EMPLOYER by twenty-four (24) hour advance notice to employee. 17.6 Overtime at time and one-half rates shall be paid for all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week except that shift workers shall be compensated at overtime rates for all hours worked in excess of their regular posted schedule. 17.7 Employees, other than shift workers, required to work on a recognized holiday shall receive double time for all hours worked. 17.8 Shift workers required to work on the actual holiday shall receive holiday pay plus double time. Shift workers required to work on the observed holiday shall receive holiday pay plus regular straight time pay. By mutual agreement between EMPLOYER and employee, shift workers shall have the option of scheduling a day off in lieu of a holiday rather than receiving overtime pay. 17.9 All overtime shall be distributed as nearly equal as practicable among the employees in the respective classifications in each department. I 17.10 Employees shall not be required to take time off for overtime worked or to be worked. 17.11 Shift workers will not be allowed overtime for work performed on Sundays when such work is performed on their regular shift. Employees other than shift workers, required to work overtime on a Sunday, shall receive double time. The shift worker's second day off shall be considered equivalent to Sunday, and they shall receive double time for overtime worked on that day. 17.12 An employee temporarily assigned to a higher paid classification shall receive the rate of pay for such higher classification for all hours worked during the entire period of such assignment, providing that the employee works a minimum of four (4) hours or more. 17.13 All hours worked in response to a MMUA coordinated mutual -aid request will be paid additional premium pay at the rate of half the regular straight time hourly rate of pay for a normal eight hour shift Monday through Friday regardless of time of day. Regular overtime shall be paid and double time shall be paid for hours worked on Sundays and holidays in accordance with Article XV11. ARTICLE XVIII SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL A shift differential of 3.0% of the employee's regular hourly rate shall be paid for hours 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight. A shift differential of 3.5% of the employee's regular hourly rate shall be paid for hours from 12:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. A shift differential will not be allowed for time not worked such as vacation, sick leave, etc, ARTICLE XIX PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT The EMPLOYER will provide all required safety clothing and equipment. An amount not to exceed $200 per year will be allowed toward uniform wearing apparel of Customer Service employees. The items of uniform wearing apparel eligible for the reimbursement shall be agreed upon between employees and the General Manager. The Employer will provide each Operator with uniforms. ARTICLE XX HEALTH AND DISABILITY INSURANCE Effective January 1, 2011 all eligible employees shall be offered coverage by the high deductible health plan with an HSA account. The EMPLOYER shall contribute eighty percent (80%) of the premium cost for the high deductible health insurance plan provided by the EMPLOYER for single coverage. For each eligible employee who selects family coverage, the EMPLOYER shall contribute eighty percent (80%) of the premium cost for family coverage in the high deductible health insurance plan. The remaining twenty percent (20%) of the premium for single and family insurance coverage shall be paid by the EMPLOYEE through payroll deduction. 10 The Employer shall contribute $4,000 annually to employees who select family coverage and $2,000 annually for employees who select single coverage into the HSA. Said payments are made on a prorata monthly basis. The Employer shall pay the premium for a long-term disability plan with a 90 day elimination period. In the event the health insurance provisions of this Agreement fail to meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act and its related regulations or cause the Employer to be subject to a penalty, tax or fine, the Union and the Employer will meet immediately to bargain over alternative provisions so as to comply with the Act and avoid any penalties, taxes or fines for the Employer. ARTICLE XXI RESIGNATION An employee may resign at any time, and when so resigning, must give at least two (2) weeks notice of his intention in order to give the EMPLOYER time to fill the vacancy. Resignation shall be filed with the Utility Manager. Upon resignation, the employee shall forfeit all seniority. Any vacation leave due an employee when he resigns will be paid. ARTICLE XXJI LEAVE OF ABSENCE 22.1 Leave of absence without pay may be granted by the EMPLOYER Manager when requested by a regular employee when such a leave is deemed to be justified. Such leaves may be granted when due to extended illness, the accumulated sick leave has been used up, for the extension of vacation time where circumstances will permit, or other similar purposes. 22.2 Employees who are members of a Reserve Force of the USA or of this State and who are ordered by the appropriate authorities to attend a training program or perform other duties under the supervision of the USA or of this State, shall be granted leave time up to a maximum of fifteen (15) days per year, with pay. 22.3 Any employee who enters into active service in the Armed Forces of the USA while in the service of the EMPLOYER shall be granted a leave of absence, without pay, for the period of military service. The employee shall be entitled to be reinstated to the position he vacated or any equivalent position provided he files a written request with EMPLOYER within ninety (90) days after completion of military service. 22.4 No leave of absence shall be granted for the purpose of looking for a new job or other similar reason, and any industrial employment without the sanction of the Utility Manager during any leave of absence shall automatically cause a forfeiture of seniority rights. 22.5 Employees whose duties pen -nit may be allowed to absent themselves with pay (provided they receive no compensation for such services) for the purpose of participating in duties of a Public Governmental organization, at the discretion of the Manager. Attendance at any UNION meeting during working hours will not be permitted without the written approval of the Utilities Manager. 11 ARTICLE XXIII FUNERAL LEAVE 23.1 Employees may be allowed up to forty (40) hours leave paid by the EMPLOYER at the employee's straight time rate for the purpose of attending a funeral of a member of the employee's immediate family. Funeral leave days will not be deducted from sick leave. The employee's immediate family is defined as: spouse, significant other, parent, step-parent, guardian, child, step -child, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, any in-law, and a significant others parents and grandparents. A significant other shall mean an employee's domestic partner. It is understood that payment under the above provisions is only for a day or days when the employee was scheduled to work and would have worked except for the death of such relative, 23.2 If an employee is called for pallbearers service, or to drive a car for a funeral, leave of absence will be granted for a period necessary, limited to four (4) hours, to perform this service without loss of pay, provided the employee received no compensation for such service. ARTICLE XXIV PAY DAY Pay days will be bi-weekly on Thursday following the end of the regular pay period. When pay day falls on holidays, employees shall receive their pay on Wednesday. ARTICLE XXV STAND BY Employees who are required to provide weekly standby shall receive nine (9) hours' pay at time and one- half in addition to overtime worked. ARTICLE XXVI JURY DUTY When a regular full-time employee has been called upon for jury duty by either the State or Federal Courts, and has been absent from work because of such jury service, he shall be paid his regular salary by the Commission with the understanding that at the time of completion of his jury service, he shall present his jury service checks to the department; and that the amount of such checks, less the amount included for traveling expenses, shall be deducted from their next regular pay check. ARTICLE XXVII RETIREMENT 27.1 Any employee who elects to retire shall give the EMPLOYER sixty (60) days notice of date that employee intends to retire. k" ARTICLE XXVIII DURATION This AGREEMENT shall be effective July 1, 2019, through December 3 ) 1, 2021, subject to the right on the part of the EMPLOYER or the UNION to open or terminate this AGREEMENT by written notice to the other party no later than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of this AGREEMENT. ARTICLE XXIX HOURLY WAGE SCHEDULE AND APPRENTICESHIP SCALES Hourly wages shall be paid according to attached Exhibits "A" and "B". An employee in the Relief Operator position shall receive a S 1.50 per hour differential. This differential be provided while the Relief Operator position is filled. This differential is provided as part of a pilot program for the duration of the 7/l/19-12/31/21 collective bargaining agreement only. Z�' ARTICLE XXX PROBATION Effective the first day of the first payroll period following the Utility Commission adoption of this AGREEMENT, new employees shall be considered to be on probation for the first six (6) months of continuous employment. During the probationary period, the EMPLOYER may dismiss such employees. C� Such action shall not be subject to the grievance or arbitration provisions of this AGREEMENT. Upon completion of the probationary period of employment, an employee shall have their seniority date established retroactive to their first date of continuous employment. ARTICLE XXXt WAIVER This AGREEMENT represents the complete and total AGREEMENT between the parties. Any and all prior AGREEMENTS, practices, policies, rules and regulations regarding terms and conditions of employment, to the extent inconsistent with the provisions of the AGREEMENT, are hereby superseded. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT on the — day of 2019. FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION President Secretary FOR INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL NO 949 Pre ider�t Business Manager 13 Exhibit "A" Electric Division 1/1/19 7/1/19 1/1/2 1/1/21 Maintenance Electrician 1 $38.26 39-03 4030 41.61 Maintenance Electrician 11 $36.64 37-37 38.58 39.83 Crew Chief - Maintenance $40.87 41.69 43.05 44,45 Maintenance Mechanic 1 $36.63 37.36 38.57 39.82 Maintenance Mechanic 11 $34.87 35.57 36.73 37.92 1z1-19 7/1/19 1/1/20 1/1/21 Crew Chief/Systems Controller $43.53 44.40 45.84 47.33 System Controller 1 $39.44 40.23 41.54 42.89 System Controller 11 $37.77 38.53 39.78 41.07 Crew Chief/Operations Engineer $40.87 41.69 43.05 44.45 Relief Operations Engineer 1* $36,63 38.86 40.07 41.32 Operations Engineer 1 $36.63 3736 38.57 39.82 Operations Engineer 11 $34.87 35-57 36.73 37.92 1l1L19 7/1/19 1120 1/1/21 Crew Chief - Electric Dept. $44.67 45.56 47.04 48-57 Lineperson 1 $40.49 41.30 42.64 44-03 Lineperson 11 $37.22 37.96 39.19 40.46 Groundsperson 1 $32.58 33.23 34.31 35.43 Groundsperson 11 $31.42 32.05 33.09 34.17 ,GIS $38.20 38-96 40.23 41.54 Engineering/Meter Technician $36.76 37.50 38.72 39.98 Natural Gas Division Il1/19 7/1/19 1120 1121 Crew Chief - Gas Dept. $40.87 41.69 43.05 44.45 Welder Serviceperson 1 $36.76 37-50 38.72 39,98 Welder Serviceperson 11 $35.27 35,98 37.15 38-36 Gas Meter Service 1 $36.76 37.50 3832 39.98 Gas Meter Service 11 $35.27 35.98 37.15 38.36 Customer Services Division 1/1/19 71111 1120 1121 Customer Service Representative $28-38 28-95 29.89 30-86 * Pilot Program during length of the contract or until vacant. ($1.50 Pay Differential) 14 Exhibit "B" HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISION APPRENTICESHIP SCALES Schedule No. 3 Schedule No. 2 Schedule No. 1 1st 6 Months 75.0% 90.0% 90.0% 2nd 6 Months 77.5% 92.5% 95.0% 3rd 6 Months 80.0% 95.0% 4th 6 Months 82.5% 97.5% 5th 6 Months 85.0% 6th 6 Months 87.5% 7th 6 Months 90.0% 8th 6 Months 92.5% Schedule No. 3 Operating Engineer 11 Maintenance Mechanic Maintenance Electrician Lineperson 11 Engineering/Meter Technician Welder Service Person Gas Meter Service 11 Schedule No. 2 Customer Service Representative System Controller II Schedule No. I Groundsperson Movement through apprenticeship schedule shall be at discretion of Employer. If an employee is accelerated through the schedule, written notice to the Union shall be provided by the employer. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT This Memorandum of Agreement is entered into between Hutchinson Utilities Commission (hereafter "Employer") and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 949 (hereafter "Union") relating to the implementation of a four (4) ten (10) hour day work schedule. WHEREAS, the Employer and the Union are parties to a Collective Bargaining Agreement effective July 1, 2019 through December 31, 2021 - and WHEREAS, the Employer and the Union desire to enter into an agreement to implement a four (4) day/ten (10) hour work schedule for bargaining unit members other than customer service and shift workers. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto have executed this Memorandum of Agreement as follows: 1. Effective July 1, 2019 through December 31, 2021, Employer and Union agree to implement a four (4) day/ten (10) hour work schedule for all employees in the bargaining unit excluding customer service and shift workers. 2. For the duration of this Memorandum of Agreement, the specific provisions set forth herein shall supersede any conflicts with the provisions as set forth in the 2016-2019 Collective Bargaining Agreement 3. The specific application of the four (4) day/ten (10) hour work schedule shall be as follows: a. The work schedule shall extend from Monday through Friday. The work day will be covered by alternating the employees to work a forty (40) hour work week by working four (4) days a week, either Monday through Thursday or Tuesday through Friday. b. The routine and the days which employees will work will be at the discretion of the director/managers of the particular divisions but will follow a rotating schedule. C. The work day will commence no earlier than 6:30 a.m. and will extend no later than 5:00 p.m., with a 30 minute lunch break. Any work performed prior to 6:330 a.m. or after 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, will be classified as beyond normal working hours and will be handled on an overtime basis. d. Sick leave will continue to be accumulated on an eight hour per month basis and will be utilized on an hourly basis. Therefore, if an employee is absent due to illness for an entire work day, the employee will be utilizing ten (10) hours of sick leave for that day. e. Vacations, comp time and floating holidays when taken on a scheduled 10-hour work day will be utilized accordingly. Floating holidays will be counted as an eight hour period plus an employee may elect to utilize two hours from a floating holiday or comp time to make up the time for that day. Vacations will be scheduled on a I 0-hour day so that vacations can be taken for a 40 hour week. Comp time will also be taken accordingly. Vacations, comp time and floating holidays will be treated on an hourly basis. f. Scheduled holidays will be taken on the days that they are scheduled in the Collective Bargaining Agreement on an eight hour basis. The remainder of the week will be completed by working three 10-hour days resulting in a total of 38 hours. In such instances, the two hours of time may be made up during the work week, taken from a floating holiday, or taken from comp time. In addition, the employee may elect not to make up the time. 9. On -call compensation will begin on Thursday at 5:00 p.m. and conclude at 6:30 a.m. the following Thursday. Employees will continue to receive the sarne on -call compensation as set forth in the current Collective Bargaining Agreement. h. For the duration of this Memorandum of Agreement compensatory time bank of up to 50 hours a year shall be established. Employees may accrue and use compensatory time throughout the course of a year as long as said compensatory time does not exceed 50 hours. Employees may carry over 50 hours of compensatory time from one calendar year to the next. i. For the duration of this Memorandum of Agreement, employees will be compensated for overtime for all hours worked beyond the ten (10) hour day or forty (40) hour work week. j. For the definition of a "day" in the Funeral Leave article, a "day" shall mean ten (10) hours for employees working the ten (10) hour work schedule. 17 4. This Memorandum of Agreement represents the complete and total agreement between the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Memorandum of Agreement to be executed this day of , 2019 FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES FOR INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL 949 President P 7 `dent -A Secretary Business Manager is LETTER OF AGREEMENT This Letter of Agreement is entered into between the Hutchinson Utilities Commission (hereafter "Utility") and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local No. 949 (hereafter "Union"). WHEREAS, the Utility and the Union are parties to a collective bargaining agreement; and; WHEREAS, Article XX, Health and Disability Insurance, sets forth the Utility's contribution toward the single and family premium cost for the high deductible insurance plan with an HSA. It provides that employees participating in the high deductible family plan will receive $4,000 annually into the HSA and employees participating in the high deductible single plan will receive $2,000 annually into the HSA. WHEREAS, based on Internal Revenue Service rules, an employee must be an eligible individual to qualify for an HSA including generally having no other health coverage that is not a high deductible health plan. WHEREAS, veterans of the United States armed forces who receive medical benefits from the Veterans Administration (VA) or employees who are enrolled in TRICARE, which is health insurance available to active duty and retired set -vice and reserve members and their dependents, are therefore not eligible to qualify for an HSA. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: Effective January 1, 2011, a veteran who receives medical benefits from the Veterans Administration (VA) or employees who are enrolled in TRICARE who participates in the high deductible farnily plan, but who is not eligible to qualify for a HSA, shall receive $4,000 annually in two equal installments in lieu of said monies being deposited in a HSA. 2, Effective January 1, 2011, a veteran who receives medical benefits from the Veterans Administration (VA) or employees who are enrolled in TRICARE who participates in the high deductible single plan, but who is not eligible to qualify for a HSA, shall receive $2,000 annually in two equal installments in lieu of said monies being deposited in a HSA. This Letter of Agreement represents the full and complete agreement between the parties regarding this matter. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Letter of Agreement to be executed this - day of 12019, FOR THE "[ON: Date FOR THE UTILITY: Date 19 Date Date Date Date But LETTER OF AGREEMENT This Letter of Agreement is entered into between the Hutchinson Utilities Commission (hereafter "Utility") and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local No. 949 (hereafter "Union"). WHEREAS, the Utility and the Union are parties to a collective bargaining agreement; and; WHEREAS, the Utility and the Union agreed to discuss accruing and using Comp time for standby pay hours; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: I Employees may accrue standby hours as comp Time on a voluntary basis for any or all of the weekly standby hours. 2. Either the Utility or the Union may rescind the above agreement with thirty (30) days written notice to other party. 3. Either the Utility or the Union may request an annual review of this Letter of Agreement, or a review prior to rescinding the agreement pursuant to #2 above; such request shall not be denied. 4. This Letter of Agreement represents the full and complete agreement between the parties regarding this matter, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Letter of Agreement to be executed this - day of , 2019. FOR THE UNION: Date Date FOR THE UTILITY: Date Date Date a MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT HEALTH CARE SAVINGS PLAN This Memorandum of Agreement is entered into between the Hutchinson Utilities Commission (hereafter "Employer") and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 949 (hereafter "Union"). WHEREAS, the Employer and the Union are parties to a collective bargaining agreement; and WHEREAS, the members of the Union bargaining unit are eligible to participate in the Minnesota Post Employment Health Care Savings Plan (hereafter "Post Employment Health Care Savings Plan" or "HCSP") established under Minnesota Statutes, Section 352.98 and as outlined in the Minnesota State Retirement System's Trust and Plan Documents. NOW, THEREFORE, the Employer and the Union agree as follows: I . All funds collected by the Employer on the behalf of the employee will be deposited into the employee's Post Employment Health Care Savings Plan account. 2. All retiring employees eligible for the payment of sick leave outlined in Article XV, Section 15.12 of the contract will contribute to the Post Employment Health Care Savings Plan as follows: 100% of employee sick leave retirement severance to the HCSP. 3. All employees eligible for a retirement incentive severance payment outlined in the 2015 Hutchinson Utilities Incentive Program and any subsequent Programs will contribute to the Post Employment Health Care Savings Plan as follows: 100% of employee retirement incentive severance payment based on years of service to the HCSP. 100% of the retirement severance payment representing the cost of one week of Employer provided health and dental insurance premium for each year of employment and 100% of the retirement severance payment in the amount equal to six (6) months of Employer provided health and dental insurance premiums to the HCSP. 100% of the payment of an additional sick leave severance payout offered per the retirement incentive program. 4. Retiring is defined as ceasing to actively work in the full-time position with Hutchinson Utilities Commission to which the employee is appointed and is immediately thereafter eligible to receive pension payments from the Public Employees Retirement Association. 22 5. This Memorandum will take effect on the date of its execution and shall remain in effect for the duration of the 2019-2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement and for a minimum period of two (2) years as required by the MSRS. 6. No Employer contribution shall be made to the Post Employment Health Care Savings Plan, and the Employer shall have no responsibility or liability for management or disbursement of any funds remitted to the Plan. 7. This Memorandum of Agreement represents the complete and total agreement between the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Memorandum of Agreement to be executed this _ day of _, 2019. FOR HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION President Vice President FOR INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL 949 Business Representative 23 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 9111t Board Action Form Agenda Item: Approve Unit 6 & 7 Air Emission Compliance Testing Presenter: Randy Blake Agenda Item Type: Time iRequested (Minutes):5 New Business Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: HUC's two new Caterpillar 9.75 MW engine generator sets need to have emission testing performed before they can be entered into commercial service. Interpol Laboratories has performed these tests for us in the past and they have a good relationship with the EPA and MPCA. The testing will include the Caterpillar performance and emission guaranties along with our Plant 1 air permit requirements. Natural gas sample testing will be an additional cost and billed to HUC separately. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve requisition # 008051 to Interpol Laboratories in the amount of $32,950.00 Fiscal Impact: $32,950.00 Included in current budget:' Yes Budget Change: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $32,950.00 Remaining Cost: 0 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES ra,�itiak° tt ni'i ni'it II Ewa s�io ni Note PURCHASE REQUISITION HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 225 MICHIGAN ST SE HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 Phone:320-587-4746 Fax:320-587-4721 INTERPOLL LABORATORIES INC 4500 BALL RD NE CIRCLE PINES, MN 55014 Description: Date Requisition No. 07/24/2019 008051 Required by: Requested by: RBlake Item No. part No. Description Qty Unit Due Date Unit Price Ext. Amount EMISSION TESTING UNITS 6 AND 7 - EMISSION TESTING FOR UNITS 6 AND 7 1 MFG. PART: 1.00 EA 08/23/2019 $32,950.000 $32,950.00 Total: 32,950.00 Date Printed: 07/24/2019 Requisitioned By: RBlake Page: 1/1 Interpoll Laboratories, Inc SOURCE TESTING DEPARTMENT 4500 Ball Road N.E. Circle Pines, Minnesota 55014-1819 TEL: (763) 786-6020 FAX: (763) 786-7854 AIR EMISSION COMPLIANCE TESTING AT THE HUTCHINSON UTILITIES PLANT 1 IN HUTCHINSON Submitted to: HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISION 225 Michigan Street Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Attention: Randy Blake In Response to: RFP of 07-15-19 Proposal Number 11037 July 23, 2019 KE/ehj INTRODUCTION INTERPOLL LABORATORIES, INC. submits this revised proposal for stack sampling services to Hutchinson Utilities in response to the RFP of July 15, 2019. Interpoll Labs proposes to conduct air emission compliance testing on two (2) natural gas engines at the Hutchinson Utilities Plant 1 in Hutchinson, Minnesota. Unless otherwise noted, the determinations will be conducted according to the provisions of EPA Methods cited in CFR Title 40, Part 60, Appendix A (revised July 1, 2019) using equipment meeting the specifications therein. 2 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES TO BE OFFERED section. INTERPOLL LABORATORIES, INC. agrees to perform the activities described in this 2.1 Standard Services 2.1.1 Location Hutchinson, Minnesota 2.1.2 On -Site Work COMBUSTION ENGINE 6 The following determinations will be conducted on the Combustion Engine 6 Stack a. Volumetric flow rate and gas temperature determination -EPA Method 2. b. Gas composition (one (1) integrated flue gas sampling concurrent with each test run for every pollutant with analysis for COz and Oz) - EPA Method 3A. C. Gas moisture content (one (1) determination concurrent with each test run for every pollutant) - EPA Method 4. d. PM/PM-10/PM2.5 concentration and emission rate (three (3) two-hour determinations) — EPA Method 5. e. Condensible particulate matter (CPM) concentration and emission rate using the back half of the Method 5 train (three (3) two-hour determinations) - EPA Method 202. f. Oxides of nitrogen concentration (three (3) one -hour determinations) — EPA Method 7E. g. Carbon monoxide concentration and emission rate (three (3) one -hour determinations) - EPA Method 10. h. VOC (total hydrocarbons) concentration and emission rate (three (3) one -hour determinations) — EPA Method 25A ' (using Method 18 and/or Method 320 for methane/ethane correction, reported as carbon or methane). i. Formaldehyde concentration and emission rate (three (3) one -hour determinations) - EPA 323. 1 Calibrated using methane 0 j. Acetaldehyde, acrolein and methanol concentration and emission rate (three (3) one -hour determinations) — EPA Method 18. Analysis also for pentane, hexane, benzene, heptane, octane, methane, propane, butane and ethane. k. Ammonia concentration (three (3) one -hour determinations) — CTM-027 modified by non-isokinetic sampling. 1. Natural Gas sampling and analysis (one (1) sample and analysis concurrent with each VOC test, and possibly samples concurrent with Heat Rate testing) Analysis for Lower Heating Value and Composition (Methane, Ethane, Propane, Butanes, Pentanes, Hexanes) COMBUSTION ENGINE 7 The following determinations will be conducted on the Combustion Engine 7 Stack a. Volumetric flow rate and gas temperature determination -EPA Method 2. b. Gas composition (one (1) integrated flue gas sampling concurrent with each test run for every pollutant with analysis for COz and Oz) - EPA Method 3A. C. Gas moisture content (one (1) determination concurrent with each test run for every pollutant) - EPA Method 4. d. PM/PM-10/PM2.5 concentration and emission rate (three (3) two-hour determinations) — EPA Method 5. e. Condensible particulate matter (CPM) concentration and emission rate using the back half of the Method 5 train (three (3) two-hour determinations) - EPA Method 202. f. Oxides of nitrogen concentration (three (3) one -hour determinations) — EPA Method 7E. g. Carbon monoxide concentration and emission rate (three (3) one -hour determinations) - EPA Method 10. h. VOC (total hydrocarbons) concentration and emission rate (three (3) one -hour determinations) — EPA Method 25A2 (using Method 18 and/or Method 320 for methane/ethane correction, reported as carbon or methane). i. Formaldehyde concentration and emission rate (three (3) one -hour determinations) - EPA 323. j. Acetaldehyde, acrolein and methanol concentration and emission rate (three (3) z Calibrated using methane 3 one -hour determinations) — EPA Method 18. Analysis also for pentane, hexane, benzene, heptane, octane, methane, propane, butane and ethane. k. Ammonia concentration (three (3) one -hour determinations) — CTM-027 modified by non-isokinetic sampling. 1. Natural Gas sampling and analysis (one (1) sample and analysis concurrent with each VOC test, and possibly samples concurrent with Heat Rate testing). 2.1.3 Report Two reports will be required, covering the needs of both the MPCA compliance testing and engine Performance Guarantees. PDF copies of the reports covering all the work will be prepared and forwarded for submittal to the client and MPCA within 45 days after completion of the on -site work.. 3 ITEMS FURNISHED BY INTERPOLL LABORATORIES All labor and materials required for obtaining the samples, analyzing and reducing the data, and preparing the report will be furnished by INTERPOLL LABS. 4 ITEMS FURNISHED BY THE CLIENT 4.1 Ports All test ports will be furnished and installed by the Purchaser before the scheduled testing date. The Purchaser should consult Interpoll Labs for guidance on the exact number and location of test ports. All test ports will be opened and cleaned to full original diameter the day before the test and left hand -tight. If the ports are not opened and cleaned, Interpoll Labs personnel will notify the plant and delay the start of testing until the ports have been opened and cleaned. If plant personnel are not available, Interpoll Labs personnel will attempt to open the ports and clean them. Any time spent waiting for ports to be cleaned or any time spent opening and/or cleaning the ports will be charged and billed as delay time. 4.2 Scaffolding Scaffolding and/or an access platform and ladder where required will be furnished and erected by the Purchaser before the scheduled testing date. Staging should meet OSHA safety standards and provisions made to ensure that the clearance requirements for the sampling equip- ment are closely observed. 5 4.3 Power Purpose: Interpoll laboratories uses trailers which are fully equipped with air testing equipment. In addition to keeping the trailer climate controlled, the power supply is used to energize test instrumentation, pumps, and multiple heat traced sample lines. Requirements: Each Interpoll Labs Mobile CEM trailer has the following power requirements. The amperage requirements may vary according to the project size, (i.e. - less amperage may be acceptable), however, this would need to be approved by an Interpoll representative). Please call 763-786-6020 Ext. 25 with any questions. ■ A 208-240/120 VAC, Four wire, single phase, 50-100 Amp service (Depending upon project requirements). ■ The mobile CEM power cord utilizes a watertight pin and sleeve receptacle in the IEC 309 configuration (3-pole, 4-wire grounding). ■ The receptacle (power source) must be located within 75 ft. of the location where the trailer will be sited. If this is not possible, notify Interpoll to assure that extra power cable is brought to the facility. Interpoll can supply a pigtail assembly to be wired by a plant electrician into a mobile transformer, circuit breaker or generator, provided by the plant. ■ Delta to delta type transformers will not be acceptable. Purchaser is responsible for providing proper electrical supply and is liable for any damages which results from incorrect voltages and/or currents. Electrical power (110 VAC 20 amp service) will be made available within 50 feet of the test site(s). (For each sampling train if more than one simultaneously) 4.4 Operational Data In order to satisfy pollution control regulations, furnace operational data must be obtained and provided to the Interpoll Labs Field Engineer at the end of the test. Z 4.5 Agency Notification In the event the Purchaser intends to submit the results of this test to a state or federal agency to establish compliance with air pollution regulations, the Purchaser will notify the appropriate agency sufficiently in advance so that the agency can witness the test if it so desires. 5 DELIVERY The services described in this proposal are tentatively scheduled for August -September 2019. Test dates are issued on a first -come first -serve basis. Test dates will be confirmed after receipt of a purchase order for the services in this proposal and finalized after written or faxed receipt accepting the commonly agreed upon test dates. 6 PRICE 6.1 Standard Services The total fixed price for the services described in Section 2.1 of this proposal (excluding Natural Gas sampling and analysis) is Thirty Two Thousand Nine hundred and Fifty Dollars ($32,950). Natural Gas Analysis will be performed by Gas Technology Institute - Analytical Cost-$400.00 per sample Natural Gas Sampling will be performed by Interpoll Personnel - Cost for sampling personnel- $1,000/day on site Additional Hazardous Shipping costs for Natural Gas samples will apply. 9 6.3 Billing Terms. If the Purchaser has an established account with Interpoll Laboratories, billing terms are 100% of the total price net thirty (30) days from the last day of on -site sampling provided that the total price does not exceed the Purchaser's approved credit limit. If the total price exceeds the Purchaser's approved credit limit, that portion which exceeds the Purchaser's approved credit limit must be remitted in the form of a certified check at least seven (7) days prior to the first scheduled day of on -site testing services. If the Purchaser does not have an active account with Interpoll Laboratories, 25% of the full amount in the form of a certified check must be received prior to final scheduling. The remaining 75% must be remitted in the form of a certified check seven (7) days prior to the first scheduled test date. Finance charges on past due accounts 30 days after the first billing is a fixed amount of 1'/z% per month on the unpaid balance which is an 18% annual percentage. 9 7 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 7.1 Controlling Conditions Any order given in response to this proposal shall be subject to acceptance by Interpoll Laboratories and to all of the tens and conditions as listed herein. Any provisions or conditions incorporated in the Client's order which are in any way in conflict or in addition to these tens shall not be binding on Interpoll Laboratories unless expressly agreed to in writing by Interpoll Laboratories. 7.2 Price Prices set forth in this proposal shall be in effect for a period of 90 days. For any order received 90 days or more after the date of this quotation, prices shall be according to the current fee schedule in effect on the date of such order. Prices are subject to change without notice. Prices do not include federal, state or local taxes applicable to services provided. Such taxes shall be added to the price where Interpoll Laboratories has an obligation to collect the same. 7.3 Payment All costs and expenses, including attorney's fees, incurred by Interpoll Laboratories in the collection of the payments will be borne by the Client if payment is not made in accordance with the tens hereof. Interpoll Laboratories reserves the right to cease all work hereunder in the event Client does not timely pay its invoices or if, in Interpoll Laboratories' opinion, Client's financial condition or other circumstances do not warrant the continuing performance of services on the above tens. 7.4 Additional Charges (a) In the event that difficulties are encountered by the plant or process under test which result in delay(s) of over 60 minutes total in the testing activities or necessitate that one of the test runs be repeated, an additional charge of Ninety Dollars per hour per man ($90/HR/1\4AN) may be invoked. Should such delays require the test team to spend another night and day or any portion thereof at the test site to complete the herein proposed work, the total additional cost for the extra day is Nine Hundred Fifty Dollars per day per man ($950/DAY/MAN). (b) When a testing date is agreed upon, Interpoll Laboratories reserves the test date and allocates personnel and equipment to complete the scheduled job to the exclusion of others. For this reason, a postponement charge will be assessed if the testing must be re -scheduled. The postponement fee will be based upon the table shown below: Proposal Price Postponement Charges (Business days prior to scheduled mobilization date) 0 business days* a 10 business days a 15buslness days a 20 business days less than $ 24,999 25% 25% 0 % 0 % $ 25,000 $ 49,999 40% 30% 25% 0% $ 50,000 greater than 50% 40% 30% 25% * If the project is postponed on the day of, or after, mobilization, travel expenses and travel labor at the above quoted rates will be assessed in addition to the postponement charge. (c) If these services are perfonned after 90 days, an additional charge of 0.6% per month will be added for each month thereafter until the time the tests are perfonned to cover the cost of inflation. 7.5 Restricted Infonnation (a) Interpoll Laboratories and Client agree that for a period one year from the completion of the services provided hereunder, not to disclose confidential infonnation to any third party without the other party's written consent. For purposes of this Agreement, confidential infonnation shall mean (i) proprietary infonnation of Client or Interpoll Laboratories disclosed in writing to the other party and conspicuously marked "confidential", or (ii) information that Client or Interpoll Laboratories discloses verbally to the other party which Client or Interpoll Laboratories designates at the time of such disclosure as "confidential" 10 and which is summarized in a written memorandinn conspicuously marked "confidential" that is delivered to the other party within ten (10) days following such verbal disclosure. (b) Interpoll Laboratories' and Client's obligation of confidentiality shall not apply to (i) any infonnation which is already public knowledge, (ii) any information that was in the possession of Interpoll Laboratories or Client prior to the effective date of this Agreement, (iii) any infonnation which after disclosure or development for Client becomes part of the public domain through no fault of Interpoll Laboratories or (iv) any information that is received by Interpoll Laboratories from a third party who did not acquire it under an obligation of confidence, directly or indirectly, from Client. 7.6 Quality Control All services shall be perfonned in accordance with specifications and with Interpoll Laboratories' Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan ("QA/QC Plan") in effect at the time the services are perfonned. Interpoll Laboratories reserves the right to deviate from standard methodologies where this, in Interpoll Laboratories' judgment, is advisable unless otherwise directed by the Client. 7.7 Warranties Interpoll Laboratories represents that its services shall be perfonned in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other professionals in the same locality providing like services under similar circumstances. NO OTHER WARRANTY TO CLIENT, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NO WARRANTY OF RESULTS IS INCLUDED OR INTENDED IN THIS AGREEMENT, OR IN ANY REPORT, OPINION, OR DOCUMENT PREPARED BY INTERPOLL LABORATORIES IN CONNECTION HEREWITH OR OTHERWISE. 7.8 Limitation of Liability and Indemnification Client acknowledges and agrees that acceptance and use of, or reliance on, the testing products or services, testing reports or consulting services provided by Interpoll Laboratories shall be at Client's sole risk. The legal liability of Interpoll Laboratories on any claim of any kind (including without limitation negligence or breach contract) for any loss, damage or injury arising out of, connected with, or resulting from this Agreement, or from the perfonnance or breach thereof, or from the use or loss of use or reliance upon any testing products or services, testing reports or consulting services furnished by Interpoll Laboratories shall in no event exceed the amount paid by Client to Interpoll Laboratories under the tens and conditions of this Agreement. In no event, shall Interpoll Laboratories be liable for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages (including without limitation, loss of product, profits or revenues, damage or loss from operation or nonoperation of plant or intemxption of business, claims of any customers of Client, or fines, penalties or assessments of any governmental or quasi -governmental authority or agency), whether a claim for such damage is based upon warranty, contract, negligence, tort, strict liability or otherwise. Any claim which may be made by Client against Interpoll Laboratories must be commenced within one (1) year from the completion of the testing project(s) which is the subject of this Agreement. Client agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Interpoll Laboratories, its officers, directors, employees, agents and subcontractors from and against all losses, damages, claims and related expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees and other professional fees and expenses of defending any claim) arising out of or in any way connected with this contract including all claims made pursuant to any federal, state or local law arising from the release, threatened release, discharge, storage, transportation or disposal of hazardous substances, pollutants or contaminants. 7.9 Force Mai eure Interpoll Laboratories shall not be responsible for damages or delays in perfonnance caused by but not limited to, unusual weather conditions, fires, floods, epidemics, war, riots, strikes, lockouts, governmental action or failure to act, industrial disturbances, unanticipated site conditions, inability with reasonable diligence to supply personnel, equipment, or material to the project, delays or damage during shipment or any other condition beyond Interpoll Laboratories' control. Any such delays shall in no event excuse Client from paying amounts owed for services perfonned prior to the occurrence of the delay. 11 7.10 Regulatory Conum mication Except as required by law, all contracts with federal, state, and/or local regulatory agencies or authorities having jurisdiction concerning the services perfonned hereunder is the exclusive responsibility of the Client. 7.11 Permits Client shall, at its expense, be responsible for obtaining all necessary pennits and approvals relating to the services to be provided hereunder. 7.12 Waiver No waiver of any provision of these Tenns and Conditions or of any obligation of the Client hereunder shall constitute any future waiver of such provision or a waiver of any future obligation of the Client. 7.13 Section Headings Section headings herein are solely for convenience and shall have no legal significance. 7.14 Severability The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision or tenn hereof shall not affect in any the remainder of the provisions or terns of this Contract. 7.15 Survival of Tenns All liabilities and obligations of Client to Interpoll Laboratories, including but not limited to those contained in Sections 3 and 4 hereof, existing at the time of the tennination or expiration of the Agreement shall remain in effect until satisfied in full. Section 8 hereof also shall survive termination or expiration of the contractual arrangement. 7.16 Governing Law The validity, construction and perfonnance of these tens and conditions and any service provided hereunder shall be governed by the internal laws (and not the laws of conflicts) of the State of Minnesota. Any legal action shall be venued in Anoka County, State of Minnesota. 7.17 Independent Contractor Interpoll Laboratories' services are perfonned as an independent contractor and not as the Client's employee, agent, partner or joint venture. 7.18 Modifications of Tenns and Conditions No addition to or modification of any of the provisions of this proposal shall be binding upon Interpoll Laboratories unless made in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of Interpoll Laboratories. 7.19 Purchase Order and Acknowledgement Fonns For convenience of administration, Client may use its usual order and acknowledgement fonns but such fonns shall only be effective for the purpose of verifying the services to be provided by Interpoll Laboratories. All other tens and conditions in Client's purchase orders or confirmations shall be subject to and shall not modify the provisions of this agreement. 12 Proposal Number 11037 Respectfully submitted, INTERPOLL LABORATORIES, INC Kathleen Eickstadt Coordinator Source Testing Department KE/kce The undersigned is an authorized representative of Hutchinson Utilities Commission and authorizes Interpoll Laboratories, Inc. to proceed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this proposal. Date Authorized Signature Title 13 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 9111t Board Action Form Agenda Item: Re -adopt the Data Practices policy of Hutchinson Utilities Commission Presenter: Marc Sebora Agenda Item Type: Time iRequested (Minutes): New Business Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: State law requires that political subdivisions like the Hutchinson Utilities Commission adopt a data practices policy which guides both the Hutchinson Utilities Commission and members of the public in obtaining information that the Hutchinson Utilities Commission retains. The data practices policy informs people of what type of information is public and what is not, how to obtain that information from the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, who is responsible for overseeing the data that is kept by the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, and what the cost is to obtain that data, if any. State law also requires that the Hutchinson Utilities Commission adopt the data practices policy annually prior to August 1 st. For your consideration and approval is the data practices policy for the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. There are no proposed changes from the version we adopted last year. I recommend adoption of the data practices policy. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Re -adopt the Hutchinson Utilities Commission Data Practices Policy Fiscal' Impact: 0 Included in current budget: Budget, Change: PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Remaining Cost: Hutchinson Utilities Commission Guidelines and Procedures For the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Subi ect 1 2 3 M 5 6 7 8 9 Hutchinson Utilities Commission Data Practices Procedures Table of Contents Introduction...............................................................................4 Responsible Authority..................................................................4 Access to Public Data...................................................................4 A. People Entitled to Access..........................................................5 B. Form of Request......................................................................5 C. Time Limits........................................................................ 5 D. Fees....................................................................................5 Access to Data on Individuals..........................................................5 A. People Entitled to Access...........................................................5 B. Form of Request..................................................................... 6 C. Identification of Requesting Party.................................................6 D. Time Limits...........................................................................6 E. Fees.....................................................................................6 F. Summary Data........................................................................ 6 G. Juvenile Records..................................................................... 7 Access to Customer Account Information .......................................... 7 Denialof Access..........................................................................7 Collection of Data on Individuals...................................................... 7 Challenge to Data Accuracy............................................................ 8 DataProtection........................................................................... 8 A. Accuracy and Currency of Data ................................................... 8 B. Data Safeguards.....................................................................8 2 Exhibits Page 1. List of Designees......................................................................... 10 2. Data Request/Cost Calculation Form .................................................. 11 3. Photocopying Charges...................................................................12 4. Consent to Release Private Data........................................................13 5. Information Disclosure Request........................................................14 6. Access and Nondisclosure Agreement................................................15 7. Data Practices Advisory (Tennessen Warning) ...................................... 17 8. Contract Language, Outside Agents .................................................. 18 Appendix Letter Nonpublic, Private & Confidential Data Maintained by the City ..................... A 3 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION DATA PRACTICES PROCEDURES 1. Introduction. These procedures are adopted to comply with the requirements of the Minnesota Data Practices Act (the "Act"), specifically Minn. Stat. Sec. 13.03, Subd. 2 and 13.05, Subd. 5 and 8. 2. Responsible Authority. The person who is the responsible authority for compliance with the Act is the General Manager. The responsible authority has designated certain other HUC employees to assist in complying with the act. These designees are listed on attached Exhibit 1. 3. Access to Public Data. All information maintained by HUC is public unless there is a specific statutory designation, which gives it a different classification. Categories of classification are as follows: Data on Individuals* MS 13.02, Subd. 5 Public Accessible to anyone MS 13.02, Subd. 15 Private Assessable to the data Subject; Not accessible To the public MS 13.02, Subd 12 Confidential Not accessible to the data subject; Not accessible to the public MS 13.02, Subd. 3 Data on Decedents MS 13.10, Subd. 1 Public Accessible to anyone MS 13.02, Subd. 15 Private * * Assessable to the representative of the descendent; Not accessible To the public MS 13.10, Subd 1B Confidential * * Not accessible to the representative of the descendent; Not accessible to the public MS 13.10, Subd. IA Data not on Individuals* MS 13.02, Subd. 4 Public Accessible to anyone MS 13.02, Subd. 14 Nonpublic Accessable to the data subject; Not accessible to the public MS 13.02, Subd 9 Protected Nonpublic Not accessible to the data subject; Not accessible to the Public MS 13.02, Subd. 13 M Individual is defined at MS 13.02, subdivision 8. Individual means a living human being. It does not mean any type of entity created by law, such as a corporation. * * Private and confidential data on decedents become public data ten years after the death of the data subject and 30 years after the creation of the data. A. People Entitled to Access. Any person has the right to inspect and copy public data. The person also has the right to have an explanation of the meaning of the data. The person does not need to state his or her name or give the reason for the request. B. Form of Request. The request for public data may be verbal or written. C. Time Limits. Requests. Requests will be received and processed only during normal business hours. Response._ If copies cannot be made at the time of the request, copies must be supplied as soon as reasonably possible. D. Fees. Fees may be charged only if the requesting person asks for a copy or electronic transmittal of the data. Fees will be charged according to HUC's standard photocopying policy, attached as exhibit 2, unless significant time is required. In that case, the fee will include the actual cost of searching for, retrieving, and copying or electronically transmitting the data. The fee may include time necessary to separate public from non-public data. The responsible authority may also charge an additional fee if the copies have commercial value and are a substantial and discreet portion of a formula, compilation, program, process, or system developed with significant expenditure of public funds. This additional fee must related to the actual development costs of the information. 4. Access to Data on Individuals. Information about individual people is classified by law as public, private, or confidential. A list of the private and confidential information maintained by HUC is contained in Appendix A. A. People Entitled to Access. Public information about an individual may be shown or given to anyone. Private information about an individual may be shown or given to: ► The individual, but only once every six months, unless a dispute has arisen or additional data has been collected. ►A person who has been given access by the express written consent of the data subject. This consent must be on the form attached as Exhibit 4, or a form reasonable similar. ►People who are authorized access by the federal, state, or local law or court order. ►People about whom the individual was advised at the time the data was collected. The identity of those people must be part of the Tennessen warning described below. ►People within HUC staff, HUC Commission Members, and outside agents (such as attorneys) whose work assignments or responsibilities reasonably require access. * Confidential information may not be given to the subject of the data, but may be given or shown to: ►People who are authorized access by federal, state, or local law or court order. ►People within HUC staff, HUC Commission Members, and outside agents (such as attorneys) whose work assignments or responsibilities reasonably require access. B. Form or Request. Any individual may request verbally or in writing. If HUC has stored data about that individual and whether the data is classified as public, private, or confidential. All requests to see or copy private or confidential information must be in writing. An Information Disclosure Request, attached as Exhibit 5, must be completed to document who requests and who receives this information. The responsible authority or designee must complete the relevant portions of the form. The responsible authority or designee may waive the use of this form if there is other documentation of the requesting party's identity, the information requested, and HUC's response. C. Identification of Requesting Party. The responsible authority or designee must verify the identity of the requesting party as a person entitled to access. This can be through personal knowledge, presentation of written identification, comparison of the data subject's signature on a consent form with the person's signature in HUC records, or other reasonable means. D. Time Limits. *Requests. Requests will be received and processed only during normal business hours. *Response. The response must be immediate, if possible, or within 5 working days, if an immediate response is not possible. HUC may have an additional 5 working days to respond if it notifies the requesting person that it cannot comply within 5 days. E. Fees. Fees may be charged in the same manner as for public information. F. Summary Data. Summary data is statistical records and reports derived from data on individuals but which does not identify an individual by name or any other characteristic that could uniquely identify an individual. Summary data derived from private or confidential data is public. The responsible authority or designee will 0 prepare summary data upon request, if the request is in writing and the requesting parry pays for the cost of the preparation. G. The responsible authority or designee must notify the requesting party about the estimated costs and collect these costs before preparing or supplying the summary data. This should be done within 10 days after receiving the request. If the summary data cannot be prepared within 10 days, the responsible authority must notify the requester of the anticipated time schedule and the reason for the delay. Summary data may be prepared by "blacking out" personal identifiers, cutting out portions of the records that contain personal identifiers, programming computers to delete personal identifiers, or other reasonable means. The responsible authority may ask an outside agency or person to prepare the summary data if (1) the specific purpose is given in writing (2) the agency or person agrees not to disclose the private or confidential data, and (3) the responsible authority determines that access by this outside agency or person will not compromise the privacy of the private or confidential data. The responsible authority may use the form attached as Exhibit 6. 5. Access to Customer Account Information. Information pertaining to a customer's account, including names, gas and electric usage and all financial information pertaining to the account, is private information and will only be released to the person named on the account or the person(s) designated on a Consent to Release Private Data form as attached hereto as Exhibit 4. 6. Denial of Access. If the responsible authority or designee determines that the requested data is not accessible to the requesting parry, the responsible authority or designee must inform the requesting party orally at the time of the request or in writing as soon after that as possible. The responsible authority or designee must give the specific legal authority, including statutory section, for withholding the data. The responsible authority or designee must place an oral denial in writing upon request. This must also include the specific legal authority for the denial. 7. Collection of Data on Individuals. The collection and storage of information about individuals will be limited to that necessary for the administration and management of the programs specifically authorized by the state legislature, HUC Board Members, or federal government. When an individual is asked to supply private or confidential information about the individual, HUC employees requesting the information must give the individual a Tennessen warning. This warning must contain the following: C. The purpose and intended use of the requested data, D. Whether the individual may refuse or is legally required to supply the requested data, E. Any known consequences from supplying or refusing to supply the information, and F. The identity of other persons or entities authorized by state or federal law to receive the data. 7 A Tennessen warning is not required when an individual is requested to supply investigative data to a law enforcement officer. A Tennessen warning may be on a separate form or may be incorporated into the form which requests the private or confidential data. See attached Exhibit 7. 8. Challenge to Data Accuracy. An individual who is the subject of public or private may contest the accuracy or completeness of that data maintained by HUC. The individual must notify HUC's responsible authority in writing describing the nature of the disagreement. Within 30 days, the responsible authority or designee must respond and either (1) correct the data found to be inaccurate or incomplete and attempt to notify past recipients of inaccurate or incomplete data, including recipients named by the individual, or (2) notify the individual that the authority believes the data to be correct. An individual who is dissatisfied with the responsible authority's action may appeal to the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Administration, using the contested case procedures under Minnesota Statues Chapter 14. The responsible authority will correct any data if so ordered by the Commissioner. 9. Data Protection. b. Accuracy and Currency of Data. A. All employees will be requested, and given appropriate forms, to provide updated personal information to the appropriate supervisor, General Manager, or Business Manager, which is necessary for tax, insurance, emergency notification, and other personnel purposes. Other people who provide private or confidential information will also be encouraged to provide updated information when appropriate. B. Department heads should periodically review forms used to collect data on individuals to delete items that are not necessary and to clarify items that may be ambiguous. C. All records must be disposed of according to the State of Minnesota General Records Retention Schedule. c. Data Safeguards. *Private and confidential information will be stored in files or databases which are not readily accessible to individuals who do not have authorized access and which will be secured during hours when the offices are closed. Such information will be labeled in a manner warning that the information is private and/or confidential and is not to be released to unauthorized individuals. Storage containers for these documents will have substantially the same warning. *Only those employees whose job responsibilities require them to have access will be allowed access to files and records that contain private or confidential information. These employees will be instructed to: A. Not to discuss, disclose, or otherwise release private or confidential data to HUC employees whose job responsibilities do not require access to the data. B. Not leave private or confidential data where non -authorized individuals might see it, and C. Shred private or confidential data before discarding. *When a contract with an outside party requires access to private or confidential information, the contracting party will be required to use and disseminate the information consistent with the Act. HUC may include in a written contract the language contained in Exhibit 8. 9 Exhibit 1 LIST OF DESIGNEES The Minnesota Data Practices Act establishes a system for compilation and distribution of data gathered by government agencies. All data collected and maintained by Hutchinson Utilities Commission ("HUC") is presumed public and is accessible to the public for both inspection and copying, unless classified as Private, Confidential, Nonpublic or Protected Nonpublic in accordance with Federal law, State Statute or a temporary classification. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission has appointed the following position to administer this system. Responsible Authority General Manager Hutchinson Utilities Commission 225 Michigan St. SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 587-4746 Positions appointed as Designees in system administration are as follows: Official Records Clerk Administrative Coordinator Hutchinson Utilities Commission 225 Michigan St. SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 587-4746 Other positions responsible for maintenance of HUC Records are as apparent or assigned. 10 Exhibit 2 DATA REQUEST COST CALCULATION FORM Fees charged are in accordance with Minn. Statute Section 13.03 (3) Date of Request: Description of information requested: (Please be specific) Costs for duplication of standard materials are included on Exhibit 3. Please use this section to calculate fees for other data requests. Estimated Cost Actual Cost A. LABOR X 4 Hours Hourly Rate X #Hours Hourly Rate B. PHOTOCOPY X Rate #Pages C. MAILING X D. PRINTING COSTS E. OTHER COSTS (May include computer time, programming, terminal access, microfilming and any other costs not listed above.) 1. 2. 3. 4. TOTAL CHARGES AMOUNT TO BE PREPAID (50% of est. total if exceeds $50) AMOUNT DUE UPON COMPLETION PREPARED BY: DEPARTMENT: DATE: 11 Exhibit 3 Photocopying Charges The following rates shall apply for request of standard materials: STANDARD CHARGES Photo Copies 25 cents/page Document Research $25/hour MN Statute 13.03 Subd. 3. Request for access to data. (a) Upon request to a responsible authority or designee, a person shall be permitted to inspect and copy public government data at reasonable times and places, and, upon request, shall be informed of that data's meaning. If a person requests access for the purpose of inspection, the responsible authority may not assess a charge or require the requesting person to pay a fee to inspect data. (b) For purposes of this section, "inspection" includes but is not limited to, the visual inspection of paper and similar types of government data. Inspection does not include printing copies by the government entity, unless printing a copy is the only method to provide for inspection of the data. (c) The responsible authority or designee shall provide copies of public data upon request. If a person requests copies or electronic transmittal of the data to the person, the responsible authority may require the requesting person to pay the actual costs of searching for and retrieving government data, including the cost of employee time, and for making copies, certifying, compiling, and electronically transmitting the copies of the data, but may not charge for separating public from nonpublic data. If the responsible authority is not able to provide copies at the time a request is made, copies shall be supplied as soon as reasonably possible. 12 Exhibit 4 CONSENT TO RELEASE PRIVATE DATA I, , authorize the Hutchinson Utilities Commission to release the following private data about me: To the following person or people: The person or people receiving the private data may use it only for the purpose or purposes: This authorization is dated and expires on The expiration cannot exceed one year from the date of the authorization, except in the case of authorizations given in connection with applications for life insurance or non -cancelable or guaranteed renewable health insurance and identified as such, two years after the date of the policy. I agree to give up and waive all claims that I might have against HUC, its agents and employees for releasing data pursuant to this request. Signature Identity Verified By: Witness: X Identification: Driver's License, State ID, Passport, other: Comparison with signature on file Other: Responsible Authority/Designee: 13 Exhibit 5 INFORMATION DISCLOSURE REQUEST Minnesota Government Data Practices Act A. Completed by Requester Name (Last, First, MI) Date of Request Street Address City, State, Zip Phone Number Signature Description of the information requested: attach additional sheets if necessary) B. Completed by Hutchinson Utilities Commission Handled by: Information classified as: Public Non -Public Private Protected Non -Public Confidential Action: Approved Approved in part (Explain Below) Denied (Explain Below) Remarks or basis for denial including MN Statute if applicable: Charges: None Photocopy: Pages x cents = Special Rate: Explanation: Other: Explanation: Authorized Signature Identify Verified for Private Information: Identification: Driver's License, Etc. Comparison with Signature on File Personal Knowledge Other: Date 14 Exhibit 6 GOVERNMENT DATA ACCESS AND NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT AUTHORIZATION. Hutchinson Utilities Commission ("HUC") hereby authorizes , ("Authorized Party") access to the following government data: 2. PURPOSE. Access to this government data is limited to the objective of creating summary data for the following purpose: 3. COST. (Check which applies): The Authorized Parry is the person who requested the summary data and agrees to bear HUC's costs associated with the preparation of the data which has been determined to be $ The authorized Parry has been requested by HUC to prepare summary data and will be paid in accordance with Attached Exhibit 4. SECURITY. The Authorized Parry agrees that if it and any employees or agents under its control must protect the privacy interests of individual data subjects in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The Authorized Parry agrees to remove all unique personal identifiers which could be used to identify any individual from data classified by state or federal law as not public which is obtained from HUC records and incorporated into reports, summaries, compilations, articles, or any document or series of documents. Data contained in files, records, microfilm, or other storage media maintained by HUC are HUC's property and are not to leave HUC's custody. The Authorized Party agrees not to make reproductions of any data or remove any data from the site where it is provided, if the data can in any way identify an individual. No data which is not public and which is irrelevant to the purpose stated above will ever be disclosed or communicated to anyone by any means. The Authorized party warrants that the following named individual(s) will be the only person(s) to participate in the collection of the data described above: 15 5. LIABILITY FOR DISCLOSURE. The Authorized parry is liable for any unlawful use or disclosure of government data collected, used and maintained in the exercise of this agreement and is classified as not public under state or federal law. The Authorized Parry understands that it may be subject to civil or criminal penalties under those laws. The Authorized party agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold the HUC, its officers and employees harmless from any liability, claims, damages, costs, judgments, or expenses, omission of the Authorized Party's failure to fully perform in any respect all obligations under this agreement. 6. INSURANCE. In order to protect itself as well as HUC, the Authorized parry agrees at all times during the term of this Agreement to maintain insurance covering the Authorized Party's activities under this Agreement. The insurance will cover $1,000,000 per claimant for personal injuries and/or damages and $1,000,000 per occurrence. The policy must cover the indemnification obligation specified above. 7. ACCESS PERIOD. The Authorized Party may have access to the information described above from to 8. SURVEY RESULTS. (Check which applies): If the Authorized Party is the requester, a copy of all reports, summaries, compilations, articles, publications or any document or series of documents that are created from the information provided under this agreement must be made available to HUC in its entirety. If the Authorized Party is a contractor of HUC, all copies of reports, summaries, compilations, articles, publications or any document or series of documents that are created from the information provided under this agreement must be provided to HUC. The Authorized party may retain one copy for its own records but may not disclose it without HUC permission, except in defense of claims brought against it. AUTHORIZED PARTY: Title (if applicable): HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION: Its: Date: Date: 16 Exhibit 7 DATA PRACTICES ADVISORY (Tennessen Warning) Some or all of the information that you are asked to provide on the attached form is classified by State law as either private or confidential. Private data is information that generally cannot be given to the public but can be given to the subject of the data. Confidential data is information that generally cannot be given to either public or the subject of the data. Our purpose and intended use of this information is: You are are not legally required to provide this information. If you refuse to supply the information, the following may happen: Other persons or entities authorized by law to receive this information are: 17 Exhibit 8 SAMPLE CONTRACT PROVISION Data Practices Compliance. Contractor will have access to data collected or maintained by HUC to the extent necessary to perform Contractor's obligation under this contract. Contractor agrees to maintain all data contained from HUC in the same manner as HUC is required under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Chap. 13 (the Act). Contractor will not release or disclose the contents of data classified as not public to any person except at the written direction of HUC. Contractor agrees to defend and indemnify HUC from any claim, liability, damage or requirements of the Act or this contract. Upon termination of this contract, Contractor agrees to return data to HUC as requested by HUC. In APPENDIX A NONPUBLIC, PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL DATA MAINTAINED BY HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION 1. PERSONNEL DATA (PRIVATE) Generally all data about people who are or were an employee, applicant for employment, volunteer, independent contractor, or member of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission is private, with the exceptions noted below. Public Data —Applicants The following data on current and former applicants is public: * Veteran Status * Relevant test scores * Rank on eligible list * Education and training * Work availability * Name, after being certified as eligible for appointment to a vacancy or when considered a finalist for a position of public employment (which occurs when the person has been selected to be interviewed by the appointing authority) * Names and addresses of applicants for appointment to and members of an advisory board or commission. Public Data — Employees The following data on current and former employees, volunteers, independent contractors, and members of advisory boards and commissions are public: * Name * Actual gross salary * Salary range * Contract fees * Actual gross pension * Value and nature of employer paid fringe benefits * Basis for and the amount of added remuneration, including expense reimbursement, in addition to salary * Job title * Job Description * Education and training background * Previous work experience 19 * Date of first and last employment * The existence and status (but not nature) of any complaints or charges against the employee, regardless of whether the complaint or charge resulted in a disciplinary action * Terms of any agreement settling any dispute arising from the employment relationship, including a "buyout" agreement. * Work location * Work telephone number * Badge number * Honors and awards received * Payroll time sheets or other comparable data that are only used to account for employee's work time for payroll purposes, except to the extent that release of time sheet data would reveal the employee's reasons for the use of sick or other medical leave or other non- public data. * City and county of residence Access by Labor Organizations Personnel data may be given to labor organizations and the Bureau of Mediation Services to the extent this it is necessary to conduct elections, notify employees of fair share fee assessments, or to implement state labor laws. Employee Assistance Programs All data associated with employee assistance programs is private. Harassment When there is a harassment complaint against an employee, the employee may not have access to data that would identify the complainant or other witnesses if the data would threaten the personal safety of the complainant or witness, or subject the complainant or witness to harassment. However, this information will be provided to the employee in order for him/her to prepare for a disciplinary proceeding that has been initiated. Peer Counseling Debriefing Data acquired by a peer group member in a public safety peer counseling debriefing is private data on the person being debriefed. Protection of Employee or Others If it is reasonably necessary to protect an employee from harm to self or to protect another person who may be harmed by the employee, information that is relevant to the safety concerns may be released to (1) the person who may be harmed or to the person's attorney when relevant to obtaining a restraining order, (2) a prepetition screening team in the commitment process, or (3) a court, law enforcement agency or prosecuting authority. 2. PROPERTY COMPLAINT DATA (CONFIDENTIAL). Minn. Stat. 13.44 The identities of individuals who register complaints concerning violations of state laws or local ordinances concerning the use of real property. 20 3. PLANNING QUESTIONAIRES (PRIVATE). Minn. Stat. 13.59 Names, addresses, and legal descriptions of property, that are collected in questionnaires or surveys of individuals and businesses for the purposes of planning, development, or redevelopment. 4. SECURITY INFORMATION (Nonpublic). Minn. State. 13.37 Data which is disclosed would be likely to substantially jeopardize the security of information, possessions, individuals or property against the theft, tampering, improper use, attempted escape, illegal disclosure, trespass, or physical injury. This includes crime prevention programs and their home addresses and telephone numbers, but these may be disseminated to other volunteers participating in crime prevention programs. 5. SEALED BIDS (Nonpublic) Minn. Stat. 13.37 6. LABOR RELATIONS INFORMATION (Nonpublic). Minn. Stat. 13.37 Management positions on economic and non -economic items that have not been presented during the collective bargaining process or interest arbitration, including information collected or created to prepare the management position. 7. EXAMINATION DATA (Nonpublic). Minn. Stat. 13.34 Completed versions of personnel and licensing examinations shall be accessible to the individual who completed the examination, unless the responsible authority determines that access would compromise the objectivity, fairness, or integrity of the examination process. 8. ELECTED OFFICIALS CORRESPONDENCE (PRIVATE). Minn. Stat. 13.601 Correspondence between individuals and elected officials is private data on individuals, but may be made pubic by either the sender or the recipient. 9. BENEFIT DATA (PRIVATE). Minn. Stat. 13.462 All data about individuals participating in HUC's rehabilitation program. 10. APPRAISAL DATA (CONFIDENTIAL). Minn. Stat. 13.44 Appraisals made for the purpose of selling or acquiring land. 11. CITY ATTORNEY RECORDS. Minn. Stat. 13.393 Statutes, rules, and professional standards concerning discovery, production of documents, introduction of evidence, and professional responsibility govern the use, collection, storage, and dissemination of data by the city attorney. 12. COMMISSION MEETINGS HAVING DATA CLASSIFIED AS NONPUBLIC Minn. Stat. 13D.05 21 Subd. 2. When meeting must be closed: (a) any portion of a meeting must be closed if expressly required by other law or if the following types of data are discussed: 1. data that would identify alleged victims or reporters of criminal sexual conduct, domestic abuse, or maltreatment of minors or vulnerable adults; 2. internal affairs data relating to allegations of law enforcement personnel misconduct collected or created by a state agency, statewide system, or political subdivision; or educational data, health data, medical data, welfare data, or mental health data that are not public data. (b) A public body shall close one or more meetings for preliminary consideration of allegations or charges against an individual subject to its authority. If the members conclude that discipline of any nature may be warranted as a result of those specific charges or allegations, further meetings or hearings relating to those specific charges or allegations held after that conclusion is reached must be open. A meeting must also be open at the request of the individual who is the subject of the meeting. Subd. 3. When meeting may be closed. (a) a public body may close a meeting to evaluate the performance of an individual who is subject to its authority. The public body shall identify the individual to be evaluated prior to closing a meeting. At its next open meeting, the public body shall summarize its conclusions regarding the evaluation. A meeting must be open at the request of an individual who is the subject of the meeting. (b) Meetings may be closed if the closure is expressly authorized by statute or permitted by the attorney -client privilege. 22