07-31-2019 HUCMMINUTES Regular Meeting - Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, July 31, 2019 Call to order - 3:00 p.m. President Don Martinez called the meeting to order., Members present, President Don Conflict of Interest 2. Approve Consent Agenda a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills 'rTM=ui 7,171170siliner Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Approve Financial Statements Mr. Marti:lg presented the financial statements. Electric Division Net Income decreased by $8,710 mostly due to a decrease in Customer Revenue and Sales for Resale. June was a cooler month. Natural Gas Net Income increased by $39,137 mostly due to increased customer revenue with increased usage, GM Carter added everything istrending like it should, no concerns. Motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Wendoirtif to approve the financial statements, Motion carried unanimously. 5. Communication a. City Administrator - Matthew Jauniich - i. Continuing to work oni 5th Ave project ii. South Grade road construction to start end oif Aiuguist b. Divisions ii. Dian Lang, Engineering Services Manager - Nothing to report. ii. Dave Hunstad, Electric'Transmission,/Disitribution Manager- 1. Re-Coinductor upigrade on Chicago Ave 2, South Grade Road prep work to start 3, Working on RP3 appliication iii. Randy Blake,, Production Manager - 1 Units 6 & 7 SCR's have been filled, HUC personnel are working on the commissioning., 2. Components for the luibe oi'l mist eliminator have been ordered and will be installed for Unit 7. I Quade's Electric is finishing up lighting 4. Elevation Coatings finished repainting Unit 1 modules, 5. Konecranes instaliled new hoisit above units 5, 6 and 7. 6. Unit 8 was shut down July 911 d�ue to a generator ground a�larmi, Had field service come in to test and confirm a grounded rotor, 7. Unit 5 has a cracked valve seat, waiting on Wartsila to provide a cylinder head, 8. Interviewed candidates for Maintenance Mechanic position. iv, John Webster, Natural Gas Division Manager- Nothing to report v. Jared Martig, Financial Manager- Nothing to report c. Legal — Marc Sebora — Nothing to report d. Human Resources - Brenda Ewing — Absent e, General Manager — Jeremy Carter i. 3M Feasibility Study on Co -generation early part of September. Will be having discussions on the economic and financial effects.. Project size is unknown. ii. With Unit 8 being down, discussions will need to be had on the cost to repair, iii. Dept. of Commerce have been having conversations on fuel switching. iv, Continuing to work on strategic planning topics v. Working with Director of EDA, IM,iles Seppelt, on perspective customer for Industrial Park. 6. Policies a, Review Policies i. Appendices of Exempt Handbook Appendices of Nopt Handbook b. Approve Changes 7, Unfinished Business a. Discussion of Exempt Employee Pay Performance System GM Carter recapped the discussions that have been held on the Exempt Emiiploy Pay Performance System and how to move forward with eliminating the lump su payout. A Performance Guide Recommendation was sent out trying to keep consideration as much as possible a progressive increase up to market and on up, to market assuming that the grid is moving somewhat with cost of inflation th there is regression of the percentages when and employee moves towards the K of their respective pay grade. From previous grid discussions, the lastest revised grid has the last column broken out into two columns; one called Upper Middle and the other called Max. This was done so there is the abillity depending on how an employee scores in the performance based system to have an additional one percent increase over the maximum column; range previously discussed. This was changed to match more of what the cost of inflation may be and what may be similar to what union negotiations may be moving forward along with trying tol line up union/non-union as close to possible. This is all under the assumption that the Commiission, will continue to move the grid with inflation. GM Carter also noted that consideration was taken into account with market data and being externally competitive. The other recommendation made was how to get out of the lump sum pay system immediately and several options were discusseid; 1) Freeze the employees" salaries unt�i�l the grid catches up 2) do a onetime move of the grid to encompass all emiployees into the grid of 7% or 3) look at organization restructure. GM Carter also discussed another piece that goes along with this which is, the Integration of a new performance matrix grid to grade employees going forward. The IhiStimetramewill mirror p with the upcoming union contract negotiations in The Commission will then have market data to see if all of HUC's employees are stil�l market competitive, if the grid is moving properly, and/or if shifts, need to be made. Commissioner Hanson noted'thiat this is a delicate conversation and GM Carter did a great job. Employees are doing well and utilities is running well. The priorities have been to get in line with grid and with the peer group. Commissioner Hanson added that he, is okay with making a grid change of 7%, because it is the right thing to do. On,ly comment, understand going to a market based system every few years doling study, job descriptions are accurate up to market. President Martinilez noted that all employees need to be on the grid and is infavor of eliminating the lump sum. A compensation study needs to be completed more often. President Martinez added that the matrix and rating makes sense and is in, favor. Commissioner Wendorff agreed and is in favor of a smooth transition. Commissioner Morrow added that comparables with other utilities should be done on a, regular basis. Hiowever, it's important to, note HUC's employees do a lot and things done at HUIC are not the same as other municipal utilities. GM Carted noted that no formal action is needed now but will be done at end of year with budget. 8. New Business a. Approve Requisition #79,27 — Spare Parts for Unit 5 W'artsila Mr. Blake presented Approval of Requisition #7927 — Spare Parts for Unit 5 Wartsila. When Unit 5 was commiissionled in April 2013, it came with a few *perating spare parts that mosby consisted of sensors and 0-rings. HUC woulli like to purchase the recommended emergency spare parts for the rotating portions of the engine. These parts will allow the mechanics, to perform 41 miaiintenance repairs, on the engine if a failure would occur during normal operations and return it to service a time,ly manner. Commissioner Hanson inquired why 2 separate requisitions, Mr. Blake informe 1. . . . I I "a . iiii iii ...............r. w.I . IF I A LT_ 'aq tg I &ill [*31jAVZjA= I jf;z Wr_ 51 R1115M WWW"a 0 RE A on 0=1 q Mr. Blake presented Approval of Requisition #7933 — Spare Parts, for Unit 5 Wartsila. This requisition is the remainder of the recommended emergency spa parts for Unit 5. 1 M1 =FF Requisition #7933 — Spare Parts for Unit 5 Wartsila, Motion carried unanimously, c. Approve Union Contract July 1, 2019 — December 31, 20,21 GIVI Carter presented Approval of Union Contract July 1, 2019, — December 31, ,20211, GM Carter recapped the conversations that were held between the Union and management suib-committees. Both parties foed on negotiating a new contract on a timely bases. The union and management sub -committees met twice to discuss, and negotiate the tentative termis and conditions of a new contra( upon final approval by the union and board of commissioners. On July 15, the 0-S-r&-at4+=irei which is in the commission packet. There are not many changes, Old positions have been removed, some positions have been combined and a new GIS ploisitior has been added along with a Temporary pilot program. Call -In minimal compensation along wi'lth funeral leave for significant others were also among the changes. This contract transitions into an annual cycle with a 2% wage increase on July 2019 and 3,25% for Jan 2020 and Jan 2,021, Both sub -committees had good negotiations. Commissioner Wendorff added'thiat negotiations went well; management sub -committee listened to union sub -committee's concerns along with union sub -committee listening to management sub -committee's concerns, Commissioner Hanson agreed. A motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commiissioner Cheney to Approve Union Contract July 1, 2019 — December 31, 2021,, Motion carried unanimously. d. Approve Unit 6 & 7 Air Emission Compliance Testing Mr. Blake presented Approval of Unit 6 & 7 Emission Compliance Testing, Both un,its need to have emission testing performed before the units can be entered int cmmercial service. Interpol Laboratories has ppa erformed these tests in the st and have .rood relationship with the EPA and MPCA. The testing wi�ll include thi o El Caterpillar performance and emission guaranties along with the Plant 1 air permit requirements. After discussion, a motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner I I Hanson to Approve Unit 6 & 7 Air Emission Compliance Testing, Motion carrie4 unanimously. Mr. Sebora presented Re -adopt the Data Practices Act & Public Records Request ® The State of Minnesota requires, that politicall subdiviisionis like HUC adopt a data practices policy, which guides both the H'UC and members of the public in obtaining information from HUC . State of Minnesota also requires that HUC adop), the data practices policy annualily, prior to August 1. A motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Morrow to Re-adlopit the Data Practices Act & Public Records Request Policy. Motion carried unanimously. f. Declare ain Open Meeting for HUC"s Strategic Planning Being Aeld on Thursday, August 29 from 9:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. A motion by Commissioner Morrow, second by Commissioner Cheney to Declare an Open Meeting for HUC's Strategic Planning Being Held on Thursday, August from: 9:010ami to 2.00p.m. Motion carried, unanimously. I- 9. Adjourn There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Wendorff to adjourn the meeting at 3:44p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Rol;ert We'ndorff, ecre ATTEST., [56n Martine7, Presiden .1