08-28-2019 HUCMMINUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, August 28, 2019 Call to order — 3:00 p.m. President Don Martinez called the meeting to order. Members present: President Don Martinez; Vice President Matt Cheney; Secretary Robert Wendorff; Commissioner Monty Morrow; Commissioner Anthony Hanson; GM Jeremy Carter; Attorney Marc Sebora Conflict of Interest 2. Approve Consent Agenda a. Approve Minutes b. Ratify Payment of Bills Motion by Commissioner Wendorff, second by Commissioner Morrow to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Approve Financial Statements GM Carter presented the Financial Statements. Electric Division Purchase Power was down relative to last year even though HUC purchased 9% more off the market due to Unit 8 being down. Usage was up slightly but revenue was still down due to a lower PCA. Overall tracking consistent. In the Natural Gas Division, Commercial Class is up 98%; hospital accounted for the additional usage. Mr. Webster is working with the hospital to see why there may be higher usage/peaks. Overall tracking as expected. On the Investment Report, a CD that matured in August was reinvested. In addition, a U.S. Treasury Bill came due August 15 and has been reinvested. After discussion, a motion by Commissioner Hanson, second by Commissioner Cheney to approve the financial statements. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Open Forum 5. Communication a. City Administrator — Matthew Jaunich — Absent b. Divisions i. Dan Lang, Engineering Services Manager — Absent ii. Dave Hunstad, Electric Transmission/Distribution Manager — 1 . Finishing up conductor project 2. Working on South Grade Road project iii. Randy Blake, Production Manager — 1. Interpol Laboratories is on site working on emission testing. Unit 7 is completed and Unit 6 should be completed today. 2. Caterpillar will be starting 150 hour run on Units 6 & 7 in a couple of weeks. 3. New employee to start Friday iv. John Webster, Natural Gas Division Manager- Nothing to report v. Jared Martig, Financial Manager- Absent c. Legal — Marc Sebora — Nothing to Report d. Human Resources - Brenda Ewing — Absent e. General Manager — Jeremy Carter i. Strategic Planning meeting at 9am tomorrow at SWIF ii. Had a meeting last week with a customer to talk about different Interconnection Process tracks iii. Legislative topics to be talked about tomorrow 6. Policies a. Review Policies i. Hutchinson Utilities Commission ii. Establishing a New Electric/Natural Gas Account iii. Deposit Requirement — Residential iv. Deposit Requirement — Commercial/Industrial v. Terminating Electric/Natural Gas Service by Customer vi. Definition of Your Bill vii. Errors in Billing viii. Payment of Your Bill ix. Automatic Bill Payment Plan x. Budget Payment Plan A. Explanation of Billing Procedure xii. Minnesota Cold Weather Rule No changes recommended at this time. b. Approve Changes No changes made to the policies under review. 7. Unfinished Business 8. New Business a. Declare an Open Meeting for HUC Open House being held on Tuesday, October 8 from 4:OOp.m. to 7:OOp.m. GM Carter asked to set the meeting. A motion by Commissioner Morrow, second by Commissioner Hanson to Declare an Open Meeting for HUC Open House being held on Tuesday, October 8 from 4:OOp.m. to 7:OOp.m. Motion carried unanimously. 2 b. Authorize Retiring Engine Unit #8 from HUC's Fleet GM Carter presented continuation item of Engine Unit #8 from the Special meeting that was held Tuesday, August 20. Options discussed for unit 8 were; 1) Repair the unit to keep it serviceable in addition to noting the upcoming 5-year CIP cost, 2) Retire the unit, or 3) look for a used engine comparable to unit 8. After careful consideration of HUC operating business model, the MISO markets future forecast climate, the addition of new units 6 & 7, and the continued current fleet of HUC's other engines staff recommends retiring the unit. GM Carter proposes the Commission Board to take formal action on this today. A motion by Commissioner Cheney, second by Commissioner Hanson to Authorize Retiring Engine Unit #8 from HUC's Fleet. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Adjourn There being no further business, a motion by Commissioner Morrow, second by Commissioner Wendorff to adjourn the meeting at 3:14p.m. Motion carried unanimously. PON kob�ert Wendorff, Se'91 ATTEST: / Don MartineNPreslid:e4nt> 3