06-25-2019 CCM Workshop (Parks Master Plan)HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL
TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2019, AT 4:00 PM
Call to Order
Mayor Forcier called the meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, Steve Cook,
Chad Czmowski and Dave Sebesta. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, Marc
Sebora, City Attorney and Dolf Moon, Parks/Recreation/Community Education Director.
1. Review of Draft Parks Master Plan
Dolf Moon, Parks/Recreation/Community Education Director, presented before the Council. Mr.
Moon explained that this workshop is to review the final draft copy of the Parks Master Plan.
Staff and the consultant would like Council's feedback on the final draft of the plan.
Gabrielle Grinde, Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc., presented before the Council. Ms. Grinde
explained that this project has been in the works for the past 10 months. Ms. Grinde reminded the
Council that a public questionnaire was pushed out via social media and email blast this past
May. There were 270 responses received. The top facilities recommendations were on the rec
center expansion, aquatic opportunities and development of the Bernhagen property. Top
operations recommendations were to continue school district partnership, evaluate and modify
hours of aquatic center and evaluate recreation center trends. The top programming and
marketing recommendations were trends in teen recreation, utilizing and expanding social media
presence and expanding and adding family programs. Other general comments were also
received. Two surveys were distributed to high school students and senior center members to
obtain additional input beyond what was initially obtained online. Input from the teens noted that
the four most used facilities were the aquatic center, trails, neighborhood parks and playgrounds.
The most cited missing park or recreation facilities were trampoline park and softball fields.
Input from the seniors noted that an indoor community center is more desired than any other new
facility. The next most desired facilities include more paved trails and water quality
improvements. Features desired in a potentially new Senior Center include flexible space/studio
for exercise, meeting room, lounge area for gathering, computer lab/library, kitchen/dining area
and outdoor space.
Ms. Grinde reviewed the Plan itself and noted that the Draft Master Plan document is a
comprehensive summary of the City's goals for parks and recreation over the next 10+ years.
This document is intended to be a living document in that it may be edited and updated over time
as projects are completed and the City changes and grows. Ms. Grinde explained that the Master
Plan is organized into the following sections: Chapter 1 — Introduction & System Overview
(Who We Are); Chapter 2 —Park System Inventory (Where We Are); Chapter 3 —Needs
Assessment: Issues, Opportunities and Constraints (What's Missing); Chapter 4 — Vision Plan &
System Recommendations (Where We Want to Go); Chapter 5 — Action Plan & Implementation
Strategies (How We Will Get There). Council Member Cook noted that Rotary Park has several
photos throughout Chapter 1 and he suggested including photos of other parks throughout the
community. Council Member Cook noted making some additions to the Parks Classification Map
on page 13. Discussion was held regarding splash pads and potential sites identified in the Plan.
Council Member Cook suggested including sites downtown by the former Econo Foods and
Shopko areas. Council Member Cook also suggested putting the Campground improvements into
the short term capital projects (0-5 years) instead of the long term capital projects (6-10+ years).
Funding sources were discussed, specifically finding out more about a tax levy. Council Member
Cook had some suggestions on the phases identified on page 58 and placements of some of the
items within each phase. Ms. Grinde reviewed the appendices to the Plan which include
Appendix A: Peer Community Comparison & NRPA Metrics; Appendix B: Park Facility Maps;
and Appendix C: Community Engagement Input Summary. Council Member Cook suggested
including the number of paved miles of trails to Appendix A. Council Member Cook also noted
that the city does have a community garden and that should be included under Facilities in
Appendix A.
General discussion was held regarding the aquatic center and the desire for indoor aquatic centers
and splash pads.
Ms. Grinde noted she and staff will incorporate suggested changes into the Plan and bring a final
draft for consideration of adoption at a Council meeting in July.
Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to adjourn at 5:20 p.m. Motion carried
Gary T. Forcier
Matthew Jaunich
City Administrator